Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare
News Archive: 2003

News Archive Table Of Contents
Date News Flash Description
December 29, 2003 ILAR Announces "When Rats and Mice Cannot Answer the Question: Nontraditional Animal Models"
December 29, 2003 Spring PRIM&R/ARENA 2004 IACUC Conference and IACUC 101 Training in Boston
December 16, 2003 �How to Write An Application Involving Research Animals� Tutorial
December 9, 2003 February 2004 IACUC 101 in Dallas, Texas
October 23, 2003 Free Webcast of the ARCHIVED AALAS Michael J. Hayre Memorial Lecture
October 18, 2003 Eight New Questions Commonly Asked of OLAW
October 18, 2003 December Workshop on Balancing Science and Animal Welfare in Texas
October 17, 2003 OLAW/APHIS Comment on Lab Animal Protocol Review Column Regarding IO Authority and Compliance Reporting Requirements
October 8, 2003 May 2004 IACUC 101 and Workshop in Fairbanks, Alaska
October 1, 2003 Free Webcast of the AALAS Michael J. Hayre Memorial Lecture on October 14
September 24, 2003 Guidelines for the Care and Use of Mammals in Neuroscience and Behavioral Research
September 10, 2003 ILAR Announces "Physiological Research Outside the Laboratory"
August 28, 2003 November ARENA IACUC 101 in Nashville, Tennessee
August 25, 2003 October ARENA IACUC 101 near Portland, Oregon
August 14, 2003 November ILAR International Workshop on Development of Science-Based Guidelines for Laboratory Animal Care, Washington, DC
July 23, 2003 SCAW Advanced IACUC Workshop in Maryland, October 2003
July 22, 2003 ILAR Announces New Report "Occupational Health and Safety of Nonhuman Primates"
June 16, 2003 September 4 ARENA IACUC 101 in Ithaca, New York
June 9, 2003 Revised Guidance Regarding IACUC Approval of Changes in Personnel
June 2, 2003 ILAR Announces "Behavioral Research Outside the Laboratory"
April 9, 2003 August ARENA IACUC 101 and LAWTE Annual Meeting in Arizona
April 8, 2003 Special ARENA IACUC 101.5 in Baltimore, June 5-6
April 7, 2003 ILAR Announces "Animal Models of Stroke and Rehabilitation"
April 4, 2003 Disaster Preparedness Resource Developed by LAMA
February 27, 2003 Meeting the Information Requirements of the Animal Welfare Act
February 7, 2003 ACLAM Forum 2003 in Fort Myers, Florida
January 31, 2003 SCAW Advanced IACUC Workshop in Minnesota, June 2003
January 16, 2003 SCAW Advanced IACUC Workshop in Florida, March 2003
January 16, 2003 "IACUC 101 for Scientists" offered at Experimental Biology 2003 Meeting in San Diego, April 11, 2003
January 7, 2003 March IACUC 2003 Workshop Offered in Washington State

News Flash Items

ILAR Announces "When Rats and Mice Cannot Answer the Question: Nontraditional Animal Models�

The Institute for Laboratory Animal Research (ILAR) is announcing publication of the newest issue of the ILAR Journal titled "When Rats and Mice Cannot Answer the Question: Nontraditional Animal Models,� Vol. 45, No. 1. This issue invites readers to rediscover the diversity in animal models in comparative research. While laboratory-bred mice and rats are excellent models for physiological and behavioral studies, genetic variability has been eradicated in many laboratory-bred animal models. Variation between and within species is important and cannot be ignored. In animal models other than the laboratory mouse or rat, discovery of variability in physiological processes and their underlying molecular and genetics mechanisms can reveal creative "solutions" to basic biological, as well as applied clinical, problems.

Each article in this issue highlights a nontraditional animal model that possesses a unique feature that makes it ideally suited for studying a particular problem, including:
    The prairie vole: an animal model for behavioral neuroendocrine research on pair bonding Whiptail lizards: comparative models for brain evolution in sexual and parthenogenetic reproductive behavior The white-footed mouse: a model for studying natural variation in a complex brain pathway The green anole: a reptilian model for reproductive morphology and behavior The musk shrew: a model for studies of nutritional regulation of reproduction The male red-sided garter snake: a model for sex steroid-independent reproductive patterns and behaviors
This issue is available for $25 when ordered online through ILAR's website at The cost is $30 if ordered via other methods.

Publication of this issue of the ILAR Journal is supported by a grant from the NIH (5 P-40-RR-11611).

Spring PRIM&R/ARENA 2004 IACUC Conference and IACUC 101 Training in Boston

The Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare is pleased to participate in the 2004 Annual IACUC Conference sponsored by Public Responsibility in Medicine and Research (PRIM&R) and the Applied Research Ethics National Association (ARENA), entitled "Animal Oversight Through the Kaleidoscope: Different Perspectives on the Process." The conference will be held March 29 to 30, 2004, at the Boston Park Plaza Hotel in Boston, Massachusetts. An IACUC 101 training opportunity will be offered March 28 at the same location. This one day course is cosponsored by OLAW and the conference website is The online program and registration for the PRIM&R/ARENA Conference and the IACUC 101 is

�How to Write An Application Involving Research Animals� Tutorial

The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and the Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW) have developed a web tutorial which provides a step by step guide to the preparation of an application and covers such topics as considering alternatives, obtaining assurances and IACUC approval, just in time processes, NIH review of animal subjects applications, grant awards, IACUC monitoring of awards and reporting requirements.

Although designed specifically for NIAID applicants, the information is relevant to any investigator submitting an application to the NIH for an activity involving animals. It is available at:

February IACUC 101 to be held in Dallas, Texas

On February 17, 2004, the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas and NIH Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW) will co-sponsor an IACUC 101 workshop. IACUC 101 is a full day didactic and interactive training course. Participants will receive an extensive Resources Manual plus other valuable reference materials and information. The session will be held at the Wyndham Dallas Market Center in Dallas, Texas. Announcement and registration information are posted at: (MS Word - 41 KB).

Free Webcast of the ARCHIVED AALAS Michael J. Hayre Memorial Lecture

The American Association for Laboratory Animal Science (AALAS) presented a live web broadcast, produced through, of the Michael J. Hayre Memorial Lecture by Professor Paul Flecknell. The lecture, entitled �Pain Assessment and Alleviation � Telling It Like It Is,� was held at the AALAS National Meeting on October 14, 2003. AALAS, with sponsorship from the Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare, NIH, is offering a web streaming presentation on-demand until April 14, 2004. If you did not register before the event, please complete the short questionnaire at: Following registration, you may access the presentation at:, or if you are already on the Mshow site (, you can enter the show number, 125909 (Title: AALAS Lecture).

Eight New Questions Commonly Asked of OLAW
Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW) staff published eight new commonly asked questions and answers in the October 2003 issue of Lab Animal. Topics include IACUC review of grant applications, protocol approval terminology, use of non-pharmaceutical-grade chemical compounds, protocol review procedures, customized surgery performed at vendor facilities, standard antibody production protocols, nonaffiliated IACUC members, and protocol expirations. The full article is posted at:

December Workshop on Balancing Science and Animal Welfare in Texas
The Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare, NIH, the Scientists Center for Animal Welfare (SCAW), and the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio will present the SCAW Winter Conference, "Balancing Science and Animal Welfare - The Freedom to Succeed." The meeting will be held December 8-9, 2003, at The Menger Hotel in San Antonio, Texas. The SCAW workshop will include topics such as the science of humane study design, recognition of pain and distress, behavioral research and models of distress, common program failures and risk management. Conference agenda and a registration form are available at the SCAW website,

OLAW/APHIS Comment on Lab Animal Protocol Review Column Regarding IO Authority and Compliance Reporting Requirements
The October 2003 Lab Animal Protocol Review column (32(9):17-20), "A Mouse Isn't a Rat, But What's the Big Deal?" includes commentary by the OLAW Director and APHIS, Animal Care Deputy Administrator, regarding a scenario addressing the authority of the Institutional Official to stop an activity that the IAUC has approved, and reporting of an unauthorized change in animals. The column is posted at:

May 2004 IACUC 101 and Workshop in Fairbanks, Alaska
The University of Alaska Fairbanks, in conjunction with the National Science Foundation and the NIH Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare, will present an IACUC 101 meeting and a workshop entitled, �Research with Free-Ranging Wildlife: IACUC Review of Projects Regulated by Multiple Agencies.� IACUC 101 is a full day didactic and interactive training course. Participants will receive an extensive Resources Manual plus other valuable reference materials and information. The session will be held on May 13-14, 2004, in Fairbanks, Alaska. Announcement information is posted at: (MS Word - 233 KB). Visit this site for registration information:

Free Webcast of the AALAS Michael J. Hayre Memorial Lecture on October 14
The American Association for Laboratory Animal Science (AALAS) will present a live web broadcast, produced through, of the Michael J. Hayre Memorial Lecture by Professor Paul Flecknell. The lecture, entitled "Pain Assessment and Alleviation - Telling It Like It Is," will be held at the AALAS National Meeting on October 14, 2003, from 11:00 am to 12:00 noon (PST). AALAS, with sponsorship from the Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare, NIH, will offer the webcast free as a web streaming presentation on-demand after the National Meeting and until November 14. To register for the AALAS webcast, please sign in at

Guidelines for the Care and Use of Mammals in Neuroscience and Behavioral Research
Expanding on the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, this new publication of the Institute for Laboratory Animal Research (ILAR) provides current best practices for animal care and use and discusses how applicable regulations and guidelines can be applied to neuroscience and behavioral research. The book treats the development, evaluation, and implementation of animal-use protocols as a decision-making process, not just a decision. It encourages the use of professional judgment and careful interpretation of regulations and guidelines to develop performance standards that ensure animal well-being and high-quality research. This book will be an indispensable resource for researchers, veterinarians, and IACUCs. This project was supported by NIH Contract N01-OD-4-2139, TO90.

OLAW has sent each IACUC Chair of PHS Assured institutions one paperback copy. A limited supply of paperback and CD copies are available without charge from OLAW. To request one, write to and specify the title of the publication and format (paperback or CD). Limit one per request please. Copies may also be purchased from the National Academies Press.

ILAR Announces "Physiological Research Outside the Laboratory"
The Institute for Laboratory Animal Research (ILAR) is announcing publication of the newest issue of the ILAR Journal titled "Physiological Research Outside the Laboratory," Vol 4404. This issue discusses ethical, regulatory, and practical research issues surrounding the use of free-ranging and captive wildlife. Specifically it addresses:
  • Identifying the regulations and guidelines that apply to research involving free-ranging and captive wildlife;
  • Discussion of the ethics, standards, and techniques of trapping and marketing terrestrial mammals for research;
  • Overview of research programs at zoos, aquariums, and fisheries; and
  • Methods of observational and automated behavioral assessment of pain in dogs.
This issue is available for $25 when ordered online through ILAR's website at The cost is $30 if ordered via other methods.

Publication of this issue of the ILAR Journal is supported by a grant from the NIH (5 P-40-RR-11611).

November ARENA IACUC 101 in Nashville, Tennessee
The Applied Research Ethics National Association (ARENA) in conjunction with Vanderbilt University and the NIH Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW) will present an ARENA IACUC 101 meeting on November 4, 2003. ARENA IACUC 101 is a full day didactic and interactive training course. Participants will receive an extensive Resources Manual plus other valuable reference materials and information. The session will be held at the Stadium Club at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee. Announcement and registration information are posted at: ( MS Word - 43 KB)

October ARENA IACUC 101 near Portland, Oregon
On October 9, 2003, the Applied Research Ethics National Association (ARENA) in conjunction with the University of Oregon, the Oregon Health Sciences University, the Northwest Association for Biomedical Research, and the NIH Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW) will present an ARENA IACUC 101 meeting. ARENA IACUC 101 is a full day didactic and interactive training course. Participants will receive an extensive Resources Manual plus other valuable reference materials and information. The session will be held near Portland at the McMenamins Estate. Announcement and registration information are posted at: (MS Word - 41 KB)

November ILAR International Workshop on Development of Science-Based Guidelines for Laboratory Animal Care, Washington, DC
On November 17-19, 2003, the Institute for Laboratory Animal Research (ILAR) of the National Academy of Sciences in conjunction with the Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare, NIH, the Medical Research Council, United Kingdom, the Federation of European Laboratory Animal Science Associations, and the Canadian Council on Animal Care will present an International Workshop on the Development of Science-Based Guidelines for Laboratory Animal Care. This seminar will bring together experts from around the world to assess the available scientific knowledge and identify gaps in current and pending guidelines for laboratory animal welfare. It will be held at the Georgetown University Conference Center, 3800 Reservoir Road, NW, Washington, DC, 20057. The agenda, list of speakers, hotel and registration information are posted at

SCAW Advanced IACUC Workshop in Maryland, October 2003

The NIH Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW) will join the NIH Office of Animal Care and Use (OACU) and the Scientists Center for Animal Welfare in co-sponsoring an advanced training course for members of IACUCs on October 28, 2003. It will be held at the Natcher Conference Center on the NIH campus in Bethesda, Maryland. The meeting will focus on complex topics arising about the welfare of animals in research. The program will include small discussion groups and sharing of information among the participants concerning issues and controversies involving compliance with Federal laws and regulations in research activities involving animals. The program and registration information are posted at

ILAR Announces New Report "Occupational Health and Safety of Nonhuman Primates"

The Institute for Laboratory Animal Research (ILAR) is announcing publication of a new report titled, "Occupational Health and Safety of Nonhuman Primates." This report discusses in detail the building blocks of a successful OHSP, namely identification of hazards, risk assessment, identification of applicable safety regulations, risk management, and personnel training. It is intended as a reference for vivarium managers, veterinarians, researchers, safety professionals, and any other persons who are involved in developing or implementing an institutionally specific occupational health and safety program (OHSP) dealing with nonhuman primates.

This report may be viewed and purchased in PDF or purchased in paperback from the National Academy Press at

The study was partially supported by the NIH.

September 4 ARENA IACUC 101 in Ithaca, New York
On September 4, 2003, the Applied Research Ethics National Association (ARENA) in conjunction with Cornell University and the NIH Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW) will present an ARENA IACUC 101 meeting. ARENA IACUC 101 is a full day didactic and interactive training course. Participants will receive an extensive Resources Manual plus other valuable reference materials and information. The session will be held in Ithaca, New York, on September 4, 2003. Announcement and registration information are posted at:

Revised Guidance Regarding IACUC Approval of Changes in Personnel
On June 6, 2003, NOT-OD-03-046, OLAW amended guidance provided in 1995 to Public Health Service (PHS) awardee institutions and Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees (IACUCs) concerning IACUC approval of changes in personnel involved in animal activities. The guidance is intended to provide substantial reduction of burden on IACUCs and research teams without diminishing the crucial oversight of personnel training and qualifications. The USDA Animal Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) concurs with the guidance.

ILAR Announces "Behavioral Research Outside the Laboratory"
The Institute for Laboratory Animal Research (ILAR) is announcing publication of the newest issue of the ILAR Journal titled "Behavioral Research Outside the Laboratory - Vol 44 (3)." This issue was written for both research scientists and IACUC members and provides practical advice on:

Review of regulations and guidelines for the use of companion animals in clinical veterinary research.
Review of the regulations and guidelines for the use of animals in agricultural research outside the laboratory.
Behavioral evaluations of the psychological welfare and environmental requirements of agricultural research animals.
Methods of observational and automated behavioral assessment of pain in dogs.

This issue is available for $25 when ordered online through ILAR's website at The cost is $30 if ordered via other methods.

Publication of this issue of the ILAR Journal is supported by a grant from the NIH (5 P-40-RR-11611).

August ARENA IACUC 101 and LAWTE Annual Meeting in Arizona
The Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare is pleased to be joining the Laboratory Animal Welfare Training Exchange (LAWTE) in co-sponsoring the 2003 LAWTE Conference. The meeting will be held at the DoubleTree Hotel on August 7-8, 2003, in Tucson, Arizona. The Meeting will afford attendees the opportunity to expand skills and provide tools and resources for institutional animal care and use programs. An ARENA IACUC 101 training opportunity will be offered August 6 at the same location. For additional information or to register, see the conference website at

Special ARENA IACUC 101.5 in Baltimore, June 5-6
On Thursday, June 5, and Friday, June 6, 2003 in Baltimore, Maryland, the University of Maryland School of Medicine and the NIH Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare will co-sponsor the ARENA IACUC 101.5 at the University of Maryland School of Medicine. This course is a SPECIAL ONE AND A HALF DAY PROGRAM with the traditional ARENA IACUC 101 agenda on Day 1 followed by a one-half day of four-tract/three-topic highly interactive sessions on Day 2. The program and registration information are posted at (MS Word - 48 KB).

ILAR Announces "Animal Models of Stroke and Rehabilitation"
The Institute for Laboratory Animal Research (ILAR) is announcing publication of the newest issue of the ILAR Journal titled "Animal Models of Stroke and Rehabilitation - Vol 44(2)." This issue was written for both research scientists and IACUC members and provides practical advice on:

  • Rodent and nonhuman primate models of ischemia and post-ischemia recovery
  • Clinical issues in animal models of ischemia
  • Assessment of cognitive and motor deficits in models of ischemia
  • Issues of animal handling and housing in animal models of ischemia
  • Effects of gamma-protein kinase c, piracetam treatment, and environmental enrichment on ischemic brain damage.

    This issue is available for $25 when ordered online through ILAR's website at The cost is $30 if ordered via other methods.

    Publication of this issue of the ILAR Journal is supported by a grant from the NIH (5 P-40-RR-10875).

    Disaster Preparedness Resource Developed by LAMA
    OLAW is pleased to announce the completion and availability of a new web-based Disaster Preparedness Resource developed by the Laboratory Animal Management Association ( The resource captures information presented at the May 1-3, 2002 LAMA meeting on disaster planning and management in laboratory animal research facilities entitled Earth, Wind and Fire: Avoiding Blood, Sweat and Tears.

    That conference brought together experts in disaster preparedness and response with institutional representatives who have experienced natural disasters in laboratory animal facilities. The web resource includes photos and a synopsis of each presentation. It can be accessed at:

    The development of this resource was supported in part by OLAW.

    Meeting the Information Requirements of the Animal Welfare Act
    The Animal Welfare Information Center (AWIC) of the National Agricultural Library (NAL), U.S. Department of Agriculture, has developed a one and a half day workshop for individuals who are responsible for providing information to meet the requirements of the Animal Welfare Act. Workshops will be held at the National Agricultural Library in Beltsville, Maryland on March 26-27, June 4-5, and October 22-23, 2003. (See map and lodging information.) The objectives of the workshop are to provide an overview of the Animal Welfare Act and the information requirements of the Act; a review of the alternatives concept; a comprehensive introduction to NAL, AWIC and other organizations; instruction on the use of existing information databases/networks; and on-line database searching experience. This workshop is targeted for principal investigators, members of IACUCs, information providers, administrators of animal use programs, and veterinarians. All participants will receive a resource manual. Each workshop is limited to 20 persons. For more information about these workshops contact Sandra Ball, email contact is or go to
    ACLAM Forum 2003 in Fort Myers, Florida
    The Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare, the American College of Laboratory Animal Medicine (ACLAM), and the Southern Illinois University School of Medicine will co-sponsor the ACLAM Forum 2003, "Induced Animal Models of Human Disease (Before, Beyond, and Besides Transgenics)." The symposium will be held May 14-17, 2003 in Fort Myers, Florida. The four half-day sessions will be on the use of induced animal models that are problematic from the perspectives of protocol review and animal management, and provide a balanced consideration of animal well-being in light of the need to address scientific questions that will forward the goal of eventually reducing human pain and suffering. The program and registration information are posted at
    SCAW Advanced IACUC Workshop in Minnesota, June 2003
    The Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare, NIH (OLAW) will join the University of Minnesota School of Medicine (UMN) and the Scientists Center for Animal Welfare in co-sponsoring an advanced training course for members of IACUCs on June 2, 2003. It will be held at the UMN McNamara Alumni Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The meeting will focus on complex topics arising about the welfare of animals in research. The program will include small discussion groups and sharing of information among the participants concerning issues and controversies involving compliance with Federal laws and regulations in research activities involving animals. The program and registration information are posted at
    SCAW Advanced IACUC Workshop in Florida, March 2003
    The Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare, NIH (OLAW) will join the University of South Florida and the Scientists Center for Animal Welfare in co-sponsoring an advanced training course for members of IACUCs on March 7, 2003. It will be held at the Adams Mark Hotel in Clearwater Beach, Florida. The meeting will focus on complex topics arising about the welfare of animals in research. The program will include small discussion groups and sharing of information among the participants concerning issues and controversies involving compliance with Federal laws and regulations in research activities involving animals. The program and registration information are posted at
    "IACUC 101 for Scientists" offered at Experimental Biology 2003 Meeting in San Diego, April 11, 2003
    The Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare/NIH (OLAW) and Experimental Biology (EB) 2003 will co-sponsor a half-day symposium for scientists on the workings of the IACUC. "IACUC 101 for Scientists" will be presented on Friday, April 11, 2003 in the San Diego Convention Center as part of EB 2003. Registration for EB 2003 is required to attend this session. This special version of "IACUC 101" is intended to address the concerns of research scientists and will provide information useful both to IACUC members and to those whose protocols require IACUC review.
    March IACUC 2003 Workshop Offered in Washington State
    The Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare/NIH (OLAW) will co-sponsor with the Washington Association for Biomedical Research an IACUC 2003 workshop, "Building an Effective IACUC: The Basics and Beyond," in Washington State on March 10, 2003. The session will focus on topics of interest to IACUCs, their functions and responsibilities, and ways to effectively discharge their responsibilities under the PHS Policy and related Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals. There will be sessions designed for novices and sessions for more experienced participants.

    Conference agenda and registration information are available at:

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