Information Protected by a CoC
Certificates of Confidentiality (Certificate or CoC) protect the privacy of research participants by prohibiting disclosure of identifiable, sensitive research information to anyone not connected to the research except when the participant consents or in a few other specific situations.

Investigator and Institutional CoC Responsibilities
Investigators and institutions have responsibilities associated with the CoC, including:
- informing participants about the CoC,
- not releasing participants identifiable, sensitive information except under limited circumstances,
- upholding the CoC protections, and
- informing investigators and institutions receiving a copy of protected information about the CoC protections.

CoCs for NIH-Funded Research
Since 2017, NIH-funded research meeting specific criteria are automatically deemed to have a Certificate of Confidentiality.

CoCs for Research Not Funded by NIH
The NIH continues to consider requests for Certificates of Confidentiality for specific projects that are not funded by NIH but are considered to be within the NIH mission.

CoC Policy Background Information
Find more background information on NIH's CoC policy.