Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare
News Archive: 2002

News Archive Table Of Contents
Date News Flash Description
December 19, 2002 IBC Professional Development Conference in February
December 16, 2002 Spring PRIM&R/ARENA Annual IACUC Conference and ARENA IACUC 101 Training in San Diego
November 22, 2002 Laboratory Animal Management & Technology Conference, February 5-8, 2003
November 8, 2002 December 9-10 Workshop on Animal Research and IACUC Responsibility
October 21, 2002 Full Committee and Designated Member Protocol Review Article
September 24, 2002 Article on Disaster Recovery
September 17, 2002 Study and Workshop on Increasing Veterinary Involvement in Biomedical Research
September 16, 2002 Survival Rodent Surgery Training CD
September 13, 2002 November ARENA IACUC 101 Training Program in Atlanta
August 21, 2002 SCAW Advanced IACUC Workshop in California, October 2002
August 13, 2002 ILAR Journal Issue on Experimental Design and Statistics
August 7, 2002 Change in PHS Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals
July 18, 2002 Guidance Concerning Use of Carbon Dioxide for Euthanasia of Small Animals
July 10, 2002 September ARENA IACUC 101 Training Program in Chicago, Illinois
June 24, 2002 August Symposium on Research Ethics in Nashville, Tennessee
June 14, 2002 APV/ASLAP/OLAW Workshop on Uses of Nonhuman Primates, October 2002
May 1, 2002 NIMH Methods and Welfare Considerations in Behavioral Research with Animals
March 28, 2002 NIH Proposes Just-in-Time for IACUC Review
March 20, 2002 OLAW Vacancy Announcement Posted
March 14, 2002 May ARENA IACUC 101 Training Program in Millbrae, California
March 12, 2002 2nd Edition of ARENA/OLAW IACUC Guidebook Issued
February 12, 2002 April IACUC 2002 Workshop Offered in Washington State
February 12, 2002 ARENA IACUC 101 and Charles River Laboratories Short Course in June
January 28, 2002 Experimental Biology 2002 Meeting, New Orleans, LA, April 20, 2002
January 14, 2002 IACUC 101 and PRIMR/ARENA Annual IACUC Meeting, March 2002
January 4, 2002 Laboratory Animal Management & Technology Conference, February 7-9, 2002

News Flash Items

IBC Professional Development Conference in February
The NIH Office of Biotechnology Activities, the NIH Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare, the American Biological Safety Association, and the Applied Research Ethics National Association are partnering to sponsor a conference titled, "The Future Face of IBCs: Evolving Roles and Responsibilities, Upcoming Challenges and Opportunities." This event will take place February 20-22, 2003 at the Town and Country Resort Hotel in San Diego, California. The agenda and registration information are available at Link to Non-U.S. Government Site - Click for Disclaimer .

Spring PRIM&R/ARENA Annual IACUC Conference and ARENA IACUC 101 Training in San Diego
The Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare is pleased to participate in the 2003 Annual IACUC Conference sponsored by Public Responsibility in Medicine and Research (PRIM&R) and the Applied Research Ethics National Association (ARENA), entitled "IACUC Actions: Making Ethically and Scientifically Informed Decisions." The conference will be held March 30 to April 1, 2003 at the Town & Country Resort & Convention Center in San Diego, California. An ARENA IACUC 101 training opportunity will be offered March 29 at the same location. This one day course is cosponsored by OLAW and the University of California, San Diego. The conference website is Link to Non-U.S. Government Site - Click for Disclaimer ; beginning December 20, online registration for the PRIM&R/ARENA Conference and the ARENA IACUC 101 will be available.

Laboratory Animal Management & Technology Conference, February 5-8, 2003
The Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare is joining the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science (AALAS), Florida State University, and Florida A&M University in co-sponsoring the AALAS Management & Technology Conference 2003. The conference will be held February 5-8, 2003, in Orlando, Florida. This conference will emphasize the latest in laboratory animal science management and information technologies, and provide educational and networking opportunities. For additional information or to register, see the conference website at Link to Non-U.S. Government Site - Click for Disclaimer .

December 9-10 Workshop on Animal Research and IACUC Responsibility
The Scientists Center for Animal Welfare (SCAW) Winter Conference - Challenges in Laboratory Animal Research and IACUC Responsibility - will be held December 9-10, 2002, in New Orleans, Louisiana, and cosponsored by the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, Tulane University, and the NIH Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW). The SCAW symposium will include a variety of topics relevant to IACUCs, such as crisis planning, Federal compliance, industry strategies, euthanasia, end-points, and IACUC training. Conference agenda and a registration form are available at the SCAW website: [NOTE: One must use Internet Explorer, not Netscape, to access this website.]

Full Committee and Designated Member Protocol Review Article
OLAW Senior Assurance Officer Axel V. Wolff, M.S., D.V.M., has published an article in the October 2002 issue of Lab Animal entitled "Correct Conduct of Full-Committee and Designated-Member Protocol Reviews." Dr. Wolff's article clarifies confusion associated with the PHS Policy provision permitting only one of two methods of protocol review by describing common errors and corrections that would bring unacceptable methods into compliance. The article is posted at:

Article on Disaster Recovery
OLAW Director Nelson Garnett, and Carol Alderson, Assistant Grants Policy Officer, Office of Policy for Extramural Research Administration (OPERA), both of the NIH Office of Extramural Research, have co-authored an article published in the September 2002 issue of Lab Animal entitled "Disaster Recovery: 'Who ya gonna call?'" The article outlines the responsibilities of NIH funded animal research institutions when dealing with recovery from a disaster, and identifies areas in which OLAW and OPERA can aid the affected institution in the recovery effort. Lab Animal has posted the article at:

Study and Workshop on Increasing Veterinary Involvement in Biomedical Research
The Institute for Laboratory Animal Research (ILAR) will host a public workshop "Increasing Veterinary Involvement in Biomedical Research" on October 4th, 2002, in Washington, DC. This day-long workshop is an information gathering session for an ILAR committee examining the question 'How can more veterinarians be prepared for careers in laboratory animal medicine, comparative medicine, and comparative pathology?'

The committee will be issuing a report recommending strategies for recruiting more veterinarians into DVM/PhD and post-DVM training programs in these specialties. This effort is supported in part by the NIH Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare.

For more information about this workshop and the specifics of the ILAR study, please visit Link to Non-U.S. Government Site - Click for Disclaimer - keyword "veterinary." The ILAR contact person is: Jennifer A. Obernier, PhD, Study Director, 202-334-2595, If you wish to attend the workshop, please notify Kathy Beil,

Survival Rodent Surgery Training CD
OLAW has purchased a limited number of Training in Survival Rodent Surgery CDs. Single copies may be obtained by sending your name, research institutional affiliation, and full mailing address to: One copy per request please.

This CD was developed by the NIH Office of Animal Care and Use and the National Human Genome Research Institute to assist investigators in developing proper surgical skills when performing survival surgery on rodents. The techniques described are not the only way to perform rodent surgery aseptically. The CD illustrates the most common practices used in the NIH intramural research program and survival rodent surgery standards established by the NIH Intramural Research Program Guidelines for Survival Rodent Surgery. Extramural investigators should consult with their institutional veterinarian to be sure that they are following any specific requirements of their IACUC.

November ARENA IACUC 101 Training Program in Atlanta
On November 22, 2002, the Applied Research Ethics National Association (ARENA) in conjunction with Emory University School of Medicine, and the NIH Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW), will present ARENA IACUC 101. IACUC 101is a full day didactic and interactive course. Participants will receive an extensive Resources Manual plus other valuable reference materials and information. The session will be held in Atlanta, Georgia at the Emory Conference Center Hotel. Announcement and registration information are posted at: (PDF - 87 KB)

SCAW Advanced IACUC Workshop in California, October 2002
The Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare, NIH (OLAW) will join the Scientists Center for Animal Welfare (SCAW) in co-sponsoring an advanced training course for members of IACUCs on October 11, 2002. It will be held at the Scripps Research Institute in LaJolla, California. The meeting will focus on complex topics arising about the welfare of animals in research. The program will include small discussion groups and sharing of information among the participants concerning issues and controversies involving compliance with Federal laws and regulations in research activities involving animals. The program and registration information will be posted at

ILAR Journal Issue on Experimental Design and Statistics

The Institute for Laboratory Animal Research is announcing publication of a special issue of the ILAR Journal titled "Experimental Design and Statistics in Biomedical Research - Vol 43(4)." This issue includes practical advice on choosing an appropriate animal model for study, calculating sample size to minimize animal number and maximize treatment effects, identifying sources of variation, and reducing experimental variation through advanced statistical analysis. It is written specifically for IACUC members and research scientists. This issue may be ordered for 50% off regular price by visiting or calling 202-334-2590. Publication of this issue of the ILAR Journal is supported by a grant from the NIH (5 P-40-RR-10875).

Change in PHS Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals

The NIH is changing the PHS Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals to permit institutions with PHS Animal Welfare Assurances to submit verification of Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee approval for competing applications subsequent to peer review but prior to award. The change is announced in the August 7, 2002 Federal Register. The Federal Register Notice is available in HTML format or PDF - 40 KB.

Guidance Concerning Use of Carbon Dioxide for Euthanasia of Small Animals

The Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare has issued PHS Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals guidance to Assured institutions clarifying current requirements regarding the use of carbon dioxide (CO2) as a euthanasia agent for small laboratory animals. Guidance regarding prompt reporting of related serious noncompliance is included. The guidance is contained in a July 17, 2002 notice published in the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts (OD-02-062), and posted at:

September ARENA IACUC 101 Training Program in Chicago, Illinois   (SOLD OUT)

The Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare/NIH (OLAW) and the Applied Research Ethics National Association (ARENA) in conjunction with Loyola University Stritch School of Medicine will present an ARENA IACUC 101 training course in Chicago, Illinois, on September 25, 2002. Additional co-sponsorship commitments have been received from Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center and the Chicago VA Health Care System. IACUC 101 is a full day didactic and interactive course. Participants will receive an extensive Resources Manual plus other valuable reference materials and information. The conference agenda and registration form are posted at:

August Symposium on Research Ethics in Nashville, Tennessee

The Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW/NIH) will join the Meharry Medical College (MMC) in presenting a conference, �Research Ethics for Today:  Questions of Integrity, Privacy and Diversity,� on August 21-23, 2002, at the Nashville Airport Marriott in Nashville, Tennessee.  The MMC Programs in Clinical and Research Ethics, Research Centers in Minority Institutions, and Specialized Neuroscience Research have received sponsorship commitments from the Food and Drug Administration and Vanderbilt University Medical Center.  This conference will provide an opportunity for various government regulatory representatives, researchers, clinicians involved in research, and community members to identify and discuss ethical challenges and concerns.   

APV/ASLAP/OLAW Workshop on Uses of Nonhuman Primates, October 2002

The Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare, NIH (OLAW) will join the Association of Primate Veterinarians (APV) and the American Association of Laboratory Animal Practitioners (ASLAP) in co-sponsoring a workshop entitled, "Emerging Uses of Nonhuman Primates in Biomedical Research."  It will be held on October 26, 2002, immediately preceding the National Meeting of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science in San Antonio, Texas.  The meeting will bring together top researchers from a variety of specialties using nonhuman primates in cutting-edge science.  Innovative uses of these animals can pose challenges for Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees (IACUCs) reviewing animal study proposals, and for veterinarians providing clinical care.  Emerging scientific uses of primates will be described as well as strategies for IACUCs and veterinarians to ensure appropriate oversight and animal well-being.  The program and registration information will be posted at Link to Non-U.S. Government Site - Click for Disclaimer .

NIMH Methods and Welfare Considerations in Behavioral Research with Animals

The National Institutes of Mental Health (NIMH) has created a handbook, Methods and Welfare Considerations in Behavioral Research with Animals, to assist the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) in the evaluation of protocols that employ various means to manipulate the behavior and health of laboratory animals. The handbook may be useful to the researcher who is considering different methodologies for behavioral experiments. The report contains chapters on manipulation of access to food or fluids; experimental enclosures/physical restraint; pharmacological studies; aversive stimuli; social variables; ethological approaches; and teaching with animals. Full text editions are available for reading or downloading at

Limited numbers of printed copies are available upon request by calling 301/443-4513 or sending an e-mail to

NIH Proposes Just-in-Time for IACUC Review
In a March 28, 2002 Federal Register notice (67 FR 14956), the NIH is proposing to change the PHS Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals to permit institutions with PHS Animal Welfare Assurances to submit verification of Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) approval for competing applications subsequent to peer review but prior to award.

Comments on the proposal are encouraged and should be sent to the contact person listed in the Federal Register notice. The Federal Register notice is available in HTML or PDF - 38 KB.

OLAW Vacancy Announcement Posted

The Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare has published a vacancy announcement for an Animal Welfare Assurance Officer or Veterinarian. The announcement, OD-02-7414A, is posted at This permanent, full time position is located in the Division of Assurances, OLAW, NIH, in Bethesda, Maryland. The closing date for applications is April 15, 2002.

Questions should be addressed to the NIH OD Human Resources Office (see contact information at the end of the vacancy announcement).

May ARENA IACUC 101 Training Program in Millbrae, California

The Office of Laboratory Animal Ware/NIH (OLAW) and the Applied Research Ethics National Association (ARENA) will present an ARENA IACUC 101 training course in Millbrae, California, on May 9, 2002. Additional co-sponsorship commitments have been received from Stanford University and the California Biomedical Research Association (CBRA). IACUC 101 is a full day didactic and interactive course. Participants will receive an extensive Resources Manual plus other valuable reference materials and information. The conference agenda and registration form are posted in PDF format at: (PDF - 63 KB).

2nd Edition of ARENA/OLAW IACUC Guidebook Issued

The Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW) and Applied Research Ethics National Association (ARENA) are pleased to announce the 2nd edition of the ARENA/OLAW Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee Guidebook.

The updated 2002 IACUC Guidebook is the product of a joint effort between ARENA and OLAW, led by an Editorial Board and with the assistance of numerous contributing authors from the community. It addresses multiple issues facing IACUCs in their oversight of institutional animal care and use programs, and contains valuable guidance based on the collective judgment and experience of the authors as well as OLAW precedent and interpretation of PHS Policy.

The Guidebook is not a regulatory document and neither establishes nor reflects a change in PHS Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals. Following the recommendations of the Guidebook will facilitate implementation of institutional animal care and use programs, but is not required. PHS Policy does require compliance with the ILAR Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals and Animal Welfare Act regulations.

Printed copies of the Guidebook will be available shortly and one will be mailed to the IACUC Chairperson of each institution holding a PHS Animal Welfare Assurance. To order additional copies send an email to:

The Guidebook is also available electronically on the OLAW website via two different connections. This file is large and may take a few minutes to download. The FTP link, # (PDF - 3.2 MB), and the HTTP link, (PDF - 3.2 MB), connect to identical files. If your browser experiences problems with the FTP link, please try the HTTP link.

April IACUC 2002 Workshop Offered in Washington State

The Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare/NIH (OLAW) will co-sponsor with the Washington Association for Biomedical Research an IACUC 2002 workshop, �Building an Effective IACUC:  The Basics and Beyond,� in Washington State on April 5, 2002.  The session  will present a thorough overview of the functions of an IACUC for new and veteran IACUC members and affiliates, including a review of the rules, regulations and policies necessary for compliance with Federal mandates. 

Conference agenda and registration information are available from Ms. Susan Adler who may be reached by phone at 206/956-3645 or e-mail at

ARENA IACUC 101 and Charles River Laboratories Short Course in June

The Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare/NIH (OLAW) will join the Charles River Laboratories (CRL) in co-sponsoring an ARENA IACUC 101 in conjunction with the CRL Short Course in Danvers, Massachusetts.  The ARENA IACUC 101 will be held on June 20 and is a full day didactic and interactive course for new as well as seasoned IACUC members, IACUC affiliates and individuals responsible for their institution�s animal care program.  Participants will receive an extensive Resources Manual plus other valuable reference materials and information.  The CRL Short Course is scheduled June 17-20.  It will focus on current trends and technological advances in the field of laboratory animal sciences.  The course is broken into multiple tracks that include nearly 60 topics.  The ARENA IACUC 101 is free to anyone who registers for the Short Course, but is also offered for a separate registration fee for those who will not be attending the Short Course.

Conference agendas and registration information are available at: Link to Non-U.S. Government Site - Click for Disclaimer .

Experimental Biology 2002 Meeting, New Orleans, LA, April 20, 2002
Posted January 28, 2002
The Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare/NIH (OLAW) and the American Physiological Society will co-sponsor a symposium, "Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about the IACUC But Were Afraid to Ask," at the Experimental Biology 2002 Meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana, on April 20, 2002. This is an opportunity for scientists attending the EB meeting to learn more about the IACUC process. Other symposium co-sponsors include the American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, American Society for Nutritional Sciences, American Association of Immunologists, American Association of Anatomists, and the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology. This four-hour program is adapted from the IACUC 101 workshop series and will focus on IACUC functions and responsibilities. Representatives from OLAW, USDA Animal Care, and the Association for the Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care will be present to answer questions. The conference agenda and a registration form are available at: [NOTE: You must register for Experimental Biology 2002 to attend this meeting.]

ARENA IACUC 101 and PRIMR/ARENA Annual IACUC Meeting, March 2002
Posted January 14, 2002
The Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare/NIH (OLAW) will join Public Responsibility in Medicine and Research (PRIM&R) and Applied Research Ethics National Association (ARENA) in co-sponsoring an ARENA IACUC 101 and "Decisions on Animal Care and Use: Dealing with Differences" on March 23-26, 2002, in Boston, Massachusetts. An additional co-sponsorship commitment has been received from the Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care International (AAALAC). The ARENA IACUC 101 will be held March 23 and is a full day didactic and interactive course for new as well as seasoned IACUC members, IACUC affiliates and individuals responsible for their institution's animal care program. Participants will receive an extensive Resources Manual plus other valuable reference materials and information. The PRIM&R and ARENA's Annual IACUC Conference, "Decisions on Animal Care and Use: Dealing with Differences," is scheduled for March 24-26. It will focus on animal care and use, ethical and policy decisions, and negotiation and conflict resolution in this arena. The conference will be designed to be relevant and of interest to IACUC participants of all levels of experience.

Conference agendas and registration information are available at Link to Non-U.S. Government Site - Click for Disclaimer .

Laboratory Animal Management & Technology Conference, February 7-9, 2002
Posted January 4, 2002
The Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare is joining the University of Tennessee, Memphis, Meharry Medical College, and others in co-sponsoring the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science (AALAS) Management & Technology Conference 2002. The conference will be held February 7-9, 2002, in Memphis, Tennessee. This conference will emphasize the latest in laboratory animal science management and information technologies, and provide educational and networking opportunities. For additional information or to register, see the conference website at: Link to Non-U.S. Government Site - Click for Disclaimer .

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