Did you know that NIH is the largest public funder of biomedical research in the world, investing more than $32 billion a year to enhance life, and reduce illness and disability? NIH funded research has led to breakthroughs and new treatments, helping people live longer, healthier lives, and building the research foundation that drives discovery. Read on for an orientation to NIH funding, grant programs, how the grants process works, and how to apply.
Grants Process Overview
Learn the steps needed for an application to proceed from planning and submission to award and close out. Drill down on each step for guidance that can deepen your understanding of the grants process and help you submit a grant application and manage your grant award.
Get Started
Before getting started, learn the basics like why it is important to understand the structure of NIH and how we approach grant funding, what types of organizations and people are eligible to apply, what we look for in a research project, and the types of grant programs we offer. Once you have the big picture move on to learn about planning your application.
How to Apply
How to Apply serves as our comprehensive application guide, providing step-by-step instructions to get you through the grant application process, from completing required registrations, finding a funding opportunity to accessing the application forms and instructions, formatting your application, finding due dates and submission policies, and more.
Application Referral and Review
Once you submit your application to NIH, we assign your application to a specific study section for review and to a specific NIH Institute or Center for funding consideration. After assignment, the application undergoes a two level peer review process. Explore this page to learn more.
Pre-Award and Post-Award Processes
Applications that do well in review begin the pre-award process. Learn what happens during this process and what types of information you will be expected to provide. Once awarded, grantees must follow the requirements in the NIH Grants Policy statement and provide periodic reports to NIH that help NIH monitor the award.
Forms Directory
Essential NIH forms, instructions and format pages you need to apply for, manage, and close out grant awards.