Modular Grants Application Process Outcome Evaluation


The Modular Grant Application Process was implemented on June 1, 1999. At the outset of its implementation, the research community was told that NIH would evaluate the modular grant application process several years after its implementation. NIH wanted to delay the evaluation until everyone involved with the process had some experience with it and NIH did not want an assessment of the process to be confounded by the learning process.

The two-phase modular grant evaluation (MS Word - 22.5 KB) took place between April 2003 and April 2005.



Results - Overview

Results - Highlights

Results - Specific Topics

Results - Main Themes from Open-Ended Comments

Results - All Open-Ended Comments

Results - All Quantitative Results (Responses to Each Survey Item)

Results from Current Modular Grant Data Analyses

Return to Modular Grants Page

Comments - Please send your comments or questions to Dr. Walter Schaffer.

This page last updated on April 13, 2007 
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