NIH Recipients of the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE)

The Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers, established by President Clinton in 1996, is the highest honor bestowed by the United States Government on science and engineering professionals in the early stages of their independent research careers. Recipients are selected for their pursuit of innovative research at the frontiers of science and technology and for their commitment to community service as demonstrated through scientific leadership, public education, or community outreach.

The awards embody the high priority placed by the government on maintaining the leadership position of the United States in science by producing outstanding scientists and engineers who will broadly advance science and the missions important to the participating agencies. The awards support the continued development of the awardees, foster innovative and far-reaching developments in science and technology, increase awareness of careers in science and engineering, give recognition to the scientific missions of participating agencies, enhance connections between fundamental research and national goals, and highlight the importance of science and technology for the nation's future.

To be eligible for a Presidential Award, an individual must be a U.S. citizen, national or permanent resident. After receiving recommendations from participating federal agencies, the White House will confer the awards each year. Selection criteria and processes are dependent upon the agency.

The participating agencies are:

Department of Agriculture
Department of Commerce
Department of Defense
Department of Education
Department of Energy
Department of Health and Human Services
Department of the Interior
Department of Veterans Affairs
Environmental Protection Agency
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
National Science Foundation
The Intelligence Community

Public Announcements

2019 Recipients

Dr. Steve Ramirez, Boston University

Dr. Ron Alterovitz, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Dr. Eiman Azim, Salk Institute for Biological Studies

Dr. Sanjay Basu, Collective Health

Dr. Melena Bellin, University of Minnesota

Dr. Michael Boyce, Duke University School of Medicine

Dr. Scott Boyd, Stanford University School of Medicine

Dr. John Brognard, National Institutes of Health

Dr. Namkee Choi, The University of Texas at Austin

Dr. Kwanghun Chung, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Dr. Felipe Fregni, Harvard Medical School

Dr. Adriana Galvan, University of California, Los Angeles

Dr. Lana Garmire, University of Michigan

Dr. Darrell Gaskin, Johns Hopkins University

Dr. Jennifer Gillette, University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center

Dr. Donna Calu Gogerdchi, University of Maryland School of Medicine

Dr. Romina Goldszmid, National Institutes of Health

Dr. Elena Gracheva, Yale University School of Medicine

Dr. Jeremy Greenlee, University of Iowa

Dr. Eric Greer, Harvard Medical School

Dr. John Harris, University of Massachusetts Medical School

Dr. Christopher Hourigan, National Institutes of Health

Dr. Chandra Jackson, National Institutes of Health

Dr. Amy Janes, Harvard Medical School

Dr. Shafali Jeste, University of California, Los Angeles

Dr. J. Michelle Kahlenberg, University of Michigan Medical School

Dr. Katherine Yudeh King, Baylor College of Medicine

Dr. Zachary Knight, University of California, San Francisco School of Medicine

Dr. Kory Lavine, Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis Missouri

Dr. Dr. Sara Lindström, University of Washington

Dr. Darren Lipomi, University of California, San Diego

Dr. Daniel Llano, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign

Dr. Meenakshi Swaminathan Madhur, Vanderbilt University

Dr. Sandeep Mallipattu, Stony Brook School of Medicine

Dr. Jennifer Martinez, National Institutes of Health

Dr. Ian Maze, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai

Dr. Katherine McJunkin, National Institutes of Health

Dr. Colter Mitchell, University of Michigan

Dr. Michelle Monje, Stanford University

Dr. Elizabeth Nance, University of Washington

Dr. James Olzmann, University of California, Berkeley

Dr. Angela Pannier, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Dr. Adam Phillippy, National Institutes of Health

Dr. Priyamvada Rajasethupathy, The Rockefeller University

Dr. Sohini Ramachandran, Brown University

Dr. Carolyn Rodriguez, Stanford University

Dr. Sarah Collins Rosetti, Columbia University

Dr. Neville Sanjana, New York Genome Center and New York University

Dr. Jason Sheltzer, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

Dr. Spencer Smith, University of California, Santa Barbara

Dr. Anish Thomas, National Institutes of Health

Dr. Moriah Thomason, New York University School of Medicine

Dr. Joel Voss, Northwestern University

Dr. Conor Walsh, Harvard Medical School

Dr. Xudong Wang, University of Wisconsin - Madison

Dr. Catherine Weisz, National Institutes of Health

Dr. Jessica Whited, Harvard University

Dr. Tracey Yap, Duke University

Dr. Wenjun Zhang, University of California, Berkeley

Dr. David Zhang, Rice University


PECASE Awardees Archive
Archive Link Archive of Previous Years' PECASE Awardees

This page last updated on May 18, 2016 
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