PAR-21-038 - Stephen I. Katz Early Stage Investigator Research Project Grant (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed) is used for the submission of applications to the following Notices of Special Interest (NOSIs)

Active NOSIs

Title Notice Number Organization Release
Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Quantum Sensing Technologies in Biomedical Applications NOT-EB-23-022 NIBIB , NCATS , NCI , NEI , NHLBI , NIGMS Dec 13, 2023 Jan 27, 2027 R35, RM1, R21, R01, U01, R15, R13, K99/R00
Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Synthetic Biology for Biomedical Applications. NOT-EB-23-002 NIBIB , NCCIH , NCI , NHLBI , NIA , NIAID , NICHD , NIGMS Apr 14, 2023 May 17, 2026 R01, R21, R35, R41/R42, R43/R44
Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Research on the Etiology, Early Detection, Screening and Prevention of Early-Onset Colorectal Cancer NOT-CA-23-018 NCI Jan 19, 2023 Sep 8, 2024 K01, R01, K22, K08, R21, U34, K99/R00, P01, R34
Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Firearm Injury and Mortality Prevention Research NOT-OD-23-039 OBSSR , NCCIH , NIA , NIAAA , NICHD , NIDA , NIMH , NIMHD , NINR , ODP , ORWH , SGMRO Dec 16, 2022 Feb 5, 2026 R01, R34, R21, U24, R61/R33, UG3/UH3
Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): NIH Research Project Grants on Down Syndrome (R01) for the INCLUDE (INvestigation of Co-occurring conditions across the Lifespan to Understand Down syndromE) Project NOT-OD-22-123 OD , NCI , NEI , NHLBI , NIA , NIAMS , NICHD , NIDCD , NIDCR , NIMHD , NINDS May 26, 2022 May 1, 2025 R01
Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Basic Mechanisms of Cannabis and Cannabinoid Action in Cancer NOT-CA-22-085 NCI May 5, 2022 Jul 5, 2027 K22, R01, K08, K01, R21, R03, K99/R00
Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Disparities Affecting Healthcare Utilization and Health Outcomes Among Childhood Cancer Survivors NOT-CA-22-029 NCI Jan 7, 2022 Oct 9, 2024 R01, R21, P01, R03
Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Epidemiology and Prevention of Alcohol Misuse in Understudied Young Adult Populations; Military, Workforce, and Community College NOT-AA-22-001 NIAAA Dec 9, 2021 Sep 9, 2025 R21, R03, R01, R43/R44, R41/R42
Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Research on Interprofessional Teamwork and Coordination During Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment NOT-CA-22-014 NCI Dec 8, 2021 Oct 9, 2024 R03, R01, R21, P01
Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Dietary Effects on Nutrient Sensing Pathways in Tumor Etiology and Prevention NOT-CA-21-121 NCI Oct 4, 2021 Sep 8, 2024 K22, K08, R15, R01, R21, K99/R00,

Expired NOSIs

Title Notice Number Organization Release
Understanding the Basic Mechanisms of Immune-related Adverse Events (irAEs) in Cancer Immunotherapy NOT-CA-22-063 NCI NIAID NIAMS NIDCR May 3, 2022 Jul 5, 2024 R01, R21, K99/R00, K01, K08, K22, R03, R15
Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Validation of Digital Health and Artificial Intelligence Tools for Improved Assessment in Epidemiological, Clinical, and Intervention Research NOT-CA-22-037 NCI NHLBI NIA NIDA NIMH NINR OBSSR Jan 27, 2022 Mar 9, 2024 R01, R03, R21, R43/R44, R41/R42, R33, R34, R61/R33
Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Advancing the development of tumor site-activated small molecules NOT-CA-21-101 NCI Aug 16, 2021 Jan 8, 2024 R01, R15, R21
Notice of Special Interest (NOSI): Improving Patient Adherence to Treatment and Prevention Regimens to Promote Health NOT-OD-21-100 OBSSR NIMHD NIDA NIMH ORWH NIDCD SGMRO ODP NIA NHLBI NCI NINR NCCIH NEI NICHD Apr 8, 2021 Jun 8, 2024 R01, R21, R03, R41/R42, R43/R44, R21/R33, UG3/UH3, R34
Notice of Special Interest: Alcohol-induced Tissue-specific and Organ System Diseases (R01/R21/R03) NOT-AA-20-024 NIAAA Jan 4, 2021 May 8, 2024 R01, R21, R03

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