Modular Applications and Awards
January 7, 1999

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Table of Contents

Modular Applications and Awards

FY 1999 - Modular Grants

Modular Grants

Modular Grants

Features at a Glance

Features at a Glance

Features at a Glance

Modular Grants

Discussion and Decision-making

The Current Paradigm of Itemized Costs

The Current Paradigm of Itemized Costs

�Case for Action�


Modular Research Grants.New Paradigm - Total Direct Costs

Implications Applicant Perspective. (investigator and institution)

Implications Applicant Perspective. (investigator and institution)

Implications NIH Perspective

Implications NIH Perspective

Implications NIH Perspective

Modular Research Grant.Summary - Application and Postaward Features

Modular Research Grants.Summary - Compliance and Oversight

Author: Diana Jaeger, OPERA

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This page last updated on January 7, 1999 
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