After Review

Scope Note

If you receive a favorable review outcome, you may be asked to submit additional information. If you don't receive a favorable review outcome, reach out to your Program Official to discuss next steps.

Fundable Score

Some of the ICs publish paylines as part of their funding strategies to guide applicants on their likelihood of receiving funding. Application scores can only be compared against the payline for the fiscal year when the application will be considered for funding, which is not necessarily the year when it was submitted. There may be a delay of several months to determine paylines at the beginning of fiscal years. If the application is assigned to an IC that does not announce a payline, the program official listed at the top of the summary statement may be able to provide guidance on the likelihood of funding.

After the Advisory Council meeting, if an application results in an award, the applicant will be working closely with the program official of the funding Institute or Center on scientific and programmatic matters and a Grants Management Officer on budgetary or administrative issues. The Grants Management Specialist will contact the applicant to collect information needed to prepare the award.

Not Funded?

The NIH receives thousands of applications for each application receipt round and competition for funding can be fierce. If the original application is not funded, applicants may resubmit the application, making changes that address reviewer concerns, or they may submit a new application. Once an applicant receives a summary statement, they are directed to information on Next Steps, and they may contact the NIH program official assigned to their application for guidance.

Tip: Volunteer to Be a Reviewer
Learn even more about the review process by becoming a reviewer! Those interested should send an email to appropriate NIH Scientific Review Officer (SRO) with a brief description of their areas of expertise in the body of the email (1-2 sentences) and a copy of their biosketch as an attachment. Descriptions of study sections and SROs in the NIH Center for Scientific Review (CSR) are posted on the CSR website; contact information for SROs in the Institutes and Centers is posted on the individual IC websites.


For questions, please contact:

  • Scientific Review Officer (SRO) displayed in eRA Commons (while under peer review)
  • Program Official (PO) displayed in eRA Commons (after the summary statement is released)


This page last updated on: September 9, 2024
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