Follow NIH Application Policies and Requirements

Scope Note

While the How to Apply – Application Guide and the funding opportunity are your key references for requirements, our policy topic pages provide additional context and resources to help as you develop your application or manage your award.

Familiarize yourself with Policy & Compliance topics that are relevant to your application’s area of science, award type, and other characteristics. For example:

Depending on the science you propose, you may have additional requirements. Some major examples:

In certain situations, you must seek NIH’s prior approval before you submit your application:

To stay informed about the latest policies and requirements, keep tabs on the following sources:

Your organization's sponsored programs office is also a good source of news and advice on NIH policies and requirements.



Check online guidance and direct your questions to staff in your organization's sponsored programs office. If you still need assistance, find NIH contacts at Need Help?

This page last updated on: September 23, 2024
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