Subject line: < Tracking #>/<PI name>: ACTION REQUIRED TO COMPLETE SUBMISSION - Missing or Invalid eRA Commons Username
Body of e-mail:
NIH has received the electronic grant application Tracking # <tracking number> / PI <PI name>. NIH was unable to process your application because it was missing critical information required by NIH. NIH requires that the PD/PI’s correct eRA Commons User ID be entered in the ‘Credential’ field for the PD/PI on the R&R Senior/Key Person Profile (Expanded) component of the application.
Because the Credential field was not completed accurately, your application was considered incomplete; therefore the eRA Commons could not fully check the application against the instructions in the application guide and the funding opportunity announcement. You may receive new error and/or warning messages once you submit a changed/corrected application to
All changed/corrected applications to address this Credential error and any subsequently identified errors or warnings must be made by the submission deadline for your application to be considered on-time. Changed/corrected applications submitted after the submission deadline will be subject to the NIH Late Policy and may not be accepted.
Applicants should refer to the funding opportunity announcement and the How to Apply - Application Guide for guidance on correcting application content.
View detailed steps for submitting a changed/corrected application.
If you still require support after taking full advantage of these resources, please contact the eRA Service Desk.