Let's Look at Peer Review - Video

Let's Look at NIH Peer Review | 00:41:17

What happens after your application has been submitted? How will it be evaluated? This session follows a typical application from submission through peer review to funding consideration, with key steps and important factors to note along the way. Understanding the NIH peer review is fundamental to a successful grant application. So, don’t miss this opportunity to know the score on peer review! This event took place during the 2023 NIH Virtual Grants Conference

Full transcript (DOCX, 37.76 KB)


Dharm Rathore, Ph.D


Chief, Scientific Review Branch
National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)
National Institutes of Health (NIH), HHS


Profile Picture for Megan Columbus

Megan Columbus


Office of Extramural Research (OER)
Office of the Director (OD)

This page last updated on: March 16, 2025
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