Email Notifications from and NIH

Scope Note

You are responsible for tracking your submission through to eRA Commons. You will receive many courtesy email notifications throughout the submission process, but email can be unreliable and should not be used as your primary way to track your application. It is best to proactively check your application status in and eRA Commons rather than relying on email. Notifications emails are sent to the email address on file with for the submitting AOR

Subject Line of EmailSentSent to the following person(s)Content of email
GRANT00772078 Submission ReceiptWhen application has been received by and is being validatedAuthorized Organization Representative (AOR)Text
GRANT00772078 Submission Validation Receipt for ApplicationWhen has validated the application and is preparing it for retrieval by the Grantor agencyAORText
GRANT00772146 Rejection Notice for ApplicationWhen the application is not validated because of errors (e.g., schema error, virus, application sent after the closing date)AORText
GRANT00772076 Grantor Agency Retrieval Receipt for ApplicationWhen the application has been retrieved by the Grantor agencyAORText
GRANT00772076 Agency Tracking Number Assignment for ApplicationWhen the application has been reviewed by the Grantor agency and assigned an Agency Tracking NumberAORText

NIH Notifications

NIH emails are sent to the three email addresses listed on the SF424 (R&R) cover form (field #5 person to be contacted, field #14 PD/PI, and field #19 AOR)

Subject Line of EmailSentSent to the following person(s)Content of email
< Tracking #>/<PI name>: Check Assembled Application in eRA CommonsAfter successful processing of a submission with no warnings or errorsSO, PD/PI, Person to be ContactedText
< Tracking #>/<PI name>: Check Assembled Application in eRA Commons – Warnings OnlyAfter successful processing of a submission with at least one warning but no errorsSO, PD/PI, Person to be ContactedText
< Tracking #>/<PI name>: ACTION REQUIRED TO COMPLETE SUBMISSION - Application Errors and WarningsAfter processing of a submission, if at least one error has been generatedSO, PD/PI, Person to be ContactedText
< Tracking #>/<PI name>: ACTION REQUIRED TO COMPLETE SUBMISSION - Missing or Invalid eRA Commons UsernameAfter processing of a submission, if the Commons account was missing or invalidSO, PD/PI, Person to be ContactedText
< Tracking #>/<PI name>: ACTION REQUIRED TO COMPLETE SUBMISSION - System Issue OccurredAfter processing of a submission, if a system error has occurredSO, PD/PI, Person to be Contacted, cc to the eRA Service DeskText
eRA Commons: SO has rejected electronic application - PI: <PI name>If the SO rejects the application.SO who refused application; PD/PI on the applicationText
Auto verified electronic application AN # <Accession number>; PI: <PI name>; Title: <Project Title>; Tracking #: <Tracking number>Two business days after an error-free application is assembled in eRA CommonsPD/PI on the application;
SO at email address that was received on the eSubmission data stream

This page last updated on: September 9, 2024
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