Multiple Principal Investigators

The multi-PD/PI option presents an important opportunity for investigators seeking support for projects or activities that require a team science approach. This option is targeted specifically to those projects that do not fit the single-PD/PI model, and therefore is intended to supplement and not replace the traditional single PD/PI model. The overarching goal is to maximize the potential of team science efforts in order to be responsive to the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century.

General Information

Relevant Policy Notices

  • NOT-OD-11-118 (09/28/2011) - Revised Multiple Program Director(s)/Principal Investigator(s) Policy to Allow Change with Prior Approval
  • NOT-OD-07-017 (11/20/2006) - Establishment of Multiple Principal Investigator Awards for the Support of Team Science Projects
Related Notices

This page last updated on September 28, 2011 
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