Simplifying Review of Research Project Grant Applications

NIH has implemented a simplified framework for the peer review of the majority of competing research project grant (RPG) applications, beginning with submissions with due dates of January 25, 2025. The simplified peer review framework aims to better facilitate the mission of scientific peer review – identification of the strongest, highest-impact research – by:

  1. Enabling peer reviewers to better focus on answering the key questions necessary to assess the scientific and technical merit of proposed research projects:
    • Should the proposed research project be conducted?
    • Can the proposed research project be conducted?
  2. Mitigating the effect of reputational bias by refocusing the evaluation of investigator/environment to within the context of the proposed research.
  3. Reducing reviewer burden by shifting policy compliance activities to NIH staff.


Learn more about the NIH peer review process and how we developed the simplified peer review framework.

Simplified Peer Review Framework

Learn about the simplified review framework that applies to most research project grant activity codes for application due dates of January 25, 2025 or later.

Reviewer Guidance

This page provides guidance and resources on the review of applications that follow the simplified review framework.

Applicant Guidance

Although the simplified review framework has little impact on what is included in an application, it does have significant impact on the funding opportunities used to apply. This page provides practical guidance for applicants navigating funding opportunities through this transition.

Notices, Statements, and Reports

Find Guide Notices, blog posts, press releases, and more on the simplified review framework.


Those with questions about the simplified framework for NIH peer review may contact

This page last updated on: August 19, 2024
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