Sponsor Guidance

Scope Note

This page provides information for the Sponsors of Candidates applying to fellowships for due dates on or after January 25, 2025.

What makes a good sponsor?

The sponsor is generally a principal investigator (PI) closely involved in the fellowship candidate’s research training (often the candidate’s graduate mentor or supervisor). The sponsor’s role is to guide the trainee’s development throughout the training process. Among other things, sponsors should regularly communicate with the candidate about their scientific perspectives and training and career goals. Sponsors play an essential role in the fellowship application process and should encourage ongoing communication with the candidate as they conceive and develop the fellowship application.

What’s Changed

  • Sponsors are not required to have had NIH support or extensive mentoring experience. NIH recognizes that the trainee’s research may be funded through a variety of means and that early career faculty may be excellent mentors for trainees. The emphasis in the application and in the review is on the individualized nature of the training plan put forth by the sponsor.
  • The Sponsor and Co-Sponsor statements now require the sponsor(s) to submit the following statements:
    1. Mentoring Approach and Candidate Mentoring Plan
    2. Prior Commitment to Training and Mentoring
    3. Commitment to the Candidate’s Research Training Plan
    4. Research Training Environment
    5. Candidate’s Potential
    6. A sixth statement on Clinical Training will be required for candidates proposing to gain experience in a clinical trial as part of the research training plan.
  • Sponsors are no longer be required to provide a description for “Institutional Environment, and Commitment to training.”
  • Note that there are changes to reference letters. Updated instructions are available on the NIH Grants page for Reference Letters


This page last updated on: November 12, 2024
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