- Post-submission deadline = 30 days in advance
- Preliminary data allowed as post-submission material
- Contingency or recovery plans for problems resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic should not be included
- Address COVID effects on productivity or other scoreable issues in Personal Statement
- Reviewers should take pandemic-related circumstances into account

- Post-submission deadline = 30 days in advance
- Preliminary data allowed as post-submission material
- Contingency or recovery plans for problems resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic should not be included
- Address COVID effects on productivity, other scoreable issues in Personal Statement
- Reviewers should take pandemic-related circumstances into account

- Post-submission deadline = 30 days in advance
- Preliminary data allowed as post-submission material
- Contingency or recovery plans for problems resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic should not be included
- Address COVID effects on productivity, other scoreable issues in Personal Statement
- Reviewers should take pandemic-related circumstances into account