FCOI Training

Scope Note

This page provides Financial Conflict of Interest (FCOI)-related training, information, as well as presentations and other resources.

About the Regulation

FCOI Training Module

A tutorial to be used in conjunction with institutional training to meet the Investigator training requirements of the FCOI regulation. Investigators must be trained about both the regulation as well as the institutional FCOI policy and investigator disclosure requirements. Self-paced.

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FCOI Presentation

This NIH Virtual Seminar presentation contains helpful information on developing or refining institutional FCOI policies to ensure compliance with the FCOI regulation.  25-minute presentation followed by 20-minute Q&A. 

Podcast: Information to Know About the FCOI Regulation

This conversation touches on the regulations, what investigators and recipient institutions should do to comply, how NIH oversees the process, what may happen if these rules are not followed, and who to contact with questions. 14 minutes.

Reporting Investigator FCOIs

Using the eRA FCOI Module for Reporting

Instructions for institutional users on using the FCOI module in eRA Commons to report any identified financial conflict of interest for Investigators. Includes step-by-step instructions.

Submitting an Institutional FCOI Policy to the NIH

Instructions for submitting an FCOI Policy into eRA Commons IPF Module (10/1/2020) (PDF)

Instructions for submitting the institution’s FCOI policy in the eRA Commons Institutional Profile (IPF) Module, per NIH Guide Notice NOT-OD-21-002.


This page last updated on: September 10, 2024
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