The scientific research enterprise is built on a deep foundation of trust and shared values. As the National Academies wrote in their 2019 On Being a Scientist report, "this trust will endure only if the scientific community devotes itself to exemplifying and transmitting the values associated with ethical scientific conduct" Falsifying, fabricating, or plagiarizing data—all forms of research misconduct—are contrary to these values and ethical conduct.

What Is Research Misconduct
Understand what research integrity is and the importance of maintaining integrity in the scientific enterprise.

Reporting a Concern
Learn how researchers, institutions, and the public can inform NIH about potential research misconduct violations.

Process for Handling Allegations of Research Misconduct
Learn about NIH's process for handling allegations of research misconduct.

NIH Expectations, Policies, and Requirements
Learn about the expectations, policies, and requirements related to research misconduct.

NIH Actions and Oversight after a Finding of Research Misconduct
Learn about the steps NIH and related agencies take when findings of research misconduct are confirmed.

Notices, Statements and Reports
Find related notices, policy references, statements, reports and other resources related to research misconduct.

Resources for NIH Staff
Information for NIH staff about research misconduct.