Foreign Interference Data

Scope Note

NIH provides semi-annual updates on foreign interference cases.

Outcomes of NIH Foreign Interference Cases

Number of foreign interference allegations received and open according to calendar year of first reported to NIH. 

Foreign Interference Allegations

The bars refer to the number of allegations received per year from calendar years 2018 to 2024. The blue-shaded portion of each bar represents allegations for which NIH staff did not contact institutions and the grey-shaded bar represents allegations for which NIH staff contacted institutions. Although NIH has received allegations involving over 600 scientists, NIH staff contacted institutions in 263 cases in which internal review suggested a high likelihood of possible problems with scientific or budgetary overlap, overcommitment, or undisclosed financial conflicts of interest.

Values shown are for cases in which NIH staff have contacted the institution. SFI = significant financial interest. Values shown are Number (%).



Total N (%)

263 (100.0)

Undisclosed Affiliation

233 (88.6)

Undisclosed Grant Support

190 (72.2)

Undisclosed Talents Award

139 (52.9)

Undisclosed Equity, Patent, or SFI

51 (19.4)

Any Serious Violation

228 (86.7)

No Violation Found After Compliance Review

7 (2.7)

Termination or Resignation

116 (44.1)

Institutional Exclusion from Grants

57 (21.7)

Removed from Grants

173 (65.8)

Removed from Peer Review

210 (79.8)

Compliance Review Open

41 (15.6)

Table above represents data as of December 31, 2024. Additional data can be found in the Brief Summary of NIH Foreign Interference Cases (data as of October 30, 2024). View the report to learn more about the source of allegations and more.

This page last updated on: December 4, 2024
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