Information for Researchers

Scope Note

Researchers can find funding opportunities, get an overview of the grants process and policies, and find resources for applications, grants, and post-award reporting.


As you explore the NIH Grants & Funding website, we recommend that you start here:

Grants Process

The Grants Process section covers all stages from planning through award reporting: 

  • Plan to Apply includes how to work with your organization, choose a submission option, and find a funding opportunity.
  • Write Application covers the official How to Apply – Application Guide instructions, extensive advice on how to write a compelling application, and sample grant applications.  
  • Submit describes how your organization sends the application to NIH, how you and the PD/PI can track application status, and Submission Policies.
  • Review covers application receipt and referral, the peer review criteria and process, and your decisions after review.
  • Award details funding decisions, how and when to submit Just-in-Time (JIT) information, and the Notice of Award (NOA).
  • Post-Award Monitoring and Reporting provides guidance on award monitoring, reporting (including progress, financial, and invention reports), audits, and closeout.

NIH eRA Systems

NIH eRA Systems are a suite of web-based modules that allow applicants, recipients, reviewers, and federal staff at awarding agencies to administer grants. eRA systems include:

  • eRA Commons – Access and share administrative information on your organization's grant applications and awards.
  • ASSIST – NIH's web-based service for the preparation, submission, and tracking of grant applications. ASSIST is one of the Submission Options.
  • Internet Assisted Review (IAR) – Peer reviewers use the IAR module before, during, and after review meetings.


Get to know NIH Policy & Compliance topics. We also offer advice on how to Follow NIH Application Policies and Requirements. Some key examples:

  • NIH Grants Policy Statement (GPS) – Requirements that serve as the terms and conditions of NIH grant awards. We update the NIH GPS annually.
  • Animal Welfare – Resources on animal assurances, reporting, policies, and related guidance from the NIH Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW).
  • Human Subjects – NIH’s definition of human subjects, institutional review boards (IRBs), certificates of confidentiality, inclusion, and more.
  • Intellectual Property – Requirements for inventions arising from federally funded research projects.
  • Sharing – Includes policies for data management and sharing (DMS), genomic data sharing, public access, and model organisms.
  • Research Integrity – Promote the highest levels of scientific integrity and public accountability in the conduct of science.
  • Rigor and Transparency – How to address scientific rigor and transparency in NIH grant applications and progress reports.
  • Additional Policy Topics – The full list includes policies for early stage investigators, family friendly initiatives, public access, and many more. 

Data on NIH Grants 

Use the RePORT system to explore NIH funding data, which may help you Develop Research Ideas. Try these RePORT features:

Stay Connected and Informed

Check News & Events for blog articles, event announcements, videos, podcasts, and other updates.

We also encourage you to check with your organization's Office of Sponsored Research for news and updates.


Check online guidance and direct your questions to staff in your organization's sponsored programs office. If you still need assistance, find NIH contacts at Need Help?

This page last updated on: December 13, 2024
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