NIH Grants Process: A Brief Walk-Through for Beginners - Video
Are you new to working with the NIH grants process? If so, make plans to join your peers as the NIH walks through essential aspects of applying for funding. This event offers participants an opportunity to gain insights into the NIH’s organizational structure and how it funds research, finding the right fit for your research (including NIH Notices of Funding Opportunity - NOFOs), the grants process overview, peer review, NIH and applicant institution roles and responsibilities, and resources to help along the way.
This simulive event includes a short recording, followed by a live portion featuring a panel of NIH experts answering questions submitted during registration, as well as additional queries raised during the discussion. More than one hour will be devoted to Q&A with NIH…an opportunity you won’t want to miss!

Michelle Bulls

Sheri Cummins

Cynthia Dwyer

Kasima Garst, MFS

Emily Linde

Brittany Mason-Mah, Ph.D

Michael Sesma, Ph.D

Michelle Timmerman, Ph.D