Research Projects

Most NIH grant programs are research projects. These provide funds for salaries, equipment, supplies, travel, and other allowable direct and indirect costs to the sponsoring institution or organization.


Research project grants support discrete, specified, circumscribed biomedical research and development at universities, medical and other health professional schools, colleges, hospitals, research institutes, for-profit organizations, and government institutions. Projects are performed by named project directors/principal investigators in scientific areas representing their specific interests and competencies.

Review Criteria

To find the criteria reviewers will use to evaluate your application, see Section V of your funding opportunity.

Still looking for a funding opportunity? Check out the Research Project Parent Announcements, which are broad funding opportunities allowing applicants to submit investigator-initiated applications. Parent Announcements include the minimum standard review criteria appropriate for their program.

Search for Research Projects Funding Opportunities

The NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts is NIH's official publication of notices of grant policies, guidelines, and funding opportunities.

View Current Funding Opportunities
Grants Process

Ready to develop your application? Learn from a step-by-step guide.

Learn Process


The following represent frequently used research grant programs. A comprehensive list of All Activity Codes is also available.

Support for a specified independent project to be performed by the named investigator(s) in an area representing their specific interest and competencies, such as research project grants and NIH Director's awards.

Also Consider...

  • Resources—for research centers and shared resources.


This page last updated on: September 11, 2024
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