Conferences and Meetings

Support for high-quality conferences and meetings relevant to the public health and to the scientific mission of the participating institutes and centers.


Conference Grants are awarded to organizations (not individuals) to provide support for meetings, conferences, and workshops to coordinate, exchange, and disseminate research information. NIH provides this assistance in recognition of the value to members of the research community in supporting such forums. That value is enhanced when persons from diverse backgrounds and perspectives are included in all aspects of conference/meeting planning and when attendees are assured of a safe, respectful, and inclusive environment free from discrimination, harassment, and other barriers that might prevent or inhibit one’s participation.

A conference is defined as a symposium, seminar, workshop, or any other organized and formal meeting, whether conducted face-to-face or via the internet, where individuals assemble (or meet virtually) for the primary purpose to exchange technical information and views or explore or clarify a defined subject, problem, or area of knowledge, whether or not a published report results from such meeting. 

Search for Conferences and Meetings Funding Opportunities
The NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts is NIH's official publication of notices of grant policies, guidelines, and funding opportunities.

View Current Funding Opportunities

Prior Approval to Apply Required

Support of conferences is contingent on the fiscal and programmatic interests and priorities of the individual institutes or centers. Most institutes and centers (ICs) provide conference support although their budget guidelines may vary.

Prior approval (advance permission) is required before submission of an application for conference support. Advance permission to submit an application must be requested early in the process and no later than six weeks before the application submission date. Permission to submit a conference grant application does not assure funding or funding at the level requested. The letter from the NIH IC conference grant contact person documenting advance permission to submit an application must be included as part of the PHS 398 Cover Letter attachment in the application.

Review Criteria

To find the criteria reviewers will use to evaluate your application, see Section V of your funding opportunity.

Still looking for a funding opportunity? Check out the Conference Parent Announcement, which is a broad funding opportunity allowing applicants to submit investigator-initiated applications. Parent Announcements include the minimum standard review criteria appropriate for their program.


This page last updated on: September 11, 2024
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