Considering Language Access for Participants in NIH-Supported Clinical Research

This episode of the NIH All About Grants podcast explores language access for participants in NIH supported clinical research. Ms. Melissa McGowan, the Deputy Director of the Office of Clinical Research within the National Institute on Aging’s Division of Extramural Activities, and Ms. Dawn Corbett, NIH’s Inclusion Policy Officer, will explain how to consider language access when proposing research in a grant application. They will discuss language access policies, budgets and allowable costs, importance of communication with research participants, various NIH language access resources (also mentioned below), and more.

“In order to make sure that individuals from various backgrounds and individuals with disabilities are fully included in research, we need to make sure that they understand what's going on in the research throughout the entire study.” – Dawn Corbett

“When we are looking at our research portfolio…we really want to ensure that the work that we are doing, the work that we are funding, is going to be available for the broad spectrum of people in the United States who need those treatment, those prevention strategies. So that's why communication [and] language access… are so important.” – Melissa McGowan 

Related Language Access Resources

15 min.
Podcast Audio File

This page last updated on: March 13, 2025
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