
Considering Language Access for Participants in NIH-Supported Clinical Research

This episode of the NIH All About Grants podcast explores language access for participants in NIH supported clinical research. Ms. Melissa McGowan, the Deputy Director of the Office of Clinical Research within the National Institute on Aging’s Division of Extramural Activities, and Ms. Dawn Corbett, NIH’s Inclusion Policy Officer, will explain how to consider language access when proposing research in a grant application.

Inclusion Plans (Part 2): Peer Review and Post-Award

Inclusion plans. You have questions. We have answers. NIH’s Inclusion Policy Officer Dawn Corbett covers inclusion plans during peer review and post-award in Part 2 of this NIH All About Grants podcast miniseries. Want to know what is scientifically appropriate as it relates to inclusion, and how reviewers are looking at it? What about the ins and outs on progress reporting? And if you have concerns about enrollment in your funded study, what should you do? Well, as a start, put on your earbuds and listen.

Inclusion Plans (Part 1): The Application

Inclusion plans. You have questions. We have answers. What exactly are they? How do they relate to NIH’s policies requiring specific populations be included in NIH-supported clinical research? What do they mean for your application? And, what is an inclusion table anyway? In Part 1 of this NIH All About Grants podcast miniseries, NIH’s Inclusion Policy Officer Dawn Corbett tells us how to consider inclusion plans when putting together your application.

This page last updated on: March 14, 2025
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