This notice has expired. Check the NIH Guide for active opportunities and notices.



Release Date:  June 28, 2000 
PA NUMBER:  PAR-00-116 (This PA has been reissued, see PAR-05-101)
                       (See addenda NOT-DE-02-002 and NOT-DE-03-005)

National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research

Application Receipt Date:  December 12, 2000; September 10 of every 
year thereafter.


The National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR) invites 
new and competing continuation applications proposing Institutional Research 
Training programs.  The Institute issues this program announcement in 
recognition of the urgent need to develop a cadre of highly skilled, 
interactive scientists who can successfully address the expanding 
opportunities in dental, oral and craniofacial research.  This expanding 
science base requires new research approaches which integrate various 
disciplines and levels of expertise in order to effectively address the 
increasing level of complexity in the interplay between genetic, 
environmental and socioeconomic factors in human disease.  These factors are 
of special importance to address research needs in health promotion, disease 
prevention, diagnosis and treatment.  Scientists must become familiar with 
the knowledge base and the methods of a wider variety of disciplines than is 
presently the case and investigators must develop a different and more 
diverse set of competencies, including the ability to interact in cross-
disciplinary research teams.  Training programs should provide the 
opportunity to develop these skills and to create environments which prompt 
life-long learning, successful research career transitions and pathways and 
strong collaborative and partnering skills.  The award described in this 
announcement is designed to expand the training opportunities in dental, oral 
and craniofacial research by supporting integrated but flexible institutional 
programs.  The awards are comprehensive training grants to fund pre-doctoral, 
post-doctoral and short-term trainees.  In addition, these awards can support 
a Dental and Medical Scientist Training Program (DSTP and MSTP) that would 
fund trainees to obtain both the DDS/DMD and PhD or MD/PhD degrees in an 
integrated program.  

Comprehensive programs will have the flexibility to provide short-term and 
long-term training opportunities and a continuum of personal development that 
spans the research career stages of the trainees.  Training activities can be 
in basic biomedical or clinical sciences, in behavioral or social sciences, 
in population-oriented or health services research, or in any other 
disciplines relevant to dental, craniofacial and oral health.  The 
comprehensive programs should be able to integrate research training for 
individuals pursuing only a professional degree (i.e., through short-term 
research training programs), a combined DDS/MD-PhD degree (i.e., through a 
DSTP or MSTP), or only a PhD degree or postdoctoral training (i.e., through 
long-term training programs).  In addition, the comprehensive programs should 
be able to provide retraining opportunities for junior and mid-career faculty 
who wish to initiate new research activities, gain new research skills in 
topics relevant to the NIDCR areas of emphasis, or update existing skills and 
knowledge.  Trainees can pursue advanced degrees at the Master or Doctoral 
level or no degree at all, but the emphasis in all cases must be on cross-
disciplinary and interprofessional research training opportunities through 
well-integrated core curricula.  Grantees are strongly encouraged to develop 
ways for trainees who are at different levels of experience and are funded by 
various mechanisms of training (e.g., the F or T types of NRSAs) or career 
development (e.g., the K series of NIH research career awards) to collaborate 
and work together at some point during the NRSA training experience.


The Public Health Service (PHS) is committed to achieving the health 
promotion and disease prevention objectives of "Healthy People 2010," a PHS 
led national activity for setting priority areas.  This Program Announcement 
(PA), NRSA Institutional Research Training Grant, is related to one or more 
of the priority areas.  Potential applicants may obtain a copy of "Healthy 
People 2010" at


Domestic non-profit, public or private academic research institutions are 
eligible to apply.  Applicant institutions should be part of a health science 
center or of a regional consortium that has a strong research program in the 
proposed areas of training.  In addition, they must have the requisite staff 
and facilities to carry out the proposed program.  Further, they must be able 
to provide cross-disciplinary training opportunities through local 
collaborations with other professional or graduate schools.  Applicant 
institutions will be required to submit specific plans for core curricula, 
for the recruitment of underrepresented individuals, for the evaluation of 
the program and for networking (see below).  Racial/ethnic minority 
individuals, women, and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply as 
principal investigators.

As of October 1, 2000, applications requesting only short-term research 
training positions through the T35 mechanism will not be accepted by the 
NIDCR without prior approval by the Institute.  Instead, the applicant 
institution should attempt to integrate short-term training activities into a 
comprehensive NRSA program as described in this Program Announcement.

The NIDCR will announce a new planning award in the near future to assist 
those institutions that presently may not be able to establish a 
comprehensive research training program but desire to phase-in various 


Predoctoral Trainees.  Predoctoral trainees must have received a 
baccalaureate degree by the beginning date of their NRSA appointment, and 
must be training at the postbaccalaureate level and enrolled in a program 
leading to a Ph.D. in science or in an equivalent research doctoral degree 
program.  Health professional students who wish to interrupt their studies to 
engage in full-time research training before completing their professional 
degrees are also eligible.  

For the DSTP or MSTP, all dental or medical scientist trainees must be 
enrolled in a formal, combined program that leads to the award of a 
D.D.S./D.M.D. or M.D. and a Ph.D. or an equivalent degree in one of the 
priority NIDCR research fields.  Trainees must enter the program not later 
than their third year of professional school, although preference will be 
given to an appointment in the trainee's first or second year.  In addition, 
all trainees must have received a baccalaureate degree by the beginning date 
of their appointment.  Individuals currently enrolled in a joint D.D.S.-Ph.D. 
or M.D.-Ph.D. program are eligible for consideration as trainees.  
Individuals who obtained a Ph.D. prior to entering dental school and desire 
to pursue another research doctorate while in dental school are not eligible 
for the DSTP.

Postdoctoral Trainees.  Postdoctoral trainees must have received, as of the 
beginning date of the NRSA appointment, a D.D.S./D.M.D., MD, Ph.D., or 
comparable doctoral degree from an accredited domestic or foreign 

Short-Term Health-Professional Trainees.   Short-term research training 
positions can support individuals for a time period not greater than three 
months in a grant year.  Positions must involve full-time research training 
(i.e., at least 40 hours per week) and may be used for health professional 
students, clinical faculty who wish to gain research experience or learn 
research methodologies and mid-career scientists who want to update their 
knowledge of new research techniques and findings. To be eligible for short-
term predoctoral research training positions, health professional students 
should be enrolled and in good standing and have completed at least one 
quarter in a program leading to a clinical doctorate prior to participating 
in the program.  However, individuals with a strong research interest and an 
outstanding science background who have been accepted by a professional 
school but have not yet enrolled may be allowed to participate in short-term 
research training during the summer prior to starting school.  Highly 
motivated health professional students and clinical faculty wishing to pursue 
a research career can be supported for additional three-month appointments 
beyond the initial training period.

Long-term positions (i.e., greater than three months) on NRSA institutional 
grants may not be used for study leading to the dental, medical, or other 
clinical, health-professional degrees except when those studies are part of a 
formal combined research degree program, such as the DDS-PhD.  Similarly, 
trainees may not accept NRSA support for studies that are part of residency 
training leading to clinical certification in a medical or dental specialty 
or subspecialty where the majority of their time is spent in non-research 
clinical training.  It is permissible and encouraged, however, for clinicians 
to engage in NRSA supported full-time, postdoctoral research training even 
when that experience is creditable toward certification by a clinical 
specialty or subspecialty board if the trainee has shown a clear interest in 
a research career. 

Trainees are required to pursue their research training on a full-time basis, 
devoting at least 40 hours per week to the program. Within the 40 hours per 
week training period, research trainees who also are preparing for an 
advanced clinical specialty must devote their time to the proposed research 
training and must confine clinical duties to those that are an integral part 
of the research training experience.  Individuals in a DSTP/MSTP must devote 
at least 40 hours per week to research training during those periods when in 
pursuit of the Ph.D.  However, it is expected that at least some time will be 
devoted to research activities while in dental or medical school.

Citizenship.  To be appointed to a training position supported by an NRSA 
research training grant, an individual must be a citizen or noncitizen 
national of the United States or must have been lawfully admitted for 
permanent residence (i.e., in possession of a currently valid Alien 
Registration Receipt Card I-551, or some other legal verification of such 
status).  Noncitizen nationals are generally persons born in outlying 
possessions of the United States (e.g., American Samoa and Swains Island).  
Individuals on temporary or student visas are not eligible. 


This PA will use the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Institutional 
National Research Service Award (T32) mechanism.  Responsibility for the 
planning, direction, and execution of the proposed project will be solely 
that of the applicant institution. The total project period for an 
application submitted in response to this PA may not exceed five years.  
Awards may be renewable upon submission of a successful competing 
continuation application, depending on programmatic needs and the 
availability of funds. This program announcement is an on-going initiative 
and will remain operational for at least three years.  The first receipt date 
for new and competing continuation applications will be December 12, 2000, 
with awards made in July 2001. In subsequent years, the receipt date for all 
applications will be September 10 with the earliest project start date being 
July of the following year.  

Trainee appointments are normally made in 12-month increments.  No trainee 
may be appointed for less than 9 months during the initial period of 
appointment, except with the prior approval of the NIDCR or when appointments 
are made to approved, short- term research training positions.  Trainees may 
receive up to five years of NRSA support at the predoctoral level and three 
years of support at the postdoctoral level, including any combination of 
support from institutional training awards and individual fellowship awards. 
Any extension of the total duration of trainee support at either the 
predoctoral or postdoctoral level requires approval by the NIDCR.  Requests 
for extension must be made in writing by the trainee and by the director of 
the training program with countersignature by the appropriate institutional 
official.  Letters should be addressed to the Assistant Director, Office of 
Training and Career Development, DER, NIDCR. The request must include a sound 
justification for an extension of the statutory limits on the period of 
support.  No trainee extensions will be considered when the training program 
is in its final year of support.  

All applicants should include a plan for continuation of support for 
trainees, in particular other potential sources of support for an 
individual's additional years of study, if the grant is not renewed.  This is 
especially important for the DSTP/MSTP component since a DSTP/MSTP trainee's 
course of study for the combined degrees may take longer than five years.  It 
is expected that postdoctoral trainees with Ph.D., DDS/DMD, MD or equivalent 
degrees will engage in not less than two years training.

The NIDCR intends to fund up to 10 new and/or competitive continuation grants 
in response to this PA.  It is anticipated that the size of each award will 
vary because of the diverse nature and scope of proposed programs.  Although 
the financial plans of the NIDCR provide support for this program, awards 
pursuant to this PA are contingent upon the availability of funds and the 
receipt of a sufficient number of applications of outstanding training 
opportunities and scientific and technical merit.



The NIDCR has expanded considerably its research programs in recent years.  
The expansion was highlighted in the Institute's strategic plan, "Shaping the 
Future," that was issued in 1997.  This document can be found on the internet 
at  The programmatic 
organization of the NIDCR reflects this expansion and provides support for 
research in areas such as molecular medicine, bacterial genetics, 
oropharyngeal cancer and other neoplastic diseases of the head and neck, 
chronic disorders, the link between oral and systemic health, craniofacial 
anomalies and injuries, infectious diseases and HIV/AIDS, biomaterials, 
biomimetics, tissue engineering, oral manifestations of systemic diseases, 
and management of the medically compromised patient.  In addition, growing 
efforts are being devoted to clinical, behavioral and health promotion 
activities and to the study of the factors responsible for the existence of 
health disparities among various segments of the population.  It is now 
recognized that, in most diseases, a number of diverse genetic, environmental 
and socioeconomic factors converge to disrupt health and that new 
interdisciplinary research approaches which integrate various fields are 
required to effectively address the multifactorial nature of human disease.  
These new approaches require a different and more diverse set of core 
competencies of investigators who can interact in cross-disciplinary research 
teams to take advantage of the expanding opportunities in dental, 
craniofacial and oral health research.
The available literature suggests that there are four factors that are 
critical towards achieving diversity in the science/technology/health work 
force: (1) Knowledge and skills; (2) Motivation and support; (3) Monitoring 
and advising; and (4) Academic and social integration.  Further, the 
literature also emphasizes that exemplary training programs are those that 
assume that every student selected has the ability to succeed in science 
given the appropriate opportunities and (financial, human and cultural) 
resources.  One excellent example is the Meyerhoff Scholarship Program at the 
University of Maryland- Baltimore County which emphasizes undergraduate 
university preparations for MD/PhD, DDS/PhD and PhD careers for historically 
underrepresented minority students. The remarkable success of the Meyerhoff 
Program and other outstanding examples around the country (California, 
Washington, New Mexico, Texas, Massachusetts, Wisconsin, New York, North 
Carolina) reflect the integration of the components of this program: (1) 
Recruitment of top high school math and science students using an on-campus 
selection weekend that engages faculty, staff and peers; (2) A summer bridge 
program including math, science and humanities course work and training in 
analytic problem solving, group study and social and cultural events; (3) 
Scholarship support and required maintaining a B average or better; (4) Study 
groups; (5) Program values consistent with academic achievement, seeking help 
from peers, and preparing for health professional and graduate schools; (6) 
Program community that provides residential living experiences; (7) Personal 
advising and counseling; (8) Tutoring; (9) Summer research internships; (10) 
Faculty involvement; (11) Administration involvement and public support; (12) 
Mentors for each student from the external community; and (13) Family 
involvement.  These components, taken together, are relevant to 
undergraduate, professional and graduate school, and postdoctoral levels of 
education and training, and they address the four critical factors that can 
improve success in creating a diverse biomedical research workforce for the 
21st century.

Cognizant of the various ideas and trends discussed above, the NIDCR recently 
initiated an in-depth review of its training and career development programs.  
A Blue Ribbon Panel was appointed in 1999 to examine the evolving scientific 
opportunities as we approach the 21st century and to identify the investigator 
competencies that will be required of those pursuing this area of biomedical 
research.  The entire report can be accessed at the following internet 
address:  The 
conclusions of the Blue Ribbon Panel were discussed by the National Advisory 
Dental and Craniofacial Research Council (NADCRC) at the September, 1999 and 
January, 2000 meetings.  The NADCRC emphasized the need for multidisciplinary 
programs, partnering within the Academic Health Centers, multiple career 
paths and choices, flexibility in training and a life-long career development 
continuum.  Based on the Blue Ribbon Panel report and NADCRC deliberations, 
an implementation plan was formulated.  The plan can be accessed on the 
internet through the NIDCR Extramural Research Training and Career 
Development page at     


The overall objectives of the training programs described in this PA are:

o to expand the training opportunities in dental, craniofacial and oral 
research in order to address effectively the varied scientific opportunities 
which are emerging in these areas at the start of the 21st century; 
o to provide support for integrated training program programs that can 
enhance the competencies and the skills of future investigators in these 
areas of biomedical and behavioral science; and 
o to provide the training institutions and mentors with support mechanisms 
characterized by flexibility, by an emphasis on cross-disciplinary 
interactions, and by a diversity of entry points and of opportunities for 
sustained learning and for training choices and paths.

General Requirements 

Applicant institutions are required to include the following elements in 
their proposal:

o Structured set of training curricula

The application should include a description of the training activities that 
will be incorporated into "curricula" for each of the mechanisms being used 
within the program.  The Institutional training program must provide 
opportunities for individuals to carry out supervised biomedical, behavioral 
or clinical research and develop research skills in an area(s) related to 
dental, craniofacial and oral health and disease.  Current areas of NIDCR 
research emphasis are found at the following internet address:  The proposed 
research training program should include:  (A) an emphasis on opportunities 
for cross-disciplinary and interprofessional links and collaborations within 
and between the academic health professional sciences, and the integration of 
basic and clinical sciences in training activities;  (B) use of community 
settings and public health programs and facilities, where possible; and (C) 
inquiry-based and experiential learning to "mine" the expanding and complex 
knowledge bases using such tools, where appropriate, as bioinformatics.  The 
interaction among predoctoral, postdoctoral and short-term trainees in the 
program is strongly encouraged.

Training programs in the basic sciences should give priority to developing 
curricula that provide competencies in one or more of such areas as: 
genomics, molecular biology and molecular epidemiology; gene-mediated 
diagnostics and therapeutics; cell biology; computational biology (i.e., 
modeling, development of algorithms), bioinformatics (e.g., storage and 
analysis of genomic data); biomaterials, biomimetics, nanotechnology, tissue 
engineering; and bioimaging technology.  Training programs that focus on 
patient-oriented research should implement curricula that give priority to 
provide core competencies in one or more of such areas as: clinical research 
and clinical trials design; diagnosis and management of the medically 
compromised patient; evidence-based care; clinical epidemiology; 
biostatistics; health services, public health and outcomes research; health 
promotion and disease prevention; behavioral and social science research; and 
the ethics of research.   Programs should integrate, wherever possible, both 
basic science and patient-oriented/clinical research curricula and training.  
The goal is for trainees to become knowledgeable about the cross-disciplinary 
approaches to research necessary to address most scientific opportunities, 
and to be aware of the processes that facilitate transfer of knowledge from 
the laboratory to clinical practice to community applications.  To maximize 
success in a multidisciplinary research environment, all programs also should 
include in their curriculum didactics that provide competencies in such 
topics as: team/collaborative skills; oral and communication skills, 
including the preparation of research grants and reports; management skills; 
entrepreneurship in terms of knowledge of technology transfer; and 
international health.  

In addition, all DSTP programs must offer two distinct and integrated 
components to all trainees.  First, a clinical component must ensure that the 
trainee acquires requisite clinical knowledge and technical expertise in 
order to meet the requirements for a D.D.S./D.M.D. degree and to obtain a 
license to practice dentistry.  Second, a science field component must be a 
doctoral (Ph.D. or equivalent degree) level program that provides 
opportunities for individuals to carry out supervised research and obtain 
competencies in one of the areas listed above, depending on the trainee's 
particular interest.  The DSTP Director and applicant institution(s) must 
develop clinical and graduate research training programs that are integrated 
and interdisciplinary.  Applicant institutions must be able to provide 
programs tailored to meet the unique research and clinical development needs 
of each DSTP trainee and ensure that the individuals complete the dental and 
graduate research programs with requisite competencies.  The sequence in 
which the two components are offered and their integration should be based on 
the specific  circumstances and organization of the training institution and 
should represent what is deemed most desirable, feasible, and efficient by 
the program director and administration of the dental and graduate 
institutions.  Institutions with existing joint D.D.S./D.M.D.-Ph.D. degree 
programs likely will be most competitive, but other dental institutions with 
appropriate resources are encouraged to apply.

o Plan for the recruitment of underrepresented minorities and women  

The NIDCR remains committed to increasing the participation of women and 
individuals from racial or ethnic groups underrepresented in the biomedical, 
clinical and behavioral sciences.  As first announced in 1989, all competing 
applications for institutional NRSA research training grants must include a 
specific, comprehensive plan to recruit and retain talent from all of our 
nation's population, especially to address the multiple dimensions of health 
disparities that particularly plague the underserved and historically 
underrepresented minorities.  The following groups have been identified as 
underrepresented in biomedical and behavioral research nationally: African 
Americans, Hispanic Americans, Native Americans, Alaskan Natives, and Pacific 
Islanders.  Use of the term "minority" in this announcement will refer to 
these groups.   

All competing continuation applications must include a report on the 
recruitment and retention of underrepresented minorities and women during the 
previous award period.  Information should describe recruitment strategies.  
The report should provide information on the racial/ethnic and sex 
distribution of: students or postdoctorates who applied for admission or 
positions within the department(s) relative to the training grant; students 
or postdoctorates who were offered admission to or a position within the 
department(s); students actually enrolled in the academic program relevant to 
the training grant; and students or postdoctorates who were appointed to the 
research training grant.  For those trainees who were appointed to the grant, 
the report should include information about the duration of research training 
and whether those trainees have finished their training in good standing. 
Where feasible women and minority mentors should be involved as role models.  

If an application is received without a plan, or without a report on the 
previous award period, the application will be considered incomplete and will 
be returned to the applicant without review.  Additional information on this 
requirement was published in the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts, Volume 
22, Number 25, July 16, 1993 (see 

o Plan for on-going evaluation of the program

The application should include a plan for program evaluation in terms of 
recruitment goals, completion success, overall outcome, the curriculum and 
program staff.  For purposes of evaluating the impact of all NRSA training 
programs, awardees must agree to provide the NIDCR with information on career 
outcomes for graduates.  This information will be supplied annually for 10 
years subsequent to completion of the award.  Program directors can satisfy 
this requirement by providing current curriculum vitae for each of their 
graduates, including information about current address and title, employment 
history, publications, and research grants and contracts received from 
government, academia, or private industry.  Plans to track the careers of 
trainees should be included in the application.  

o Plan for an Advisory Oversight Board

Plans must be provided for the appointment of an advisory body to act as an 
oversight committee for the training program.

o Plan for instruction in bioethics, scientific integrity and the responsible 
conduct of research

Every predoctoral and postdoctoral NRSA trainee supported by an institutional 
research training grant must receive instruction in the responsible conduct 
of research.  (For more information on this provision, see the NIH Guide for 
Grants and Contracts, Volume 21, Number 43, November 27, 1992, see   Applications 
must include a description of a program to provide formal or informal 
instruction in bioethics, scientific integrity or the responsible conduct of 
research.  Applications without plans for instruction in the responsible 
conduct of research will be considered incomplete and may be returned to the 
applicant without review.  Although the NIDCR does not establish specific 
curricula or formal requirements, all programs are encouraged to consider 
instruction in the following areas: conflict of interest, responsible 
authorship, policies for handling misconduct, policies regarding the use of 
human and animal subjects, and data management.  Within the context of 
training in bioethics and scientific integrity it is also beneficial to 
discuss the mutual responsibilities of the institution and the graduate 
students or postdoctorates appointed to the program.  Plans must address the 
subject matter of the instruction, the format of the instruction, the degree 
of faculty participation, trainee attendance, and the frequency of 
instruction.  The rationale for the proposed plan of instruction must be 
provided.  Program reports on the type of instruction provided, topics 
covered, and other relevant information, such as attendance by trainees and 
faculty participation, must be included in future competing continuation and 
noncompeting applications. The NIDCR encourages institutions to provide 
instruction in the responsible conduct of research to all graduate students 
and postdoctorates in a training program or department, regardless of the 
source of support.

Other Requirements

o Program Director and co-Directors

The NIDCR encourages multiple program co-directors, in keeping with the 
cross-disciplinary training to be provided. The co-directors will be 
responsible for the development of appropriate curriculum and selection and 
appointment of trainees to their component of the NRSA research training 
grant. However, one individual should be designated as institutional program 
director (PD) or coordinator with responsibility for overall supervision of 
the entire program. Racial/ethnic minority individuals, women, and persons 
with disabilities are encouraged to serve as PD or co-directors. The PD and 
co-directors are expected to participate in at least one annual meeting with 
the staff of the NIDCR.  This meeting likely will be held in conjunction with 
the annual meeting of the American Association for Dental Research.

For the DSTP, the PD must possess the scientific expertise, leadership, and 
administrative capabilities required to coordinate and supervise a 
multidisciplinary research and clinical training program of this scope.  The 
PD must have the commitment and capability to provide guidance to DSTP 
trainees during their dental and research career development.  The PD will be 
responsible for the selection and appointment of trainees to the DSTP and for 
the overall direction of the program. The PD will be required to submit to 
the NIDCR a detailed description of each DSTP trainee's planned supervised 
research experience as soon as feasible, but no later than at the midpoint of 
the individual's program.  Annually, the PD and advisory committee will 
assess the progress of each trainee and submit a detailed report of each to 
the NIDCR.  DSTP trainee support for the subsequent year in the program will 
be dependent on satisfactory performance.

o Mentors

The co-directors must identify a group of faculty in his/her own institution 
and in other participating units of the health science center to serve as 
mentors or preceptors for the various types of trainees.  The NIDCR strongly 
encourages multiple mentors for each trainee, in keeping with the cross-
disciplinary training to be provided.  Whenever possible, mentors should have 
currently funded peer-reviewed grants from any component of the NIH, National 
Science Foundation, other Federal agencies, from private industry or from 
foundations.  Trainees will be assigned to the appropriate number and types 
of mentors, depending on the core competencies to be pursued by the trainees.  
Mentors will supervise the training and insure completion of the proper 

In the DSTP/MSTP, each trainee must have a mentor, an accomplished 
investigator active in the proposed area, to guide the person's development 
and research project.  Usually, a mentor will be the doctoral thesis advisor.  
The mentor must be committed to continue this involvement throughout the 
individual's total period of development under the award.  A co-mentor, 
representing the clinical component, also should be named.  Where feasible, 
women and minority mentors should be involved as role models.

o A plan for periodic research meetings and networking

Plans should be included for periodic, or at least annual, meetings of all 
program trainees and mentors in which research projects/results/directions 
are discussed and evaluated.  Each application also must include plans to 
network with one or more similar programs in the same or other institutions, 
whether through joint meetings, electronic links or telemedicine 
interactions.  The NIDCR plans to hold an annual meeting for trainees and 
relevant program personnel at the NIH.

o Number of Training Positions  

Applicants for competitive continuation applications can request a total of 
up to 20 short-term, predoctoral and postdoctoral positions in any grant 
year.  Applicants for new T32 programs may request no more than a total of 
eight short-term, predoctoral and/or postdoctoral positions in the first 
year, increasing by up to three new positions per year during each of the 
remaining four years of the award.  In all programs, the short-term positions 
can be used for either eligible health professional students or junior/mid-
career/senior faculty wishing to be re-trained in a particular research area. 
The number of short-term training positions for health professional students 
(e.g., dental, medical) cannot exceed eight in any year.

In order to address the need for clinical investigators, applicants must 
allocate not less than five postdoctoral positions during the five years of 
the program to individuals with a declared interest in receiving training to 
conduct patient-oriented research. The remaining postdoctoral positions may 
be used for basic, behavioral or clinical research trainees in any of the 
research areas relevant to the mission of the NIDCR. Several of these 
positions should be employed during the duration of the program for long-term 
re-training mid-career scientists. The actual number and types of positions 
awarded will be determined by the initial review group1s assessment of 
scientific and educational merit, NIDCR program needs, and the availability 
of funds.  The NIDCR requires a plan for the active recruitment of minority 
trainees.   Therefore, programs that identify outstanding individuals from 
underrepresented minority groups and have filled all approved positions in a 
given year may request support for up to two additional positions to 
accommodate the identified minority trainees.  

Applicants that include a DSTP as part of their comprehensive NRSA program 
may request training positions in addition to those described above.  New 
DSTPs can request support for at least four but not more than eight trainees 
over the five-year project period.  Existing DSTPs may request at least an 
appropriate number of positions in the first year of the competitive 
continuation award to maintain current trainees.  Up to eight new trainee 
positions may be requested during the next four years.  

In planning all trainee appointments, the PD and the trainees should be aware 
that continued NIDCR support beyond the five-year project period is dependent 
upon the availability of appropriated funds and success in competition for 
renewed support.  In the event that a competitive continuation application 
for the next five-year project period is unsuccessful, no phase-out funds 
will be provided.  Thus the applicant institution must have plans in place to 
provide continued support to remaining trainees in the event that funding 
from the NIDCR is not available.



National Research Service Awards provide funds, in the form of stipends, to 
graduate students and postdoctoral trainees.  A stipend is provided as a 
subsistence allowance to help trainees defray living expenses during the 
research training experience.  It is not provided as a condition of 
employment with either the Federal Government or the awardee institution.  
Stipends must be paid to all trainees at the levels approved by the Secretary 
of the Department of Health and Human Services.   Stipend levels are adjusted 
from time-to-time and current stipend levels are available on the NIH website 
o Predoctoral Trainees  

The annual stipend in fiscal year 2000 for predoctoral trainees is $15,060.  
For appointments of less than a year, the stipend will be based on a monthly 
pro-ration that is $1,255 per month in fiscal year 2000.
o Postdoctoral Trainees  

The current annual stipend for postdoctoral trainees is 
determined by the number of FULL years of relevant postdoctoral experience at 
the time of appointment.  Relevant experience may include research experience 
(including industrial), teaching, internship, residency, clinical duties, or 
other time spent in full-time studies in a health-related field following the 
date of the qualifying doctoral degree. Postdoctoral stipends in fiscal year 
2000 are as follows:

Years of Relevant Experience                    Annual Amount  

Less than  1                                    $26,916
Greater than or equal to 1 but less than 2      $28,416
Greater than or equal to 2 but less than 3      $33,516
Greater than or equal to 3 but less than 4      $35,232
Greater than or equal to 4 but less than 5      $36,936
Greater than or equal to 5 but less than 6      $38,628
Greater than or equal to 6 but less than 7      $40,332
Greater than or equal to 7                      $42,300

Tuition, Fees, and Health Insurance  

The NIDCR will offset the combined cost of tuition, fees, and health 
insurance (either self-only or family as appropriate) at the following rate: 
100 percent of all costs up to $3,000 and 60 percent of costs above $3,000.  
Costs associated with tuition and fees are allowable only if they are 
required for specific courses in support of the research training experience 
supported by the fellowship.  A full description of the tuition policy is 
contained within the NRSA Policy Guidelines on the NIH website at: 
Training Related Expenses  

Institutional costs of $5,000 per full-time non-DSTP predoctoral trainee and 
$5,500 per full-time postdoctoral trainee may be requested to defray the 
costs of other expenses related to research training, such as equipment, 
research supplies, curriculum development, trainee and staff travel to NIDCR 
for annual conference, support staff salaries and consultant costs.  If the 
fellow is not enrolled or engaged in training for more than 6 months of the 
award year, only one-half of that year's allowance may be charged to the 
grant. Expenses for short-term predoctoral student trainees will be $167 per 
trainee per month; for post-doctoral short-term trainees expenses will be 
$208 per trainee per month.  Institutional costs of $10,000 per DSTP-trainee 
per year may be requested.  Applicants may request compensation for up to a 
maximum of 35 percent of the direct salary and fringe benefits for the 
combined time of the program director and co-directors, based on their total 
effort spent performing activities specifically related to implementing and 
conducting the proposed training program.  Allocation of the 35 percent is 
left to the applicant (e.g., 20 percent of the overall program director's 
salary & fringes, with the remaining 15 percent to be divided among the 
several co-directors as deemed appropriate).  No other institutional faculty 
or professional employees can be reimbursed through this award.

Other Training Costs 

Trainee travel to scientific meetings that the institution determines to be 
necessary for the individual's research training is an allowable trainee 
expense at $800 per trainee per year.  In addition, support for travel to a 
research training experience away from the institution may be permitted. 
Research training experiences away from the parent institution must be 
justified considering the type of opportunities for training available, the 
manner in which these opportunities differ from and complement those offered 
at the parent institution, and the relationship of the proposed experience to 
the trainee's career stage and goals.  This type of research training 
requires prior approval from the NIDCR.  Letters requesting such training may 
be submitted to the NIDCR at any time during the award period.  Under 
exceptional circumstances, which can include providing accommodations for a 
trainee with disabilities, it is possible to request institutional costs 
above the standard rate.   Requests for additional trainee costs must be 
explained in detail and carefully justified in the application.  Consultation 
with NIDCR program staff in advance of such requests is strongly advised.  

Facilities and Administrative Costs  

A facilities and administrative allowance (indirect cost allowance) based on 
8 percent of total allowable direct costs (this excludes amounts for tuition, 
fees, health insurance, and equipment) may be requested.  Applications from 
state and local government agencies may request full indirect cost 
reimbursement. See NRSA Policy Guidelines on the NIH Website at: . 


No departure from the established stipend schedule may be negotiated by the 
institution with the trainee.  For postdoctoral trainees, the stipend for 
each additional full year of research training support is the next level in 
the stipend structure and does not change in the middle of an appointment.  
The grantee institution is allowed to provide funds to an individual in 
addition to the stipends paid by the NIDCR.  Such additional amounts may be 
either in the form of augmented stipends (supplementation) or in the form of 
compensation, such as salary or tuition remission for services such as 
teaching or serving as a laboratory assistant, provided the following 
conditions described below are met.  Under no circumstances may the 
conditions of stipend supplementation or the services provided for 
compensation interfere with, detract from, or prolong the trainee's approved 
NRSA training program.

Stipend supplementation, or additional support to offset the cost of living 
may be provided by the grantee institution. Supplementation does not require 
any additional effort from the trainee.  Federal funds may not be used for 
supplementation unless specifically authorized under the terms of both the 
program from which such supplemental funds are to be received and the program 
whose funds are to be supplemented.  Under no circumstances may DHHS funds be 
used for supplementation.

An institution may provide additional funds to a trainee in the form of 
compensation (as salary and/or tuition remission) for services such as 
teaching or serving as a research assistant.  A trainee may receive 
compensation for services as a research assistant or in some other position 
on a Federal research grant, including a DHHS research grant.  However, 
compensated services should occur on a limited, part-time basis apart from 
the normal research training activities, which require a minimum of 40 hours 
per week. In addition, compensation may not be paid from a research grant 
supporting research that constitutes the research training experience. 

An individual may make use of Federal educational loan funds and assistance 
under the Veterans Readjustment Benefits Act (G.I. Bill).  Such funds are not 
considered supplementation or compensation. 

An NRSA may not be held concurrently with another federally sponsored 
fellowship or similar Federal award that provides a stipend or otherwise 
duplicates provisions of the NRSA.

Internal Revenue Code Section 117 applies to the tax treatment of all 
scholarships and fellowships.  Under that section, non-degree candidates are 
required to report as gross income any monies paid on their behalf for 
stipends, or for any course tuition and fees required for attendance.  Degree 
candidates may exclude from gross income (for tax purposes) any amount used 
for tuition and related expenses such as fees, books, supplies, and equipment 
required for courses of instruction at a qualified educational organization. 
The taxability of stipends, however, in no way alters the relationship 
between NRSA trainees and institutions.  NRSA stipends are not considered 
salaries.  In addition, trainees supported under the NRSA are not considered 
to be in an employee-employer relationship with the NIDCR or the awardee 
institution. It must be emphasized that the interpretation and implementation 
of the tax laws are the domain of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and the 
courts.  The NIDCR takes no position on the status of a particular taxpayer, 
and it does not have the authority to dispense tax advice.  Individuals 
should consult their local IRS office about the applicability of the law to 
their situation and for information on their tax obligations.


As specified in the NIH Revitalization Act of 1993, NRSA recipients incur a 
service payback obligation only during their first 12 months of postdoctoral 
support.  Additionally, the NIH Revitalization Act of 1993 specifies that the 
second and subsequent years of postdoctoral NRSA training will serve to pay 
back a postdoctoral service payback obligation.  Accordingly, the following 
guidelines apply:

o Predoctoral trainees are not required to sign the payback agreement and do 
not incur a service payback obligation.

o Postdoctoral trainees in the first 12 months of postdoctoral NRSA support 
must sign the payback agreement form (PHS form 6031) before initiating an 
appointment.  Postdoctoral trainees in their first 12 months of support will 
incur a period of service payback obligation equal to the period of support.

o Postdoctoral trainees in the 13th and subsequent months of NRSA 
postdoctoral support are not required to sign the payback agreement form and 
will not incur a service payback obligation.

o The 13th and subsequent months of postdoctoral NRSA support are considered 
acceptable payback service for prior postdoctoral support. For example, 
postdoctoral trainees who continue under that award for 2 years have 
fulfilled the obligation incurred during the first 12 months of support by 
the end of the second year.   Service payback obligations can also be paid 
back by conducting health-related research or teaching averaging more than 20 
hours per week of a full work year after terminating NRSA support.

o Recipients with service obligations must begin to provide service on a 
continuous basis within two years of termination of NRSA support.  The period 
for undertaking payback service may be delayed for such reasons as temporary 
disability, completion of residency requirements, or completion of the 
requirements for a graduate degree.  Requests for an extension must be made 
in writing to the NIDCR specifying the need for additional time and the 
length of the required extension.

o Recipients of NRSA support are responsible for informing the NIDCR of 
changes in status or address.

For individuals who fail to fulfill their obligation through service, the 
United States is entitled to recover the total amount of NRSA funds paid to 
the individual for the obligated period plus interest at a rate determined by 
the Secretary of the Treasury. Financial payback must be completed within 3 
years beginning on the date the United States becomes entitled to recover 
such amount.

o Under certain conditions,  the Secretary, U.S. Department of Health and 
Human Services (or those delegated this authority) may extend the period for 
starting service or repayment, permit breaks in service, or in rare cases in 
which service or financial repayment would constitute an extreme hardship, 
may waive or suspend the payback obligation of an individual.

o Officials at the awardee institution have the responsibility of explaining 
the terms of the payback requirements to all prospective training candidates 
before appointment to the training grant. Additionally, all trainees 
recruited into the training program must be provided with information related 
to the career options that might be available when they complete the program.  
The relationship of the positions available and the training provided must 
also be discussed along with the applicability of these positions to any 
outstanding service payback obligation.

Trainee Reporting Requirements

The institution must submit a completed Statement of Appointment (PHS Form 
2271) for each trainee appointed or reappointed to the training grant at the 
beginning of the appointment period.  Additionally, a completed Payback 
Agreement (PHS Form 6031) must be submitted for each trainee in their first 
twelve months of postdoctoral support. Within 30 days of the end of the total 
support period for each trainee, the institution must submit a Termination 
Notice (PHS Form 416-7).  Failure to submit the required forms in a timely 
manner may result in an expenditure disallowance or a delay in any 
continuation funding for the award.


In general, trainees may receive stipends during the normal periods of 
vacation and holidays observed by individuals in comparable training 
positions at the grantee institution. For the purpose of these awards, 
however, the period between the spring and fall semesters is considered to be 
an active time of research and research training and is not considered to be 
a vacation or holiday.   Trainees may receive stipends for up to 15 calendar 
days of sick leave per year.  Sick leave may be used for the medical 
conditions related to pregnancy and childbirth.  Trainees may also receive 
stipends for up to 30 calendar days of parental leave per year for the 
adoption or the birth of a child when those in comparable training positions 
at the grantee institution have access to paid leave for this purpose and the 
use of parental leave is approved by the program director.

A period of terminal leave is not permitted and payment may not be made from 
grant funds for leave not taken. Individuals requiring periods of time away 
from their research training experience longer than specified here must seek 
approval from the NIDCR for an unpaid leave of absence.  At the beginning of 
a leave of absence, the trainee must submit a Termination Notice (PHS Form 
416-7) and upon return from the leave of absence, the trainee must be 
formally reappointed to the grant by submitting an updated Statement of 
Appointment (PHS Form 2271).  Trainees within the first twelve months of 
postdoctoral support must also submit a Payback Agreement (PHS Form 6031) 
upon return from a leave of absence.


It is the policy of the NIDCR that women and members of minority groups and 
their subpopulations must be included in all NIDCR supported biomedical and 
behavioral research involving human subjects, unless a clear and compelling 
rationale and justification are provided that inclusion is inappropriate with 
respect to the health of the subjects or the purpose of the research.  This 
policy results from the NIH Revitalization Act of 1993 (Section 492B of 
Public Law 103-43).   All investigators proposing research involving human 
subjects should read the "NIH Guidelines For Inclusion of Women and 
Minorities as Subjects in Clinical Research," which have been published in 
the Federal Register of March 28, 1994 (FR 59 14508-14513), and in the NIH 
Guide for Grants and Contracts Vol. 23, No.11, March 18, 1994, and is 
available on the web at the following URL address: . 


It is the policy of NIDCR that children (i.e., individuals under the age of 
21) must be included in all human subjects research, conducted or supported 
by the NIDCR, unless there are scientific and ethical reasons not to include 
them.  This policy applies to all initial (Type 1) applications submitted for 
receipt dates after October 1, 1998. 

All investigators proposing research involving human subjects should read the 
"NIH Policy and Guidelines on the Inclusion of Children as Participants in 
Research Involving Human Subjects " that was published in the NIH Guide for 
Grants and Contracts, March 6, 1998 and is available at the following URL 

Investigators may also obtain copies of these policies from the program staff 
listed under INQUIRIES.  Program staff may also provide additional relevant 
information concerning the policy.


All applications and proposals for NIH funding must be self-contained within 
specified page limitations.  Unless otherwise specified in an NIH 
solicitation, internet addresses (URLs) should not be used to provide 
information necessary to the review because reviewers are under no obligation 
to view the Internet sites.  Reviewers are cautioned that their anonymity may 
be compromised when they directly access an Internet site.


Applicants must use the grant application form PHS 398 (rev. 4/98).  It 
contains special instructions for Institutional National Research Service 
Awards (T32) in Section V. 

Applications Requesting Short-term Training for Health Professional Students.  
Applicants who wish to include a request for short-term research training 
positions should identify short-term positions separately within the 
"stipends" and "training related expenses" categories on the budget page.  
Under "stipends," short-term positions should be listed in the "other" 
category.  Tuition, fees, health insurance, and trainee travel, and other 
expenses are to be included in "training related expenses."  The description 
of the short-term research training program should be included in the 
application for the regular research training program, but should be 
separated from the description of the regular program within each section of 
the application.  In addition to the information requested in the "program 
plan" section, the applicant should address the relationship of the proposed 
short-term program to the regular research training program and provide 
assurance that the short-term program will not detract from the regular 
program. Applicants should observe the 25-page limit on the narrative 


To obtain application kits with instructions and forms, please contact your 
institutional office of sponsored research.  Application kits may also be 
downloaded from the NIH website at or it may be requested from 

Division of Extramural Outreach and Information Resources, National 
Institutes of Health, 6701 Rockledge Drive, Room 6207, MSC 7910, Bethesda, 
Maryland 20892-7910, Telephone: (301) 480-0714, FAX: (301) 480-0525.  For 
faster service, send E-mail requests to [email protected].  Please allow 2-4 
weeks for U.S. mail requests.

Applicants planning to submit an investigator-initiated new (type 1), 
competing continuation (type 2), competing supplement, or any amended/revised 
version of the preceding grant application types requesting $500,000 or more 
in direct costs for any year are advised that he or she must contact the 
NIDCR program staff before submitting the application, i.e, as plans for the 
study are being developed.  Furthermore, the application must obtain 
agreement from the IC staff that the IC will accept the application for 
consideration for award.  Finally, the applicant must identify, in a cover 
letter sent with the application, the staff member and Institute or Center 
who agreed to accept assignment of the application.  

This policy requires an applicant to obtain agreement for acceptance of both 
any such application and any such subsequent amendment.  Refer to the NIH 
Guide for Grants and Contracts, March 20, 1998 at

To identify the application as a response to this PA, check "YES" on item 2 
of page 1 of the application and enter the number of this PA.

Submit a signed, typewritten original of the application (including the 
Checklist and all other required materials) and five signed, single-sided 
photocopies of the signed application, in one package to:

BETHESDA, MARYLAND 20817 (for express.courier mail)

Applications for the initial submission of this PA must be received by 
December 12, 2000.  Applications received after that date will be returned 
without review.  For the future duration of this PA, the receipt date will be 
September 10 of each year.  


Applications will be assigned on the basis of established PHS referral 
guidelines.  Applications will be evaluated for scientific and technical 
merit by an appropriate scientific review group convened in accordance with 
the standard NIH peer review procedures.  As part of the initial merit 
review, all applications will receive a written critique and undergo a 
process in which only those applications deemed to have the highest 
scientific merit, generally the top half of applications under review, will 
be discussed, assigned a priority score, and receive a second level review by 
the appropriate national advisory council or board.

Review Criteria

All applications are evaluated for merit based on the following criteria: 

o Training environment:  Institutional commitment; evidence of ongoing 
fundamental and clinical research; availability of research support, 
equipment, facilities, and clinical resources.  This also includes past 
research training record of both the program and the designated preceptors as 
determined by the success of former trainees in seeking further career 
development and in establishing productive scientific careers.  Evidence of 
further career development can include receipt of fellowships, career awards, 
additional training appointments, and similar accomplishments.  Evidence of a 
productive scientific career can include a record of successful competition 
for research grants, receipt of special honors, a record of publications, 
receipt of patents, promotion to scientific positions, and any other measure 
of success consistent with the nature and duration of the training received.  
Level of institutional commitment also will be considered.

o Program Director and co-Directors:  Scientific and administrative 
expertise; experience in or potential for managing research training programs 
and development of research skills; time commitment; other research support; 
the composition and role of an advisory committee in development of the 
program; assignment of mentors and projects; and evaluation of progress.

o Mentors:  Their roles and time commitment now and for the duration of the 
program; accomplishments in basic and/or clinical research; current and 
pending research grant holdings; and mentoring experience
of graduate researchers and dental clinicians.

o Methods for recruitment, selection and retention of trainees:  well-defined 
recruitment procedures (including potential sources of high-quality 
candidates), trainee selection criteria and retention strategies.

o Fulfillment of curriculum requirements:  development and implementation of 
the didactic curriculum and research experience to provide core competencies; 
the degree, organization and quality of cross-disciplinary and 
interprofessional research training of all trainees; the interaction among 
predoctoral, post-doctoral and short-term trainees during didactic and/or 
research activities.  Quality of the plan for evaluating the program.

Short-Term Research Training Positions 

In addition to the above criteria, applications that request short-term 
research training positions will be assessed using the following criteria: 

o Quality of the proposed short-term research training program including the 
commitment and availability of the participating faculty, program design, 
availability of research support, and training environment;

o Access to candidates for short-term research training and the ability to 
recruit high quality, short-term trainees from the applicant institution or 
some other health-professional school;

o Characteristics of the research training program that might be expected to 
persuade short-term trainees to consider academic/research careers, 
particularly in clinical areas;

o Effect of the short-term training program on the quality of the regular 
research training program or any existing, stand-alone short- term research 
training program (i.e., T35 award); the appropriateness of the number of 
short-term positions; and the plan to integrate the short-term training 
program into the regular research training programs;

o Plan to follow former short-term trainees and to assess the effect of such 
research training on their subsequent careers.

The following additional review criteria will be applied to applications for 
DSTP/MSTP awards:

o The clinical and graduate research training program.  The institutional 
commitment and ability to provide opportunities for an integrated training 
program, including (A) didactic, clinical, and research components, in 
dentistry and graduate education; (B) the relationships among clinical, 
basic, behavioral and other science, dental/medical departments and the 
graduate school in the design and conduct of research programs; (C) the 
organization and quality of interdisciplinary research training; (D) degree 
requirements; (E) the availability of prescribed and optional courses or 
seminars; the manner in which the trainee's guided research activities will 
be selected; (F) procedures for monitoring trainee's progress; (G) the unique 
and innovative aspects of the program; and (H) the plans to provide support 
for trainees in the event that a competitive renewal application is 

o Applications from existing DSTP awardees will be assessed further using the 
following criteria: success of processes developed over past five years to 
deal with recruitment, admissions, retention, progress, monitoring 
procedures, and post-dental school activities of trainees; integration of 
dental and science curriculum.  


Recruitment Plan for Underrepresented Minorities

After the overall educational and technical merit of an application has been 
assessed, peer reviewers will examine and evaluate the minority recruitment 
plan.  For competing continuation applications, the reviewers also will 
examine and evaluate the record of the program in recruiting and retaining 
underrepresented minority trainees during the previous award period.  The 
panel will consider whether the experience in recruitment during the previous 
award period has been incorporated into the formulation of the recruitment 
plan for the next award period.

The findings of the panel will be included in an administrative note in the 
summary statement.  If the minority recruitment plan or if the record of 
recruitment and retention of minorities is judged to be unacceptable, funding 
will be withheld until a revised plan that addresses the deficiencies is 
received.  Staff within the NIDCR, with guidance from the appropriate 
national advisory committee or council, will determine whether amended plans 
and reports submitted after the initial review are acceptable.

Training in the Responsible Conduct of Research  

The applicant's plans for training in the responsible conduct of research 
will be assessed on the basis of the appropriateness of topics, format, 
amount and nature of faculty participation, and the frequency and duration of 
instruction.  The plan will be discussed after the overall determination of 
merit, so that the quality of the plan will not be a factor in the 
determination of the priority score.  Plans will be judged as acceptable or 
unacceptable.  The acceptability of the plan will be described in an 
administrative note on the summary statement. Regardless of the priority 
score, applications with unacceptable plans will not be considered for 
funding until the applicant provides a revised, acceptable plan.  NIDCR staff 
will judge the acceptability of the revised plan. Following initial review, 
the NADCRC also reviews applications.  This advisory group will consider, in 
addition to the assessment of the scientific and educational merit of the 
research training grant application, the initial review group's comments on 
the recruitment of individuals from underrepresented minority groups into the 
research training program and the plan for instruction in the responsible 
conduct of research.


Shortly after the review meeting, each applicant will be sent notification of 
the Review Group's recommendation and the name and phone number of the NIDCR 
official responsible for the application.  When the NIDCR official receives 
the written summary of the review, prepared by the SRA after the review 
meeting, a copy will be forwarded to the applicant.  Following Council 
Review, the program official will notify each applicant of the final 
disposition of the application.


Applications are selected for funding primarily on the basis of scientific 
and educational merit, but other factors are considered, such as: 
availability of funds, research program priorities, the balance among types 
of research training supported by the NIDCR, the acceptability of the plan 
for minority recruitment, and the acceptability of the proposal for 
instruction in the responsible conduct of research.  The NIDCR will notify 
the applicant of the final action shortly after advisory council review.  The 
earliest award date will be July 1, 2001.  The NIDCR appreciates the value of 
complementary funding from other public and private sources, including 
foundations and industrial concerns, for activities that will complement and 
expand those supported by the NIDCR.


For additional information, see the current document titled, Guidelines for 
National Research Service Awards, Individual Awards - Institutional Grants 
which is available on the NIH website at: 


Inquiries concerning this PA are encouraged. The opportunity to clarify any 
issues or questions from potential applicants is welcome.

Direct inquiries regarding programmatic issues to:

Dr. James A. Lipton 
Assistant Director, Office of Training and Career Development
Division of Extramural Research, NIDCR
Natcher Building, Room 4AN-18J
Bethesda, MD 20892-6402
Telephone: (301) 594-2618
FAX: 301-480-8318 
Email: [email protected]

Direct inquiries regarding fiscal matters to:

Mr. Martin R. Rubinstein
Grants Management Officer
Division of Extramural Research, NIDCR
Natcher Building, Room 4AS-55
Bethesda, MD 20892-6402
Telephone:	(301) 594-4800
FAX:	(301) 480-8301
Email: [email protected]


NRSA Institutional Research Training Grants are made under the authority of 
Section 487 of the Public Health Service Act as amended (42 USC 288).  Title 
42 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 66, is applicable to this 
program.  This program is also described under section 93.121 in the Catalog 
of Federal Domestic Assistance.

The PHS strongly encourages all grant and contract recipients to provide a 
smoke-free workplace and promote the non-use of all tobacco products.  In 
addition, Public Law 103-227, the Pro-Children Act of 1994, prohibits smoking 
in certain facilities (or in some cases, any portion of a facility) in which 
regular or routine education, library, day care, health care or early 
childhood development services are provided to children.  This is consistent 
with the PHS mission to protect and advance the physical and mental health of 
the American people.

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