What Early Career Researchers Should Know (Part 2) – Discovering Strengths to Advance Your Research Career

In our second episode of a two-part NIH All About Grants mini-series, we explore ways early career researchers can discover and apply their strengths to advance their professional development. Dr. Marguerite Matthews, a program director and co-host of Building Up the Nerve with the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, and Dr. Ericka Boone, Director of the Division of Biomedical Research Workforce at the NIH Office of Extramural Research, join us in this conversation building off what we previously heard about the “hidden curriculum.” They will share experiences and perspectives on how personal growth and professional development intersect, setting a plan to identify your strengths, reiterate the importance of engaging your network, the power of communication, and much more.

“Personal and professional growth is an ever-evolving and iterative process. What you need today may not be what you need tomorrow, or next year, or 10 years from now…don't be afraid to constantly evolve and change, and maybe revisit some things, take on new things. But you don't have to have it figured out…certainly there are so many aspects of your life that are going to continue to change, and you should be helping that change along.” – Dr. Marguerite Matthews

“I really feel like, once a person starts to understand who they are more, and understand some of their own personal strengths, you feel a lot more confident in yourself, you feel a lot more confident in your abilities, and you feel a lot more confident in your ability to be able to grow and develop even further…Just don't be afraid to ask questions. Don't be afraid to gain more strengths and skills in more areas than just your scientific area, because it's really important to help develop you as an investigator, or as a researcher, or a person that's in the biomedical research workforce more generally.” – Dr. Ericka Boone

Stay tuned until the very end of our conversation to catch a trailer for the fourth season of NINDS Building Up The Nerve podcast.

22 min.

This page last updated on: March 7, 2025
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