Are you coming to the end of your research training and thinking about next steps, wondering what it means to be an “early stage investigator (ESI)“? Maybe you already know you are an ESI, but want to know what it means for your application. Perhaps the pandemic or another major life event affected your research progress and you want to know more about how to extend your ESI status?
Take a few minutes and join us for this NIH All About Grants podcast mini-series. In part 1 of this two-part conversation, Drs. Ericka Boone and Shoshana Kahana from the NIH Office of Extramural Research join us as we touch on NIH’s interest in supporting ESIs, who is and is not an ESI, the benefits afforded to ESIs, and more (MP3/Transcript).
“… In terms of peer review, [applications from ESIs are] actually clustered together, typically, so that gives one advantage. In terms of funding R01 equivalents, ESI applications with meritorious scores are prioritized for funding across NIH” – Dr. Shoshana Kahana