Looking for resources from past events to help provide a more comprehensive learning experience? You can find these resources in two areas of our website, depending on what you are searching for:
- Past Events Resources: Visit the Calendar of Events and scroll through the complete listing of PAST EVENTS for related information and resources, such as recordings, transcripts, and slide decks.
- Conference Resources Only Scroll down on this page for resources specific to the 2022-2023 Virtual NIH Grants Conference season.
Related topic-specific resources (web pages, blogs, podcasts, etc.) can also be found on the NIH Grants & Funding website by searching your area of interest.
Virtual NIH Grants Conference on Funding, Policies, and Processes (February 1-2, 2023)
Although the 2022-2023 conference season has passed, the resources continue to provide a wealth of valuable information for the extramural research community. Explore session slide decks, recordings, and transcripts. For additional event-related information, visit News and Events and the Event FAQs.
Session Title | Video | Slide Set | Transcript |
Advanced Administrative Topics: Post-Award Issues | Video (YouTube) | PowerPoint | Word |
Advanced Administrative Topics: Pre-Award Issues | Video (YouTube) | PowerPoint | Word |
All About Costs: Post-Award Primer | Video (YouTube) | PowerPoint | Word |
Budget Building Blocks | Video (YouTube) | PowerPoint | Word |
Compliance Pitfalls and Strategies for Success | Video (YouTube) | PowerPoint | Word |
Current Issues at NIH: Grants Policy Updates | Video (YouTube) | PowerPoint | Word |
Developing and Optimizing Your Mentor Relationships | Video (YouTube) | PowerPoint | Word |
FCOI and Other Support: NIH and Grantees Working Together | Video (YouTube) | PowerPoint | Word |
Genomic Data Sharing, Other Sharing Policies, and Open Q&A | Video (YouTube) | PowerPoint | Word |
Grant Writing for Success | Video (YouTube) | PowerPoint | Word |
Keynote: A Dialogue with NIH Extramural Research Leadership | Video (YouTube) | PowerPoint | Word |
Let's Look at Peer Review | Video (YouTube) | PowerPoint | Word |
NIH Grant Basics and Need-to-Know Resources | Video (YouTube) | PowerPoint | Word |
NIH Peer Review: "Live" Mock Study Section with Extended Q&A | Video (YouTube) | N/A | Word |
Notice of Award Arrives...Now What? | Video (YouTube) | PowerPoint | Word |
"Open Mike" with Dr. Michael Lauer | Video (YouTube) | N/A | Word |
Putting It All Together: Supporting Your Career Path with NIH Funding | Video (YouTube) | PowerPoint | Word |
Ready! Set! Submit! Application Preparation and Submission | Video (YouTube) | PowerPoint | Word |
Research Administrator's Trivia Challenge! | Video (YouTube) | N/A | Word |
Roles, Responsibilities, and Partnerships throughout the Grant Life Cycle | Video (YouTube) | PowerPoint | Word |
The NIH Final Policy for Data Management and Sharing is in Effect: Planning for Success! | Video (YouTube) | PowerPoint | Word |
SEEDing Biomedical Innovation: Supporting Entrepreneurs at NIH | Video (YouTube) | N/A | Word |
The Shared Path of eRA Commons and the Grant Process: Post-Submission to Award Management | Video (YouTube) | PowerPoint | Word |
Understanding NIH Programs | Video (YouTube) | PowerPoint | Word |
Virtual NIH PreCon Events (2022)
Topic-focused events were held in the months leading up to the 2-day conference in February. These PreCon Events allowed us to take a deeper dive into a variety of NIH grant topics and policies.
Session Title | Video, Slide Sets, Transcript |
Human Subjects Research: Policies, Clinical Trials, & Inclusion (Day 2: December 7, 2022) | Video, PowerPoint, Word |
Human Subjects Research: Policies, Clinical Trials, & Inclusion (Day 1: December 6, 2022) | Video, PowerPoint, Word |
International Collaborations: Policies, Processes, & Partnerships (November 9, 2022) | Video, PowerPoint, Word |
Research Misconduct & Detrimental Research Practices: Overview & Case Studies (October 14, 2022) | Video, PowerPoint, Word |
Navigating Early Career Funding Opportunities (September 15, 2022) | Video, PowerPoint, Word |
NIH Loan Repayment Programs: Supporting the Next Generation of Researchers (August 25, 2022) | Video, PowerPoint, Word |