Advanced Administrative Topics: Pre-Award Issues

Vector illustration of people meeting virtually
Date: Thursday, February 2, 2023
Time: 3:00PM ET - 3:45PM ET
Location: Virtual
Cost: Free
This Event is Recorded: The recording and resources will be available 7-10 business days after the event
Hosted by: Office of Extramural Research (OER)

Event Overview:


This is a case study-driven session designed to provide insight into how NIH works with grant recipients to solve unusual problems in the post-award setting. This event took place during the 2023 NIH Virtual Grants Conference


Upon completion of this session, participants will be able to:

  • understand how NIH approaches unusual problems and scenarios that arise in grants  administration; and
  • understand options in solving post award problems and issues. 

Event Resources


Profile Picture for Crystal Wolfrey
Crystal Wolfrey
Chief Grants Management Officer
National Cancer Institute (NCI)
National Institutes of Health (NIH), HHS
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Crystal Wolfrey
<p>Crystal Wolfrey is the Director of the Office of Grants Administration and the Chief Grants Management Officer for the National Cancer Institute. She joined the NCI in January 1987, and has served in a variety of roles, including as a Grants Management Specialist and a special grants expert for clinical trials. She has also served as a Team Leader and a Branch Chief, as well as the OGA Deputy Director. Prior to joining the NCI, she was a program specialist in the Scholars-in-Residence Program at the Fogarty International Center. Crystal is a graduate of the University of Maryland where she received her Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration, with a concentration in marketing research.</p>


Profile Picture for Elyse Sullivan
Elyse Sullivan, Ph.D
Communications Strategist
Division of Communications and Outreach (DCO)
Office of the Director (OD)
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Elyse Sullivan
<p>Elyse Sullivan, Ph.D., is a communications strategist and the Content Development Team Lead in the Division of Communications and Outreach (DCO) within the Office of Extramural Research (OER). She works with subject-matter experts to disseminate important grants process and policy information for both external and internal audiences by developing websites, blogs, newsletters, and multimedia training tools. Dr. Sullivan received her PhD in Neuroscience from the University of Maryland, Baltimore, where she studied translational electrophysiological biomarkers in schizophrenia.</p>



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