
Understanding NIH Programs

Vector illustration of people meeting virtually.
Date: Wednesday, February 1, 2023
Time: 4:00PM ET - 4:45PM ET
Location: Virtual
Cost: Free
This Event is Recorded: The recording and resources will be available 7-10 business days after the event
Hosted by: Office of Extramural Research (OER)

Event Overview:


Career Development Timeline

Find out which NIH funding mechanisms apply to you throughout your career. This talk covers many of the mechanisms that apply to Ph.D.’s and M.D.’s (or equivalent research and clinical doctoral degrees), from graduate/medical school through your early-stage faculty years. Predoctoral Students and

Postdoctoral Researchers

This session will describe different types of NIH grants that support mentored research training including fellowships, institutional training grants and career development awards.

Early-Stage Investigators (ESIs)

Do you have less than 10 years of research or research training experience following your terminal research degree or medical residency/fellowship? What is NIH doing to encourage ESIs? Come to this session and find out what your next step should be when it comes to NIH funding.

This event took place during the 2023 NIH Virtual Grants Conference.


Upon completion of this session, participants will be able to:

  • identify what kinds of NIH grant support (fellowships, career development (K) awards, research  grants) are available based on career stage and training experience;
  • explain the benefits of additional mentored research; and
  • describe funding opportunities for transitioning to an independent position.

Event Resources


Profile Picture for Ericka Boone
Ericka Boone, Ph.D
Division of Biomedical Research Workforce (DBRW)
Office of the Director (OD)
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Ericka Boone
<p>Ericka Boone, Ph.D. is the Director for the Division of Biomedical Research Workforce (DBRW) within the NIH Office of Extramural Research (OER). She recently served as the Director of the NIH Division of Loan Repayment. In that role, Dr. Boone was responsible for administering and providing leadership for the NIH Loan Repayment Programs (LRP) as well as representing NIH on matters related to the operations, policy development and evaluation of the LRP. Previous to this position, Dr. Boone served as a Health Scientist Administrator in the Office of Science Policy and Communications at the National Institute on Drug Abuse. There she developed and targeted science-based publications, outreach initiatives and other activities to educate a variety of audiences about the science of drug use, abuse and addiction. For her role in these efforts, Dr. Boone has won several NIDA Director’s Awards of Merit and an NIH Director’s Award. Prior to coming to NIH, Dr. Boone conducted research at the University of Illinois at Chicago and Emory University. Dr. Boone’s academic background includes a B.A. in Biology from Talladega College and a Ph.D. in Biobehavioral Health from The Pennsylvania State University.</p>


Profile Picture for Megan Columbus
Megan Columbus
Office of Extramural Research (OER)
Office of the Director (OD)
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Megan Columbus
<p>As Communications Director for the NIH Office of Extramural Research, Ms. Megan Columbus is responsible for leading strategic planning and communication activities pertinent to the management of NIH’s extramural program. She enjoys connecting scientists and administrators to information and tools in support of their research programs, helping the broader public learn how NIH-supported research contributes to health advances, and supporting the ongoing dialog between NIH and the research community. Ms. Columbus’ office is responsible for the NIH Grants and Funding website, the NIH Guide to Grants and Contracts, the Extramural Nexus newsletter and “Open Mike” blog, eRA system communications, extramural staff training, media and legislative relations, and a host of other resources. She especially enjoys her outreach responsibilities that involve more personal engagement with the NIH extramural research community, such as live webinars and the NIH Virtual Conferences.</p>



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This page last updated on: January 25, 2025
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