"Open Mike" with Dr. Michael Lauer

Vector illustration of people meeting virtually
Date: Wednesday, February 1, 2023
Time: 2:00PM ET - 2:45PM ET
Location: Virtual
Cost: Free
This Event is Recorded: The recording and resources will be available 7-10 business days after the event
Hosted by: Office of Extramural Research (OER)

Event Overview:


Dr. Michael Lauer is the NIH Deputy Director for Extramural Research and author of the NIH blog, “Open Mike.” The format for this session is an informal Q&A where the audience determines the course of the discussion. Dr. Lauer will use your questions to provide a more personalized and candid conversation about what is on the mind of senior NIH management and what is happening at NIH. Note: There are no slides associated with this session.

Recording: "Open Mike" with Dr. Michael Lauer (youtube.com)

Transcript: transcript-Open-Mike-with-Dr-Michael-Lauer-Feb2023.docx (live.com)

This event took place during the 2023 NIH Virtual Grants Conference.

Event Resources


Profile Picture for Michael Lauer
Michael Lauer, M.D
Deputy Director for NIH Extramural Research
Office of Extramural Research (OER)
Office of the Director (OD)
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Michael Lauer
<p>Michael Lauer, M.D., is the Deputy Director for Extramural Research at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), where he serves as the principal scientific leader and advisor to the Director of the NIH on all matters relating to the substance, quality, and effectiveness of the NIH extramural research program and administration. He received education and training at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Albany Medical College, Harvard Medical School, Harvard School of Public Health, and the NHLBI’s Framingham Heart Study. He spent 14 years at Cleveland Clinic as Professor of Medicine, Epidemiology, and Biostatistics. During his tenure at the Clinic, he led a federally funded internationally renowned clinical epidemiology program that applied big data from large-scale electronic health platforms to questions regarding the diagnosis and management of cardiovascular disease. From 2007 to 2015 he served as a Division Director at the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI), where promoted efforts to leverage big data infrastructure to enable high-efficiency population and clinical research and efforts to adopt a research funding culture that reflected data-driven policy. He has received numerous awards including the NIH Equal Employment Opportunity Award of the Year and the Arthur S. Flemming Award for Exceptional Federal Service in recognition of his efforts to grow a culture of learning and accountability.</p>


Profile Picture for Megan Columbus
Megan Columbus
Office of Extramural Research (OER)
Office of the Director (OD)
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Megan Columbus
<p>As Communications Director for the NIH Office of Extramural Research, Ms. Megan Columbus is responsible for leading strategic planning and communication activities pertinent to the management of NIH’s extramural program. She enjoys connecting scientists and administrators to information and tools in support of their research programs, helping the broader public learn how NIH-supported research contributes to health advances, and supporting the ongoing dialog between NIH and the research community. Ms. Columbus’ office is responsible for the NIH Grants and Funding website, the NIH Guide to Grants and Contracts, the Extramural Nexus newsletter and “Open Mike” blog, eRA system communications, extramural staff training, media and legislative relations, and a host of other resources. She especially enjoys her outreach responsibilities that involve more personal engagement with the NIH extramural research community, such as live webinars and the NIH Virtual Conferences.</p>



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