Current Issues at NIH: Grants Policy Updates

Vector illustration of people meeting virtually
Date: Wednesday, February 1, 2023
Time: 3:00PM ET - 3:45PM ET
Location: Virtual
Cost: Free
This Event is Recorded: The recording and resources will be available 7-10 business days after the event
Hosted by: Office of Extramural Research (OER)

Event Overview:


Don’t miss this opportunity to hear about what is new and being developed within the National Institute of Health’s (NIH) programs, policies, and budgets. In this comprehensive review, participants will learn about the newest policy updates and how their respective institutions may be impacted. Upon completion of the presentation, participants will have the opportunity to ask questions about new and existing policies. Topics include recent and upcoming changes to NIH policy, compliance requirements, and so much more!

This event took place during the 2023 NIH Virtual Grants Conference.


Upon completion of this session, participants will be able to:

  • demonstrate an understanding of the NIH grants policy requirements;
  • identify the source of policy requirements; and
  • provide examples of current issues at NIH.

Event Resources


Profile Picture for Kasima Garst
Kasima Garst, MFS
Lead Grants Financial Analyst
Office of Policy for Extramural Research Administration (OPERA)
Office of the Director (OD)
Read Bio
Kasima Garst
<p>Kasima Garst is the Director of the Division of Grants Systems Integration (DGSI) within in the OER’s Office of Policy for Extramural Research Administration (OPERA). Prior to her appointment as Director of DGSI, she served as the DGSI Deputy Director and was a Systems Policy Analyst within DGSI’s Systems Policy Branch. She represents NIH on systems policy initiatives at the HHS and Federal-wide levels and works with key NIH stakeholders to ensure successful implementation of critical systems, policies, and compliance requirements across the NIH. Prior to joining OPERA in 2019, Mrs. Garst was a Grants Management Officer at the NIH Fogarty International Center and a Grants Management Specialist at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. She earned her Bachelor’s degree in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry from Middlebury College and a Master of Forensic Sciences degree in Forensic Molecular Biology from the George Washington University.</p>


Profile Picture for Kristin Ta
Kristin Ta, M.P.H
Deputy Director
Office of Policy for Extramural Research Administration (OPERA)
Office of the Director (OD)
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Kristin Ta
<p>Kristin Ta joined the Division of Grants Policy as a Grants Policy Analyst and currently serves as Deputy Director to the OPERA Director. Ms. Ta has been with NIH for over 11 years, and previously served as a Senior Program Analyst in the Office of Management Assessment, Division of Program Integrity, where she led reviews of allegations of misuse of NIH grant and contract funds and employee misconduct. Prior to that, she worked as a post-award administrator in the Department of Biochemistry at George Washington University. Ms. Ta studied health and societies and environmental studies at the University of Pennsylvania and has an MPH in health promotion from George Washington University.</p>



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This page last updated on: March 15, 2025
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