Updates to NIH Training Grant Applications

Event Overview:
The NIH Institutional National Research Service Award (NRSA) Training Grant Program application is undergoing changes that take effect for submissions due on or after January 25, 2025. These modifications impact the PHS 398 Research Training Program Plan Form (the Recruitment Plan to Enhance Diversity will become its own attachment instead of part of the 25-page program plan) and the NRSA Training Tables (NIH is updating the NRSA Data Tables to reduce burden on the research community).
Additionally, for the parent Training Grant Notice of Funding Opportunities (NOFOs), NIH is:
- Better-defining expectations for mentor training;
- Clarifying positive career outcomes within the scope of research and related careers aligned with the NIH mission; and
- Including "Training in the Responsible Conduct of Research" and the "Recruitment Plan to Enhance Diversity" as items that contribute to the overall impact score.
Wondering about the implications for your application preparation? Consider participating in this live, virtual event where NIH experts will provide insights and updates on these changes, concluding with a live Q&A session.
The NRSA Institutional Training Program provides institutional research training opportunities to trainees at the undergraduate, graduate, and postdoctoral levels. This webinar would be most informative for research administrators, Principal Investigators, and grant writers, as well as valuable for anyone involved in the application process who works with NIH Training Grants.
Event Resources
- Updates to NIH Training Grant Applications (PPTX, 3.22 MB)
Introduction | |
Overview of changes | |
Live Q&A with NIH Policy Experts | |


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