Research Misconduct & Detrimental Research Practices: Overview & Case Studies

Event Overview:
What is research misconduct and what are some detrimental research practices?
Research Integrity Officers from the HHS Office of Research Integrity (ORI) and NIH will help answer these questions and more, as they discuss Public Health Service (PHS) regulations on handling research misconduct allegations, responsibilities of an institution receiving PHS funds, and red flags that may help to avoid misconduct in research. Experts will explore interpersonal, institutional, and professional responsibilities in the overall ethical conduct of research during presentations, case studies, and discussions with the audience.
During this event, participants will learn about:
- Public Health Service (PHS) Regulations on handling research misconduct allegations;
- Responsibilities of an institution receiving PHS funds;
- Red flags that may help to avoid misconduct in research.
Past PreCon Events
Event Resources
See Also
- Maintaining Confidentiality in Peer Review
- Managing Conflicts of Interest in Peer Review
- Research Misconduct
- All About Grants Podcasts
- Research Misconduct
- PHS Administrative Action Bulletin Board
- PHS Research Misconduct Case Summaries
- NIH Peer Review: Grants and Cooperative Agreements
- Open Mike Blog: Breaches of Peer Review Integrity
- Open Mike Blog: Working Together to Protect the Integrity of NIH-funded Research
ORI & NIH Case Studies: What Do You Think? | |
03:15 pm ET Presenter: Patricia Valdez, Ph.D. Chief Extramural Research Integrity Officer Office of Extramural Research (OER), NIH Presenter: Ranjini Ambalavanar, Ph.D. Scientist Investigator Office of Research Integrity (ORI) Health and Human Services (HHS) Potential Topics of Discussion:
Welcome & Overview | |
02:00 pm ET Moderator: Elyse Sullivan, Ph.D., Communications Strategist NIH Office of Extramural Research (OER), NIH |
Research Misconduct & Detrimental Research Practices | |
03:15 pm ET Presenter: Patricia Valdez, Ph.D. Chief Extramural Research Integrity Officer Office of Extramural Research (OER), NIH Presenter: Ranjini Ambalavanar, Ph.D. Scientist Investigator Office of Research Integrity (ORI) Health and Human Services (HHS) Topics of Discussion:
Acknowledgments & Closing | |
03:55 pm ET Moderator: Elyse Sullivan, Ph.D., Communications Strategist Office of Extramural Research (OER), NIH |

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