Research Misconduct & Detrimental Research Practices: Overview & Case Studies

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Date: Friday, October 14, 2022
Time: 2:00PM ET - 4:00PM ET
Location: Virtual
Cost: Free
This Event is Recorded: The recording and resources will be available 7-10 business days after the event
Hosted by: Office of Extramural Research (OER)

Event Overview:


What is research misconduct and what are some detrimental research practices? 

Research Integrity Officers from the HHS Office of Research Integrity (ORI) and NIH will help answer these questions and more, as they discuss Public Health Service (PHS) regulations on handling research misconduct allegations, responsibilities of an institution receiving PHS funds, and red flags that may help to avoid misconduct in research. Experts will explore interpersonal, institutional, and professional responsibilities in the overall ethical conduct of research during presentations, case studies, and discussions with the audience.


During this event, participants will learn about:

  • Public Health Service (PHS) Regulations on handling research misconduct allegations;
  • Responsibilities of an institution receiving PHS funds;
  • Red flags that may help to avoid misconduct in research.


ORI & NIH Case Studies: What Do You Think?

03:15 pm ET

Presenter: Patricia Valdez, Ph.D.

Chief Extramural Research Integrity Officer

Office of Extramural Research (OER), NIH

Presenter: Ranjini Ambalavanar, Ph.D.

Scientist Investigator

Office of Research Integrity (ORI)

Health and Human Services (HHS)

Potential Topics of Discussion:

  • Research Misconduct Proceedings
  • ORI and NIH Administrative Actions
  • Research Misconduct with Additional Compliance Concerns

Welcome & Overview

02:00 pm ET

Moderator: Elyse Sullivan, Ph.D., Communications Strategist

NIH Office of Extramural Research (OER), NIH

Research Misconduct & Detrimental Research Practices

03:15 pm ET

Presenter: Patricia Valdez, Ph.D.

Chief Extramural Research Integrity Officer

Office of Extramural Research (OER), NIH

Presenter: Ranjini Ambalavanar, Ph.D.

Scientist Investigator

Office of Research Integrity (ORI)

Health and Human Services (HHS) 

Topics of Discussion:

  • PHS definition of research misconduct
  • Community Responsibility
  • Research misconduct and regulations
  • The role of HHS ORI in research misconduct cases
  • Examples of data falsification and/or fabrication
  • Process for identifying and dealing with research misconduct allegations
  • When to contact the funding agency
  • Red flags and how to avoid misconduct
  • Other integrity concerns and detrimental research practices that negatively impact research and PHS funding

Acknowledgments & Closing

03:55 pm ET

Moderator: Elyse Sullivan, Ph.D., Communications Strategist

Office of Extramural Research (OER), NIH


Ranjini Ambalavanar, Ph.D
Office of Research Integrity (ORI)
Division of Investigative Oversight (DIO)
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Ranjini Ambalavanar
<p>Ranjini Ambalavanar, Ph.D., is a Scientist-Investigator in the Division of Investigative Oversight (DIO), Office of Research Integrity (ORI). She conducts oversight reviews of cases of Research misconduct in Public Health Service (PHS)-funded research at US institutions. ORI promotes integrity in biomedical research supported by the PHS and oversees investigations of research misconduct cases.</p><p>Prior to joining the ORI in May 2009, Dr. Ambalavanar was a faculty member at the University of Maryland Dental School (UMd). She received her Ph.D. in neuroscience from the University of Liverpool, UK, her postdoctoral training at Cambridge University, UK, and NINDS, NIH, (Bethesda, MD, USA). Dr. Ambalavanar was interested in the mechanisms of chronic cutaneous and deep tissue pain involving muscles and joints. She explored the neural mechanisms of chronic craniofacial pain disorders and provided creative directions in science through her unique contributions to the field. She has published many peer-reviewed articles and invited book chapters in her field of research.</p>
Profile Picture for Elyse Sullivan
Elyse Sullivan, Ph.D
Communications Strategist
Division of Communications and Outreach (DCO)
Office of the Director (OD)
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Elyse Sullivan
<p>Elyse Sullivan, Ph.D., is a communications strategist and the Content Development Team Lead in the Division of Communications and Outreach (DCO) within the Office of Extramural Research (OER). She works with subject-matter experts to disseminate important grants process and policy information for both external and internal audiences by developing websites, blogs, newsletters, and multimedia training tools. Dr. Sullivan received her PhD in Neuroscience from the University of Maryland, Baltimore, where she studied translational electrophysiological biomarkers in schizophrenia.</p>
Profile Picture for Patricia Valdez
Patricia Valdez, Ph.D
NIH Extramural Research Integrity Officer
Office of Extramural Research (OER)
Office of the Director (OD)
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Patricia Valdez
<p>Patricia Valdez, Ph.D., serves as the NIH Extramural Research Integrity Officer in the Office of Extramural Programs (OEP), in the Office of Extramural Research (OER). In this role, she is responsible for training NIH Extramural staff and Research Integrity Officers on handling allegations of research misconduct in NIH-funded extramural activities and for performing the initial review and referral of allegations to the appropriate oversight agencies.</p><p>Prior to joining the OER, Dr. Valdez was the Manager of Publication Ethics for the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB) where she handled all allegations of scientific misconduct in ASBMB journals, including the Journal of Biological Chemistry</p><p>Dr. Valdez received her Ph.D. in molecular and cell biology from the University of California, Berkeley where she studied T cell development. She carried out her Postdoctoral training in the Immunology Discovery department at Genentech, where she focused on both basic research and pre-clinical drug development. Dr. Valdez continued her research as an NIH Intramural Staff Scientist in the NIAID Laboratory of Clinical Infectious Disease.</p>



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