National Institutes of Health (NIH)
National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS)
UM1 Research Project with Complex Structure Cooperative Agreement
This Notice of Funding Opportunity announcement (NOFO) invites applications for the Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) Program hubs that will be part of a national, collaborative consortium focused on bringing more treatments to all people more quickly through advancing clinical and translational science (CTS) by (1) developing, demonstrating, and disseminating scientific and operational innovations that improve the efficiency and effectiveness of clinical translation from identification to first-in-human studies to medical practice implementation to community health dissemination; (2) promoting partnerships and collaborations to facilitate and accelerate translational research projects locally, regionally, and nationally; (3) creating, providing, and disseminating innovative research programs and partnerships across institutions and communities to address health disparities and deliver the benefits of translational science to all; (4) creating and implementing scientific and operational innovations that increase the quality, safety, efficiency, effectiveness, and informativeness of clinical research; (5) providing a national resource for the rapid response to urgent public health needs; and (6) creating, providing, and disseminating CTS training for clinical research professionals of all disciplines on the research team.
This NOFO is part of a required set of companion applications: the Clinical and Translational Science Award (UM1) and companion Institutional Career Development Award (K12 – NOT-TR-24-008). The remaining NOFOs in the suite are optional and include the Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) institutional training programs (T32 predoctoral and T32 postdoctoral – NOT-TR-24-008), the Research Education Grant (R25 – NOT-TR-24-008), and the Specialized Innovation Program (RC2 – PAR-24-054). These optional NOFOs are only available to CTSA Program UM1 applicants and award recipients. Applications to the companion NOFOs cannot be awarded until an award has been issued for the UM1. (See Section III. Eligibility Information of this NOFO and the respective NOFOs for more information).
30 days before the application due date
Application Due Dates | Review and Award Cycles | ||||
New | Renewal / Resubmission / Revision (as allowed) | AIDS - New/Renewal/Resubmission/Revision, as allowed | Scientific Merit Review | Advisory Council Review | Earliest Start Date |
March 13, 2025 | March 13, 2025 | Not Applicable | June 2025 | October 2025 | December 2025 |
May 28, 2025 | May 28, 2025 | Not Applicable | October 2025 | January 2026 | April 2026 |
September 29, 2025 | September 29, 2025 | Not Applicable | March 2026 | May 2026 | July 2026 |
January 28, 2026 | January 28, 2026 | Not Applicable | June 2026 | October 2026 | December 2026 |
May 28, 2026 | May 28, 2026 | Not Applicable | October 2026 | January 2027 | April 2027 |
September 28, 2026 | September 28, 2026 | Not Applicable | March 2027 | May 2027 | July 2027 |
January 28, 2027 | January 28, 2027 | Not Applicable | June 2027 | October 2027 | December 2027 |
May 28, 2027 | May 28, 2027 | Not Applicable | October 2027 | January 2028 | April 2028 |
September 28, 2027 | September 28, 2027 | Not Applicable | March 2028 | May 2028 | July 2028 |
All applications are due by 5:00 PM local time of applicant organization.
Applicants are encouraged to apply early to allow adequate time to make any corrections to errors found in the application during the submission process by the due date.
Not Applicable
It is critical that applicants follow the instructions in the Research (R) Instructions in the How to Apply - Application Guide, except where instructed to do otherwise (in this NOFO or in a Notice from NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts).
Conformance to all requirements (both in the How to Apply - Application Guide and the NOFO) is required and strictly enforced. Applicants must read and follow all application instructions in the How to Apply - Application Guide as well as any program-specific instructions noted in Section IV. When the program-specific instructions deviate from those in the How to Apply - Application Guide, follow the program-specific instructions.
Applications that do not comply with these instructions may be delayed or not accepted for review.
There are several options available to submit your application through to NIH and Department of Health and Human Services partners. You must use one of these submission options to access the application forms for this opportunity.
This Notice of Funding Opportunity announcement (NOFO) invites applications for the Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) Program hubs that will be part of a national, collaborative consortium focused on bringing more treatments to all people more quickly through advancing clinical and translational science (CTS) by (1) developing, demonstrating, and disseminating scientific and operational innovations that improve the efficiency and effectiveness of clinical translation from identification to first-in-human studies to medical practice implementation to community health dissemination; (2) promoting partnerships and collaborations to facilitate and accelerate translational research projects locally, regionally, and nationally; (3) creating, providing, and disseminating innovative research programs and partnerships across institutions and communities to address health disparities and deliver the benefits of translational science to all; (4) creating and implementing scientific and operational innovations that increase the quality, safety, efficiency, effectiveness, and informativeness of clinical research; (5) providing a national resource for the rapid response to urgent public health needs; and (6) creating, providing, and disseminating CTS training for clinical research professionals of all disciplines on the research team.
Key Terms, Definitions, and Uses in this NOFO
The development and implementation of clinical interventions is a complex, iterative, and time-consuming process that takes years before discoveries in biomedical research result in health benefits for patients and communities. The National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS) has the unique charge of examining the translational research ecosystem at a systems level to determine where common pitfalls exist in the translational process and developing innovative solutions that will ultimately benefit research across a range of diseases and conditions. This disease-agnostic approach to enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of all translational research is known as translational science, which focuses on building the evidence base for effective scientific and operational approaches in translational research. NCATS conducts and supports research in the science of translation to discover the scientific, mechanistic, and operational principles of the intervention development and dissemination processes, thereby providing the scientific foundation for improvements in translational efficiency that will accelerate the realization of interventions that improve human health.
The NCATS Strategic Principles that underlie the NCATS mission are:
'Translation' is defined by NCATS as the process of turning observations in the laboratory, clinic and community into interventions that improve the health of individuals and communities – from diagnostics, preventions, and treatments to medical procedures and behavioral changes. ‘Translational research’ (TR) is defined by NCATS as the endeavor to traverse a particular step of the translational process for a particular target or disease. ‘Translational science’ (TS) is the field that addresses longstanding scientific and operational challenges along the translational science spectrum through innovations that transform the way research is conducted, making it faster, more efficient, and more impactful. Whereas translational research focuses on the specific case of a target or disease, translational science is focused on the general case that applies to any target or disease; advances in translational science are the focus of this NOFO. A key tenet of translational science is to understand common causes of inefficiency and failure in translational research projects (e.g., incorrect predictions of the toxicity or efficacy of new drugs, lack of data interoperability, ineffective clinical trial recruitment). Many of these causes are the same across targets, diseases, and therapeutic areas; therefore, advances in translational science will increase the efficiency and effectiveness of translational research to enhance health, lengthen life, and reduce the burdens of illness and disability. Like any other science, translational science seeks to elucidate general operative principles to transform translation from an empirical, phenomenological process into a predictive science. The application of scientific and operational innovation and strategies to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of all research is at the heart of developing, demonstrating, and disseminating the science of translation.
An example - for illustration only - to help clarify the relationship between TR and TS follows. An investigator initiates a study evaluating whether a particular drug can improve specific outcomes in diabetes. The investigator could utilize commonly used TR methodology, such as testing effectiveness of the drug using a limited number of traditional clinical endpoints and employing established recruitment methods. By contrast, an investigator could approach from a TS framework. In the diabetes example, the same drug could be evaluated, yet an underlying common problem in TR such as recruitment and retention in underserved communities consistent with the NIH Inclusion Policies, could be addressed at the same time. From this TS perspective, the investigator could include in the study an understanding of the fundamental barriers to recruitment and test an intervention directed at hypothesized causes and mechanisms of the barriers in a particular underserved population. Engagement with this population before protocol development may lead to some interesting potential Patient Reported Outcomes (PRO) that may not only impact recruitment and retention but may also predict future adherence (that could be the focus of a future study). Ultimately, the questions to be answered in this TS version would be if the innovation accomplishes full recruitment and retention of a desired population more effectively and efficiently than without the innovation. Of note in this TS version of the study, the intervention utilized to overcome the recruitment challenges, if determined to be effective, would likely be more generally applicable for other interventions that target not only diabetes but potentially clinical trials in other disease areas where similar recruitment barriers occur. Of further note, although the study itself was focused on a particular disease and drug, its TS version delivers knowledge that is more generally applicable.
CTSA Program
The CTSA Program is one component of the NCATS Strategic Plan to advance CTS; it is designed to develop and implement innovative solutions that will improve the efficiency, quality, and impact of the process for turning observations in the laboratory, clinic, and community into interventions that improve the health of individuals and communities. The expertise, resources, and infrastructure of the CTSA Program facilitate innovation and provide support for all scientific/medical communities engaged in CTS research, including disease and condition-specific research supported by NIH Institutes and Centers. As one of the largest NIH clinical and translational science programs and an exemplar of team science, NCATS envisions the CTSA Program progressing toward a standards-based, interoperable network in a cloud environment where informatics assets, e.g., data, software, and algorithms, can be co-developed and shared across the CTSA consortium in a common repository.
NCATS solicited feedback on the CTSA Program goals, structure, and operations, as well as the NOFO, peer review, and grants management of CTSA Program awards. Feedback about application structure and submission was incorporated into the prior (PAR-21-293) and related NOFOs, including simplification; delinking of the K and T components from the U component in the U54 application; increased flexibility in determining levels of effort and corresponding budgets within the application; the opportunity for hubs to specialize via a Research Program; separate funding opportunities for companion institutional training, career development, and research education programs; and specialized innovation programs and CTS research resource centers.
CTSA Program Goals
NCATS amended the CTSA Program goals in response to the feedback and the maturation of the existing CTSA Program and will use a variety of mechanisms to achieve these goals, including this UM1 NOFO and other training and research opportunities.
A CTSA UM1 hub is an integrated research and training environment for CTS, which catalyzes the development, demonstration, and dissemination of methods and technologies that dramatically improve efficiency and quality across the translational research spectrum. The medical research institutions / academic health centers that make up the CTSA Program are referred to as “hubs” to indicate their central role in their local environments where they coordinate and collaborate with multiple “spokes” such as affiliated hospitals, clinics, and community health centers. Each CTSA hub functions as a local center of innovation in CTS and operations, the nature of which will build on local institutional strengths and focus on specific needs of the community in their local environment. In aggregate, the CTSA hubs and other components of the CTSA Program form a consortium that is much greater than the sum of its parts, with hubs bringing complementary strengths to each other via the CTSA Program locally, regionally, and nationally. Thus, hubs are expected to have certain foundational capabilities to both serve as field-leading centers for CTS innovation locally, and as participants in multi-hub collaboratives regionally and nationally. CTSA hubs should be agents of continuous improvement as they identify gaps and opportunities in the research process, develop and instantiate innovative solutions at their institutions, and share those solutions with the other CTSA hubs. This UM1 NOFO for support of CTSA hubs strives to address the first 6 of the 8 CTSA Program goals listed above.
This approach will maximize the progress at both individual hubs and in translational science broadly, obviating duplication and leveraging each hub’s strengths to bolster the others and translational science as a whole. This synergistic aspect of the CTSA Program, actualized via various funding mechanisms, including training and career development grant awards, will facilitate innovation in multi-center research, harmonization of standards and best practices, enhanced training through sharing curricula and online training modules/courses on translational science, and will provide opportunities for cross-hub and sector research training and career development opportunities, both within and outside of the CTSA Program. Realizing these synergies will also maximize the nation’s investment in the CTSA Program. It is not expected that every UM1 hub will have the expertise or capability to address all aspects of CTS science, but the aggregate CTSA Program can and should. An important operational principle of all NCATS programs, including the CTSA Program, is to maximize impact via a catalytic approach: developing, demonstrating utility of, and then disseminating improvements in CTS and operations that currently limit the efficiency and effectiveness of CTS research. Importantly, the CTSA Program strives to build and disseminate an evidence base of validated CTS improvements.
Innovations in the following and related areas will be catalytic to translational efficiency and the development and delivery of interventions that improve the health of individuals and communities:
Essential Characteristics of Successful CTSA Hubs
Successful CTSA Program hubs require demonstrated expertise and capabilities in a variety of areas. Qualities important for success include, but are not limited to:
CTSA Program UM1 Hub Application Structure
Each CTSA Program hub application must include the five Elements, and where appropriate, the associated Modules:
In the structure above, a single individual may have more than one Leader role and any Module or Element may have multiple co-leaders if sufficiently justified. Leader effort should be commensurate with the anticipated role and responsibilities described in the budget justification. It is not required that the hub PD/PI(s) be the leader(s) of any Module or Element except Element B. Further, Element B will have a Hub Liaison Team (HLT) scientific lead and an operations lead (described below). An overview diagram of the application elements can also be found here.
Hubs are expected to innovate in and include all areas above in the application (Elements and respective Modules) relative to their individual core strengths (e.g., personnel of institution, partner, collaborators, other) and capabilities / resources (e.g., institutional, community, other stakeholders). The goal is for each hub to showcase their unique strengths and capabilities ultimately strengthening the consortium, as a whole, and advancing CTS. As such, applicants do not need to develop extensive programs in each area above – simply determine the appropriate balance of resources across all Elements and Modules that can accelerate the individual hub’s impact to CTS.
Element A: Overview
The Overview Element includes 1) the overall vision for establishing a successful CTS research environment within the CTSA hub and with the CTSA Program nationally. The vision should define the strategic goals and how those goals will be approached and attained, incorporating unique strength(s) and other specific research areas of focus that will facilitate the accomplishment of the goals; 2) a description of the assembled team; 3) the CTS accomplishments and high impact achievements that are generalizable to the advancement of CTS by the assembled participating Partnering and Collaborating institutions; and 4) expected accomplishments and scientific and public health impact.
Partnering Institution(s) must be effectively integrated into the proposed activities of the CTSA UM1 hub and necessary for attaining its strategic goals and research priorities. A Partnering Institution may be included as a partner in only one CTSA UM1 hub application. For the purposes of this NOFO, NIH funding to the partner/partnering institution is used for determination of maximum direct cost budget requests. Collaborating Institution(s) have a significant role in one or more aspects of the CTSA UM1 hub and may be included in more than one CTSA UM1 hub application. For the purposes of this NOFO, NIH funding to the collaborating institution is not included for determination of maximum direct cost budget requests (See Section IV. Application & Submission Information, 2. Content and Form of Application Submission, R&R Budget, Award Budget).
CTSAs are encouraged to work with partners and collaborators that could enhance and/or accelerate the CTSAs’ capacity to advance the CTSA Program goals and to address the burden of conditions that disproportionately affect rural, minority, and other populations with health disparities.
CTSAs also are encouraged to collaborate with other institutions of higher education, research organizations, independent hospitals, community service organizations and/or the Veterans’ Administration (VA).
Element B: Strategic Management
The Strategic Management Element includes all activities related to management of the hub and its partners and collaborators to ensure the successful execution of the proposed UM1 application objectives. The contact PD/PI must be designated as the Strategic Management Module Leader.
Strategic Management Module
Strategic management of the CTSA hub involves many aspects, including:
Strategic management also includes the ongoing planning, monitoring, analysis, and assessment of all that is necessary for an organization to meet its goals and objectives; CTSA hubs are expected to undertake all these activities. Monitoring is tracking the implementation of the adopted strategies through periodic data collection to provide early indicators of progress and areas for improvement. Analysis is conducted to determine the effectiveness of a specific program or model to understand why it may or may not be working with the goal of improvement. Each CTSA hub is expected to have a strong Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) program, which is an ongoing cycle of collecting data and using it to make decisions to gradually improve program processes. The methods (e.g., Lean Methods, Six Sigma, Kaizen Method, Plan-Do-Study-Act, Value Stream Mapping, and any other method common to quality improvement program) chosen to perform this CQI are not specified in this NOFO to allow flexibility for the applicants to choose the method(s) that are most appropriate for their proposed hub’s needs.
Recent events have shown that public health emergencies/situations may have a substantial impact on CTS research by affecting processes and services, clinical research participant and staff safety, and available resources. These events have called for adjustments in and re-conceptualization of the approaches to clinical research. In the event of a public health or other emergency, CTSA hubs should be prepared to rapidly realign activities to support research of direct relevance to the emergency or public health need. Each CTSA hub must have a plan to pivot to a virtual leadership structure in the event of an emergency, a plan to rapidly realign activities to assist response efforts, and a succession plan for leadership positions, including the PI(s)/MPI(s), which is critical even under normal circumstances. Note: The succession plan should be within the Strategic Management Module.
Hub Liaison Team. Each CTSA hub must appoint a Hub Liaison Team (HLT) to function as an interface between the hub and the national collaborative activities of the CTSA Program as well as be the primary source of dissemination, to these activities, in terms of their hub’s unique strengths and capabilities. Current national collaborative activities of the CTSA Program include using informatics tools to use Electronic Health Records to conduct research; collaborative infrastructure to support scientific, training, governance, workgroup, and other types of CTSA consortium activities; consideration of participation in clinical trials; and identification and dissemination of innovations in clinical trials. Applicants should describe their commitment to interfacing with current as well as potentially new national collaborative activities. Personnel from the CTSA hub leadership (e.g., from Elements B, C, D, and E) and the HLT may be completely separate, overlap, or be the same.
Each CTSA hub is required to engage in Dissemination and Implementation (D&I) activities to support innovative approaches to identifying, understanding, and developing strategies for overcoming barriers to the adoption, adaptation, integration, scale-up and sustainability of evidence-based interventions, tools, policies, and guidelines. Information, tools and interventions deemed efficacious within clinical or community-based trials need to be made readily available for adoption and implementation within the context of a learning health system (LHS). Methods to promote the adoption and integration of evidence-based practices, interventions, and policies into routine health care and public health settings to improve the impact on population health are needed. Despite significant investments in biomedical science, some interventions are slow to reach the targeted beneficiary and may not be perceived as appropriate or useful, resulting in persistently poor health outcomes. The CTSA consortium is poised to address these translational science problems that no one hub can solve alone or disseminate a solution to a translational science problem developed at one hub to other hubs. Robustness will be tested in different hub environments and structures and adaptations made for further dissemination within and outside the CTSA consortium, if appropriate. Each hub is expected to have a plan for building and disseminating an evidence base for each CTS science endeavor, including Pilot projects (Element D) and CTS Research Program (Element E). Each hub is expected to leverage the HLTs, coordinating centers, CTSA funding opportunities, and governance structures of the CTSA Program to engage in D&I activities as well as LHS activities. Foundational capabilities and activities in the area of D&I and LHS are required to support and enhance the impact of the CTSA hub.
Each CTSA hub must also establish both internal and external advisory committees which must meet at least annually to review progress and offer recommendations. The expertise of the members must be broad and include those with a range of important perspectives such as community representatives, patients, community-based clinicians, health systems representatives, experts in informatics, and industry.
Element C: Training and Outreach
The Training and Outreach (TO) Element includes two Modules, Workforce Development and Community and Stakeholder Engagement, to provide an environment where CTS and training for clinical research professionals can flourish.
Workforce Development for Clinical Research Staff Professionals Module
Professional development must be directed towards members of CTS research teams and other clinical professionals such as clinical investigators, co-investigators, clinical researchers, research nurses, pharmacists, administrators, coordinators, consultants, data managers, quality assurance managers, regulatory affairs managers or educators in clinical trial management. These professions must be guided by the principles of Good Clinical Practice (GCP) and be provided foundational education and training in CTS. Team science should be emphasized, as CTS is a collaborative endeavor that requires approaches to solving problems that cut across disciplinary boundaries. CTSA Program hubs must develop and support academic promotion criteria that help create a viable career path for translational scientists. Institutions and investigators should create a culture where members of CTS research teams and other clinical professionals are encouraged to engage in collaborations and professionally recognized (through academic promotion and tenure process) for these efforts. This is expected to support and enhance the impact of the CTSA hub activities by laying the foundation for high-quality research by creating and maintaining a skillful and translational workforce. It is expected that required and optional companion training and education activities will be conducted as an integrated endeavor with the Workforce Development for Clinical Research Staff Professionals Module.Coordination, integration, synergy, and mutual reinforcement between the UM1, the required K12 program, and any additional selected optional companion programs such as the research education (R25), and/or pre-and post-doctoral training (T32), as well as scientific and administrative integration of the proposed programs is expected to be catalyzed by this Module.
Examples of activities that may be supported:
Community and Stakeholder Engagement Research Module
Progression from scientific discoveries to demonstrated improvements in public health requires translational research teams of scientists, clinicians, research participants, patients, and other stakeholders with a wide range of expertise and perspectives. Collaborating with and engaging stakeholders in all aspects of translational research are important for advancing CTS, and NCATS views the science of stakeholder engagement as a key area for exploration and innovation. Stakeholder engagement is how an organization involves people who may be affected by the decisions it makes or can influence how the decisions are carried out. Stakeholders may be engaged in identifying, developing, demonstrating, disseminating, or adhering to an intervention, method, or tool. Advancing through the phases of the translational science spectrum requires the creation of productive and mutually beneficial collaborations that depend on individual excellence as well as teamwork, coordination, cooperation, and communication.
As part of community and stakeholder engagement, NCATS is specifically committed to accelerating CTS research to address the significant burden of conditions that disproportionately affect rural, minority, and other underserved populations. Promoting health equity throughout CTSA projects, enrolling underserved populations in research projects, and engaging patients as full collaborators will help ensure that research findings are meaningful to their individual communities. Foundational capabilities and activities in the area of community and stakeholder engagement are required to support and enhance the impact of the CTSA hub.
Examples of activities that may be supported:
Element D: Clinical and Translational Science Resources and Pilots
This Element provides support for clearly defined activities, services and resources that are instrumental to the completion of a project. While it is the expectation of NCATS that clinical research infrastructure and personnel will be supported by the academic health institutions where CTSA hubs are located, or from other sources, NCATS recognizes that in compelling cases, e.g., an emergent need in response to a public health emergency, there may be a need to provide limited, additional support for clinical research activities, including staff, central coordination of trials, and patient-level evaluations.
Resources and Services (R&S) Module
The R&S Module provides core resources and services that address the many stages of CTS research, including planning, conduct, analyses, implementation and dissemination. The R&S Module is intended to provide discrete resources or services that fill an otherwise unsupported need and is separate from support for distinct, well-described projects, which is provided under Element E: Clinical and Translational Science Research Program, and separate from support for Pilot projects, which is provided under Element D: Clinical and Translational Science Resources and Pilots; R&S activities (e.g., biostatistical support, research design) associated with these projects should be requested within Elements D and E, as appropriate.
The R&S Module must promote broad access and provide clear funding expectations. The structure, organization, and specifics of the R&S Module are expected to vary among applicants. However, a formalized management plan is required that addresses policies for solicitation, review, prioritization, funding level with justification, progress tracking, and evaluation. The particular resources and services selected must be well justified and offer significant value to investigators at participating and collaborating institutions. Institutions must also provide a process to ensure compliance with all federal regulations and NIH policies, including, but not limited to, human research protections, genetic material, stem cells, and animal studies. Furthermore, the R&S Module may be utilized to augment research activities supported by other non-NCATS funding sources (e.g., providing CTSA hub R&S Module services to investigators for other NIH-supported research studies) and does not require NCATS prior approval.
An overarching expectation is that hubs will ensure that clinical research adheres to current Good Clinical Practices (cGCP) and quality principles.
Examples of activities that may be supported:
Clinical and Translational Science (CTS) Pilot Module
The CTS Pilot Module provides modest research support for new and innovative research projects relevant to CTS. The CTS Pilot Module must support both the management and oversight of the CTS Pilot Program and the Pilot projects. Pilot projects must be focused on translational science, i.e., focused on understanding a scientific or operational principle underlying a step of the translational process with the goal of developing generalizable principles to accelerate translational research. Projects are intended to: (1) explore possible innovative new leads or new directions for established investigators; (2) stimulate investigators from other areas to lend their expertise in research in CTS; and (3) provide initial support to establish proof of concept. Projects must be feasible within the proposed timeframe, have high methodological and scientific quality, and answer important scientific questions. Pilot project support is not intended for large projects by established investigators that would otherwise be submitted as separate research grant applications.
The CTS Pilot Module should include the description of the overall administration, implementation, and process to ensure compliance of the Pilot Module as well as the various advisory committees. Descriptions of specific Pilot projects must not be included in the UM1 application and will not be reviewed by the panel evaluating the UM1 application. Pilot projects will be solicited and awarded by the hub after the UM1 hub award has been received; progress on all Pilot projects awarded with UM1 funds must be submitted annually with the recipient’s Research Performance Progress Report (RPRR) or by another method as directed by NCATS.
A management committee representing all aspects of the CTSA hub must be appointed to assist the Pilot Module Leader. To provide each hub with needed flexibility for effective and efficient program management, all responsibility for review and funding of Pilot projects will reside within the Pilot Module itself. The Pilot Module Leader/Co-Leader and the committee will be responsible for ensuring that Pilot projects are focused on advancing aspects of CTS, maintaining oversight and review of the ongoing Pilot Program and projects; arranging and presiding over a rigorous scientific merit review of proposals patterned after the NIH peer review process; ensuring that Pilot projects detail the procedures to be followed and discuss how the data will be analyzed and disseminated if successful; ensuring appropriate oversight and mentoring of junior investigators; and reporting the progress and impact of Pilot projects on a regular basis.
Institutions must also provide a process to ensure compliance with all federal regulations and NIH policies, including, but not limited to, human subject protections, genetic material, stem cells, and animal studies.
Examples of activities that may be supported:
Data Science Module
The CTSA Program is uniquely positioned to harness the power of digital assets by making them interoperable for research, ensuring data security, and implementing innovative informatics solutions, all with the goal of improving human health. Data Science programs are required to specifically support the CTSA Program goals of advancing clinical and translational science and increasing the quality of clinical research. Further, informatics capabilities and a commitment to open science principles across all aspects of the CTSA hub are critical to a successful clinical and translational science environment that can translate knowledge into practice and improve health. The capability to share and implement resources across CTSA hubs, when appropriate, offers opportunities to accelerate scientific discovery as well as improve the efficiency, quality, and impact of translational research.
To meet these goals, CTSA hubs and their partners are required to utilize a range of expertise and capabilities in the areas of data science including: 1) Health Informatics (applied research and practice of informatics across the clinical and public health domains); 2) Clinical Research Informatics (the use of informatics in the discovery and management of new knowledge relating to health and disease, including management of information related to clinical trials, and informatics related to the secondary research use of clinical data.); and 3) Translational Bioinformatics (the development of storage, analytic, and interpretive methods to optimize the transformation of increasingly voluminous genomic, digital health, and other biomedical data, into proactive, predictive, preventive, and participatory health, including research on the development of novel techniques for the integration, and subsequent multimodal analysis, of biological and clinical data and the evolution of clinical informatics methodology to encompass biological and Real-world observations). Novel research and resources that can be disseminated to a variety of stakeholders, including biomedical scientists, clinicians, and patients, should be the end product of these integrated efforts within this module.
CTSA hubs and their partners are expected to embrace a culture of Open Science and Data Sharing that promote the F.A.I.R. principles (see: NIH Strategic Plan for Data Science). Open Science is the practice of science in such a way that others can collaborate and contribute, where research data, lab notes and other research processes are freely available, under terms that enable reuse, redistribution and reproduction of the research and its underlying data and methods. The sharing of data, tools, algorithms, methodologies (e.g., machine learning, predictive analytics), governance principles and policies, and software; making research tools compatible with common data elements (CDEs), including social determinants of health CDEs in its domain areas (see ); and deploying research systems with broadly accepted content and technical standards including those adopted by the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) for use in U.S. health care and public health operations will promote the translation of scientific discoveries into health improvements. Embracing this culture, Data Science Modules are encouraged to use the Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR®) standard to capture, integrate, and exchange clinical data for research purposes and to enhance capabilities to share research data (NOT-OD-19-122).
Examples of activities that may be supported:
Element E: Clinical and Translational Science Research Program
The Clinical and Translational Science Research Program Element will support discrete research project(s) that should address a truly significant challenge in CTS (a single CTS project per hub is required to be described in the application). Consistent with the NCATS mission to catalyze translation of discoveries, the Program must be focused on CTS rather than on basic discovery research. Research project(s) should not only address a translational research question in a particular disease or intervention development/dissemination context, but also provide generalizable CTS innovations or insights that can be applied to other translational research projects and thereby increase the overall efficiency or effectiveness of translation. The overall Research Program should be described in terms of its goals, impact and significance. Additionally, a single discrete and well-defined project must be described in the application with an associated and defined budget. This single project must include specific aims, significance, and a detailed approach to addressing the specific aims and / or study proposed. The research project is suggested to be 2-3 years in length and may not exceed 7 years. Other proposed research project(s) may be proposed, as they relate to the overall CTS Research Program, however, must not provide a detailed description(s) nor budget for any of the other proposed research project(s).
Each CTSA hub has the flexibility to tailor its Program’s research activities to address local priorities; however, focus on a select disease category or disease specialty must be justified as to how it helps achieve the overall strategic goals of the CTSA Program. The described Program is intended to be of the type of CTS research that the applicant considers to be of high priority. The described research program, or projects in it proposed, may include application partners, collaborators, communities, other active CTSA hubs, or other as long as their active role(s) are justified.
Required and Optional Companion Applications
This NOFO is part of a required set of companion applications: the Clinical and Translational Science Award (UM1) and companion Institutional Career Development Award (K12 – NOT-TR-24-008). The remaining NOFOs in the suite are optional and include the Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) institutional training programs (T32 predoctoral and T32 postdoctoral – NOT-TR-24-008), the Research Education Grant (R25 – NOT-TR-24-008), and the Specialized Innovation Program (RC2 – PAR-24-054). These optional NOFOs are only available to CTSA Program UM1 applicants and award recipients. Applications to the companion NOFOs cannot be awarded until an award has been issued for the UM1. (See Section III. Eligibility Information of this NOFO and the respective NOFOs for more information).
Resources Provided by NCATS
Specified support services will be provided through grants, contracts, and/or NCATS for certain CTSA consortium activities, e.g., use of a specified NCATS vendor for organization of workshops or provision of certain UM1-related data. Specific requirements for UM1 recipients are described in the Terms and Conditions of Award.
In support of the NCATS goal of promoting and facilitating the development and dissemination of interoperable assets, such as algorithms and software, the NCATS Information Resources Technology Branch (ITRB) may provide access to various public cloud services and high-performance computing services for the needs of the recipients. This enables the recipients to offer their systems, projects, and research in a secure environment with simplified implementation, deployment and operational reliability. Through these services, NCATS ITRB will enable the recipients to gain a self-service capability. NCATS ITRB may provide the following, pending consultation with the recipient and the NCATS Program Official:
Non-Responsive Applications
The following types of applications will be considered non-responsive and will not be reviewed.
Application information, including Frequently Asked Questions and Technical Assistance Webinars, are found on
Clinical Trials:
Please note that misclassified clinical trial applications may be withdrawn. Applicants are strongly encouraged to consult with appropriate Program Staff for guidance.
As detailed in NOT-TR-18-025, NCATS is limited to direct support of clinical trials through phase IIB with the exception of phase III (21 CFR definition) clinical trials for treatment of a rare disease or condition.
A human subjects research study meets the NIH definition of a Clinical Trial if a research study in which one or more human participants are prospectively assigned to one or more interventions (which may include placebo or other control) to evaluate the effects of those interventions on the participants, and the effects being evaluated are health-related biomedical or behavioral outcomes. For help with the NIH’s definition of a clinical trial, please see Does Your Human Subjects Research Study Meet The NIH Definition of a Clinical Trial?
See Section VIII. Other Information for award authorities and regulations.
Investigators proposing NIH-defined clinical trials may refer to the Research Methods Resources website for information about developing statistical methods and study designs.
Cooperative Agreement: A financial assistance mechanism used when there will be substantial Federal scientific or programmatic involvement. Substantial involvement means that, after award, NIH scientific or program staff will assist, guide, coordinate, or participate in project activities. See Section VI.2 for additional information about the substantial involvement for this NOFO.
The OER Glossary and the How to Apply - Application Guide provide details on these application types. Only those application types listed here are allowed for this NOFO.
Optional: Accepting applications that either propose or do not propose clinical trial(s).
The number of awards is contingent upon NIH appropriations and the submission of a sufficient number of meritorious applications.
Award Budget
The amount of funding that applicants can request depends on the amount of NIH funding they receive. After calculating the total amount of NIH funding received as described in Section IV. Application and Submission Information, 2. Content and Form of Application Submission, R&R Budget, applicants may request the following amounts:
Size Eligibility Budget Tiers for NOFO Applicants | Maximum Direct Cost Budget Requests for UM1 | |
Hub Tier | 5-year average of the most current NIH Direct Cost (DC) Funding of the applicant institution, PLUS 5-year average of the most current NIH Direct Cost (DC) of any partner(s)* (based on FY2019-FY2023 NIH Funding data) | UM1 |
A | >$385,000,000 | $6,500,000 |
C | $250,000,000 - $384,999,999 | $5,000,000 |
T | $175,000,000 - $249,999,999 | $3,600,000 |
G | <$174,999,999 | $2,600,000 |
The scope of the proposed project should determine the project period. The maximum project period is 7 years.
NIH grants policies as described in the NIH Grants Policy Statement will apply to the applications submitted and awards made from this NOFO.
Higher Education Institutions
The following types of Higher Education Institutions are always encouraged to apply for NIH support as Public or Private Institutions of Higher Education:
Nonprofits Other Than Institutions of Higher Education
For-Profit Organizations
Local Governments
Federal Governments
The CTSA application may include domestic institutions of higher education, universities, medical research institutions / academic health centers, or non-profit research organizations other than institutions of higher education that conduct clinical and translational research; however, a graduate school accredited to award higher degrees related to clinical or translational science (e.g., M.S. or Ph.D. in topics such as Clinical Research, Public Health, Pharmacology, Nursing, Informatics, Health Economics, or Epidemiology) must be included (applicant or partnering institution). Partnerships are encouraged among various disciplines including medicine, dentistry, nursing, pharmacy, osteopathy, public health, engineering and others. Organizations with active grants funded under NOFOs PAR-15-304, PAR-18-464, PAR-18-940 & PAR-21-293 that have more than 16 months of support remaining on the day of the submission deadline are not eligible to apply. NCATS encourages multiple institutions to participate in a single hub application, where this may further advance the goals of the program. A single contact institution would receive and administer the award.
For the purposes of this NOFO, NIH funding to the Partner/Partnering Institution must be included for determination of maximum direct cost budget requests. Partner/Partnering Institution(s) must be effectively integrated into the proposed activities of the CTSA UM1 hub and are necessary for attaining its strategic goals and research priorities. An organization named as Partner/Partnering Institution in a CTSA UM1 application (and subsequent UM1 award), or a CTSA UL1 award funded previously under PAR-18-940, PAR-18-464, PAR-15-304 or PAR-21-293 may be listed as a Partner with only one UM1 or UL1 unless the UM1 and UL1 are from the same organization.
An organization named as a Partner Institution in a CTSA UM1 application, UM1 award, or a CTSA UL1 award funded previously under PAR-18-940, PAR-18-464 or PAR-15-304, PAR-21-293 may not apply as an applicant organization to this NOFO under the following scenarios:
CTSA UM1 applications from organizations named as a Partner Institution in a funded CTSA UM1 or CTSA UL1 award are not allowed, except under rare circumstances with compelling justification.
A list of partnering institutions of active CTSA UL1/UM1 awards will be updated on an annual basis (by October 1, here: Applicants are strongly encouraged to verify their budget tier calculation with NCATS in advance of application submission through the CTSA NOFO Questions mailbox (send to: Applicants should list the primary applicant organization and any partner institution(s) that contribute to the budget tier calculation (See Section IV. Application and Submission, R&R Budget). Requests to verify the budget tier calculation should be submitted by the institution’s authorized organization representative. Once NCATS verification is received and recorded, the applicant should include a note in the R&R Budget Section of the application that NCATS has reviewed and accepted the funding calculation prior to submission.
For the required (K12) and optional companion applications (T32s, R25, RC2), only the primary UM1 hub institution is eligible to apply; Partner/Partnering and/or Collaborator/Collaborating institutions are not eligible. Further, the primary institution is limited, if awarded, to one award each for the required and optional companion applications except for the optional RC2 (PAR-24-054) which is limited to two awards per institution.
Non-domestic (non-U.S.) Entities (Foreign Organizations) are not eligible to apply.
Non-domestic (non-U.S.) components of U.S. Organizations are not eligible to apply.
Foreign components, as defined in the NIH Grants Policy Statement, are allowed.
Applicant Organizations
Applicant organizations must complete and maintain the following registrations as described in the How to Apply - Application Guide to be eligible to apply for or receive an award. All registrations must be completed prior to the application being submitted. Registration can take 6 weeks or more, so applicants should begin the registration process as soon as possible. Failure to complete registrations in advance of a due date is not a valid reason for a late submission, please reference NIH Grants Policy Statement Section Electronically Submitted Applications for additional information
Program Directors/Principal Investigators (PD(s)/PI(s))
All PD(s)/PI(s) must have an eRA Commons account. PD(s)/PI(s) should work with their organizational officials to either create a new account or to affiliate their existing account with the applicant organization in eRA Commons. If the PD/PI is also the organizational Signing Official, they must have two distinct eRA Commons accounts, one for each role. Obtaining an eRA Commons account can take up to 2 weeks.
Any individual(s) with the skills, knowledge, and resources necessary to carry out the proposed research as the Program Director(s)/Principal Investigator(s) (PD(s)/PI(s)) is invited to work with their organization to develop an application for support.
For institutions/organizations proposing multiple PDs/PIs, visit the Multiple Program Director/Principal Investigator Policy and submission details in the Senior/Key Person Profile (Expanded) Component of the How to Apply - Application Guide.
NCATS encourages multiple PD(s)/PI(s), particularly when each brings a unique perspective and skill set to the hub. Designate an appropriately qualified PD/PI (or multiple PD(s)/PI(s)), including an individual who will be primarily responsible for UM1 hub operations and will be designated as contact PD/PI. The contact PD/PI must be designated as the Strategic Management Module Leader.
It is expected that any UM1 award PD(s)/PI(s) will be an experienced clinician/scientist who reports directly to an official with broad trans-institutional authority, and who personally has the authority and influence necessary to successfully promote translational and clinical research locally, to partner with internal and external stakeholders, support the CTSA Program activities as described below, and fully integrate the hub into the CTSA Program nationally. This may include authority, perhaps shared with other high level institutional officials, over requisite space, protected time, promotions, institutional review boards, contracting, budgeting for clinical research, and staff qualification and certification. In loosely coupled organizations that consist of university and hospital units, the CTSA Program PD(s)/PI(s) should have the authority or influence, personally or on their leadership team, to integrate these independent parts of the organization toward CTSA Program goals. If the PD/PI oversees the institution's business office, a plan on how potential conflicts of interest will be managed must be developed.
All PD(s)/PI(s) are expected to be research scientists with recognized stature and relevant subject matter expertise in his/her scientific discipline with the demonstrated ability to ensure quality control, administrative oversight, and integration of all elements of a Program. All PD(s)/PI(s) must each commit at least two months and preferably three to six months effort to the award. If the PD(s)/PI(s) do not commit at least two months effort each, the application will be considered non-responsive and will not be reviewed. Module and Program Leaders/Co-Leaders are expected to have the appropriate expertise and qualifications of the Module or Program being led, at the time of submission of the application, and have the time commitment to lead/co-lead the Module and/or Program.
The UM1 PD(s)/PI(s) may not be a PD(s)/PI(s) on the required companion K12 and/or the optional companion T32, and/or R25 application or award in order to ensure the PD(s)/PI(s) have adequate time to devote to the respective programs. UM1 PD(s)/PI(s) may serve as the PD(s)/PI(s) on the optional RC2.
This NOFO does not require cost sharing as defined in the NIH Grants Policy Statement NIH Grants Policy Statement Section 1.2 Definition of Terms.
Number of Applications
Applicant organizations may submit more than one application, provided that each application is scientifically distinct.
The NIH will not accept duplicate or highly overlapping applications under review at the same time, per NIH Grants Policy Statement Section Submission of Resubmission Application. This means that the NIH will not accept:
This NOFO only accepts applications that are part of a collaborative set of multiple applications.
This NOFO is part of a required set of companion applications: the Clinical and Translational Science Award (UM1) and companion institutional research career development (K12 – NOT-TR-24-008). The remaining NOFOs in the suite are optional and include the Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) institutional training programs (T32 predoctoral and T32 postdoctoral – NOT-TR-24-008), the Research Education Grant (R25 – NOT-TR-24-008), and the Specialized Innovation Program (RC2 – PAR-24-054). These optional NOFOs are only available to CTSA Program UM1 applicants and award recipients. Applications to the companion NOFOs cannot be awarded until an award has been issued for the UM1. Adhering to the submission eligibility below, a set must contain 1 application to this UM1 NOFO and 1 application to the K12 NOFO; it may also contain 1 application to the T32 predoc NOFO, 1 application to T32 postdoc NOFO, 1 application to R25 NOFO, and/or up to 2 applications for the RC2 NOFO.
Additional Eligibility Requirements
The K12 required UM1 companion application must be submitted in accordance with the UM1 and K12 NOFOs application submission dates under the following scenario:
The K12 required companion application may be resubmitted in accordance with the applicable NOFO application submission dates under the following scenarios:
The K12 required companion application will only be awarded if the UM1 is awarded.
Companion optional applications (NOT-TR-24-008, RC2 PAR-24-054) may be submitted in accordance with the applicable NOFO application submission dates under the following scenarios:
Optional companion applications will only be awarded if the UM1 is awarded.
A companion (K12 and/or optional) application may be considered for funding up to 14 months after Council review before becoming ineligible. Applicants will need to submit a new or resubmission application if the companion application may become ineligible prior to the UM1 being awarded.
The application forms package specific to this opportunity must be accessed through ASSIST, Workspace or an institutional system-to-system solution. Links to apply using ASSIST or Workspace are available in Part 1 of this NOFO. See your administrative office for instructions if you plan to use an institutional system-to-system solution.
It is critical that applicants follow the instructions in the Research (R) Instructions in the How to Apply - Application Guide except where instructed in this notice of funding opportunity to do otherwise. Conformance to the requirements in the How to Apply - Application Guide is required and strictly enforced. Applications that are out of compliance with these instructions may be delayed or not accepted for review.
Although a letter of intent is not required, is not binding, and does not enter into the review of a subsequent application, the information that it contains allows IC staff to estimate the potential review workload and plan the review.
By the date listed in Part 1. Overview Information, prospective applicants are asked to submit a letter of intent that includes the following information:
The letter of intent should be sent to:
NCATS Letters of Intent
Telephone: 301-827-9549
All page limitations described in the How to Apply – Application Guide and the Table of Page Limits must be followed.
Specific Aims. Briefly summarize the aims for the entire application, including all Modules and Projects. 1 page.
The Research Strategy must consist of the following sections with the indicated page limits:
Element A. Overview; one required, 6 pages
Element B. Strategic Management; one required, 12 pages
Element C. Training and Outreach; one required, 12 pages
Element D. Clinical and Translational Science Resources and Pilots; one required, 18 pages
Element E. Clinical and Translational Science Research Program; one required, 12 pages (Note: description of the Element E CTS Research Program may be up to 2 pages; and a single initial, discrete and clearly defined CTS research project for Element E may be up to 10 pages)
The following section supplements the instructions found in the How to Apply – Application Guide and should be used for preparing an application to this NOFO.
All instructions in the How to Apply - Application Guide must be followed.
Descriptive Title of Applicant's Project: Titles may not exceed 200 characters in length.
Cover Letter Attachment: The Cover Letter is one pdf file only. Applications that are part of a collaborative set must include a listing of all the applications that are a part of the set of collaborative applications being submitted, including for each: 1) the PD(s)/PI(s) name(s), 2) the NOFO number, 3) the Title of the application, and 4) the Applicant Institution. Each application that is part of the collaborative set should submit an identical listing.
All instructions in the How to Apply - Application Guide must be followed.
Enter primary site only.
A summary of Project/Performance Sites in the Overall section of the assembled application image in eRA Commons compiled from data collected in the other components will be generated upon submission.
All instructions in the How to Apply - Application Guide must be followed.
Other Attachments: The following "Other Attachments" must be included to aid in the review of applications. The filename provided for each attachment will be the name used for the bookmark in the application image. Except for Attachments 1 and 7, supportive data should be in a table format; applicants may use suggested Template Data Table formats described in CTSA Program Summary Data Guide (CPSDG; or similar table formats that address all fields shown in the CPSDG; specified page limits apply to Template Data Table or similar table formats and Attachments 1 and 7 documents. For each document, please use a separate attachment and title as suggested. Required attachments should be uploaded only once. Information provided in the required attachments should not be repeated in the narrative. Applications that lack any of the attachments specified below will be considered incomplete and will not be reviewed.
1. Institution (use filename Hub Institution Organization): Include a description of the following in a single attachment:
Provide 1) a chart/diagram indicating the hub’s organizational status within the institution and how the hub leadership is integrated within the institution and 2) a chart/diagram indicating the working relationships between the hub and included partnering institution(s).
2. Hub’s Senior Leadership (use filename Hub Senior Leadership): Provide information and role of each Contact PD/PI, Other PDs/PIs, Module, and Program Leaders and Co-Leaders. Limited to ONE page.
3. Information on Hub Partners and Collaborators (use filename Hub Partners and Collaborators): Include a table listing of all partnering and collaborating institutions with contributions and justifications for the participation of each; justifications must be commensurate with the specified role. Partnering institutions must be effectively integrated into the proposed activities of the CTSA UM1 hub and are necessary for attaining its strategic goals and research priorities. Collaborating institutions have a significant role in one or more aspects of the CTSA UM1 hub. Limited to THREE pages. Please note that the race, ethnicity, or sex of an institution’s current students will not be considered in the application review process or when making funding decisions.
4. Resources to Achieve CTSA Objectives (use filename Resources to Achieve CTSA Objectives): Include a table listing of SPECIFIC resources that are anticipated to be used during the performance period of the UM1. (Note: this Other Attachment does not replace and is separate from the required Facilities and Other Resources Attachment in the R.230 – Project/Performance Site Locations(s) Form. All instructions in the SF424 (R&R) Application Guide must be followed. Limited to FIVE pages.
5. Clinical Trial Experience (use filename Clinical Trial Experience): Include a brief description of all single and multi-site clinical trials with site activation during the 6 months up to and prior to the application from the hub and participating partners and collaborators. Applicants should indicate the time-frame they are reporting. This information is used to demonstrate the clinical trial experience of the institutions involved in the UM1 application and likely to participate in clinical trials. The clinical trials included may be both NIH-funded and those funded by other sources (e.g., institutional, grant, contract, and/or non-profit) as long as they are added in order to showcase the breadth of clinical trials’ experience at the hub. Applicants are encouraged to prioritize trials with which the applicant institution was engaged as well as trials that demonstrate the breadth of expertise across hub, partners and collaborators. Limited to FIVE pages.
6. Clinical and Translational Science Track Record (use filename CTS Track Record): Provide institution, partners, and collaborators’ accomplishments and progress in CTS research efforts and high impact achievements that are generalizable to the advancement of CTS over the past 5 years; emphasize those that have advanced better methods and/or improved health. Applicants may use suggested Template Data Table formats described in CTSA Program Summary Data Guide (CPSDG) or similar table formats. All fields shown in the CPSDG must be provided. This information is used to demonstrate the clinical trial experience of the institutions involved in the UM1 application and likely to participate in clinical trials. Given the page limit, applicants are encouraged to prioritize trials with which the applicant institution was engaged and trials that show a breadth of expertise. Limited to FIVE pages.
7. Coordination and Integration Plan (use filename Coordination and Integration Plan). Include a specific plan describing the partnership between the UM1, the required K12 and any optional companion applications. The plan for the UM1 does not need to be identical to the plan that will be submitted for the K12 nor the other optional companion applications. The UM1 application must describe the overarching goals of each companion application and the coordination, integration, synergy, and mutual reinforcement of resources between the companion applications. Include a description of the roles of any shared partners and/or collaborators. Applicants should also indicate if optional companion applications are planned for future submission and describe the intent or future plans to coordinate and integrate those activities with the UM1. NOTE: The optional companion NOFOs also require a Coordination and Interaction Plan to be submitted in the application. As such, the companion application’s Coordination and Integration Plan should be used to provide more current plans at that time. Limited to THREE pages.
All instructions in the How to Apply - Application Guide must be followed.
All instructions in the How to Apply - Application Guide must be followed.
Award Budget
Determination of Allowable Budget Request Amount
CTSA UM1 hub applications submitted in response to this NOFO must be submitted by a single applicant institution, plus the option of one or more partnering institutions and one or more collaborating institutions. Partner/Partnering Institution(s) must be effectively integrated into the proposed activities of the CTSA UM1 hub and are necessary for attaining its strategic goals and research priorities. A Partnering Institution may be included as a partner in only one CTSA UM1 hub application. Collaborator/Collaborating Institution(s) have a significant role in one or more aspects of the CTSA UM1 hub and may be included in more than one CTSA UM1 hub application. NIH funding to the collaborating institution may not be included for determination of maximum direct cost budget requests.
The maximum direct cost amount (DC) that may be requested for the UM1 budget is based on the sum of two NIH funding components: A) 5-year average of the most current NIH DC funding of the applicant institution, plus B) 5-year average of the most current NIH DC of any partner(s).
NIH aggregate fiscal year funding tables with the most current 5-year average of FY costs and the four maximum DC award tiers for CTSA UM1 hubs will be provided on an annual basis. All required information about levels of NIH funding is available at NIH RePORTER; however, for their convenience, applicants are encouraged to use Table A [Institutional NIH direct cost (DC) funding] provided by NCATS to generate a combined funding amount that defines their maximum DC amount allowable for the annual award. For our CTSAs, NCATS has tiered thresholds that range from $2,600,000 to $6,500,000. CTSA UL1 award recipients funded previously under PAR-18-940, PAR-18-464, or PAR-15-304 may request the appropriate tiered UM1 threshold shown on Table B but will not receive more than a 5% reduction in DC annual support for the core hub responsibilities (UM1) relative to the last budget period of the previous competitive project period of their UL1 award, exclusive of administrative supplements/competitive revisions and subaward F&A. Thus, those CTSA UL1 award recipients whose UM1 DC Tier calculation is more than a 5% reduction in DC annual support may submit a budget request at 95% of the DC level of the last budget period of the previous competitive project period of their UL1 award, exclusive of administrative supplements/competitive revisions and subaward F&A. To obtain details, applicants are also encouraged to review Table B to identify the four maximum DC award tiers for CTSA UM1 hubs. Requested DC budgets may not exceed the appropriate maximum DC award tier and the amount requested should be well justified and depend on the work proposed. All tables provided by NCATS will be updated on an annual basis and can be found here:
Applicants are strongly encouraged to verify their budget tier calculation with NCATS in advance of application submission through the Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) NOFO Questions mailbox ( Requests to verify the budget tier calculation should be submitted by the institution’s authorized organization representative.
In the first paragraph of the budget justification, applicants must summarize how the maximum DC amount requested was determined by providing: a) the name of the applicant institution; b) the name of partnering institution(s) included for budget tier determination, if any; c) the NIH DC funding total amount for the applicant institution from the NIH DC Funding Table A; d) the NIH DC funding total amount for partnering institution(s) from the NIH DC Funding Table A; and e) the combined total of the figures specified in c) and d).
Budget tier requests (A, C, G, or T) of a companion K12 and/or optional T32 applications submitted in response to the CTSA NOFOs must be the same budget tier of the respective UM1.
Funding tiers for any new or resubmitted K12 or T32 applications submitted within the UM1 7-year award project period will be tied to the awarded UM1 tier size (A, C, T or G). For example, if the UM1 was funded at a Tier G level then a new or resubmitted T32 postdoctoral application from the UM1 prime applicant institution must request an application budget that aligns with the Tier G level (2 postdoctoral trainee slots).
A single budget is required; include funds requested, as per notes below. Budget justifications must be broken out by Element and Module. Subaward budgets should follow the same format.
Element A: Overview
Do not include a budget request for this element.
Element B: Strategic Management
Include funds for personnel, research, and other expenses, as appropriate. Additional guidance is noted. Because administrative structures will differ, carefully explain and justify requested support.
Strategic Management Module
Element C: Training and Outreach
For each of the Modules in this Element, include support for Module Leaders, Co-Leaders, personnel and other expenses, as appropriate. Additional guidance is noted.
Workforce Development for Clinical Research Staff Professionals Module
Element D: Clinical and Translational Science Resources and Pilots
Element E: Clinical and Translational Science (CTS) Research Program
Include funds for personnel, research, and other expenses, as appropriate. Direct costs for the CTS Research Program must not exceed $500,000 per year in direct costs. Each CTS Research Project may not be less than $125,000 direct costs per year for a suggested period of 2-3 years each and may not exceed 7 years. Each hub must request only a single initial, discrete and clearly defined CTS research project for Element E. Although multiple projects ideas may be introduced, each application must include only one fully described CTS research project with a corresponding detailed budget for the project described. The budget justification must clearly delineate the costs associated with the defined Element E CTS research project and Element E administrative support for the CTS Research Program. Subsequent projects will require prior approval if the project includes research with human subjects, vertebrate animals, and/or foreign components. Subsequently, multiple projects may be undertaken concurrently.
Funds may not directly support any clinical trial beyond phase IIB with the exception of Phase III clinical trials for treatment of rare diseases. Projects that do not meet these clinical trial limitations will not be reviewed. See NOT-TR-18-025.
All instructions in the How to Apply - Application Guide must be followed.
All instructions in the How to Apply - Application Guide must be followed.
All instructions in the How to Apply - Application Guide must be followed, with the following additional instructions:
Specific Aims and Research Strategy apply to the entire CTSA hub UM1 application.
Specific Aims: Describe the specific aims to address the creation and promotion of an environment that establishes high-quality CTS research locally and nationally, including administration and operations.
Research Strategy: Describe the strategies and plans to advance CTS for each of the following Elements as directed.
Note: The required attachments detailed in Section IV. Application and Submission Information. 2. SF424 (R&R) Other Project Information: “Institution” and “Other Attachments” support the narrative information requested for the Elements below. The narrative should not repeat information provided in these attachments but should discuss the information in the relevant context.
Element A: Overview
This Element should describe how the CTSA hub meets or exceeds the Essential Characteristics of Successful CTSA Hubs (see Part 2. Section 1.), including a description of the overall vision and strategic goals for the period of performance and how those goals will be approached and attained. Include high level descriptions of the qualifications of the applicant, partner, and collaborator institutions, and indications of their adherence to, and promotion of, the specified CTSA Program goals. Incorporate unique strength(s) and other specific research areas of focus that will facilitate the accomplishment of the goals. Outline expected accomplishments and scientific and public health impact by the end of the grant term.
Include a description of the contributions of the applicant, partners, and collaborators institutions to CTS research over the past 5 years, with emphasis on high impact achievements that have advanced research towards better methods and improved health. This section should discuss prior accomplishments and progress in CTS research efforts.
Element B: Strategic Management
Strategic Management Module
Element C: Training and Outreach
Workforce Development for Clinical Research Staff Professionals Module
Community and Stakeholder Engagement Research Module
Element D: Clinical and Translational Science Resources and Pilots
Clinical and Translational Science Resources and Services (R&S) Module
Clinical and Translational Science Pilot Module
Data Science Module
Element E: Clinical and Translational Science Research Program
The Clinical and Translational Science Research Program Element will support discrete research project(s) that should address a truly significant challenge in CTS (a single CTS research project per hub is required). Describe:
Letters of Support:
All Partnering Institutions must provide a letter of support signed by the authorized organizational representative (AOR) stating its role as a Partnering Institution and affirming its unique relationship with the CTSA UM1 hub applicant institution; applications that do not contain Partnering Institution letter(s) of support are incomplete and will not be reviewed. Only Collaborating institutions with substantial involvement in the application should submit a letter of support.
Letters of support/agreement should be included for any collaborative/cooperative arrangements, subcontracts, or consultants. Letters of support should be clear expressions of commitment consistent with achieving the goals of the Program. If appropriate, reference the corresponding Element/Module within the letters of support.
For program activities to be conducted off site, i.e., at an institution other than the applicant institution, a letter of assurance or comparable documentation, signed by the partner/collaborator as well as the off-site institutional officials, must be submitted with the application; applications that do not contain corresponding letter(s) of assurance or comparable documentation are incomplete and will not be reviewed.
Applicants are encouraged to limit the numbers of letters of support to no more than 30.
Resource Sharing Plan: Individuals are required to comply with the instructions for the Resource Sharing Plans as provided in the How to Apply - Application Guide.
Other Plan(s):
All instructions in the How to Apply - Application Guide must be followed, with the following additional instructions:
Appendix: Only limited Appendix materials are allowed. Follow all instructions for the Appendix as described in the How to Apply - Application Guide.
When involving human subjects research, clinical research, and/or NIH-defined clinical trials (and when applicable, clinical trials research experience) follow all instructions for the PHS Human Subjects and Clinical Trials Information form in the How to Apply - Application Guide, with the following additional instructions:
If you answered “Yes” to the question “Are Human Subjects Involved?” on the R&R Other Project Information form, you must include at least one human subjects study record using the Study Record: PHS Human Subjects and Clinical Trials Information form or Delayed Onset Study record.
Study Record: PHS Human Subjects and Clinical Trials Information
All instructions in the How to Apply - Application Guide must be followed.
Element D: CTS Resources & Pilots
Note: Specific pilot projects should not be included in the UM1 application. Pilot projects will be solicited and awarded by the hub after the UM1 hub award has been received.
New UM1 CTSA Program Pilot Projects that include human subjects research deemed by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) to be Greater Than Minimal Risk or meet the criteria for an NIH-defined Clinical Trial continue to require entry of the study into the eRA Human Subjects System (HSS) and official notification of NCATS prior approval before the project can begin.
The entry of all studies into the eRA HSS along with modified NCATS-specified documentation continues to be required. For studies that are non-NIH defined clinical trial with minimal risk or exempt (45 CFR 46), NCATS prior approval will not be provided, but studies may not begin until all required documentation has been submitted into the eRA HSS. Failure to submit the required documentation prior to initiating the pilot study will result in non-compliance enforcement actions.
The recipient institution will follow the process as described:
(Note that a separate process for Pilot Projects conducting research with live vertebrate animals is described here:
Element E: Clinical and Translational Science Research Program
Note: For Element E project(s) described in the application, if the research project(s) involve human subjects or an NIH-defined Clinical Trial please see the instructions in Section PHS Human Subjects and Clinical Trials Information in the Application Guide Instructions ( Further for Element E project(s) that are described in the application, applicants must determine whether any proposed human subjects study, meets the definition of delayed start or delayed onset and submit accordingly. A delayed start study involves a study that can be described at the time of application, even if it will not begin immediately (will occur later in the funding period). As such, applicants should add a complete study record for each proposed study involving human subjects if your described project(s) would classify as being delayed start. Additional Element E projects not described in application and undertaken after award, if they are conducting research with Human Subjects and/or Vertebrate Animals, will still require prior approval in similar method as Element D pilot projects.
As a reminder, if any part of the application (Element D and/or Element E) meets, or could meet, the definition of a clinical trial, then the entire application should be submitted accordingly.
All NIH-funded clinical trials are expected to register and submit results information to, as per the "NIH Policy on Dissemination of NIH-Funded Clinical Trial Information".
Funds may not directly support any clinical trials beyond Phase IIB with the exception of Phase III clinical trials for treatment of rare diseases. See NOT-TR-18-025.
Delayed Onset Study
Note: Delayed onset does NOT apply to a study that can be described but will not start immediately (i.e., delayed start). All instructions in the How to Apply - Application Guide must be followed.
All instructions in the How to Apply - Application Guide must be followed.
See Part 2. Section III.1 for information regarding the requirement for obtaining a unique entity identifier and for completing and maintaining active registrations in System for Award Management (SAM), NATO Commercial and Government Entity (NCAGE) Code (if applicable), eRA Commons, and
Part I. contains information about Key Dates and times. Applicants are encouraged to submit applications before the due date to ensure they have time to make any application corrections that might be necessary for successful submission. When a submission date falls on a weekend or Federal holiday, the application deadline is automatically extended to the next business day.
Organizations must submit applications to (the online portal to find and apply for grants across all Federal agencies). Applicants must then complete the submission process by tracking the status of the application in the eRA Commons, NIH’s electronic system for grants administration. NIH and systems check the application against many of the application instructions upon submission. Errors must be corrected and a changed/corrected application must be submitted to on or before the application due date and time. If a Changed/Corrected application is submitted after the deadline, the application will be considered late. Applications that miss the due date and time are subjected to the NIH Grants Policy Statement Section Electronically Submitted Applications.
Applicants are responsible for viewing their application before the due date in the eRA Commons to ensure accurate and successful submission.
Information on the submission process and a definition of on-time submission are provided in the How to Apply – Application Guide.
This initiative is not subject to intergovernmental review.
All NIH awards are subject to the terms and conditions, cost principles, and other considerations described in the NIH Grants Policy Statement.
Pre-award costs are allowable only as described in the NIH Grants Policy Statement Section 7.9.1 Selected Items of Cost.
Applications must be submitted electronically following the instructions described in the How to Apply - Application Guide. Paper applications will not be accepted.
Applicants must complete all required registrations before the application due date. Section III. Eligibility Information contains information about registration.
For assistance with your electronic application or for more information on the electronic submission process, visit How to Apply – Application Guide. If you encounter a system issue beyond your control that threatens your ability to complete the submission process on-time, you must follow the Dealing with System Issues guidance. For assistance with application submission, contact the Application Submission Contacts in Section VII.
Important reminders:
All PD(s)/PI(s) must include their eRA Commons ID in the Credential field of the Senior/Key Person Profile form. Failure to register in the Commons and to include a valid PD/PI Commons ID in the credential field will prevent the successful submission of an electronic application to NIH. See Section III of this NOFO for information on registration requirements.
The applicant organization must ensure that the unique entity identifier provided on the application is the same identifier used in the organization’s profile in the eRA Commons and for the System for Award Management. Additional information may be found in the How to Apply - Application Guide.
See more tips for avoiding common errors.
Upon receipt, applications will be evaluated for completeness and compliance with application instructions by the Center for Scientific Review and responsiveness by the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS) NIH. Applications that are incomplete, non-compliant and/or nonresponsive will not be reviewed.
Each application of a collaborative set must be complete and compliant.
Recipients or subrecipients must submit any information related to violations of federal criminal law involving fraud, bribery, or gratuity violations potentially affecting the federal award. See Mandatory Disclosures, 2 CFR 200.113 and NIH Grants Policy Statement Section 4.1.35.
Send written disclosures to the NIH Chief Grants Management Officer listed on the Notice of Award for the IC that funded the award and to the HHS Office of Inspector Grant Self Disclosure Program at
Applicants are required to follow the instructions for post-submission materials, as described in the policy
Only the review criteria described below will be considered in the review process. Applications submitted to the NIH in support of the NIH mission are evaluated for scientific and technical merit through the NIH peer review system.
The CTSA hub UM1 application will be evaluated as an integrated effort consistent with the goals and objectives outlined in the Description.
A proposed Clinical Trial application may include study design, methods, and intervention that are not by themselves innovative but address important questions or unmet needs. Additionally, the results of the clinical trial may indicate that further clinical development of the intervention is unwarranted or lead to new avenues of scientific investigation.
Reviewers will provide an overall impact score to reflect their assessment of the likelihood for the project to exert a sustained, powerful influence on the research field(s) involved, in consideration of the following review criteria and additional review criteria (as applicable for the project proposed).
Reviewers will consider each of the review criteria below in the determination of scientific merit and give a separate score for each. An application does not need to be strong in all categories to be judged likely to have major scientific impact. For example, a project that by its nature is not innovative may be essential to advance a field.
Does the project address an important problem or a critical barrier to progress in the field? Is the prior research that serves as the key support for the proposed project rigorous? If the aims of the project are achieved, how will scientific knowledge, technical capability, and/or clinical practice be improved? How will successful completion of the aims change the concepts, methods, technologies, treatments, services, or preventative interventions that drive this field?
In addition, for applications involving clinical trials
Are the scientific rationale and need for a clinical trial to test the proposed hypothesis or intervention well supported by preliminary data, clinical and/or preclinical studies, or information in the literature or knowledge of biological mechanisms? For trials focusing on clinical or public health endpoints, is this clinical trial necessary for testing the safety, efficacy or effectiveness of an intervention that could lead to a change in clinical practice, community behaviors or health care policy? For trials focusing on mechanistic, behavioral, physiological, biochemical, or other biomedical endpoints, is this trial needed to advance scientific understanding?
Specific to this NOFO:
Are the PD(s)/PI(s), collaborators, and other researchers well suited to the project? If Early Stage Investigators or those in the early stages of independent careers, do they have appropriate experience and training? If established, have they demonstrated an ongoing record of accomplishments that have advanced their field(s)? If the project is collaborative or multi-PD/PI, do the investigators have complementary and integrated expertise; are their leadership approach, governance and organizational structure appropriate for the project?
In addition, for applications involving clinical trials
With regard to the proposed leadership for the project, do the PD/PI(s) and key personnel have the expertise, experience, and ability to organize, manage and implement the proposed clinical trial and meet milestones and timelines? Do they have appropriate expertise in study coordination, data management and statistics? For a multicenter trial, is the organizational structure appropriate and does the application identify a core of potential center investigators and staffing for a coordinating center?
Specific to this NOFO:
Does the application challenge and seek to shift current research or clinical practice paradigms by utilizing novel theoretical concepts, approaches or methodologies, instrumentation, or interventions? Are the concepts, approaches or methodologies, instrumentation, or interventions novel to one field of research or novel in a broad sense? Is a refinement, improvement, or new application of theoretical concepts, approaches or methodologies, instrumentation, or interventions proposed?
In addition, for applications involving clinical trials
Does the design/research plan include innovative elements, as appropriate, that enhance its sensitivity, potential for information or potential to advance scientific knowledge or clinical practice?
Specific to this NOFO:
Are the overall strategy, methodology, and analyses well-reasoned and appropriate to accomplish the specific aims of the project? Have the investigators included plans to address weaknesses in the rigor of prior research that serves as the key support for the proposed project? Have the investigators presented strategies to ensure a robust and unbiased approach, as appropriate for the work proposed? Are potential problems, alternative strategies, and benchmarks for success presented? If the project is in the early stages of development, will the strategy establish feasibility and will particularly risky aspects be managed? Have the investigators presented adequate plans to address relevant biological variables, such as sex, for studies in vertebrate animals or human subjects?
If the project involves human subjects and/or NIH-defined clinical research, are the plans to address 1) the protection of human subjects from research risks, and 2) inclusion (or exclusion) of individuals on the basis of sex/gender, race, and ethnicity, as well as the inclusion or exclusion of individuals of all ages (including children and older adults), justified in terms of the scientific goals and research strategy proposed?
In addition, for applications involving clinical trials
Does the application adequately address the following, if applicable
Study Design
Is the study design justified and appropriate to address primary and secondary outcome variable(s)/endpoints that will be clear, informative and relevant to the hypothesis being tested? Is the scientific rationale/premise of the study based on previously well-designed preclinical and/or clinical research? Given the methods used to assign participants and deliver interventions, is the study design adequately powered to answer the research question(s), test the proposed hypothesis/hypotheses, and provide interpretable results? Is the trial appropriately designed to conduct the research efficiently? Are the study populations (size, gender, age, demographic group), proposed intervention arms/dose, and duration of the trial, appropriate and well justified?
Are potential ethical issues adequately addressed? Is the process for obtaining informed consent or assent appropriate? Is the eligible population available? Are the plans for recruitment outreach, enrollment, retention, handling dropouts, missed visits, and losses to follow-up appropriate to ensure robust data collection? Are the planned recruitment timelines feasible and is the plan to monitor accrual adequate? Has the need for randomization (or not), masking (if appropriate), controls, and inclusion/exclusion criteria been addressed? Are differences addressed, if applicable, in the intervention effect due to sex/gender and race/ethnicity?
Are the plans to standardize, assure quality of, and monitor adherence to, the trial protocol and data collection or distribution guidelines appropriate? Is there a plan to obtain required study agent(s)? Does the application propose to use existing available resources, as applicable?
Data Management and Statistical Analysis
Are planned analyses and statistical approach appropriate for the proposed study design and methods used to assign participants and deliver interventions? Are the procedures for data management and quality control of data adequate at clinical site(s) or at center laboratories, as applicable? Have the methods for standardization of procedures for data management to assess the effect of the intervention and quality control been addressed? Is there a plan to complete data analysis within the proposed period of the award?
Specific to this NOFO:
Will the scientific environment in which the work will be done contribute to the probability of success? Are the institutional support, equipment and other physical resources available to the investigators adequate for the project proposed? Will the project benefit from unique features of the scientific environment, subject populations, or collaborative arrangements?
In addition, for applications involving clinical trials
If proposed, are the administrative, data coordinating, enrollment and laboratory/testing centers, appropriate for the trial proposed?
Does the application adequately address the capability and ability to conduct the trial at the proposed site(s) or centers? Are the plans to add or drop enrollment centers, as needed, appropriate?
If international site(s) is/are proposed, does the application adequately address the complexity of executing the clinical trial?
If multi-sites/centers, is there evidence of the ability of the individual site or center to: (1) enroll the proposed numbers; (2) adhere to the protocol; (3) collect and transmit data in an accurate and timely fashion; and, (4) operate within the proposed organizational structure?
Specific to this NOFO:
As applicable for the project proposed, reviewers will evaluate the following additional items while determining scientific and technical merit, and in providing an overall impact score, but will not give separate scores for these items.
Specific to applications involving clinical trials
Is the study timeline described in detail, taking into account start-up activities, the anticipated rate of enrollment, and planned follow-up assessment? Is the projected timeline feasible and well justified? Does the project incorporate efficiencies and utilize existing resources (e.g., CTSAs, practice-based research networks, electronic medical records, administrative database, or patient registries) to increase the efficiency of participant enrollment and data collection, as appropriate?
Are potential challenges and corresponding solutions discussed (e.g., strategies that can be implemented in the event of enrollment shortfalls)?
For research that involves human subjects but does not involve one of the categories of research that are exempt under 45 CFR Part 46, the committee will evaluate the justification for involvement of human subjects and the proposed protections from research risk relating to their participation according to the following five review criteria: 1) risk to subjects, 2) adequacy of protection against risks, 3) potential benefits to the subjects and others, 4) importance of the knowledge to be gained, and 5) data and safety monitoring for clinical trials.
For research that involves human subjects and meets the criteria for one or more of the categories of research that are exempt under 45 CFR Part 46, the committee will evaluate: 1) the justification for the exemption, 2) human subjects involvement and characteristics, and 3) sources of materials. For additional information on review of the Human Subjects section, please refer to the Guidelines for the Review of Human Subjects.
When the proposed project involves human subjects and/or NIH-defined clinical research, the committee will evaluate the proposed plans for the inclusion (or exclusion) of individuals on the basis of sex/gender, race, and ethnicity, as well as the inclusion (or exclusion) of individuals of all ages (including children and older adults) to determine if it is justified in terms of the scientific goals and research strategy proposed. For additional information on review of the Inclusion section, please refer to the Guidelines for the Review of Inclusion in Clinical Research.
The committee will evaluate the involvement of live vertebrate animals as part of the scientific assessment according to the following three points: (1) a complete description of all proposed procedures including the species, strains, ages, sex, and total numbers of animals to be used; (2) justifications that the species is appropriate for the proposed research and why the research goals cannot be accomplished using an alternative non-animal model; and (3) interventions including analgesia, anesthesia, sedation, palliative care, and humane endpoints that will be used to limit any unavoidable discomfort, distress, pain and injury in the conduct of scientifically valuable research. Methods of euthanasia and justification for selected methods, if NOT consistent with the AVMA Guidelines for the Euthanasia of Animals, is also required but is found in a separate section of the application. For additional information on review of the Vertebrate Animals Section, please refer to the Worksheet for Review of the Vertebrate Animals Section.
Reviewers will assess whether materials or procedures proposed are potentially hazardous to research personnel and/or the environment, and if needed, determine whether adequate protection is proposed.
For Resubmissions, the committee will evaluate the application as now presented, taking into consideration the responses to comments from the previous scientific review group and changes made to the project.
Not Applicable
For Revisions, the committee will consider the appropriateness of the proposed expansion of the scope of the project. If the Revision application relates to a specific line of investigation presented in the original application that was not recommended for approval by the committee, then the committee will consider whether the responses to comments from the previous scientific review group are adequate and whether substantial changes are clearly evident.
As applicable for the project proposed, reviewers will consider each of the following items, but will not give scores for these items, and should not consider them in providing an overall impact score.
Not Applicable.
Reviewers will assess the information provided in this section of the application, including 1) the Select Agent(s) to be used in the proposed research, 2) the registration status of all entities where Select Agent(s) will be used, 3) the procedures that will be used to monitor possession use and transfer of Select Agent(s), and 4) plans for appropriate biosafety, biocontainment, and security of the Select Agent(s).
Reviewers will comment on whether the Resource Sharing Plan(s) (e.g., Sharing Model Organisms) or the rationale for not sharing the resources, is reasonable.
For projects involving key biological and/or chemical resources, reviewers will comment on the brief plans proposed for identifying and ensuring the validity of those resources.
Reviewers will consider whether the budget and the requested period of support are fully justified and reasonable in relation to the proposed research.
Applications will be evaluated for scientific and technical merit by (an) appropriate Scientific Review Group(s) convened by NCATS, in accordance with NIH peer review policy and procedures, using the stated review criteria. Assignment to a Scientific Review Group will be shown in the eRA Commons.
As part of the scientific peer review, all applications will receive a written critique.
Applications may undergo a selection process in which only those applications deemed to have the highest scientific and technical merit (generally the top half of applications under review) will be discussed and assigned an overall impact score.
Applications will be assigned on the basis of established PHS referral guidelines to the appropriate NIH Institute or Center. Applications will compete for available funds with all other recommended applications. Following initial peer review, recommended applications will receive a second level of review by the appropriate Advisory Council or Board. The following will be considered in making funding decisions, consistent with applicable law:
If the application is under consideration for funding, NIH will request "just-in-time" information from the applicant as described in the NIH Grants Policy Statement Section 2.5.1. Just-in-Time Procedures. This request is not a Notice of Award nor should it be construed to be an indicator of possible funding.
Prior to making an award, NIH reviews an applicant’s federal award history in to ensure sound business practices. An applicant can review and comment on any information in the Responsibility/Qualification records available in NIH will consider any comments by the applicant in the Responsibility/Qualification records in to ascertain the applicant’s integrity, business ethics, and performance record of managing Federal awards per 2 CFR Part 200.206 “Federal awarding agency review of risk posed by applicants.” This provision will apply to all NIH grants and cooperative agreements except fellowships.
After the peer review of the application is completed, the PD/PI will be able to access his or her Summary Statement (written critique) via the eRA Commons. Refer to Part 1 for dates for peer review, advisory council review, and earliest start date.
Information regarding the disposition of applications is available in the NIH Grants Policy Statement Section 2.4.4 Disposition of Applications.
A Notice of Award (NoA) is the official authorizing document notifying the applicant that an award has been made and that funds may be requested from the designated HHS payment system or office. The NoA is signed by the Grants Management Officer and emailed to the recipient’s business official.
In accepting the award, the recipient agrees that any activities under the award are subject to all provisions currently in effect or implemented during the period of the award, other Department regulations and policies in effect at the time of the award, and applicable statutory provisions.
Recipients must comply with any funding restrictions described in Section IV.6. Funding Restrictions. Any pre-award costs incurred before receipt of the NoA are at the applicant's own risk. For more information on the Notice of Award, please refer to the NIH Grants Policy Statement Section 5. The Notice of Award and NIH Grants & Funding website, see Award Process.
Prior Approval of Pilot Projects (Element D) and Clinical and Translational Science Research Projects (as described under Element E) proposing to conduct research with Human Subjects and/or Live Vertebrate Animals.
Recipient-selected projects that involve human subjects research require prior approval by NIH prior to initiation.
The recipient institution will follow the process as described:
Recipient-selected projects that involve live vertebrate animals research require prior approval by NIH prior to initiation.
The recipient institution will follow the process as described:
Individual awards are based on the application submitted to, and as approved by, the NIH and are subject to the IC-specific terms and conditions identified in the NoA. If an award provides for one or more clinical trials. By law (Title VIII, Section 801 of Public Law 110-85), the "responsible party" must register and submit results information for certain “applicable clinical trials” on the Protocol Registration and Results System Information Website ( NIH expects registration and results reporting of all trials whether required under the law or not. For more information, see
Institutional Review Board or Independent Ethics Committee Approval: Recipient institutions must ensure that all protocols are reviewed by their IRB or IEC. To help ensure the safety of participants enrolled in NIH-funded studies, the recipient must provide NIH copies of documents related to all major changes in the status of ongoing protocols.
Data and Safety Monitoring Requirements: The NIH policy for data and safety monitoring requires oversight and monitoring of all NIH-conducted or -supported human biomedical and behavioral intervention studies (clinical trials) to ensure the safety of participants and the validity and integrity of the data. Further information concerning these requirements is found at and in the application instructions (SF424 (R&R) and PHS 398).
Investigational New Drug or Investigational Device Exemption Requirements: Consistent with federal regulations, clinical research projects involving the use of investigational therapeutics, vaccines, or other medical interventions (including licensed products and devices for a purpose other than that for which they were licensed) in humans under a research protocol must be performed under a Food and Drug Administration (FDA) investigational new drug (IND) or investigational device exemption (IDE).
The following Federal wide and HHS-specific policy requirements apply to awards funded through NIH:
All federal statutes and regulations relevant to federal financial assistance, including those highlighted in NIH Grants Policy Statement Section 4 Public Policy Requirements, Objectives and Other Appropriation Mandates.
Recipients are responsible for ensuring that their activities comply with all applicable federal regulations. NIH may terminate awards under certain circumstances. See 2 CFR Part 200.340 Termination and NIH Grants Policy Statement Section 8.5.2 Remedies for Noncompliance or Enforcement Actions: Suspension, Termination, and Withholding of Support.
The following special terms of award are in addition to, and not in lieu of, otherwise applicable U.S. Office of Management and Budget (OMB) administrative guidelines, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) grant administration regulations at 2 CFR Part 200, and other HHS, PHS, and NIH grant administration policies.
The administrative and funding instrument used for this program will be the cooperative agreement, an "assistance" mechanism (rather than an "acquisition" mechanism), in which substantial NIH programmatic involvement with the recipients is anticipated during the performance of the activities. Under the cooperative agreement, the NIH purpose is to support and stimulate the recipients' activities by involvement in and otherwise working jointly with the recipients in a partnership role; it is not to assume direction, prime responsibility, or a dominant role in the activities. Consistent with this concept, the dominant role and prime responsibility resides with the recipients for the project as a whole, although specific tasks and activities may be shared among the recipients and NIH as defined below.
The PD(s)/PI(s) will have the primary responsibility for:
NIH staff has substantial programmatic involvement that is above and beyond the normal stewardship role in awards, as described below:
The NIH Project Collaborators (PC) will:
Additionally, the NCATS CTSA Project Collaborator, acting as the NIH Program Official, will be responsible for normal stewardship of the award and will be named in the notice of award. The Project Collaborator may recommend the termination or curtailment of an investigator or project/program (or an individual award) in the event the partnerships fail to evolve within the intent and purpose of this program.
Areas of Joint Responsibility
Dispute Resolution:
Any disagreements that may arise in scientific or programmatic matters (within the scope of the award) between recipients and NIH may be brought to Dispute Resolution. A Dispute Resolution Panel composed of three members will be convened: a designee of the Steering Committee chosen without NIH staff voting, one NIH designee, and a third designee with expertise in the relevant area who is chosen by the other two; in the case of individual disagreement, the first member may be chosen by the individual recipient. This special dispute resolution procedure does not alter the recipient's right to appeal an adverse action that is otherwise appealable in accordance with PHS regulation 42 CFR Part 50, Subpart D and HHS regulation 45 CFR Part 16.
Consistent with the 2023 NIH Policy for Data Management and Sharing, when data management and sharing is applicable to the award, recipients will be required to adhere to the Data Management and Sharing requirements as outlined in the NIH Grants Policy Statement. Upon the approval of a Data Management and Sharing Plan, it is required for recipients to implement the plan as described.
Specific to this NOFO, all applicants must address all UM1 Elements (and/or Modules) in their Data Management and Sharing Plan (DMSP) that may generate data in accordance with the NIH Policy for Data Management and Sharing. The DMSP must account for all potential sources of data that may be generated by the UM1 and how they will be managed and/or shared across the entire award cycle.
When multiple years are involved, recipients will be required to submit the Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR) annually and financial statements as required in the NIH Grants Policy Statement Section 8.4.1 Reporting. To learn more about post-award monitoring and reporting, see the NIH Grants & Funding website, see Post-Award Monitoring and Reporting.
A final RPPR, invention statement, and the expenditure data portion of the Federal Financial Report are required for closeout of an award, as described in the NIH Grants Policy Statement Section 8.6 Closeout. NIH NOFOs outline intended research goals and objectives. Post award, NIH will review and measure performance based on the details and outcomes that are shared within the RPPR, as described at 2 CFR Part 200.301.
We encourage inquiries concerning this funding opportunity and welcome the opportunity to answer questions from potential applicants.
eRA Service Desk (Questions regarding ASSIST, eRA Commons, application errors and warnings, documenting system problems that threaten submission by the due date, and post-submission issues)
Finding Help Online: (preferred method of contact)
Telephone: 301-402-7469 or 866-504-9552 (Toll Free)
General Grants Information (Questions regarding application instructions, application processes, and NIH grant resources)
Email: (preferred method of contact)
Telephone: 301-480-7075 Customer Support (Questions regarding registration and Workspace)
Contact Center Telephone: 800-518-4726
Christopher M. Hartshorn, Ph.D.
National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS)
Telephone: 301-402-0264
Victor Henriquez, Ph.D.
National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS)
Telephone: 301-435-0813
Stacia Fleisher
National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS)
Telephone: 301-435-0851
Recently issued trans-NIH policy notices may affect your application submission. A full list of policy notices published by NIH is provided in the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts. All awards are subject to the terms and conditions, cost principles, and other considerations described in the NIH Grants Policy Statement.
Awards are made under the authorization of Sections 301 and 405 of the Public Health Service Act as amended (42 USC 241 and 284) and under Federal Regulations 42 CFR Part 52 and 2 CFR Part 200.