Table of IC-Specific Information, Requirements and Staff Contacts
Release Date: May 5, 2020
Expiration Date: May 8, 2023
NIH Institute or Center Contacts | Institute/Center Specific Information |
National Cancer Institute
(NCI) Sonia B. Jakowlew, Ph.D
(Applicant last name beginning with G-N) Email: Corinne Boulanger-Espeut, Ph.D
(Applicant last name beginning with O-Z) Email:
Amy Bartosch
NCI Specific Information: The NCI accepts K99/R00 applications in all areas of cancer research. Additional NCI-specific information/requirements can be found at: K99 NCI does not allow carry-over of unspent funds from the K99 phase into the R00 phase. Salary Support: Up to $100,000 plus fringe benefits per year. Research Support: Up to $30,000 per year. |
National Eye Institute
(NEI) Scientific Program Contact: Neeraj Agarwal, Ph.D. Phone: (301) 451-2020 Email: Grants Management Contact: Karen Robinson-Smith Phone: (301) 451-2020 Email: |
NEI Specific Information: NEI will accept applications for funding that are responsive to programmatic priority areas for research within vision and ophthalmology as detailed in the National Plan for Eye and Vision Research found at Salary Support: NEI will provide salary support commensurate with the applicant institution's salary structure for persons of equivalent qualifications, experience, and rank. Research Support: Up to $25,000 per year. |
National Heart, Lung, and Blood
Specific Information: Please refer to Research Training and Career Development - Postdoctoral
specific information on NHLBI programs and career development policies. |
National Human Genome Research Institute
(NHGRI) Scientific Program Contact: Heather A. Colley National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) Telephone: 301-480-2332 Email: Grants Management Contact: Deanna Ingersoll Phone: (301) 435-7858 Email: |
NHGRI Specific Information: NHGRI supports the development of resources, approaches, and technologies that accelerate and support studies focused on the structure and biology of genomes; the genomics of disease; the implementation and effectiveness of genomic medicine; and genomic data science and bioinformatics. NHGRI also supports ethical, legal, regulatory, policy, economic, cultural, and societal issues raised by the advancement and use of genomics. More details about the institute’s vision and priority areas can be found in the 2020 NHGRI Strategic Vision. Prospective applicants are strongly encouraged to contact the Scientific Program Contact to discuss their concept for this initiative during the development stages of the application. Salary Support: NHGRI will provide K99 salary support commensurate with the applicant institution's salary structure for persons of equivalent qualifications, experience, and rank. Research Support: Up to $30,000 per year for K99 phase. In addition to Research Support, awardees are strongly encouraged to attend at least one NHGRI Research Training and Career Development Annual Meeting during the K99 phase. Travel may be requested up to $1500 each per NHGRI meeting. |
National Institute on Aging
(NIA) Ms. Jessi Perez, NIA
Phone: (301) 402-7739
NIA Specific Information: Salary Support: Up to $75,000 plus fringe benefits per year. Research Support: Up to $25,000 per year. |
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and
(NIAAA) Scientific Program Contact: Changhai Cui 301-443-1678 Grants Management Contact: Judy Fox Phone: (301) 443-4704 Email: |
NIAAA Specific Information NIAAA supports post- doctoral/non-faculty level career development award (K99/R00) to ensure the development of highly qualified investigators in alcohol-related research. Under this announcement research must focus on NIAAA’s research priorities as described in the NIAAA Strategic Plan. Examples include but are not limited to research in social, behavioral, biological, mathematical sciences, and health services as related to alcohol use disorder and alcoholism. Applications that include human subject research must comply with NIAAA policy on providing plans for submitting grant-related human subjects data to a NIAAA-sponsored data repository, the NIAAA Data Archive (NIAAA DA ), as described in NOT- AA- 19- 020. To help you decide which award best suits your needs, as well as additional guidance on application specifics, see Research Training and Career Development/Training Opportunities by Grant Mechanism. Salary Support: Up to $90,000 plus fringe benefits per year. Research Support: Up to $50,000 per year. |
National Institute of
Allergy and
Infectious Diseases (NIAID) Jyothi Arikkath, PhD |
NIAID Specific Information: NIAID sponsors the K99/R00 parent program to attract eligible investigators to transition to tenure-track faculty (of the equivalent) positions to conduct research in NIAID mission areas. See Career Development Awards for more details on NIAID Career Development Awards. Salary Support: Up to $75,000 plus fringe benefits per year. Research Support: Up to $25,000 per year. |
National Institute
of Arthritis and
Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS) |
NIAMS Specific Information:
Information about NIAMS funding mechanisms is available at Salary Support: NIAMS will provide up to $60,000 per year for salary support (up to $75,000 per year for applicants with an M.D. degree), plus fringe benefits per year. Research Support: Up to $20,000 per year. |
National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and
(NIBIB) Scientific Program Contact: Tina Gatlin, Ph.D. Phone: 301-480-1608 Email: Grants Management Contact: Kathryn (Katie) Ellis Phone: 302-451-4791 Email: |
NIBIB Specific Information: K99/R00 NIBIB welcomes applications from postdoctoral scientists seeking to establish an independent research career in scientific program areas relevant to NIBIB. Before preparing an application, prospective applicants are encouraged to fill out the NIBIB K99/R00 Eligibility Inquiry Form and forward it along with the requested attachments to the Scientific Program Contact in order to verify eligibility, determine if the application is appropriate for a K99 award through NIBIB, and ensure that the application is submitted to the appropriate FOA. More information on this and other NIBIB Career Awards can be found here. Salary Support: Up to $75,000 plus fringe benefits per year. Research Support: Up to $25,000 per year. |
Eunice Kennedy
Institute of Child Health and Human Development
(NICHD) Scientific Program Contact: Dennis A. Twombly, Ph.D. Phone: (301) 451-3371 Email: Grants Management Contact: Ryan Talesnik Phone: (301) 435-6976 Email: |
NICHD Specific Information: NICHD offers research career development awards in areas relevant to normal and abnormal human development, including contraception, fertilization, pregnancy, childbirth, prenatal and postnatal development, and childhood development through adolescence. The mission areas also include research on intellectual and developmental disabilities and rehabilitation medicine. More detailed information can be found at: Research by NICHD. The K99/R00 program is designed for postdoctoral fellows (PhDs, MDs, or other) whose formal research training is nearly complete, and who expect to find a tenure-track or equivalent faculty position within 2 years of receiving the award. Those whose career development would benefit from further research training should also consider the mentored Career Development Awards offered by NICHD (e.g., K01, K08, K23, K25). Prospective applicants are strongly encouraged to email or call the NICHD Scientific/Research Contact to help choose among these career development award mechanisms, to determine K99/R00 eligibility, and to assess relevance of the proposed project to the NICHD mission. Awardees must spend at least one year on the K99 phase of the award. Salary Support: For the K99 phase of the award, NICHD provides salary of up to $75,000 plus fringe benefits per year. Research Support: Up to $25,000 per year. |
National Institute on Deafness and Other
Disorders (NIDCD) Scientific Program Contact: Alberto L. Rivera-Rentas, Ph.D. Research Training Officer Division of Scientific Programs Phone: (301) 451-3245 Email: Grants Management Contact: Mr. Christopher Myers Phone: (301) 402-0909 Email: |
NIDCD Specific Information:
National Institute of Dental and
Craniofacial Research
(NIDCR) Anissa J. Brown, PhD
NIDCR Specific Information: The NIDCR welcomes applications from postdoctoral scientists seeking to establish an independent research career in research areas relevant to the NIDCR Strategic Plan. Prospective applicants are strongly encouraged to contact the program official identified in the contact table before preparing an application to discuss eligibility requirements and the relevance of the proposed research to NIDCR’s research priorities. Salary Support: Up to $100,000 plus fringe benefits per year. Research Support: Up to $25,000 per year. |
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive
and Kidney
Diseases (NIDDK) Scientific Program Contact: Diabetes, Endocrinology, and Metabolic Diseases: Yan Li, Ph.D. Phone: (301) 435-3721 Email: Digestive & Liver Diseases, Nutrition, and Obesity: David E. Saslowsky, Ph.D. Phone: (301) 594-8876 Email: Kidney and Urologic Diseases: Tracy L. Rankin, Ph.D. Phone: (301) 594-4748 Email: Hematologic Disorders: Cindy N. Roy, Ph.D. Phone: (301) 594-8805 Email: Grants Management Contact: Aricia M. Ajose, MPA Phone: (301) 594-9023 Email: |
NIDDK Specific Information:
National Institute on Drug Abuse
(NIDA) Scientific Program Contact: Michele L. Rankin, Ph.D. Phone: (301) 480-3832 Email: Grants Management Contact: Carol Alderson Phone: (301) 827-6685 Email: |
NIDA Specific Information: Applicants are encouraged to visit the following Web site to learn more about NIDA research training-related opportunities and resources:Research Training - Home. Salary Support: Up to $90,000 plus fringe benefits per year. Research Support: Up to $50,000 per year. |
National Institute of Environmental Health
(NIEHS) Scientific Program Contact: Carol Shreffler, Ph.D. Phone: (984) 287-3322 Email: Grants Management Contact: Lisa A. Edwards Phone: (984) 287-3258 Email: |
NIEHS Specific Information: NIEHS supports research to discover how the environment affects people in
order to promote healthier lives, and invites applications from qualified postdoctoral fellows who
plan to pursue an independent research career in the environmental health sciences. The Institute
funds a substantial portfolio of research conducted by investigators in many disciplines that span
the range from basic mechanistic research to clinical and epidemiologic studies using human
subjects. More information can be found on the NIEHS web site at: Supported
Research |
National Institute of General Medical
(NIGMS) Scientific Program Contact: Division of Biophysics, Biomedical Technology, and Computational Biosciences​: Paula Flicker, Ph.D. Email: Division of Pharmacology, Physiology, and Biological Chemistry: Oleg Barski, Ph.D. Email: Division of Genetics and Molecular, Cellular and​ Developmental Biology: Applicant last names A-M Chi-Wing Chow, Ph.D. Email: Applicant last names N-Z Yogesh Wairkar, Ph.D. Email: Division of Training, Workforce Development, and Diversity: Michael A Sesma, Ph.D. Email: Grants Management Contact: Erica West Email: |
NIGMS Specific Information: The NIGMS encourages postdoctoral trainees to apply by their third year of postdoctoral training. Awardees must complete at least one full year of mentored training under the K99 phase before transitioning to the R00 phase. Individuals who already have extensive postdoctoral training and expect to transition to an independent position in less than one year may not be appropriate for this grant mechanism. In making funding decisions, the NIGMS will give high priority to applications directly related to the missions of the five Institute divisions (NIGMS - About). New K99 awards are generally made from April through September. Before preparing an application, each investigator is encouraged to contact NIGMS staff to discuss the potential application. In some cases, the applicant may discover that there are better options for his/her specific situation. Eligibility: NIGMS does not intend to use this award to support individuals who already have faculty appointments including assistant professor, clinical assistant professor, research assistant professor, and instructor or their equivalent in academia, industry, or elsewhere. Exceptions to the Four-year Limit: In unusual circumstances, exceptions to the 4-year limit may be approved. An exception may be considered when a significant change in fields of study has occurred, such as moving from physical science to life science research, or when a significant break in training has occurred as a result of family responsibilities. Such unique exceptions will be considered on a case by case basis. Investigators are encouraged to contact NIGMS staff to discuss issues regarding eligibility prior to applying. In a cover letter with the application, the investigator should include an explanation of the special circumstances of his/her career training that warrants consideration for an exception. The applicant should provide similar information in the career development section of the application. Salary Support: Up to $75,000 plus fringe benefits per year. Research Support: Up to $25,000 per year. |
National Institute of Mental Health
(NIMH) Scientific Program Contact: NIMH Training Contacts Grants Management Contact: Terri Jarosik Phone: (301) 443-3858 Email: |
NIMH Specific Information: The NIMH welcomes applications from postdoctoral scientists seeking to establish an independent research career in areas of research supported by the Institute. The NIMH supports a broad spectrum of basic and translational research, including basic neuroscience, human genetics, adult and developmental translational research, services and intervention research, and AIDS-related research (NIMH Extramural Research Programs). Prospective applicants are strongly encouraged to contact Institute career development staff (Contacts for Research Training and Career Development Programs) before preparing an application to discuss the relevance of the proposed research to the Institute’s current research priorities and for guidance on the proposed research and career development plans. Applicants are expected to describe a clearly defined path for transition to independence, including milestones, in their applications. Awardees are expected to complete at least one full year of mentored training under the K99 phase before transitioning to the R00 phase. Individuals who already have extensive postdoctoral training and expect to transition to an independent position in less than one year may not be appropriate candidates for this program. Prior to commencing the third year of the independent investigator (R00) award phase, NIMH awardees are expected to have submitted an investigator-initiated research grant (R01) application. Exceptions to the Four-year Eligibility Limit: In unusual circumstances, exceptions to the 4-year limit may be approved. An exception may be considered when a significant change in fields of study has occurred, such as moving from physical science to life science research, or when a significant break in training has occurred as a result of family responsibilities, medical leave, or military service. Such unique exceptions will be considered on a case by case basis. Investigators are expected to contact NIMH staff to discuss issues regarding eligibility prior to applying and to learn if their circumstance warrants an exception. If approved, a cover letter with the application should include an explanation of the special circumstances that warrant consideration for an exception. The applicant should provide similar information in the career development section of the application. See Career Development Programs K-Series for further details about NIMH’s support for K programs. It is recommended that NIMH mentored K applicants proposing research experience with clinical trials review the following guidance: (Career Development Programs K-Series). Salary Support: Up to $75,000 plus fringe benefits per year. Practicing physician-scientists may be eligible for up to $100,000 salary plus fringe benefits per year. Research Support: Up to $20,000 per year. |
National Institute on Minority Health and
Health Disparities
(NIMHD) Scientific Program Contacts: For initial inquiries contact: Grants Management Contact: Priscilla Grant, JD Phone: (301) 594-5412 Email: |
NIMHD Specific Information: NIMHD supports various mentored career development activities involving research to improve minority health and reduce health disparities, organized around three main Research Interest Areas: Clinical and Health Services Research, Community Health and Population Sciences, and Integrative Biological and Behavioral Sciences. Projects are encouraged to use approaches that encompass multiple domains of influence (e.g., biological, behavioral, socio-cultural, environmental, physical environment, health systems) and multiple levels of influence (e.g., individual, interpersonal, community, societal) to understand and address health disparities. See the NIMHD Research Framework for examples of health determinants of interest. Prospective applicants are strongly encouraged to contact the program official identified in the contact table before preparing an application to discuss eligibility requirements and the relevance of the proposed research to the Institute’s research priorities. Salary Support: Up to $75,000 plus fringe benefits per year. Research Support: Up to $25,000 per year. |
National Institute of Neurological Disorders
and Stroke
(NINDS) Scientific Program Contact: Stephen Korn, Ph.D. Phone: (301) 496-4188 Email: Grants Management Contact: Tijuanna E. DeCoster, MPA, Ph.D. National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) Phone: (301) 496-9231 Email: |
NINDS Specific Information: Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact Dr. Korn with any questions about eligibility or other questions about the K99/R00 program. Applicants should consult the NINDS training website for NINDS specific information and instructions: NINDS K99/R00 NIH Pathway Independence Award Note: NINDS does not allow carry-over of K99 funds into the R00 period. When the postdoctoral position ends, the K99 terminates. The R00 can begin as early as the start date of the awardee's job, contingent on NINDS receiving the R00 application with sufficient advance notice. Salary Support: Normally, salary up to $75,000 plus fringe benefits for each K99 year. Practicing clinician-scientists may be eligible for up to $125,000 salary. Research Support: Up to $20,000 per year. |
National Institute of Nursing Research
(NINR) Scientific Program Contact: Mary Elizabeth (Libbey) Bowen, PhD National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR) Telephone: 301-841-5345 Email: Grants Management Contact: Ron Wertz Phone: (301) 594-2807 Email: |
NINR Specific Information: NINR uses the K99/R00, NIH Pathway to Independence Award Program, to provide support for individuals who have a Bachelor's degree or higher in nursing to pursue career development research training that extends their potential for research. The Institute is committed to training new investigators, with attention to the areas of greatest need and to strategies for encouraging young investigators and members of groups underrepresented in science. Applications must have a clear focus in science areas related to the NINR mission, which is to promote and improve the health of individuals, families, and communities. Applicants should also consider NINR areas of special interest identified in NOT-NR-21-001. Those interested in applying for this opportunity are strongly encouraged to contact the NINR Program Director for Extramural Training). The applicant may contact the NINR Program Director by emailing a copy of their draft NIH Biosketch along with any questions and a draft synopsis of interests and research/training aims. Salary Support: Up to $100,000 plus fringe benefits per year. Research Support: Up to $25,000 per year. |
National Library of Medicine
(NLM) Scientific Program Contact: For Clinical/Public Health Informatics: Hua-Chuan Sim, MD Phone: (301) 594-4882 Email: For Translational Bioinformatics: Jane Ye, PhD Phone: (301) 594-4927 Email: For Consumer Informatics: Alan VanBiervliet, PhD Phone: (301) 594-1297 Email: Grants Management Contact: Samantha Tempchin Phone: (301) 496-4221 Email: ​ |
NLM Specific Information: NLM supports research career development in clinical/public health informatics, translational bioinformatics, data science and consumer informatics. We define informatics as the intersection of computer, information and behavioral sciences with one or more application domains. Application domains of interest include health care delivery, basic biomedical research, clinical and translational research, public health and others. Whatever the application domain, the research career focus must be informatics or data science. Preference will be given to applicants who received their informatics and data science training at one of NLM's university-based training programs in Biomedical Informatics and Data Science. Salary Support: Up to $50,000 plus fringe benefits per year. Research Support: Up to $20,000 per year. |
National Center for Complementary and
Integrative Health
(NCCIH) Scientific Program Contact: Lanay Mudd, PhD Phone: (301) 594-9346 Email: Grants Management Contact: Shelley Carow Phone: (301) 594-3788 Email: CarowS@MAIL.NIH.GOV |
NCCIH Specific Information:
Salary Support: Commensurate with the applicant institution's salary structure
for persons of equivalent qualifications, experience, and rank. |