Table of IC-Specific Information, Requirements and Staff Contacts
Release Date: August XX, 2023
Expiration Date: September 8, 2025
NIH Institute or Center | Institute or Center Specific Information |
Program Contacts: Phone:
Sonia B. Jakowlew, Ph.D. Phone:
Hana Odeh, Ph.D. Phone:
Management Contact: Phone:
240-276-6290 |
Specific Information: |
Eye Institute |
Specific Information: |
Heart, Lung, and Blood
Institute |
Specific Information: |
Human Genome Research
Institute Scientific Program Contacts: Temesgen D. Fufa, Ph.D. Phone: (301) 480-2280 Email: Grants Management Contact: Deanna Ingersoll Phone: (301) 435-7858 Email: |
Specific Information: NHGRI will consider only applications that propose research training directly relevant to the mission of NHGRI. NHGRI supports the development of resources, approaches, and technologies that accelerate and support studies focused on the structure and biology of genomes; the genomics of disease; the implementation and effectiveness of genomic medicine; and genomic data science and bioinformatics. NHGRI also supports ethical, legal, regulatory, policy, economic, cultural, and societal issues raised by the advancement and use of genomics. More details about the institute’s vision and priority areas can be found in the 2020 NHGRI Strategic Vision. NHGRI does not support disease-specific research. Prospective applicants are strongly encouraged to contact the Scientific Program Contact before preparing an application to discuss the relevance of the proposed research to the Institute's research priorities. |
Institute on Aging Jamie Lahvic, Ph.D. NIA
Training Office |
Specific Information: |
Institute on Alcohol Abuse and
Specific Information: |
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Scientific
Program Contact: Grants
Management Contact: |
Specific Information: |
Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin
Diseases |
Specific Information: |
Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering
(NIBIB) Scientific Program Contact: Dave Gutekunst, Ph.D. Phone: 301-402-5069 Email: Grants Management Contact: Kathryn (Katie) Ellis Phone: 302-451-4791 Email: |
Specific Information: NIBIB will only consider applications that propose research training directly relevant to the mission of NIBIB. The proposed research plan must fall directly within one or more of NIBIB Scientific Program Areas. Support will be provided for 2 years. Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact the NIBIB Scientific Contact on the left before they begin to prepare their application. Additional information on NIBIB's training programs can be found at |
Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human
Development |
Specific Information: |
Institute on Deafness and Other Communication
Disorders |
Specific Information: |
Institute of Dental and Craniofacial
Research Rachel
Specific Information: |
Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney
Diseases Scientific Program Contacts: Diabetes, Endocrinology, and Metabolic Diseases: Arthur L. Castle, Ph.D. Phone: (301) 594-7719 Email: Digestive and Liver Diseases, Obesity, and Nutrition: Christine Densmore, M.S. Phone: (301) 402-8714 Email: Kidney and Urologic Diseases: Christine Maric-Bilkan, Ph.D. Phone: (301) 435-0486 Email: Hematologic Diseases: Cindy N. Roy, Ph.D. Phone: (301) 594-8805 Email: Grants Management Contact: Kelvin D Lyons Phone: 301-402-5970 E-mail: |
Specific Information: |
Institute on Drug Abuse |
Specific Information: |
Institute of Environmental Health
Sciences |
Specific Information: |
Institute of General Medical Sciences Scientific Program Contact: Michael A Sesma, Ph.D. Email: Grants Management Contact: Grace Olascoaga Phone: (301) 594-5135 Email: |
Specific Information: Specific information on NIGMS F32 awards including FAQs can be found at: The National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) will provide support for up to a maximum of three years, less any time that the fellow has already spent in the sponsor's laboratory at the time of award. For example, if an applicant has been in the sponsor's laboratory for one year at the time of award, NIGMS may provide NRSA support for an additional two years. In addition, applicants who will have already been in the sponsors laboratory for two or more years at the time of award should note that NIGMS will consider this factor in deciding whether to make an award. Applicants requesting or receiving only one year of support should recognize the responsibilities associated with NRSA payback obligations. |
Institute of Mental Health
Chavez, Ph.D.
Specific Information: The NIMH supports a broad spectrum of basic and translational research, including basic neuroscience, human genetics, adult and developmental translational research, services and intervention research, and AIDS-related research ( that advances our mission and strategic research priorities. See for guidance about NIMH-specific practices for individual fellowship applications and awards. Prospective applicants are strongly encouraged to contact Institute program staff before preparing an application to discuss the relevance of the proposed research to the Institute’s research priorities and for guidance on the proposed research and training plans. |
Institute on Minority Health and Health
Disparities E-mail: |
Specific Information: |
Institute of Nursing
Research |
Specific Information: ​NINR uses the F32 fellowship to provide support for individuals who have a Bachelor's degree or higher in nursing to pursue postdoctoral research training that extends their potential for research. Applications must have a clear focus in science areas related to the NINR mission, which is to promote and improve the health of individuals, families, and communities. Applicants should also consider NINR areas of special interest identified in NOT-NR-21-001. Those interested in applying for this opportunity are strongly encouraged to contact the NINR Program Director for Extramural Training. The applicant may contact the NINR Program Director by emailing a copy of their draft NIH Biosketch with any questions and a draft synopsis of interests and research/training aims. Applicants proposing to receive training in clinical trial research should be sure to carefully read instructions found at: Guidance Center |
Center for Complementary and Integrative
Health Jennifer N.
Baumgartner, Ph.D. Debbie
Chen |
NCCIH Specific Information: NCCIH uses this program to support predoctoral individuals in supervised research training experiences. NCCIH will not accept applications to this program proposing to conduct new, free-standing clinical trials. Applicants to the fellowship programs interested in clinical trial research are encouraged to participate in the planning, design, and implementation of the mentor’s ongoing clinical trials in order to gain the training and experience necessary to become independent clinical investigators. Before the application receipt date, applicants and mentor(s) are strongly encouraged to discuss their proposed research interest with an NCCIH Program Officer in the specific scientific area and/or intervention that is closely related to the proposed project to confirm its relevance to NCCIH's mission, research priorities, and strategic plan. A list of NCCIH program officials can be found at Division of Extramural Research Program Directors. Applications that will include the use of natural products or devices in an ongoing interventional research project should explicitly describe the status of the Investigational New Drug (IND) or Investigational Device Exemption (IDE). Applicants interested in natural products research are encouraged to review NCCIH's Natural Product Integrity Policy. |
of Strategic Coordination (Common
Fund) Scientific Program Contacts: Sahana N. Kukke, PhD Email: George J. Papanicolaou, PhD Email: Grants Management Contact: Gabriel Hidalgo, MBA Telephone: 301-827-4630 Email: |
Common Fund This initiative is supported by the Common Fund Data Ecosystem (CFDE), an infrastructure investment made by the Common Fund (Common Fund) to address the growing challenges facing scientific programs that leverage data-intensive strategies. To support these programs and downstream data users, the CFDE is helping to ensure that all Common Fund data sets are Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable (FAIR), providing training for users to operate on the data in a cloud environment, and providing strategies for Common Fund data to continue to be available after individual programs are completed. The Common Fund will consider applications that propose research training that is directly relevant to the goals of the CFDE and substantially leverages data from at least one Common Fund program to address novel research questions and encourage careers in bioinformatics research. Substantial leverage is defined as the use and citation of the relevant dataset(s) in the envisioned training and research products of the proposed work. Applicants proposing two years of support are strongly encouraged to incorporate data from at least two Common Fund programs. All eligible applicants are encouraged to apply, including individuals from underrepresented populations in biomedical research (see the Notice of NIH’s Interest in Diversity: NOT-OD-20-031). Common Fund support will be limited to two years. Recipients are expected to attend one two-day CFDE Consortium meeting in the Spring to be held in Bethesda, Maryland, for scientific and professional interactions with the CFDE community. The Common Fund will only consider applications that target the receipt date of April 08, 2024. Frequently Asked Questions regarding this F32, including a list of established Common Fund programs that are well-poised for increased community use and/or are actively supporting ongoing data generation, will be posted on the CFDE Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) (Data Ecosystem FAQs) website. Prospective applicants are encouraged to contact the Common Fund’s Scientific/Research Contact while preparing an application to discuss the relevance of the proposed work to the CFDE’s priorities. |