Research Supplements to Promote Reentry, Reintegration, and Retraining into Biomedical and Behavioral Research Careers

NIH Institute or Center Contacts Institute/Center Specific Information.
Office of Research on Women’s Health

Scientific Contact: Xenia Tigno, Ph.D.
Phone: (301) 480-1145
ORWH Specific Information:

Please refer to ORWH for the NIH Strategic Plan for Women's Health Research. Contact with ORWH staff is highly recommended before submission of an application. 

NIH Common Fund
Scientific Contact: Becky Miller
Phone: (301) 594-9979

Grants Management Contact: Michael G. Morse
Phone: (301) 435-5446

NIH Common Fund Specific Information:
NIH Common Fund

National Cancer Institute (NCI)

Scientific Contact: Belem Lopez
Phone: (240) 276-5433

Grants Management Contact:Shane Woodward
Phone: (240) 276-6303

NCI Specific Information:
Re-Entry Supplement Guidelines

The National Cancer Institute accepts applications twice a year from October 1 to December 1 and from February 1 to March 30, with the funding decisions anticipated in March and in June, respectively.
Annual Salary Cap for Investigator-level Re-entry Candidates: $100,000 plus fringe benefits. See terms and conditions in the FOA.
National Eye Institute (NEI)

Scientific Contact:Houmam Araj, Ph.D.
Phone: (301) 451-2020

Grants Management Contact: Karen Robinson Smith
Phone: (301) 435-8178
NEI Specific Information


National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI)

Scientific Contact:

Tawanna Meadows, Ph.D.
Phone: 301-435-0535

Grants Management Contacts: 
Kristen Williams
Phone: (301) 827-5513

Shelia Ortiz
Phone: (301) 435-0166

NHLBI Specific Information:
Please see/refer to the NHLBI Guidelines for the Applicant Research Supplements to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research which can be found at URL: Application Guidelines.  Contact with NHLBI staff is highly recommended before submission of an application.

National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI)

Scientific Contact:

Rob Rivers, PhD
Phone: 301-443-8415

Grants Management Contact:Deanna Ingersoll
Phone: (301) 435-7858

NHGRI Specific Information:

NHGRI supports resources, approaches, and technologies that accelerate genomic research focused on the structure and biology of genomes; the genomics of disease; the implementation and effectiveness of genomic medicine; computational genomics and data science; the impact of genomic technology, advances, and implementation on health disparities and health equity; and ethical, legal, and social issues related to genomic advances. NHGRI recognizes the importance of diversity in the genomic workforce, without which the promise of genomics cannot be fully achieved.

In general, NHGRI supports studies that provide generalizable methods and knowledge. Approaches that are comprehensive across the genome or are generalizable across variants, tissues, diseases, or function may be in scope for NHGRI to the extent they address priority areas described in the NHGRI 2020 Strategic Vision and on the web pages for the research mission of NHGRI’s Extramural Divisions and Offices:
Applications for studies relevant only to a particular disease or organ system should be directed to the appropriate Institute or Center. Applications whose primary scientific objective is to understand a single biological or behavioral process, the pathophysiology of a disease, or the mechanism of action of an intervention, will not be in scope for NHGRI. 
Prospective applicants are strongly encouraged to consult the NHGRI Guidelines for Grantees Requesting Administrative Supplements and contact Program Directors in advance of submitting the supplement request.
National Institute on Aging (NIA)

Scientific Contact: Maria G. Carranza, Ph.D.
NIA Training Office

Grants Management Contact: Traci Lafferty
Phone: (301) 496-8987
NIA Specific Information:
Diversity Supplements
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)

Scientific Contact: Deidra Roach, M.D.
Phone: (301) 443- 5820

Grants Management Contact: Judy S. Fox
Phone: (301) 443-4704
NIAAA Specific Information:

National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)

Scientific Contact:

Madelyn Reyes
Phone: 301-594-5945

Grants Management Contact:

Kim Cooper
Phone: (240) 669-2952

NIAID Specific Information:

Research Supplements

National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS)

Scientific Contact:

Dr. Deepti Bajpai, Ph.D.
Phone: 301-402-2446

Grants Management Contact: Leslie Littlejohn
Phone: (301) 594-2545

NIAMS Specific Information:
Activity Codes for Supplemental Programs

NIAMS participates in both the Re-Entry Supplement and the Re-Integration Programs.
NIAMS eligibility requirements for the Re-Entry Supplement Program:

  • Pre-doctoral students, including those enrolled in dual-degree programs (e.g. MD-PhD, DDS-PhD, DVM-PhD) are not eligible to apply.
  • For candidates holding doctoral degrees, the career interruption should be at least one year and no more than eight years. 
  • Preference will be given to candidates with a complete hiatus from research activities.

NIAMS accepts and reviews applications on a continuous basis between October 1 and May 31 of each fiscal year.  Applications received after May 31 will be considered for funding in the next fiscal year.

NIAMS strongly encourages the PI of the parent research grant to contact both the scientific contact listed in this table and the NIAMS Program Officer of that grant.

National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB)

Scientific Contact: Dave Gutekunst, Ph.D.
Phone: (301) 402-5069

Grants Management Contact: Kathryn (Katie) Ellis
Phone: (301) 451-4791

NIBIB Specific Information:

NIBIB interests include the development and integration of advanced bioengineering, sensing, imaging, and computational technologies for the improvement of human health and medical care. An application is not within the NIBIB mission if its principal focus is the development of a technology with the goal of understanding basic biological function or pathological mechanisms. Additionally, NIBIB only supports projects developing platform technologies that are applicable to a broad spectrum of disorders and diseases. However, applicants may propose research that utilizes only a single tissue, organ, or physiological condition as a model system to facilitate the development of what is expected to be a more broadly applicable enabling technology.

Potential applicants are encouraged to contact the appropriate Program Director in their scientific program area of interest (Research Funding) to determine if their research fits within the NIBIB mission.

The Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD)

Scientific Contact: Kathryn Adams
Phone: (301) 435-2067

Grants Management Contact: Maggie Young
Telephone: (301) 642-4552

NICHD Specific Information:e

  • NICHD accepts requests for support for the Re-entry and Re-integration programs only.  Applications for Re-training supplements will not be accepted.

  • NICHD uses 3 receipt dates per year as follows:  September 15, January 15, and May 15.  Applications submitted between these dates will be reviewed in the subsequent cycle. Administrative reviews and processing can take up to 12 weeks.

  • The project and budget periods for the supplement must be within the currently approved project period for the existing parent award. Projects in no-cost extension are not eligible.

  • Postdoctoral- and Investigator-level supplements are limited to two years. Proposed part-time appointments may not be less than 50% effort (equivalent to 6 person-months).

  • Postdoctoral salaries will be paid at the appropriate NRSA stipend levels based on experience. Fringe benefits are provided in addition to salary per institutional policy. The supplement budget may include up to $6,000 per year to support supplies and travel for the candidate.

  • For Investigator-level candidates, salary and fringe benefits should be consistent with the level of support provided by NICHD Career Development Awards. Salary support of up to $100,000, plus fringe benefits, will be provided based on a minimum of 75 percent effort. Additional funds of up to $10,000 per year may be requested for supplies and travel for the candidate.

  • Prospective applicants are strongly encouraged to contact the Scientific Program Contact prior to submission to discuss the proposed supplement.


National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD)

Scientific Contact: Alberto L. Rivera-Rentas, Ph.D
Research Training Officer
Division of Scientific Programs
Phone: (301) 451-3245

Grants Management Contact: Christopher Myers
Phone: (301) 435-0713

NIDCD Specific Information:
Supplements to Promote Re-Entry

  • The institution/university of principal investigator (PI) determines, justifies and certifies the eligibility of the candidate.
  • The PI of the NIDCD-funded award prepares the supplement application with input from the candidate.
  • Typically, supplements are provided for one year, with a strong justification for a second year.
  • The application must clearly describe the need for additional mentored research training.
  • The research strategy section in the application must include the following subheadings:
    • Career development plan: The PI should include details of specific activities and milestones to be accomplished during the supplement duration.  For predoctoral fellows, postdoctoral fellows, and medical students, a plan to transition to NIH mainstream research training and/or research funding should be provided.
    • Mentoring research plan: The PI should describe the specific activities planned for the candidate during the supplement period as well as a description his or her previous training and mentoring experience.
  • For high school, undergraduate, postbaccalaureate (includes baccalaureate holders, master’s students, and master’s holders), and predoctoral students (includes students accepted and currently enrolled in graduate programs such as Ph.D, Au.D. and medical students), and postdoctoral fellows, the application should include a biosketch for the candidate using the NIH fellowship biosketch format (/grants-process/write-application/forms-directory/biosketch).
  • The parent award must have an active budget that is at least equivalent to the duration of the requested supplement and should not be in (or go into) a no-cost extension.
  • Typically, NIDCD allows 1 supplement per parent award to support 1 candidate. Possible exceptions will be considered for exceptional PIs and candidates with a strong justification and with support from the program official assigned to the parent award.
  • Supplements are limited to candidates who are citizens or non-citizen nationals of the United States or to candidates who have been lawfully admitted for permanent residence in the United States (i.e., in possession of a Permanent Resident Card, Form I-551).
  • Candidates supported on a research award (like an R01) may not be transferred to a supplement to increase the availability of funds to the parent award for other uses.
  • Candidates may be temporarily supported by the parent award while the application is under reviewed.
  • Discussions of the supplement request with the program officer assigned to the parent award are highly encouraged to make sure that the proposed project falls within the scope of the parent award.
  • NIDCD accepts applications on a rolling basis.
  • The requested start date should not be the application submission date. Please allow at least 6 weeks between submission and start date for processing and review of the application.
  • Salary and/or effort can only be requested for the Candidate. Any other staff must be supported by the parent award or in-kind.

National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR)

Scientific Contact:

Shoba Thirumangalathu, Ph.D.
Phone: (301) 594-0652

Grants Management Contact:  

Gabriel Hidalgo
Phone: (301) 827-4630

NIDCR Specific Information:

NIDCR accepts and reviews applications on a continuous basis until July 17, 2024 for fiscal year 2024 funding. Applications received after that date will be considered for funding in the next fiscal year.
NIDCR strongly encourages the PI of the parent research grant to contact both the scientific contact listed and the NIDCR Program Officer of the grant prior to applicant submission.
The activities proposed in a supplement application are expected to support research training and career advancement of the candidate, who is expected to pursue and transition to NIDCR support as part of the research training plan, in a research area that align with the NIDCR Strategic Plan  Strategic Plan.
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK)

Scientific Contact: Robert C. Rivers, PhD
Phone: (301) 443-8415

Program Specialist Contact: 
Christina Coriz

Elizabeth Gutierrez
Phone: (301) 594-8844

NIDDK Specific Information:
See: Supplemental Funding to Promote Re-Entry into Biomedical & Behavioral Research

  • PD(s)/PI(s) are strongly encouraged to contact the NIDDK Scientific Contact for the Institute-specific application components, as well as receipt and review dates.
  • PD(s)/PI(s) are strongly encouraged to contact the NIDDK Financial or Grants Management Contact for the Institute-specific funding salary/stipend allowances for postdoctoral and Investigators Developing Independent Research Careers.
  • The NIDDK limits support for Re-Entry candidates at either career level to two years.
  • The NIDDK limits each parent award to support only one candidate on a supplement.
  • The NIDDK does not participate in "part-time appointments" for Re-Entry Supplements.
  • The NIDDK does not participate in “Re-integration Program” for graduate students.
  • As per the Notice to the Guide NOT-OD-15-095 (available at: /grants/guide/notice-files/NOT-OD-15-095.html), the NIDDK reserves the right to administratively withdraw incomplete applications.
  • See terms and conditions in the FOA.

National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)

Scientific Contact: Lindsey Friend, PhD
Phone: (301) 594-4673

Grants Management Contact: Pam Fleming
Phone: (301) 253-8729

NIDA Specific Information:
Candidates must have already completed a doctoral degree program, such as M.D., D.D.S., Ph.D., O.D., D.V.M. All candidates must be planning a career in biomedical, behavioral, clinical, or social science research. 
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS)

Scientific Contact: Jonathan A. Hollander, Ph.D.
Phone: (984) 287-3269

Grants Management Contact: Lisa A. Edwards
Phone: (984) 287-3258
NIEHS Specific Information:
NIEHS reviews re-entry/re-integration supplements monthly.  Submissions are due the first day of each month.

Potential applicants are strongly encouraged to contact the Program Director of their parent grant prior to application submission.

National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS)

Scientific Contact: Shakira Nelson, Ph.D.
Phone: (240) 281-1039

Grants Management Contact: Grace Olascoaga
Phone: (301) 594-5520

NIGMS Specific Information:
Promote Re-Entry

  • NIGMS will only accept applications to either Research Supplements to Promote Re-Entry or Re-integration into in Health-Related Research Careers.
  • NIGMS will not accept applications to Research Supplements to Promote Re-training in Health-Related Research Careers.
  • NIGMS-specific program information can be found at: Promote Re-Entry
  • We anticipate applicants will receive notification of a funding decision approximately 12 weeks after receipt of the application.

National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)

Scientific Contact:

Tatiana Meza-Cervera, Ph.D.
Telephone: (301) 437-0670

Grants Management Contact:

Terri Jarosik
Telephone: (301) 443-3858

NIMH Specific Information: 

The NIMH has developed specific practices for re-entry research supplement requests that augment the requirements described in this program announcement.  Therefore, consultation with the NIMH Office for Disparities Research and Workforce Diversity and program staff prior to submission of a request for a research supplement is imperative.  Specific information about preparing re-entry supplement applications for submission to NIMH can be found at: Diversity and Re-Entry Research Supplements for NIMH Grantees.

  • At the time of submission, the proposed supplement activities must be within the approved project period for the parent award. For phased awards (i.e., R21/R33, R61/R33, UG3/UH3), the administrative supplement must be limited to the currently approved project period phase at the time of submission.

NIMH will support supplement applications for Re-Entry and Re-Integration only. NIMH accepts and reviews administrative supplement applications on a continuous basis until April 1 of each fiscal year (FY). In accordance with NIH submission policies, when April 1 falls on a weekend, Federal holiday, or Washington, DC area Federal office closure (see NOT-OD-17-041), the application deadline is automatically extended to the next business day. Generally, administrative supplement applications received after the April 1 submission date will not be considered for funding until the next fiscal year. Earlier submission is strongly encouraged. For further information see Administrative Supplements to Research Grants and Cooperative Agreements

National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD) 
Scientific Contact:

Carolina Solis Sanabria, M.D., MPH, FACS
Phone: (301) 827-3462

Grants Management Contact:

Priscilla Grant, J.D.
Phone: 301-594-8412

National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS)

Scientific Program Contact:

Anahid Ebrahimi, PhD
Phone: 301-496-1460

Grants Management Contact:

Shellie Wilburn, M.B.A
Phone: 301-496-1974

NINDS Specific Information:


Procedures and supplementary information for NINDS grantees can be found at Research Supplements to Promote Re-Entry and Re-Integration into Health-Related Research Careers.

NINDS will support supplement applications for Re-Enty and Re-Integration only. NINDS will accept applications on a rolling basis. Applicants should allow for 1-2 months after the time of submission for a final funding decision.  For NINDS applications, the career interruption should be at least one year and no more than five years.

National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR)

Scientific Contact:
Joshua Wolff, PhD
National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR)
Telephone: 301-793-5758

Grants Management Contact:
Ron Wertz
Phone: (301) 594-2870

NINR Specific Information:

Potential applicants are strongly encouraged to contact their parent grant Program Director prior to application submission. Priority will be given to developing nurse scientists and nurse scientists. Additional information is available at NINR.
National Library of Medicine

Grants Management Contact:
Andrea Culhane
Phone: 301-402-0069
NLM Specific Information:
Research Supplements to Promote Reentry into Biomedical and Behavioral Research Careers (Admin Supp - Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

NLM’s participation is confined to research grants for which it is the primary funding agency. NLM will only accept supplement applications for parent grants with these activity codes: R01 and R15. Grantees must contact NLM before submitting an application.
John E. Fogarty International Center for Advanced Study in the Health Sciences

Scientific Contact:
Laura K. Povlich, Ph.D.
Phone: (301) 827-2227

Grants Management Contact: Mollie Shea
Phone (301) 496-9750
FIC Specific Information:

National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH)

Scientific Contact:
Lanay Mudd, PhD
Phone: (301) 594-9346

Grants Management Contact: Debbie Chen
Phone: 301-594-3788

NCCIH Specific Information:

See NCCIH. NCCIH accepts applications three times a year, due on November 1st, March 1st, and June 1st.

NCCIH recommends candidates to use the NIH Reporter Tool (RePORTER) to search for topics of interest and identify NCCIH-funded investigators.
Before submitting an application, candidates and mentor(s) are strongly encouraged to discuss their proposed supplement with the NCCIH Program Officer managing the parent award to confirm its relevance to NCCIH's mission (At a Glance), research priorities (Priorities), and strategic plan ( A list of NCCIH program officials can be found at NCCIH Contact.

NCCIH expects candidates to pursue and transition to mainstream NIH support as part of the proposed research-training plan. Applicants should explore NCCIH's research-training webpage (Training) and review the programs that may fit their interests and academic credentials.
NCCIH will provide support to successful applicants for 1 year and will consider a 1 year renewal application depending on progress.

National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS)

Scientific Contact:

Andrew Louden, PhD
Phone: (240) 551-6902

Grants Management Contact: Leslie Le
Phone: (301) 435-0856

NCATS Specific Information:

For investigators developing independent research careers this supplement will provide up to and no more than $100,000/year for salary, plus fringe benefits. An awarded supplement amount, in combination with the parent award amount, may provide support above the established dollar limit for the parent grant award. See terms and conditions in the FOA.


See terms and conditions in the FOA. Specific information for the Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) Program:  The CTSA Program will accept supplement applications to active CTSA Program UL1-Linked Specialized Center Cooperative Agreement grants. NCATS will accept up to two applications for review consideration during a fiscal year from any one CTSA Program hub award.


For CTSA Program specific information and guidance on submitting applications see: PA 2016 Guidance


For CTSA Program Specific FAQs for Re-Entry Supplements see: Re-Entry FAQ

Office of Research Infrastructure Programs (ORIP)

Scientific Contact:

Stephanie J. Murphy, VMD, PhD, DACLAM
Telephone: 301-451-7818

Grants Management Contact:

Sabrina R. Oasan
P: 301-443-9123


ORIP Specific Information:
The parent awards activity codes for OD/ORIP are: R01, R15, R24, P40, P51, U42

This page last updated on: March 21, 2025
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