Research Supplements to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research (Contacts, Submission Dates and Special Instructions)


Release Date:  June 29, 2023
Expiration Date:  May 8, 2026

NIH Institute or Center Scientific Contact/Grants Management Contact Institute or Center Specific Information

All of Us Research Program, Office of the Director, National Institutes of Health (PRECMED)

Scientific Contact:

Janeth Sanchez, Ph.D.
Phone: 240-935-6729
Email: [email protected] 

All of Us Research Program Specific Information

  • Applicants are highly encouraged to discuss their proposals with the ICO Program Officer of the funded parent award prior to submission to ensure that the proposed activity aligns with the scientific priorities of the ICO and is within the scope of the parent award. Scientific inquiries may also be addressed to the All of Us Research Program Scientific Contact.
  • The All of Us Research Program intends to commit up to $1,000,000 to fund up to 4 awards per year over 3 years beginning Fiscal Year (FY) 2024, subject to availability of funds. 
  • Budget requests may be for one year of support only and not exceed $75,000 in direct costs. 
  • Awards in a No-Cost Extension (NCE) or going into a no-cost extension are not eligible.

NIH Common Fund

Scientific Contact:
Patricia Labosky, Ph.D.
Phone: (301) 594-4863
Email: [email protected]
            [email protected]
            [email protected]
            [email protected]

Grants Management Contact:

Michael Morse
Phone: (301) 435.5446
Email: [email protected]

NIH Common Fund Specific Information:

NIH Common Fund

National Cancer Institute (NCI)

Scientific Contact:

Fulera Salami, M.P.H.
Phone: (240) 276-7192
Email: [email protected]

Jason Liu, Ph.D., M.BA., M.S.
Phone: (240) 276-6253
Email: [email protected]

JoBeth McCarthy, DHSc(c), MPH, CPH (C)
Phone: (240) 276-6170
Email: [email protected]

Grants Management Contact:
Shane Woodward
Phone: 240-276-6303
Email: [email protected]

NCI Specific Information:

NCI Diversity Supplements Guidelines

New due dates starting in 2025

NCI Application Receipt Dates and Notifications

The National Cancer Institute accepts applications twice a year from October 1 to December 1 and from February 1 to April 2, with funding decisions anticipated in March and in June, respectively.

National Eye Institute (NEI)

Scientific Contact:
Houmam Araj, Ph.D.
Phone: (301) 451-2020
Email: [email protected]

Grants Management Contact:
Karen Robinson Smith
Phone: (301) 451-2020
Email: [email protected]

NEI Specific Information:

National Eye Institute

Annual Salary Cap for Investigators Developing Independent Research Careers: The NEI does not impose any salary restriction beyond that imposed legislatively.

National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) 

Scientific Contact:

Tawanna Meadows
Telephone: 301-435-0535
Email: [email protected]

Grants Management Contact:
Shelia Ortiz
Phone: (301) 435-0166
Email: [email protected] 

NHLBI Specific Information:

NHLBI Guidelines for the Applicant can be found at URL:
NHLBI Research Supplement Application Guidelines

Contact with NHLBI staff is highly recommended before submission of an application.

National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI)

Scientific Contact
Rob Rivers, PhD
National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI)
Telephone: 301-443-8415
Email:[email protected]

Grants Management Contact:
Deanna Ingersoll
Phone: (301) 435-7858
Email: [email protected]

NHGRI Specific Information:

National Human Genome Research Institute

NHGRI will accept and review applications on a continuous basis until May 15 for the current fiscal year.  Applications received after May 15 will be considered for funding in the next fiscal year.
NHGRI strongly encourages the PI of the parent research grant to contact both the Scientific Contact listed in this table and the Program Officer of that grant before preparing an application to discuss eligibility and research focus. Please refer to NHGRI-specific guidelines for additional guidance.

Trainees are strongly encouraged to attend at least one NHGRI Research Training and Career Development Annual Meeting while supported on the diversity supplement.  Travel may be requested up to $1500 each per NHGRI meeting.

Annual Salary Cap for Investigators Developing Independent Research Careers: NHGRI does not impose any salary restriction beyond that imposed legislatively.

National Institute on Aging (NIA)

Scientific Contact:
NIA Training Office
National Institute on Aging (NIA)
Email: [email protected]
Grants Management Contact:
Lesa McQueen, M.Sc.
Phone: (301) 496-1472
Email: [email protected]

NIA Specific Information:

Diversity Supplements

Annual Salary Cap for Investigators Developing Independent Research Careers: $75,000 plus fringe benefits.

National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA)

Scientific Contact:
Gary Murray, Ph.D.
Phone: 301-443-9940
Email: [email protected]

Grants Management Contact:
Judy S. Fox
Phone:  (301) 443-4704
Email:  [email protected]

NIAAA Specific Information:

NIAAA will accept administrative supplement applications twice a year on November 1, and May 1. For more details about recent changes in NIAAA policy and procedures on diversity supplements please refer to Diversity Supplements.

NIAAA will provide up to 3 years of support. Duration of support depends on the candidate's career level, as well as the amount of time remaining on the parent award (excluding a no cost extension) and may be adjusted by the review committee. Recipients of prior diversity or disability supplement funding from NIH Institutes other than NIAAA are eligible to apply for NIH funding. However, if a candidate received a prior NIAAA diversity supplement award, regardless of career stage, they are not eligible to apply for a second NIAAA diversity supplement award. 

Annual Salary Cap for Investigators Developing Independent Research Careers: $75,000 plus fringe benefits. 

National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)

Scientific Contact:
Madelyn Reyes, DNP, MA, MPA, RN, FAAN
Phone: 301-594-5945
Email: [email protected]

Grants Management Contact:
Dhana Khurana
Phone: 240-669-2966
Email: [email protected]

Katherine Matheson
Telephone: 301-594-4218
Email: [email protected]  

NIAID Specific Information:

NIAID Guidelines for the Applicant can be found at:
Research Supplements | NIH: National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases: Research Supplementss

Contact with NIAID staff is highly recommended before submission of an application.

National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS)

Scientific Contact :
Deepti Bajpai, Ph.D.
Email: [email protected]

Grants Management Contact:
Leslie Littlejohn
Phone: (301) 594-2545
Email: [email protected]

NIAMS Specific Information:

Administrative Supplements to Existing NIH Grants and Cooperative Agreements

NIAMS strongly encourages the PI of the parent research grant to contact both the scientific contact listed in this table and the NIAMS Program Officer of that grant.

Applicants are encouraged to send an e-mail to the scientific contact alerting them to the submission of the application: [email protected]

Annual Salary Cap for Investigators Developing Independent Research Careers: The requested salary for an investigator should be consistent with the level of support provided by NIH Career Development Awards, for which NIAMS currently provides up to $100,000. Salary and fringe benefits must be in accordance with the salary structure of the recipient institution, and must be consistent with the level of effort.

PD(s)/PI(s) are strongly encouraged to contact the NIAMS Financial or Grants Management Contact for the Institute-specific funding salary/stipend allowances for postdoctoral and Investigators Developing Independent Research Careers.

National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB) 

Scientific Contact:
Tina Gatlin, Ph.D.
Email: [email protected]

Grants Management Contact:
Kathryn (Katie) Ellis
Phone: 302-451-4791
Email: [email protected]

NIBIB Specific Information:

Research Supplements to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research NIBIB’s Additional Guidelines

NIBIB will accept applications on a rolling basis. Applications received by May 31 will be reviewed and, if approved for funding, funded in the current fiscal year (by September 30). For applications received after May 31, funding could take place in the current fiscal year or the following fiscal year.

The supplement research must be conducted during the originally approved award period and thus not during a no-cost extension.

Investigators are strongly encouraged to contact the Scientific Contact listed in this table before preparing an application.

For diversity supplements to support investigators developing independent research careers, the annual salary cap is $90,000 plus fringe benefits. For candidates with clinical degrees, up to $105,000 plus fringe benefits may be requested based on prior approval from the program director.

The Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD)

Scientific Contact:
Applicants should contact the NICHD Program Official listed on the Notice of Grant Award. 
NICHD Program Officials
Research Supplements to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research​Email: [email protected]


NICHD Specific Information:

Contact with NICHD staff is highly recommended before submission of an application.

New due dates starting in 2025

NICHD Application Receipt Dates and Notifications

Receipt Dates Funding Decision  Earliest Possible Start Date
Cycle I: September 5 December
Cycle II: January 5 April May
Cycle III: May 5 July August

*Applications submitted between the above receipt dates will be reviewed in the subsequent cycle.

NICHD Supported Career Stages and Time Periods for Diversity Supplement applications

Career Level* Maximum Length Of support
High School 1 year
Undergraduate 1 or 2 Years
Post BA/BS 2 Years
Post MA/MS  2 Years
Pre-doctoral 2 Years
Post-doctoral 2 Years
Investigator 2  Years

* Although NICHD awards supplements for students through faculty career stages, priority is given to highly meritorious applications that request support for post BA/BS, post MA/MS, graduate students, postdoctoral fellows and established investigators who become disabled. Undergraduate applications must state the length of support requested at the time of application submission.
Please refer to NICHD-specific Diversity and Re-Entry Supplement guidelines for additional guidance.

National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD)

Scientific Contact:
Alberto L. Rivera-Rentas, Ph.D.
Research Training Officer
Division of Scientific Programs
Phone: (301) 496-1804
Email: [email protected]

Grants Management Contact:
Samantha Tempchin
Telephone: 301-435-1404
Email: [email protected]

NIDCD Specific Information:

Research Supplements to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research

  • The institution/university of principal investigator (PI) determines, justifies and certifies the eligibility of the candidate based on  Notice of NIH's Interest in Diversity  (/grants/guide/notice-files/NOT-OD-20-031.html).
  • The PI of the NIDCD-funded award prepares the supplement application with input from the candidate.
  • Typically, supplements are provided for one year, with a strong justification for a second year.
  • The application must clearly describe the need for additional mentored research training.
  • The research strategy section in the application must include the following subheadings:
    • Career development plan: The PI should include details of specific activities and milestones to be accomplished during the supplement duration.  For predoctoral fellows, postdoctoral fellows, and medical students, a plan to transition to NIH mainstream research training and/or research funding should be provided.
    • Mentoring research plan: The PI should describe the specific activities planned for the candidate during the supplement period as well as a description his or her previous training and mentoring experience.
  • For high school, undergraduate, postbaccalaureate (includes baccalaureate holders, master’s students, and master’s holders), and predoctoral students (includes students accepted and currently enrolled in graduate programs such as Ph.D, Au.D. and medical students), and postdoctoral fellows, the application should include a biosketch for the candidate using the NIH fellowship biosketch format (Biosketch Format Pages, Instructions, and Samples).
  • The parent award must have an active budget that is at least equivalent to the duration of the requested supplement and should not be in (or go into) a no-cost extension.
  • Typically, NIDCD allows 1 supplement per parent award to support 1 candidate. Possible exceptions will be considered for exceptional PIs and candidates with a strong justification and with support from the program official assigned to the parent award.
  • Supplements are limited to candidates who are citizens or non-citizen nationals of the United States or to candidates who have been lawfully admitted for permanent residence in the United States (i.e., in possession of a Permanent Resident Card, Form I-551).
  • Candidates supported on a research award (like an R01) may not be transferred to a supplement to increase the availability of funds to the parent award for other uses.
  • Candidates may be temporarily supported by the parent award while the application is under reviewed.
  • Discussions of the supplement request with the program officer assigned to the parent award are highly encouraged to make sure that the proposed project falls within the scope of the parent award.
  • NIDCD accepts applications on a rolling basis.
  • The requested start date should not be the application submission date. Please allow at least 6 weeks between submission and start date for processing and review of the application.
  • Salary and/or effort can only be requested for the Candidate. Any other staff must be supported by the parent award or in-kind.

National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR)

Scientific Contact:

Shoba Thirumangalathu, PhD
Research Training and Career Development Branch
National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research
Telephone: (301) 594-0652
Email: [email protected]

Grants Management Contact:

Gabriel Hidalgo
Telephone: 301-827-4630
Email: [email protected]

For NIDCR specific information on application submission, eligibility, and FAQs refer to NIDCR Guidance on Applications in Response to Research Supplements to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research, PA-23-189 and PA-21-345.  NIDCR strongly encourages the PD(s)/PI(s) to contact both the scientific contact listed in this table and the NIDCR Program Officer of the parent research grant.

Annual Salary Cap for Investigators Developing Independent Research Careers: $100,000 plus fringe benefits, per year for a minimum of 75% to 100% research effort. 

National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) 

Scientific Contact:
Fanta Kamara, M.S.
Phone: 301-594-3760
Email: [email protected]

Grants Management Contact:
Elizabeth Gutierrez
Email: [email protected]

Natasha Loveless
Email: [email protected]

NIDDK Specific Information:

Research Supplements to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research

  • PD(s)/PI(s) are strongly encouraged to contact the NIDDK Scientific Contact for the Institute-specific application components, as well as receipt and review dates.
  • PD(s)/PI(s) are strongly encouraged to contact the NIDDK Financial or Grants Management Contact for the Institute-specific funding salary allowances for postdoctoral candidates and Investigators Developing Independent Research Careers.
  • The NIDDK limits support for candidates at all career levels to two years.
  • The NIDDK will allow up to two supplements under a parent grant, under exceptional circumstances, when strongly justified. Each candidate will require a separate application, and acceptance of a second application to the same parent grant requires pre-approval by the NIDDK Scientific Contact.
  • The NIDDK does not accept Research Supplement applications to R15, SC1, or SC2 awards.
  • The NIDDK does NOT participate in the "Short-term Investigator Research Supplement."
  • Because this program is not intended to provide an alternative or additional means of supporting individuals who receive support from PHS funding mechanisms, diversity candidates may not be transferred to supplemental support prior to the completion of their appointed period of their current PHS support. In addition, individuals may not be transferred to a supplement from a parent PHS award to increase the availability of funds to the parent grant for other uses.
  • As per NIH Guide Notice NOT-OD-15-095 (available at:
    /grants/guide/notice-files/NOT-OD-15-095.html), the NIDDK reserves the right to administratively withdraw incomplete applications.
National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)

Scientific Contact:
Angela Holmes, Ph.D.
Phone: (301) 827-2487
Email: [email protected]

Grants Management Contact:
Ericka Wells
Phone: (301) 827-6705
Email: [email protected]

NIDA Specific Information:

  • Application Due Date(s) (by 5:00 PM local time of applicant organization): August 15th, October 15th, December 15th, February 15th and April 15th. For applications to be considered for funding during FY 2025, which ends September 30, 2025, they must be received by April 15, 2025. Any applications received after this date will be considered for funding during the next fiscal year.
  • PD(s)/PI(s) are strongly encouraged to contact the NIDA Scientific Contact for the Institute-specific application components, as well as receipt and review dates prior to applying.
  • For NIDA specific information on application requirements, submission, eligibility, and level of support (funding) for Diversity Supplement Scholars see NIDA’s webpage Instructions to Principal Investigators Applying for Research Supplements to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research (Diversity Supplements) at the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA).
  • NIDA Diversity Supplement Frequently Asked Questions and answers can be found on our FAQ webpage.
  • The diversity supplement start date will be the same as the parent grant budget start date (some exceptions may apply).
  • At the time of the application is submitted to NIDA/NIH, the parent grant should have at least 1 year of funding remaining for post-baccalaureate candidates/trainees and master's degree holders, a minimum of 2 years of funding remaining for pre-doctoral candidates/trainees or 18 months of funding remaining for post-doctoral or early career investigator level candidates/trainees.
  • Prospective candidates who are supported by an institutional Kirschstein-NRSA may not be transferred to supplemental support prior to the completion of their appointed period of their current PHS support. If the candidate is on a NIH-funded T32 at your current intuition, they cannot start a diversity supplement until the end date the T32 appointment. They can apply for a diversity supplement in advance but cannot terminate the T32 appointment early to start the supplement.

National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS)

Scientific Contact:
Frederick L. Tyson, Ph.D.
Telephone: (984) 287-3334
Email: [email protected]

Scientific Contact (Superfund Research Program):
Heather Henry, Ph.D.
Telephone: (984) 287-3268
Email: [email protected]

Grants Management Contact:

Clark Phillips
Telephone: 984-287-4037
Email: [email protected]

NIEHS Specific Information:

Workforce Diversity

NIEHS reviews supplement applications every other month.

Annual Salary Cap for Investigators Developing Independent Research Careers: $75,000 plus fringe benefits.
For applicants funded by the Superfund Research Program (SRP), the following career levels are eligible to apply: Baccalaureate and Master's Degree Holders, Graduate (Predoctoral) and Health Professional Students, and Individuals in Postdoctoral Training. SRP will provide up to two years of support.  Duration of support and allowability of costs depends on the candidate’s career level, as well as the amount of time remaining on the parent award (excluding a no cost extension) and may be adjusted by the review committee. Requests may be up to $50,000 Direct Costs per year. Only one supplement application submission is permitted per grant recipient per year. Please see this webpage for specific guidance: SRP Research Supplements to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research.

National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) 

Scientific Contact:
Applicants should contact the NIGMS Diversity Supplement Program co-Directors listed on the program webpage.
NIGMS Research Supplement to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research
Email: [email protected]

Grants Management Contact:
Grace Olascoaga
Email: [email protected]

NIGMS Specific Information:

Promote Diversity​

  • Applications are accepted on a rolling basis between October 1 - May 31 in any fiscal year.
  • Eligibility information, frequently asked questions, and additional NIGMS-specific information can be found at: Information for the PD(s)/PI(s) of IDeA, SuRE, SCORE, and NARCH programs can also be found on this website.
  • PD(s)/PI(s) are strongly encouraged to contact the NIGMS Scientific Contact for the Institute-specific application components, as well as receipt and review dates prior to applying. 

National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)

Scientific Contact:

Tatiana Meza-Cervera, Ph.D.
Telephone: (301) 437-0670
Email: [email protected]

Grants Management Contact

Terri Jarosik
Phone: (301) 443-3858
Email: [email protected]

NIMH Specific Information:

  • Application and Review Procedures for Diversity and Re-entry Research Supplements
  • The NIMH has developed specific practices for diversity research supplement requests that augment the requirements described in this program announcement. Therefore, consultation with the NIMH Office for Disparities Research and Workforce Diversity and program staff prior to submission of a request for a research supplement is imperative. Specific information about preparing diversity supplement applications for submission to NIMH can be found at:Application and Review Procedures for Diversity and Re-entry Research Supplements
  • Annual Salary Cap for Investigators Developing Independent Research Careers: $90,000 plus fringe benefits. 
  • At the time of submission, the proposed supplement activities must be within the approved project period for the parent award. For phased awards (i.e., R21/R33, R61/R33, UG3/UH3), the administrative supplement must be limited to the currently approved project period phase at the time of submission.
  • NIMH accepts and reviews administrative supplement applications on a continuous basis until April 1 of each fiscal year (FY). In accordance with NIH submission policies, when April 1 falls on a weekend, Federal holiday, or Washington, DC area Federal office closure (see NOT-OD-17-041), the application deadline is automatically extended to the next business day. Administrative supplement applications received after the April 1st submission date will not be considered for funding until the next fiscal year, unless specified otherwise in a NOFO. Earlier submission is strongly encouraged. For further information see  Administrative Supplements to Research Grants and Cooperative Agreements

National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD)

Scientific Contact:

Dorothy M. Castille, PhD

Phone:(301) 594-9411

Email: [email protected]

Grants Management Contact:

Priscilla Grant, J.D.

Phone: (301) 594-8412

Email: [email protected]

National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS)

Scientific Contact:

Marguerite Matthews, Ph.D.
Phone:  (301) 496-3272
Email: [email protected]

Grants Management Contact:

Russell Blaisdell 
Phone: (301) 827-5432 
Email: [email protected]

NINDS Specific Information:

Procedures and supplementary information for preparation, submission, and review of applications for diversity research supplements for NINDS recipients can be found on our website: Research Supplements to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research

NINDS has 3 receipt dates per year for applications: November 15, February 15, and May 15. Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact Dr. Matthews prior to submission.

Annual salary cap for Investigators Developing Independent Research Careers: up to $75,000 salary plus fringe benefits per year up to $85,000 total direct costs.

National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR)

Scientific Contact:

Liz Perruccio, MS, PhD

National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR)

Telephone: 301-402-8084

Email: [email protected]

Grants Management Contact:

Randi Freundlich, R.D.

Phone:  (301) 594-5974

Email:  [email protected]  

  • NINR Specific Information:
  • National Institute of Nursing Research
  • NINR accepts supplement applications three times a year, January 15, April 15, and August 15. NINR only accepts applications for undergraduate, predoctoral, postdoctoral, and investigator candidates who have a degree in nursing or are enrolled in an undergraduate nursing program. NINR gives priority to applications for candidates who are at the predoctoral or postdoctoral level as well some early stage investigators. Principal investigators are encouraged to contact the NINR Program Director to discuss their supplement application.

National Library of Medicine

Scientific Contact:

Meryl Sufian, PhD

Phone: 301-496-4671

Email: [email protected]

Grants Management Contact:

Andrea Culhane
Phone: 301-402-0069
E-mail: [email protected]

NLM Specific Information:

John E. Fogarty International Center for Advanced Study in the Health Sciences

Scientific Contact:

UnJa Hayes, PhD

Program Officer

Division of International  Training and Research

NIH (Fogarty International Center)

31 Center Drive, MSC 2220

Bethesda, MD 20892

Phone: 301-827-7024

Grants Management Contact:

Bruce R. Butrum

Phone: (301) 496-1670

Email: [email protected]

FIC Specific Information:

National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH)

Scientific Contact:

Sekai Chideya, MD, MPH

Phone: (301)-827-1916

Email: [email protected]

Grants Management Contact:

Debbie Chen

Phone: (301) 594-3788

Email: [email protected]

NCCIH Specific Information:

  • NCCIH accepts applications three times a year, due on November 1st, March 1st, and June 1st.  
  • NCCIH recommends candidates to use the NIH Reporter Tool (RePORTER) to search for topics of interest and identify NCCIH-funded investigators.
  • Before submitting an application, candidates and mentor(s) are strongly encouraged to discuss their proposed supplement with the NCCIH Program Officer managing the parent award to confirm its relevance to NCCIH's mission (At-a-Glance), research priorities (Research Funding Prioritie), and strategic plan (Strategic Plans and Reports). A list of NCCIH program officials can be found at
  • Division of Extramural Research Program Directors.
  • NCCIH expects candidates to pursue and transition to mainstream NIH support as part of the proposed research-training plan. Applicants should explore NCCIH's research-training webpage (Training) and review the programs that may fit their interests and academic credentials.
  • NCCIH will provide support to successful applicants for 1 year and will consider a 1 year renewal application depending on progress.

National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS)

Scientific Contact (Division of Clinical Innovation):

Heather Baker

Phone: (240) 506-2859

Email: [email protected] 

Scientific Contact (Office of Drug Development Partnership Programs):

Steve Pittenger, Ph.D.

Phone: (301) 827-5810

Email: [email protected]

Scientific Contact (Office of Special Initiatives):

Doda Rudnicki, Ph.D.

Phone: (301) 594-2080

Email: [email protected]

Grants Management Contact:

Leslie Le

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 301-435-0856

  • For investigators developing independent research careers this supplement will provide up to and no more than $100,000/year for salary, plus fringe benefits. See terms and conditions in the FOA.

Specific information for the Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) Program:

  • The CTSA Program will accept supplement applications to active CTSA Program UL1-Linked Specialized Center Cooperative Agreement grants.
  • NCATS will accept up to two applications for review consideration during a fiscal year from any one CTSA Program hub award.
  • Grants must have at least two years remaining to apply for a supplement.
  • Budget may not exceed $150,000 per year in direct costs.
  • For CTSA Program specific information and guidance on submitting applications see  PA 2016 Guidance
  • Short-term Investigator Research Supplements may be requested but must span across at least two years of support.
  • For CTSA Program Specific FAQs for Diversity Supplements go to Diversity Funding FAQ

NCATS Specific Information:

  • Prospective applicants and their mentors are strongly encouraged to contact their respective NCATS program officer and/or the scientific contact listed in this opportunity during the initial preparation of a supplement application and prior to its submission to discuss the goals and objectives of the supplement application.

Office of Research Infrastructure Programs (ORIP)

Scientific Contact:

Ritesh Tandon, Ph.D.

Office of Research Infrastructure Programs

Telephone: 301-594-5304

Email: [email protected]

Grants Management Contact:

Sabrina Oasan


Email: [email protected]

Phone: 301-443-9123

ORIP Specific Information:

  • ORIP will accept supplement applications for the following activity codes: R01, R21, R24, P40, P51, U42, U54.
  • The duration of the diversity supplement must be at least 12 months.  Requests submitted with less than 18 months remaining on the parent grant period will not be accepted. 
  • Program Directors/Principal Investigators (PD/PIs) planning to submit applications to this FOA are strongly encouraged to contact their respective program officer and/or the scientific contact prior to the submission.
  • Annual Salary Cap for Investigators Developing Independent Research Careers: Contact ORIP staff.
  • For additional information please go to: ORIP Diversity Supplement Guidelines

National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health

Scientific Contact:

Steve Dearwent, Ph.D.

Phone: (404) 498-6382

Email: [email protected]  

Grants Management Contact:


NIOSH Specific Information:

  • Annual Salary Cap for Investigators Developing Independent Research Careers: Contact NIOSH staff.

This page last updated on: January 14, 2025
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