Loan Repayment Program for Research in Emerging Areas Critical to Human Health (L70)

For investigators pursuing major opportunities or gaps in emerging high-priority research areas, as defined by NIH Institutes and Centers.


The objective of L70 is to recruit and retain highly qualified health professionals into research careers to pursue major gaps in biomedical and biobehavioral research and/or expand research in emerging areas critical to human health. Emerging areas are considered new areas of biomedical and biobehavioral research that are ripe for targeted investments that can have a transformative relevance and impact for years to come.

Although the participating NIH Institutes and Centers (ICs) use this mechanism to support early career researchers, each IC will determine which emerging areas of research fit with their IC's research priorities, which can be found here: Applicants are urged to contact ICs of interest for more specific information before starting an LRP-REACH application. Contact information for each IC scientific liaison is provided at this site: Contact & Engage.

Visit our Clinical Research (L70) page on the NIH Division of Loan Repayment site for:

  • Program announcements 

  • LRP online application and instructions

  • FAQs, tips, and other resources


Award Information

  • Funding Instrument: Contract
  • Funding Category: Loan Repayment Programs


Additional Information:

This page last updated on: March 10, 2025
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