Internet Guide - Internet Sites Of Interest
Updated: 03/20/2014

This handout provides a list of useful URL web site addresses for organizations/individuals, interested in applying for, and receiving, grants from the National Institutes of Health. The sites provide pertinent information on policies, procedures, and issues, as they pertain to the grants and cooperative program. This information should be useful to institutions of higher education, for-profit institutions as well as non-profit institutions. Please use this helpful information as a source of reference on issues concerning grant funding opportunities.


Bioethics Resources Biohazards (Health and Safety Guidelines) Clinical Research Conflict of Interest Consortium Consultant Costs Division of Payment Management Equipment Expanded Authority Facilities and administrative costs Federal Acquisition Regulation Financial Reports Graduate Student Compensation Invention Reporting Misconduct in Science Modular Grants NIH Forms and Applications NIH Guide NIH Welcome Wagon Memorandum National Research Service Awards
  • NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts Announcement - NRSA Guidelines
    Parent Announcements – Research Training (T) Announcements and  Fellowship (F) Announcements

  • NIH Grants Policy Statement
    NIH Grants Policy Statement (2013)
    – Chapter 11 – Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Awards
OLAW (Animals in Research) OHRP (Human Subjects) Publications Record Retention Requirements Salary Cap SBIR and STTR - advice and information SBIR and STTR - Application forms SBIR - Other Business Sites of Interest SNAP - Streamlined Noncompeting Award Process
Created by the GMAC Rapid Response Team


This page last updated on March 20, 2014 
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