This Program Announcement expires on May 15, 2004, unless reissued. NCRR TRAINING GRANT FOR VETERINARY STUDENTS IN ANIMAL-ORIENTED, HYPOTHESIS-BASED RESEARCH Release Date: September 20, 2001 (see revision NOT-RR-02-010) PA NUMBER: PA-01-138 National Center for Research Resources (NCRR: Application Receipt Dates: January 10, May 10, and September 10 PURPOSE The National Center for Research Resources (NCRR) will award National Research Service Award (NRSA) Institutional Training Grants (T32) to eligible institutions to develop or enhance animal-oriented, hypothesis-based biomedical research training opportunities for individuals pursuing a degree in veterinary medicine (D.V.M. or V.M. D.). The purpose of this program is to help ensure that highly trained comparative medical scientists will be available to meet collaborative research needs in animal-based, biomedical research. This award provides support for one year of supervised research experience to introduce veterinary students with an interest in biomedical research at a formative stage of their veterinary medical science education to pursue training in research careers. RESEARCH OBJECTIVES Summary Animal models are important tools to study the causes of human disease and to develop new treatments. A large variety of animal models, both mammalian and nonmammalian, are currently used in research to improve human health. Gene targeting and transgenic methodologies have resulted in the production of an enormous variety of new animal strains engineered specifically to study particular genes or diseases. For instance, scientists have recently developed strategies for conducting large-scale mutagenesis in mice and zebrafish. The resultant mutations introduced into the genome can be reflected in the alterations in physical, biochemical, behavioral and physiologic parameters that are relevant to human development as well as aging and disease processes such as neurodegeneration and cancer. As transgenic methodologies have resulted in a large variety of new animal model strains to study particular genes or diseases, there is an increasing need for veterinary scientists to contribute to basic research, assess and develop new animal models, and study laboratory animal diseases that can interfere with animal-based biomedical research. Veterinarians of the future will need increased scientific skills and specialty training to take full advantage of current and evolving biomedical technologies. At present, there is a serious shortage of trained veterinary scientists to meet the independent and collaborative research needs of biomedical science in such fields as genetics, pathology, and epidemiology of diseases in laboratory animal models. This current Program Announcement is being issued to enhance the interest of veterinary students in biomedical research by initiating a one-year program that would provide a mentored research experience at research- intensive institutions. This program will provide students with an introduction to animal-oriented, hypothesis-based, biomedical research at a formative stage of their veterinary medical science education. Research that aims to assess and develop new animal models and techniques, investigate problems relevant to human health, and understand the biology of research animals would be responsive to this program. Objectives The overall objectives of the training program described in this PA are to provide support for integrated training programs for future veterinarians that enhances their skills in the areas of animal- oriented, hypothesis-based, biomedical and/or behavioral science. To expand the training opportunities for veterinary students in biomedical research in order to introduce them to scientific career opportunities in research areas including, but not limited to, gene targeting and transgenic methodologies, and/or behavioral science. And provide the training institutions and mentors with support mechanisms characterized by flexibility, by an emphasis on cross-disciplinary interactions, and by a diversity of opportunities for sustained learning and for training choices for future veterinarians. SPECIAL PROGRAM CONSIDERATIONS The primary objective of the National Research Service Award program is to prepare qualified individuals for careers that significantly impact the Nation"s research agenda. Within the framework of the program"s longstanding commitment to excellence and projected need for investigators in particular areas of research, attention must be given to recruiting individuals from minority groups underrepresented nationally in the biomedical and behavioral sciences. The following groups have been identified as underrepresented in biomedical and behavioral research nationally: American Indian or Alaskan Native, Asian or Pacific Islander, Black or African American, Hispanic or Latino. ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS Applicant Eligibility Requirements Only domestic, non-profit, private or public institutions may apply for grants to support the research-training program described herein. The applicant institution must have a strong research program in the area proposed for research training and must have the staff and facilities required for a substantive portion of the proposed program. Collaborative arrangements with one or more cooperating institutions may be proposed to provide multidisciplinary biomedical research opportunities not available at the applicant institution. The research training program director at the parent institution will be responsible for the selection and appointment of trainees to receive NRSA support and for the overall direction of the program. Trainee Eligibility Requirements Trainees must have a baccalaureate degree and be enrolled in a program leading to a D.V.M./VMD degree. In addition, trainees must have completed their first year of veterinary school. Trainees are required to pursue research training on a full-time basis, devoting at least 40 hours per week to the program. Trainees appointed to the program must have the opportunity to carry out supervised research with the primary objective of developing or extending their skills and knowledge for their professional training in biomedical research. Relevant disciplines include, but are not limited to, neuroscience, physiology, pathology, behavioral science, immunology, biochemistry, and genetics. Citizenship To be appointed to a training position supported by an NRSA research training grant, an individual must be a citizen or non-citizen national of the United States or must have been lawfully admitted for permanent residence (i.e., in possession of a currently valid Alien Registration Receipt Card, I-551, or some other legal verification of such status). Non-citizen nationals are generally persons born in outlying possessions of the United States (e.g., American Samoa and Swains Island). Individuals on temporary or student visas are not eligible. MECHANISM OF SUPPORT This program announcement will use the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Institutional National Research Service Award (T32) mechanism. Responsibility for the planning, direction, and execution of the proposed project will be solely that of the applicant institution. The total project period for an application submitted in response to this program announcement may not exceed 3 years. Awards may be renewable upon submission of a successful competing continuation application, depending on programmatic needs and the availability of funds. This program announcement is an on-going initiative and will remain operational for at least 3 years. The first receipt date for new and competing continuation applications will be January 10, 2002, with awards made in December 2002. PROVISIONS OF THE AWARD Funds may be requested for: A. Stipends - The current NRSA stipend levels for graduate and postdoctoral trainees is available on the NIH website at Stipend levels and other financial provisions of these awards are often adjusted at the beginning of a fiscal year. Potential applicants are advised to consult this page for the current stipend levels. B. Tuition, Fees, and Health Insurance - The combined cost of tuition, fees, and health insurance (either self-only or family as appropriate) will be offset at the following rate: 100% of all costs up to $3,000 and 60% of costs above $3,000 per trainee. Costs associated with tuition and fees are allowable only if they are required for specific courses in support of the research training experience supported by the fellowship. A full description of the tuition policy is contained within the NRSA Policy Guidelines on the NIH website at: C. Trainee Travel Costs - The institution may request funds to cover the costs of trainees" travel, including attendance at scientific meetings, that are necessary to the individual"s training. The maximum allowable per student per year is $1,400. D. Training-related Expenses - Institutional costs of $2,000 a year per predoctoral trainee and $3,500 a year per postdoctoral trainee may be requested to defray the costs of other research training related expenses, such as staff salaries, consultant costs, equipment, research supplies, and staff travel. E. Facilities and Administrative Costs - The Notice of Grant Award will provide facilities and administrative costs based on 8% of total direct costs, exclusive of tuition, and fees. F. Short-Term Training - Applicants who wish to include a request for short-term research training positions should identify short-term positions separately within the "stipends" and "training related expenses" categories on the budget page. Under "stipends," short-term positions should be listed in the "other" category. Tuition, fees, health insurance, and trainee travel, and other expenses are to be included in "training related expenses." Within each section of the program plan, a separate description of the short-term training should be included. The applicant should address the relationship of the proposed short-term training to the regular research training and provide assurance that the short-term program will not detract from the regular program. Applicants must observe the 25-page limit on the narrative section. Payback Agreement - As specified in the NIH Revitalization Act of 1993, NRSA recipients incur a service payback obligation only during their first 12 months of postdoctoral support. Additionally, the NIH Revitalization Act of 1993 specifies that the second and subsequent years of postdoctoral NRSA training will serve to pay back a postdoctoral service payback obligation. Accordingly, the following guidelines apply: Predoctoral trainees are not required to sign the payback agreement and do not incur a service payback obligation. Postdoctoral trainees in the first 12 months of postdoctoral NRSA support must sign the payback agreement form (PHS form 6031) before initiating an appointment. Postdoctoral trainees in their first 12 months of support will incur a period of service payback obligation equal to the period of support. Postdoctoral trainees in the 13th and subsequent months of NRSA postdoctoral support are not required to sign the payback agreement form and will not incur a service payback obligation. The 13th and subsequent months of postdoctoral NRSA support are considered acceptable payback service for prior postdoctoral support. For example, postdoctoral trainees who continue under that award for 2 years have fulfilled the obligation incurred during the first 12 months of support by the end of the second year. Simple guidelines for completing the payback requirement are available at Service payback obligations can also be paid back by conducting health- related research or teaching averaging more than 20 hours per week of a full work year after terminating NRSA support. Recipients with service obligations must begin to provide service on a continuous basis within two years of termination of NRSA support. The period for undertaking payback service may be delayed for such reasons as temporary disability, completion of residency requirements, or completion of the requirements for a graduate degree. Requests for an extension must be made in writing to the NIH specifying the need for additional time and the length of the required extension. Recipients of NRSA support are responsible for informing the NIH of changes in status or address. For individuals who fail to fulfill their obligation through service, the United States is entitled to recover the total amount of NRSA funds paid to the individual for the obligated period plus interest at a rate determined by the Secretary of the Treasury. Financial payback must be completed within 3 years beginning on the date the United States becomes entitled to recover such amount. Under certain conditions, the Secretary, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (or those delegated this authority) may extend the period for starting service or repayment, permit breaks in service, or in rare cases in which service or financial repayment would constitute an extreme hardship, may waive or suspend the payback obligation of an individual. Officials at the awardee institution have the responsibility of explaining the terms of the payback requirements to all prospective training candidates before appointment to the training grant. Additionally, all trainees recruited into the training program must be provided with information related to the career options that might be available when they complete the program. The relationship of the positions available and the training provided must also be discussed along with the applicability of these positions to any outstanding service payback obligation. Training in the Responsible Conduct of Research: Every NRSA trainee supported by an institutional research training grant must receive instruction in the responsible conduct of research. (For more information on this provision see the current announcement for NRSA Institutional Research Training Grants [T32] published in the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts [PA-00-103, Release Date: June 1, 2000] or the World Wide Web at URLS IN NIH GRANT APPLICATIONS OR APPENDICES All applications and proposals for NIH funding must be self-contained within specified page limitations. Unless otherwise specified in an NIH solicitation, internet addresses (URLs) should not be used to provide information necessary to the review because reviewers are under no obligation to view the Internet sites. Reviewers are cautioned that their anonymity may be compromised when they directly access an Internet site. APPLICATION PROCEDURES All candidates are strongly encouraged to contact the program staff listed under INQUIRIES. Such contact should occur early in the planning phase of application preparation. Such contact will help ensure that applications are responsive to the goals and policies of NCRR. The PHS 398 research grant application instructions and forms (rev. 5/2001) at are to be used in applying for these grants and will be accepted at the standard application deadlines ( as indicated in the application kit. This version of the PHS 398 is available in an interactive, searchable PDF format. For further assistance contact GrantsInfo, Telephone 301/710-0267, Email: To identify the application as a response to this program announcement, check "YES" on item 2 of page 1 of the application and enter the number and title of this program announcement. Submit a signed, typewritten original of the application with five signed photocopies, in one package to: CENTER FOR SCIENTIFIC REVIEW NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH 6701 ROCKLEDGE DRIVE, ROOM 1040, MSC 7710 BETHESDA, MD 20892-7710 BETHESDA, MD 20817 (for express/courier service) The application must contain the following: A detailed description of the research training program plan that should not exceed a 25-page limit. Within the 25-page limit, a description of the Background and training strategies outlining the structure and multifaceted training in animal-based research the students will receive, special emphasis should, among others, focus on training in laboratory techniques such as cell and molecular biology, experimental design, statistical analyses, composition of scientific papers and reports, exposure to post-doctoral level training opportunities, and monitoring of progress, Qualifications of the program director and the participating faculty mentors, including a short paragraph outlining their research interests, Past research training records of both the program director and the potential faculty mentors, Institutional training environment(s), including participating resource and support by faculty in other departments or universities, as well as the institutional commitment to training veterinary students in biomedical research, Proposed plans for advertisement and selection of trainees, and assignment of mentors, and Institution’s plan for measuring the effectiveness of the training program, including the progress of the trainees in acquiring biomedical research skills (e.g., presentations, abstracts, publications), the impact of the program on the institution, and the impact of the program on the career choices, opportunities and further research activities of the trainees. REVIEW CONSIDERATIONS Applications are evaluated for merit by NIH initial review groups based on the following criteria: Past research training record of both the program and the designated mentors as determined by the success of former trainees in seeking further career development and in establishing productive scientific careers. Evidence of further career development can include receipt of fellowships, career awards, further training appointments, and similar accomplishments. Evidence of a productive scientific career can include a record of successful competition for research grants, receipt of special honors, a record of publications, receipt of patents, promotion to scientific positions, and any other measure of success consistent with the nature and duration of the training received, Objectives, design, and direction of the research training program, Caliber of mentors as researchers, including successful competition for research support, The institutional training environment, including the level of institutional commitment, quality of the facilities, availability of appropriate courses, and availability of research support, and Recruitment and selection plans for trainees and the availability of high-quality candidates. ADDITIONAL REVIEW CONSIDERATIONS Minority Recruitment Plan The NIH remains committed to increasing the participation of individuals from underrepresented minority groups in biomedical and behavioral research. As first announced in 1989, all competing applications for institutional National Research Service Award research training grants must include a specific plan to recruit and retain underrepresented minorities in the training program. In addition, all competing continuation applications also must include a report on the recruitment and retention of underrepresented minorities during the previous award period. If an application is received without a plan, or without a report on the previous award period, the application will be considered incomplete and will be returned to the applicant without review. Additional information on this requirement was published in the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts, Volume 22, Number 25, July 16, 1993. As indicated above, competing continuation applications must include a detailed account of experiences in recruiting individuals from underrepresented groups during the previous award period. Information must be included on successful and unsuccessful recruitment strategies. The report should provide information on the racial/ethnic distribution of: o Students who applied for admission or positions within the department(s) relative to the training grant, o Students who were offered admission to or a position within the department(s), o Students actually enrolled in the academic program relevant to the training grant, o Students who were appointed to the research-training grant. For those trainees who were appointed to the grant, the report should include information about whether those trainees have finished their training in good standing. After the overall educational and technical merit of an application has been assessed, peer reviewers will examine and evaluate the minority recruitment plan and any record of recruitment and retention. For competing continuation applications, the reviewers will examine and evaluate the record of the program in recruiting and retaining underrepresented minority trainees during the previous award period. The panel also will consider whether the experience in recruitment during the previous award period has been incorporated into the formulation of the recruitment plan for the next award period. The findings of the panel will be included in an administrative note in the summary statement. If the minority recruitment plan or if the record of recruitment and retention of minorities is judged to be unacceptable, funding will be withheld until a revised plan that addresses the deficiencies is received. Staff, within the NIH awarding component, with guidance from the appropriate national advisory committee or council, will determine whether amended plans and reports submitted after the initial review are acceptable. Training in the Responsible Conduct of Research Every predoctoral and postdoctoral NRSA trainee supported by an institutional research training grant must receive instruction in the responsible conduct of research. (For more information on this provision, see the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts, Volume 21, Number 43, November 27, 1992, see Applications must include a description of a program to provide formal or informal instruction in bioethics, scientific integrity or the responsible conduct of research. Applications must include a description of a program to provide formal or informal instruction in scientific integrity or the responsible conduct of research. Applications without plans for instruction in the responsible conduct of research will be considered incomplete and may be returned to the applicant without review. Although the NIH does not establish specific curricula or formal requirements, all programs are encouraged strongly to consider instruction in the following areas: conflict of interest, responsible authorship, policies for handling misconduct, policies regarding the use of human and animal subjects, and data management. Within the context of training in scientific integrity, it is also beneficial to discuss the mutual responsibilities of the institution and the students appointed to the program. Plans must address the subject matter of the instruction, the format of the instruction, the degree of faculty participation, trainee attendance, and the frequency of instruction. The rationale for the proposed plan of instruction must be provided. Program reports on the type of instruction provided, topics covered, and other relevant information, such as attendance by trainees and faculty participation, must be included in future competing continuation and noncompeting applications. The NIH encourages institutions to provide instruction in the responsible conduct of research to all students in a training program or department, regardless of the source of support. The NCRR initial review group will assess the applicant"s plans on the basis of the appropriateness of topics, format, amount and nature of faculty participation, and the frequency and duration of instruction. The plan will be discussed after the overall determination of merit, so that the quality of the plan will not be a factor in the determination of the priority score. Plans will be judged as acceptable or unacceptable. The acceptability of the plan will be described in an administrative note on the summary statement. Regardless of the priority score, applications with unacceptable plans will not be funded until the applicant provides a revised, acceptable plan. Staff within the NCRR awarding component will judge the acceptability of the revised plan. Following initial review, applications are also reviewed by the National Advisory Research Resource Council (NARRC). The NARRC will consider, in addition to the assessment of the scientific and educational merit of the research training grant application, the initial review group"s comments on the recruitment of individuals from underrepresented minority groups into the research training program and the plan for instruction in the responsible conduct of research. Trainee Reporting Requirements For those trainees who were appointed to the grant, a report is required. This report should include information about the trainee(s) accomplishments upon completion of their award(s) or at the time of relinquishment of an award. AWARD CRITERIA Applications are selected for funding primarily on the basis of scientific and educational merit, but other factors are considered, such as: availability of funds, research program priorities, the balance among types of research training supported by the awarding component, the acceptability of the plan for minority recruitment, and the acceptability of the proposal for instruction in the responsible conduct of research. NCRR will notify the applicant of the final action shortly after advisory council review. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION For additional information, see the current document titled, "Guidelines for National Research Service Awards, Individual Awards - Institutional Grants" usually available at the institution or contact the appropriate NCRR staff person listed below. INQUIRIES AND NIH STAFF CONTACTS Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact the individuals designated below, in advance of preparing an application, for additional information concerning the areas of research, receipt dates, and other types of pre-application consultation. Direct inquiries regarding programmatic issues to: Franziska Grieder, D.V.M., Ph.D. Division of Comparative Medicine National Center for Research Resources 6705 Rockledge Drive, Suite 6050 MSC 7965 Bethesda, MD 20892-7965 Telephone: (301) 435-0744 FAX: (301) 480-3819 Email: Direct inquiries regarding fiscal matters to: Ms. Irene Grissom Office of Grants Management National Center for Research Resources 6705 Rockledge Drive, Room 6086 Bethesda, MD 20892-7965 Telephone: (301) 435-0844 FAX: (301) 480-3777 Email: HEALTHY PEOPLE 2010 The Public Health Service (PHS) is committed to achieving the health promotion and disease prevention objectives of "Healthy People 2010," a PHS-led national activity for setting priority areas. This PA, NCRR TRAINING GRANT FOR VETERINARY STUDENTS IN ANIMAL-ORIENTED, HYPOTHESIS- BASED RESEARCH, is related to one or more of the priority areas. Potential candidates may obtain a copy of "Healthy People 2010" from the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402-9325 (telephone 202/512-1800) or electronically ( AUTHORITY AND REGULATIONS This program is described in the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Number 93.306. Awards are made under the authority of title III, Section 487 of the PHS Act as amended. The Code of Federal Regulations, Title 42 Part 66 are applicable to this program. This program is not subject to the intergovernmental review requirements of Executive Order 12372 to Health Systems Agency review. The PHS strongly encourages all grant and contract recipients to provide a smoke-free workplace and promote the non-use of all tobacco products. In addition, Public Law 103-227, the Pro-Children Act of 1994, prohibits smoking in certain facilities (or in some cases, and portion of a facility) in which regular or routine education, library, day care, health care or early childhood development services are provided to children. This is consistent with the PHS mission to protect and advance the physical and mental health of the American people.

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