Notice Number: NOT-LM-20-006
Key Dates
Release Date: February 19, 2020
First Available Due Date: April 30, 2020
Expiration Date: May 01, 2020
PA-18-591 Administrative Supplements to Existing NIH Grants and Cooperative Agreements (Parent Admin Supp Clinical Trial Optional)
Issued by
National Library of Medicine (NLM)
The National Library of Medicine is issuing this Notice to announce the availability of Administrative Supplements for the NNLM All of Us Community Engagement Center (CEC) and the NNLM All of Us Training and Education Center (TEC). The CEC will serve as the coordinating center for the NNLM’s All of Us community engagement programs. The NNLM’s community engagement programs will operate through public libraries and other National Network of Libraries of Medicine (NNLM) member organizations to support the awareness and knowledge of the All of Us Research Program. As the coordinating center, the CEC will coordinate the planning, implementation, and evaluation of these community engagement programs. As the repository for All of Us educational content, the TEC leverages the NNLM’s existing Learning Management System (LMS) maintained by the NNLM Web Services Office (NWSO), instructional support resources of the NNLM Training Office (NTO), and the evaluation support of the NNLM Evaluation Office (NEO). The CEC and TEC as the UG4 national leaders in the NNLM All of Us National Program, work closely in partnership with NNLM, and the All of Us consortium members to accomplish goals. This administrative supplement will provide funds to an active UG4 award.
In September 2017 the National Library of Medicine initiated a 3-year pilot partnership with the NIH All of Us Research Program for the program’s community engagement and training platform through the National Network of Libraries of Medicine (NNLM) UG4 cooperative agreement awards. Based on the results and impact of NNLM pilot activities, this administrative supplement will extend the partnership from May 1, 2020 to April 30, 2021. The focus of the program will be All of Us community engagement through public libraries and other NNLM members. Community engagement activities must include an All of Us awareness or interest component and may address health literacy. The programs will involve support and further development of the NNLM All of Us Community Engagement Network (CEN). The national planning, coordination, and evaluation of these community activities is managed by the NNLM Community Engagement Center (CEC) housed at the NNLM Greater Midwest Region (GMR). The CEC’s work is closely coordinated with the NNLM All of Us Training and Education Center (TEC) housed at the NNLM Mid-Atlantic Region (MAR), which develops and houses training and education content for and about the program, and interacts with All of Us Engagement through a participant engagement lead. As the repository for All of Us educational content, the TEC leverages the NNLM’s existing Learning Management System (LMS) maintained by the NNLM Web Services Office (NWSO), instructional support resources of the NNLM Training Office (NTO), and the evaluation support of the NNLM Evaluation Office (NEO). The TEC will work closely with the NLM, the NNLM All of Us Community Engagement Center (CEC), NNLM, and the All of Us consortium members to accomplish its goals.
Program Objectives
Community Engagement Center (CEC)
The goals for NNLM’s community engagement for All of Us are:
As the coordinating center for the NNLM’s All of Us community engagement programs the CEC is responsible for: (1) program planning, standardization, and management for community engagement programs on a national scale, (2) advising, resourcing, and coordinating with the regional Engagement Coordinators (ECs) who have a responsibility for day-to-day community engagement and training activities in the regions, as well as parent RMLs; (3) program evaluation, dissemination, and reporting to measure effectiveness and success; (4) soliciting and incorporating feedback from advisory groups and partnerships; (5) working cooperatively with NLM, and All of Us consortium members; and (6) partnering with the TEC to accomplish NNLM All of Us National Program goals.
For program planning, each region has an assigned EC for All of Us community engagement efforts and potentially other staff with whom the CEC should work. For working with NLM and All of Us consortium members, CEC should represent NLM to All of Us for in-library activities and partnerships, and coordinate NNLM All of Us ECs involvement with All of Us consortium members.
For partnering with the TEC, the CEC’s primary goal is ensuring effective All of Us community engagement through the NNLM and the TEC’s primary goal is All of Us educational content creation and management. The CEC should closely coordinate with the Participant Engagement Lead in developing strategies and implementation plans for integrating All of Us priorities into the NNLM CEN activities. The CEC will represent NLM to All of Us as half of the NNLM leadership team. The CEC and TEC should cooperatively establish and manage partnerships with national library organizations. NLM Project Scientists are resources to delineate tasks when TEC and CEC roles are unclear.
For program evaluation, a key component will be demonstrating return on investment (ROI) for All of Us from NNLM’s community engagement efforts. The meaningful data for this analysis is represented in the goals of the CEC enumerated in the Purpose section above.
Existing tools and resources from the NNLM Evaluation Office (NEO), NNLM Training Office (NTO) and NNLM Web Services Office (NWSO), as well as others developed or recommended by NNLM, NLM or All of Us, should be used. Additionally, the American Library Association, Public Library Association, Council of Officers of State Library Agencies (COSLA), and other national library groups are also engaged in performance measurement initiatives which could be leveraged to determine the scope and depth of impact from public library staff and resource use on All of Us awareness and interest. Examples of data collection sources are the All of Us Research Program, NNLM, public libraries, and partner organizations.
Training and Education Center (TEC)
The NNLM Training and Education Center (TEC) for the All of Us Research Program provides expertise in training and learning activity creation, modification, deployment, assessment, compliance tracking, and integration with other All of Us systems that are designed to engage and educate a wide range of All of Us audiences and stakeholders.
Content will be targeted for one or more major audiences, including All of Us participants, general public, researchers, All of Us Consortium Members, and health professionals. For participant-facing content, All of Us requires user-friendly, interactive content in text and non-text formats in both English and Spanish (and other languages as approved by All of Us). All training and educational learning opportunities are to be created for target audiences, with specific reading levels, 508-accessibility compliance, language availability, and IRB-approval, etc. considered based on the audience per deliverable.
All of Us Consortium Training (ACT) Board
The All of Us Consortium Training (ACT) Board is the training governance body for content for and about the All of Us Research Program, approved by the All of Us Steering Committee in November 2019. The ACT Board will manage the approval and operationalization of trainings, development of a roadmap for future trainings, and expansion of the platform. The TEC will have representation on the ACT Board and work closely with the Board on implementation of training content on the Training and Education Platform.
In cooperation with the ACT Board and NLM Project Scientists, TEC will: (1) provide instructional resources and tools for the design, development, and delivery of courses and learning resources for All of Us Research Program participants, consumers, health professionals, partners, and researchers; (2) design new and/or modify existing NNLM courses and instructional content; (3) rewrite or otherwise deliver course content for all audiences in multiple formats and using agreed upon standards for readability requirements, Spanish language (and other languages as All of Us matures), style guides etc.; (4) coordinate inclusion of programming and training resources developed by All of Us consortium members into the All of Us Training and Education Platform (TEP); (5) create and maintain web content for the LMS platform; and (6) evaluate the effectiveness of the TEC activities. As needed, these activities will be coordinated with a wide range of All of Us and NLM partners ranging from community engagement organizations, health care professionals, library and information science professionals, researchers, participants, university centers, associations, and others.
The TEC will utilize an advisory team of professionals and consumers to assist in guiding the development, implementation, and evaluation of the program. The TEC will partner with the CEC to accomplish NNLM All of Us National Program (AoUNP) goals as outlined in the NNLM AoUNP Logic Model. The CEC’s primary goal is ensuring effective All of Us community engagement through the NNLM and the TEC’s primary goal is All of Us educational content creation and management. The TEC will represent NLM to All of Us as half of the NNLM leadership team. The CEC and TEC should cooperatively establish and manage partnerships with national library organizations. NLM Project Scientists are resources to delineate tasks when TEC and CEC roles are unclear.
The TEC will be responsible for reporting progress to NLM and the All of Us Research Program as needed.
Budget: A total amount of $700,000 is available for the administrative supplement to support the CEC for May 1, 2020 through April 30, 2021. A total amount of $900,000 is available for the administrative supplement to support the TEC for May 1, 2020 through April 30, 2021. Requests must reflect the actual needs of the proposed project. Categorical budgets must be used.
Application and Submission Information
Applications for this initiative must be submitted using the following opportunity or its subsequent reissued equivalent.
All instructions in the SF424 (R&R) Application Guide and PA-18-591 must be followed, with the following additions:
Please direct all inquiries to:
Alan Vanbiervliet, PhD
National Library of Medicine/Extramural Programs
Telephone: 301-594-1297
Email: alan.vanbiervliet@nih.gov