Notice Number: NOT-LM-20-005
Key Dates
Release Date: February 11, 2020
First Available Due Date: April 30, 2020
Expiration Date: May 01, 2020
Issued by
National Library of Medicine (NLM)
In September 2017 the National Library of Medicine initiated a 3-year pilot partnership with the NIH All of Us Research Program for the program’s community engagement and training platform through the National Network of Libraries of Medicine (NNLM) UG4 cooperative agreement awards. Based on the results and impact of NNLM pilot activities, this administrative supplement will extend the partnership from May 1, 2020 to April 30, 2021. The focus of the program will be All of Us community engagement through public libraries and other NNLM members. Community engagement activities must include an All of Us awareness or interest component and may address health literacy. The programs will involve support and further development of the NNLM All of Us Community Engagement Network (CEN). The national planning, coordination, and evaluation of these community activities is managed by the NNLM Community Engagement Center (CEC) housed at the NNLM Greater Midwest Region (GMR). The CEC’s work is closely coordinated with the NNLM All of Us Training and Education Center (TEC), which develops and houses training and education content for and about the program, and interacts with All of Us Engagement through a participant engagement lead.
Program Objectives
The project must be designed to accomplish the goals for NNLM’s community engagement for All of Us, which are:
Meeting these goals requires each RML to plan for (a) tailoring engagement for its region, (b) complementing existing consumer health outreach activities with All of Us activities, (c) working closely with the CEC particularly on national CEN goals and working with All of Us consortium members, and (d) focusing on populations underrepresented in biomedical research (UBR) in all activities.
Regional Engagement
NLM seeks innovative approaches for All of Us community engagement that creates new and sustains existing relationships and partnerships to address emerging health information needs within your region.
Your plan for community engagement in your region should include:
In your proposal, specifically identify resources that will be used from the TEC and CEC, such as online training or book kits, and resource support, such as participating in trans-NNLM All of Us coordinator meetings.
Consumer Health Coordination
In your proposal, present a plan for reducing redundancy, increasing efficiency, and identifying opportunities within your region to support NNLM All of Us and NNLM consumer health activities. Address how your staff will work cooperatively to ensure NNLM All of Us work is integrated into NNLM consumer health activities. Address how building and maintaining relationship with All of Us consortium members can accomplish the goals of NNLM and All of Us. Describe how you will document projects so they can be accurately communicated to other NNLM All of Us and NNLM consumer health coordinators to support adaptation and reproducibility among NNLM.
Community Engagement Center (CEC) as National Coordinator
The CEC leads and manages the national planning, coordination, and evaluation of the NNLM All of US community engagement activities that are hosted by public libraries and other NNLM members. NNLM regional engagement activities will align with CEC goals. In your proposal, address how the NNLM All of Us engagement coordinator in your region will work with the CEC to ensure they are working collaboratively with CEC and all NNLM All of Us engagement coordinators. Specifically address how each of the following will be met:
Additionally, NNLM All of Us engagement coordinators will contribute to the development and accomplishment of engagement milestones and activities as they relate to the NNLM All of Us National Program (AoUNP) goals as outlined in the NNLM AoUNP Logic Model.
Engagement of Populations Underrepresented in Biomedical Research (UBR)
To support the All of Us mission to provide a diverse and equitable participation in research studies, NLM continues to support engagement with underrepresented biomedical research (UBR) populations through libraries within each region. Working with Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs) and community-based health programs is encouraged. Work with All of Us consortium members to accomplish joint activities with UBR populations in your region. Ensure that funded projects and programs are aware, demonstrate, and provide culturally and linguistically appropriate engagement, and utilize health literacy standards in preparing and delivering health information materials.
NNLM Community Engagement ROI for All of Us
A key component For NNLM All of Us program evaluation will be demonstrating return on investment (ROI) for All of Us from NNLM’s community engagement efforts. The meaningful data for this analysis is represented in the goals described in the Regional Engagement, Consumer Health Coordination, and Community Engagement Center (CEC) as National Coordinator, sections above. Engagement activities will accomplish NNLM All of Us National Program (AoUNP) goals as outlined in the NNLM AoUNP Logic Model.
For library engagement activities, the American Library Association, Public Library Association, Council of Officers of State Library Agencies (COSLA), and other national library groups are engaged in performance measurement initiatives that could be leveraged to determine the scope and depth of impact from public library staff and resource use on All of Us awareness and interest.
Existing tools and resources from the NNLM Evaluation Office (NEO), NNLM Training Office (NTO) and NNLM Web Services Office (NWSO), as well as others developed or recommended by NNLM, NLM or All of Us, will also be used. NIH All of Us Research Program requires reporting which may include advance notice of events and follow-up data collection such as awareness raised from funded NNLM All of Us engagement activities. In your proposal, address your plan to meet NLM and All of Us reporting requirements and help to facilitate the quality of collected data from your sponsored activities. In addition, all engagement activities should accomplish NNLM All of Us National Program (AoUNP) goals as outlined in the NNLM AoUNP Logic Model.
Application and Submission Information
Applications for this initiative must be submitted using the following opportunity .
All instructions in the SF424 (R&R) Application Guide and PA-18-591 must be followed, with the following additions:
Please direct all inquiries to:
Alan Vanbiervliet, PhD
National Library of Medicine/Extramural Programs
Telephone: 301-594-1297
Email: alan.vanbiervliet@nih.gov