Notice Number: NOT-LM-20-007
Key Dates
Release Date: February 24, 2020
First Available Due Date: April 30, 2020
Expiration Date: May 01, 2020
PA-18-591 Administrative Supplements to Existing NIH Grants and Cooperative Agreements (Parent Admin Supp Clinical Trial Optional)
Issued by
National Library of Medicine (NLM)
The National Library of Medicine is issuing this Notice to announce the availability of Administrative Supplements to the National Network of Libraries of Medicine (NNLM) Web Services Office (NWSO), NNLM Training Office (NTO), and NNLM Evaluation Office (NEO) to support the NNLM All of Us National Program. The NNLM Regional Medical Libraries (RMLs), NNLM All of Us Community Engagement Center (CEC), and the NNLM All of Us Training and Education Center (TEC) utilize and leverage the tools and resources provided to NNLM by the NNLM National Offices. This administrative supplement will provide funds to an active UG4 award.
In September 2017 the National Library of Medicine initiated a 3-year pilot partnership with the NIH All of Us Research Program for the program’s community engagement and training platform through the National Network of Libraries of Medicine (NNLM) UG4 cooperative agreement awards. Based on the results and impact of NNLM pilot activities, this administrative supplement will extend the partnership from May 1, 2020 to April 30, 2021. The focus of the program will be All of Us community engagement through public libraries and other NNLM members. Community engagement activities must include an All of Us awareness or interest component and may address health literacy. The programs will involve support and further development of the NNLM All of Us Community Engagement Network (CEN). The national planning, coordination, and evaluation of these community activities is managed by the NNLM Community Engagement Center (CEC) housed at the NNLM Greater Midwest Region (GMR). The CEC’s work is closely coordinated with the NNLM All of Us Training and Education Center (TEC) housed at the NNLM Mid-Atlantic Region (MAR), which develops and houses training and education content for and about the program, and interacts with All of Us Engagement through a participant engagement lead. The CEC uses tools and resources from the NWSO, NTO and NEO, as well as others to achieve its goals. As the repository for All of Us educational content, the TEC leverages the NNLM’s existing Learning Management System (LMS) maintained by the NWSO, instructional support resources of the NTO, and the evaluation support of the NEO. The NNLM National Offices provide access to existing NNLM tools and resources to increase the efficiency of All of Us funding in support of the NNLM All of Us National Program (AoUNP).
The NNLM National Offices are a synergy that coordinate and implement shared tools and resources to support NNLM, which has a direct benefit to the NNLM AoUNP by providing those same tools and resources to the NNLM CEC, TEC, and CEN. Direct benefits to AoUNP increase efficiency of AoU funding in support of training and evaluation.
Program Objectives
NNLM National Web Services Office (NWSO)
The NWSO supports the NNLM AoUNP through infrastructure support for training, content dissemination, compliance monitoring, and data analysis, sharing, and reporting. To support training, NWSO maintains the Training and Education Platform, including the Moodle Learning Management System and the SeedDMS Learning Object Repository, as well as the Drupal web content management system. NWSO also supports data analysis, sharing, and reporting by maintaining the NNLM Data Reporting System and other visualization tools.
NNLM National Training Office (NTO)
The NTO supports the NNLM AoUNP through educational support services related to training delivery, instructional design, cultural humility, credentialing, content development and accessibility, and use of the training platform for CEN members, NNLM staff and related stakeholders. NTO provides instructional design and learning objective consultation; education supporting presentation skills, teaching methods, and audience needs; user needs assessments; and collection of training data and evaluation. In addition, NTO provides production of training modules, webinars, and training materials for the CEC to support the CEN. The existing NTO classes for consumer health provide a secondary benefit to AoUNP as they are promoted and used by public library staff to increase skills and awareness of health information and increase access.
NNLM National Evaluation Office (NEO)
The NEO provides evaluation support for the CEN and AoUNP. NEO provides training for community engagement coordinators and Network partners on AoUNP evaluation tools and systems. NEO uses this reported activity data and collects, analyzes, and reports baseline and follow-up data to assist in program planning and reporting. In addition, NEO collaborates with other AoU entities to implement and coordinate AoU required evaluations and reports.Application and Submission Information
Applications for this initiative must be submitted using the following opportunity or its subsequent reissued equivalent.
All instructions in the SF424 (R&R) Application Guide and PA-18-591 must be followed, with the following additions:
Please direct all inquiries to:
Alan Vanbiervliet, PhD
National Library of Medicine/Extramural Programs
Telephone: 301-594-1297
Email: alan.vanbiervliet@nih.gov