Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award, NRSA, institutional research training grants, training grants, reporting requirements, statement of appointment, form PHS 2271, payback agreement, form PHS 6031, termination notice, form PHS 416-7, research performance progress report, RPPR, federal financial report, FFR

11.3.13 Reporting Requirements

The submission of the forms described in this subsection is critical to establishing the payment of stipends and other costs and determining possible payback service. Failure to submit the required forms in a timely manner may result in an expenditure disallowance or a delay in any continuation funding. All of these forms are available in PDF-fillable and MS Word formats. Statement of Appointment (Form PHS 2271)

The recipient must submit a PHS 2271 to the NIH awarding IC before or at the start of each trainee's appointment or reappointment. The PHS 2271 cannot be submitted until after the NoA for the respective budget period has been issued. Recipients are required to submit the PHS 2271 data electronically using the eRA Commons xTrain application. See xTrain for more information. Trainees are required to sign reappointments and amendments, just as they are required to sign the initial appointments.

The requirement for ORCID identifiers is incorporated into the appointment process for trainees, scholars, and participants supported by institutional research training, career development, and research education awards that require appointments through the xTrain system, including the following: T03, T15, T32, T34, T35, T37, T42, T90/R90, TL1, TL4, TU2, K12/KL2, R25, R38, RL5, and RL9.

At the time of appointment, the xTrain system will check whether appointees have ORCID iDs and appointments will not be accepted for agency review unless an ORCID iD is linked to the individual's eRA Commons Personal Profile.

No stipend or other allowance may be paid until the appointment form has been submitted. If the support covers the individual's initial 12 months of postdoctoral support, a signed Payback Agreement also must be submitted. The information on the Statement of Appointment (and the Termination Notice as discussed below) is the basis for determining the length or amount of an individual's payback requirement. The PD/PI and the organizations' financial officials should coordinate the information reported on the Statement of Appointment. It should be treated as a financial document for obligating funds (stipends), which later are reflected on the Termination Notice and as part of the total costs in the FFR.

Interim Revisions. Any changes or corrections involving a trainee appointment under a Kirschstein-NRSA institutional research training grant, such as name, permanent mailing address, period of training, or stipend support, must be reported by the Training PD/PI to the NIH awarding IC on an amended PHS 2271 at the time of the change, require the trainee signature, and be submitted through xTrain.

Consecutive Support. If a trainee switches from one Kirschstein-NRSA mechanism to another (e.g., from an individual fellowship to a training grant) or from one NIH awarding IC to another, the requirement for payback service incurred is deferred until the total period of Kirschstein-NRSA support is completed. All Statement of Appointment forms are reviewed to determine if previous Kirschstein-NRSA support has been provided. Payback Agreement (Form PHS 6031)

A Payback Agreement that covers the initial 12 months of Kirschstein-NRSA postdoctoral support must be signed by each postdoctoral trainee. If the individual has already received 12 months of postdoctoral support under any Kirschstein-NRSA training grant or fellowship award, this form is not required. For details on Kirschstein-NRSA payback, see Payback Requirements in this chapter.

No Payback Agreement is required for predoctoral or prebaccalaureate trainees. Termination Notice (Form PHS 416-7)

The Termination Notice (along with the PHS 2271 Statement of Appointment form) is the basis for validating the total period of Kirschstein-NRSA support and establishing the amount of payback obligation, if any, for each Kirschstein-NRSA trainee. The PD/PI is responsible for submitting a Termination Notice for each trainee within 30 days of the end of the total period of support even if the trainee is not available for signature. In most cases, the information on the form must be verified by the program director and an institutional business official, however, in cases where the program director is not available to sign the Notice within the required timeframe, the form may be verified by the institutional business official alone. The lack of timely and accurate information on this form could adversely affect data collected associated with aggregate NRSA support and the payback process. Recipients are required to submit the PHS 416-7 data electronically using the xTrain application.

See xTrain for more information.

No Termination Notice is required for prebaccalaureate (T34) trainees. Research Performance Progress Reports

RPPRs must be submitted for non-competing continuation support in accordance with the RPPR instructions. Report forms and instructions are available from the NIH web site. Guidance for training grants can be found in section 7.4 of the RPPR Instructions. Following completion or termination of a project period, the recipient must submit a Final RPPR to the NIH awarding IC within 120 days after the end of grant support.

The IDP provision described in Non-Competing Continuation Progress Reports applies to all trainees reported on a Statement of Appointment Form (PHS2271). This information should be provided using the instructions in Non-Competing Continuation Progress Reports. Federal Financial Report (FFR)

An annual FFR is required for all Kirschstein-NRSA institutional research training grant awards no later than 90 days after the end of the calendar quarter in which the budget period ended. This report will document the financial status of the grant according to the official accounting records of the recipient organization. Trainee stipends and tuition are obligated for the full 12-month appointment from the budget period in which the appointment is initiated. Portions of stipends, tuition, and applicable F&A that extend beyond the budget period are reported as unliquidated obligations. The same principal may apply to trainee health insurance when an institution cannot truly obligate the full amount of health insurance at the start of the appointment.

If the report covers the final budget period of the project period, it must have no unliquidated obligations, must indicate the exact balance of unobligated funds, and is due within 120 days of the period of performance end date (see Administrative Requirements-Monitoring-Reporting-Financial Reports and Administrative Requirements-Closeout-Final Reports in IIA).