G.240 - R&R Senior/Key Person Profile (Expanded) Form

The R&R Senior/Key Person Profile (Expanded) Form is used for all grant applications, and allows the collection of data for all senior/key persons associated with the project. Some information for the PD/PI may be pre-populated from the SF424 (R&R) form. See instructions in G.200 - SF 424 (R&R) Form if these fields are empty.
Instructions for a Biographical Sketch
Profile - Senior/Key Person
Additional Senior/Key Person Profile(s)
Using the R&R Senior/Key Person Profile (Expanded) Form
This form allows for the data collection for a PD/PI and up to 99 other senior/key individuals (including any multi-PD/PIs). After the first 100 individuals have been entered, use the "Additional Senior/Key Person Profiles Format Page" to attach any remaining data.
To ensure proper performance of this form, save your work frequently.
Who qualifies as a Senior/Key Person?
Unless otherwise specified in a FOA, senior/key personnel are defined as all individuals who contribute in a substantive, meaningful way to the scientific development or execution of the project, whether or not salaries are requested. Consultants should be included in this "Senior/Key Person Profile (Expanded)" Form if they meet this definition.
List individuals that meet the definition of senior/key regardless of what organization they work for.
Profile - Project Director/Principal Investigator
Enter data in this "Profile - Project Director/Principal Investigator" section for the Project Director/Principal Investigator (PD/PI).
The PD/PI must have an eRA Commons account with the PI role, and the account must be affiliated with the applicant organization. If you are proposing research at an institute other than the one you are currently at, do not create a separate Commons account with the proposed applicant organization. For information on eRA Commons account administration, see the eRA Account Management System's Online Help.
Special Instructions for Multiple PD/PIs: When submitting an application involving multiple PD/PIs, list the "Contact" PD/PI in this field. List all additional PD/PIs in the Senior/Key Person section(s) below.
Additional Instructions for Career Development:
For all career development award applications, the candidate is considered the PD/PI. Therefore, the candidate must have an eRA Commons account with the PI role and the account must be affiliated with the applicant organization. For additional information on eRA Commons account administration, see the eRA Account Management System's Online Help.
If your proposed career development award will be at a different site than your current institution, the proposed sponsoring institution will be the applicant organization. You must affiliate your Commons account with that institution so that you have access to records submitted on your behalf. Do not create a separate Commons account with the proposed sponsoring institution.
Note that "multiple PD/PIs" are not applicable to career development award applications, so do not use the PD/PI role for any other senior/key personnel.
Additional Instructions for Training:
If multiple PD/PIs are proposed, explain the rationale for how this will facilitate program administration in the Program Plan attachment (in G.420 - PHS 398 Research Training Program Plan Form, Program Plan). Additionally, the application must include a Multi-PD/PI Leadership Plan (in G.420 - PHS 398 Research Training Program Plan Form, Multiple PD/PI Leadership Plan) describing how multi-PD/PIs will benefit the program and the trainees.
Additional Instructions for Fellowship:
For all fellowship applications, the applicant is considered the PD/PI. Therefore, the applicant must have an eRA Commons account with the PI role, and the account must be affiliated with the applicant organization. For additional information on eRA Commons account administration, see the eRA Account Management System's Online Help.
If your proposed fellowship is at a different site than your current institution, the proposed sponsoring institution will be the applicant organization. You must affiliate your Commons account with the institution so that you have access to records submitted on your behalf. Do not create a separate Commons account with the proposed sponsoring institution.
Note that "multiple PD/PIs" are not applicable to fellowship applications, so do not use the PD/PI role for any other senior/key personnel.
Additional Instructions for Multi-project:
Overall Component: List the PD/PI (or Contact PD/PI if submitting a multi-PD/PI application) for the entire application.
Other Components: List the component lead.
Additional Instructions for SBIR/STTR:
STTR Applications:
The STTR applicant organization must officially affiliate the PD / PI with the small business in the eRA Commons if the PD/PI is not an employee of the small business. For additional information on creating user affiliations in the eRA Commons, see the eRA Account Management System's Online Help.
This field may be pre-populated from the SF 424 (R&R) and reflects the prefix, if applicable, for the name of the PD/PI.
First Name:
This field is required. This field may be pre-populated from the SF 424 (R&R) and reflects the first (given) name of the PD/PI.
Middle Name:
This field may be pre-populated from the SF 424 (R&R) and reflects the middle name of the PD/PI.
Last Name:
This field is required. This field may be pre-populated from the SF 424 (R&R) and reflects the last (family) name of the PD/PI.
This field may be pre-populated from the SF 424 (R&R) and reflects the suffix for the name of the PD/PI.
This field may be pre-populated from the SF 424 (R&R) and reflects the position/title of the PD/PI.
This field may be pre-populated from the SF 424 (R&R) and reflects the name of the primary organizational department, service, laboratory, or equivalent level within the organization of the PD/PI.
Organization Name:
This field is required. This field may be pre-populated from the SF 424 (R&R) and reflects the name of the organization of the PD/PI.
This field may be pre-populated from the SF 424 (R&R) and reflects the name of the primary organizational division, office, major subdivision, or equivalent level within the organization of the PD/PI.
This field is required. This field may be pre-populated from the SF 424 (R&R) and reflects the first line of the street address for the PD/PI.
This field may be pre-populated from the SF 424 (R&R) and reflects the second line of the street address for the PD/PI.
This field is required. This field may be pre-populated from the SF 424 (R&R) and reflects the city for the address of the PD/PI.
This field may be pre-populated from the SF 424 (R&R) and reflects the county/parish for the address of the PD/PI.
This field is required if the PD/PI is located in the United States or its Territories. This field may be pre-populated from the SF 424 (R&R) and reflects the state or territory in which the PD/PI is located.
If "Country" is Canada, enter the province for the PD/PI; otherwise, skip the "Province" field. This field may be pre-populated from the SF 424 (R&R) and reflects the province in which the PD/PI is located.
This field may be pre-populated from the SF 424 (R&R) and reflects the country for the address of the PD/PI.
ZIP/Postal Code:
The ZIP+4 is required if the PD/PI address is in the United States. Otherwise, the postal code is optional. This field may be pre-populated from the SF 424 (R&R) and reflects the postal code of the address of the PD/PI.
Phone Number:
This field is required. This field may be pre-populated from the SF 424 (R&R) and reflects the daytime phone number for the PD/PI.
Fax Number:
This field may be pre-populated from the SF 424 (R&R) and reflects the fax number for the PD/PI.
This field is required. This field may be pre-populated from the SF 424 (R&R) and reflects the e-mail address for the PD/PI.
Credential, e.g., agency login:
This field is required. Enter the assigned eRA Commons username for the project's PD/PI. The eRA Commons username must hold the PI role and be affiliated with the applicant organization. Applications will not pass agency validation requirements without a valid eRA Commons username.
Special Instructions for Multiple PD/PI: The Commons username must be provided for all individuals assigned the Project Role of PD/PI on the application.
Additional Instructions for Career Development:
Enter the eRA Commons username for the PD/PI (Career Development candidate). The eRA Commons Personal Profile associated with the username entered in the Credential field must include an ORCID ID. For more information on linking an ORCID ID to an eRA Commons Personal Profile, see the ORCID ID topic in the eRA Commons online help.
Additional Instructions for Fellowship:
Enter the eRA Commons username for the PD/PI (Fellowship candidate). The eRA Commons Personal Profile associated with the username entered in the Credential field must include an ORCID ID. For more information on linking an ORCID ID to an eRA Commons Personal Profile, see the ORCID ID topic in the eRA Commons online help.
Project Role:
Enter "PD/PI" for the Project Role for the PD/PI.
Additional Instructions for Multi-project:
Other Components: For the "Profile - Project Director/Principal Investigator" section, enter "Other (Specify)" and enter "Project Lead" for the "Other Project Role Category" field, unless otherwise specified in the FOA. The PD/PI role is used only in the Overall Component.
Other Project Role Category:
Skip the "Other Project Role Category" field, as no other role can be added to the PD/PI role.
Degree Type:
Enter the highest academic or professional degree or other credentials (e.g., R.N.).
Degree Year:
Enter the year the highest degree or other credential was obtained.
Attach Biographical Sketch
Provide a biographical sketch for each PD/PI. See instructions below on how to complete a biographical sketch.
Attach Current & Pending Support:
Do not use this attachment upload for NIH and other PHS agency submissions unless otherwise specified in the FOA.
While this information is not required at the time of application submission, it may be requested later in the pre-award cycle. If and when this occurs, refer to the NIH Grants Policy Statement, Section 2.5.1: Just-in-Time Procedures.
Instructions for a Biographical Sketch
These instructions apply to Research (R), Career Development (K), Training (T), Fellowship (F), Multi-project (M), and SBIR/STTR (B). Hyperlinks and URLs are only allowed when specifically noted in funding opportunity announcement (FOA) and form field instructions.
Who must complete the "Biographical Sketch" section:
All senior/key personnel and other significant contributors (OSCs) must include biographical sketches (biosketches).
Use the sample format on the Biographical Sketch Format Page to prepare this section for all grant applications.
Figures, tables (other than those included in the provided format pages), or graphics are not allowed in the biosketch. Do not embed or attach files (e.g. video, graphics, sound, data).
The biosketch may not exceed five pages per person. This five-page limit includes the table at the top of the first page.
Attach this information as a PDF file. See the Format Attachments page.
Note that the instructions here follow the format of Biographical Sketch Format Page.
Fill in the name of the senior/key person or other significant contributor in the "Name" field of the Biosketch Format Page.
eRA Commons User Name:
If the individual is registered in the eRA Commons, fill in the eRA Commons User Name in the "eRA Commons User Name" field of the Biosketch Format Page.
The "eRA Commons User Name" field is required for the PD/PI (including career development and fellowship applicants), primary sponsors of fellowship applicants, all mentors of candidates for mentored career development awards, and candidates for diversity and reentry research supplements.
The "eRA Commons User Name" field is optional for other project personnel.
The eRA Commons User Name should match the information provided in the Credential field of the R&R Senior/Key Person Profile (Expanded) Form in your grant application.
Position Title:
Fill in the position title of the senior/key person or other significant contributor in the "Position Title" field of the Biosketch Format Page.
Complete the education block. Begin with the baccalaureate or other initial professional education, such as nursing. Include postdoctoral, residency, and clinical fellowship training, as applicable, listing each separately.
For each entry provide:
- the name and location of the institution
- the degree received (if applicable)
- the month and year of end date (or expected end date). For fellowship applicants only, also include the month and year of start date.
- the field of study (for residency entries, the field of study should reflect the area of residency training)
Following the education block, complete Sections A-D of the biographical sketch.
Personal Statement
Briefly describe why you are well-suited for your role(s) in this project. Relevant factors may include: aspects of your training; your previous experimental work on this specific topic or related topics; your technical expertise; your collaborators or scientific environment; and/or your past performance in this or related fields, including ongoing and completed research projects from the past three years that you want to draw attention to (previously captured under Section D. Research Support).
You may cite up to four publications or research products that highlight your experience and qualifications for this project. Research products can include, but are not limited to, audio or video products; conference proceedings such as meeting abstracts, posters, or other presentations; patents; data and research materials; databases; educational aids or curricula; instruments or equipment; models; protocols; and software or netware. Use of hyperlinks and URLs to cite these items is not allowed.
You are allowed to cite interim research products. Note: interim research products have specific citation requirements. See related Frequently Asked Questions for more information.
Note the following additional instructions for ALL applicants/candidates:
- If you wish to explain factors that affected your past productivity, such as family care responsibilities, illness, disability, or military service, you may address them in this "A. Personal Statement" section.
- Indicate whether you have published or created research products under another name.
- You may mention specific contributions to science that are not included in Section C. Do not present or expand on materials that should be described in other sections of this Biosketch or application.
- Figures, tables, or graphics are not allowed.
Note the following instructions for specific subsets of applicants/candidates:
- For institutional research training, institutional career development, or research education grant applications, faculty who are not senior/key persons are encouraged, but not required, to complete the "A. Personal Statement" section.
- Applicants for dissertation research awards (e.g., R36) should, in addition to addressing the points noted above, also include a description of their career goals, their intended career trajectory, and their interest in the specific areas of research designated in the FOA.
- Candidates for research supplements to promote diversity in health-related research should, in addition to addressing the points noted above, also include a description of their general scientific achievements and/or interests, specific research objectives, and career goals. Indicate any current source(s) of educational funding.
Positions, Scientific Appointments and Honors
List in reverse chronological order all current positions and scientific appointments both domestic and foreign, including affiliations with foreign entities or governments. This includes titled academic, professional, or institutional appointments whether or not remuneration is received, and whether full-time, part-time, or voluntary (including adjunct, visiting, or honorary). High school students and undergraduates may include any previous positions. For individuals who are not currently located at the applicant organization, include the expected position at the applicant organization and the expected start date.
List any relevant academic and professional achievements and honors. In particular:
- Students, postdoctorates, and junior faculty should include scholarships, traineeships, fellowships, and development awards, as applicable.
- Clinicians should include information on any clinical licensures and specialty board certifications that they have achieved.
C. Contributions to Science
Who should complete the "Contributions to Science" section:
All senior/key persons should complete the "Contributions to Science" section except candidates for research supplements to promote diversity in health-related research who are high school students, undergraduates, and post-baccalaureates.
Briefly describe up to five of your most significant contributions to science. The description of each contribution should be no longer than one half page, including citations.
While all applicants may describe up to five contributions, graduate students and postdoctorates may wish to consider highlighting two or three they consider most significant.
For each contribution, indicate the following:
- the historical background that frames the scientific problem;
- the central finding(s);
- the influence of the finding(s) on the progress of science or the application of those finding(s) to health or technology; and
- your specific role in the described work.
- Figures, tables, or graphics are not allowed.
For each contribution, you may cite up to four publications or research products that are relevant to the contribution. If you are not the author of the product, indicate what your role or contribution was. Note that while you may mention manuscripts that have not yet been accepted for publication as part of your contribution, you may cite only published papers to support each contribution. Research products can include audio or video products (see the NIH Grants Policy Statement, Section Post-Submission Grant Application Materials); conference proceedings such as meeting abstracts, posters, or other presentations; patents; data and research materials; databases; educational aids or curricula; instruments or equipment; models; protocols; and software or netware. Use of hyperlinks and URLs to cite these items is not allowed.
You are allowed to cite interim research products. Note: interim research products have specific citation requirements. See related Frequently Asked Questions for more information.
You may provide a hyperlinked URL to a full list of your published work. This hyperlinked URL must be to a Federal Government website (a .gov suffix). NIH recommends using My Bibliography. Providing a URL to a list of published work is not required.
Descriptions of contributions may include a mention of research products under development, such as manuscripts that have not yet been accepted for publication. These contributions do not have to be related to the project proposed in this application.
Scholastic Performance
* Note that only the following types of applicants must complete this section:
- applicants for predoctoral and postdoctoral fellowships
- applicants to dissertation research grants (e.g., R36)
- candidates for research supplements to promote diversity in health-related research from the undergraduate through postdoctoral levels
Scholastic Performance
Predoctoral applicants/candidates (including undergraduates and post-baccalaureates): List by institution and year all undergraduate and graduate courses, with grades. In addition, explain any grading system used if it differs from a 1-100 scale; an A, B, C, D, F system; or a 0-4.0 scale. Also indicate the levels required for a passing grade.
Postdoctoral applicants: List by institution and year all graduate scientific and/or professional courses with grades. In addition, explain any grading system used if it differs from a 1-100 scale; an A, B, C, D, F system; or a 0-4.0 scale. Also indicate the levels required for a passing grade.
Additional Instructions for Multi-project:
Each Senior/Key Person, including the PD/PI, is allowed one biosketch for the entire application. If an individual will participate on multiple components, attach the biosketch to any single component.
Profile - Senior/Key Person 1
Enter data in this "Profile - Senior/Key Person 1" section to provide information on a senior/key person (other than the PD/PI listed above), if applicable.
List all senior/key person profiles, followed by other significant contributors (OSC) profiles.
Content - Who to include in the "Profile - Senior/Key Person" section:
Senior/Key Persons: Fill in a separate "Profile - Senior/Key Person" block for each senior/key personnel. Those with a postdoctoral role should be included if they meet the NIH Glossary definition of senior/key personnel. A biosketch is required for all senior/key persons.
Other Significant Contributors: Also use the "Profile - Senior/Key Person" section to list any other significant contributors (OSCs). Consultants should be included if they meet the NIH Glossary definition of OSC. OSCs should be listed after all other senior/key persons.
A biosketch is required for all OSCs. The biosketch should highlight the OSC's accomplishments as a scientist. Reviewers assess these pages during peer review. For more information on review criteria, see the Review Criteria at a Glance document. Although Other Support information is required as a just-in-time submission, Other Support information will NOT be required or accepted for OSCs since considerations of overlap do not apply to these individuals.
Should the level of involvement increase for an individual listed as an OSC, thus requiring measurable effort on the award, the individual must be redesignated as "senior/key personnel." This change must be made before any compensation is charged to the project.
For more information:
For more information, refer to these NIH Senior/Key Personnel Frequently Asked Questions.
Additional Instructions for Career Development:
Who to include in the "Profile - Senior/Key Person" information section:
Mentored career development awards require a primary mentor, and there may also be co-mentor(s). Mentors and co-mentors, should be identified as senior/key personnel, even if they are not committing any specified measurable effort to the proposed project, and they must provide an eRA Commons username.
In addition to involving mentor(s), applications may also involve collaborators, consultants, and advisory committee members. These individuals are usually not considered senior/key personnel unless they contribute in a substantive, meaningful way to the career development of the candidate or the career development project. In determining which individuals to identify as "Senior/Key," mentored career development award applicants may wish to keep in mind that those listed as senior/key personnel on the application should not be asked to provide reference letters, as such letters are expected to be from individuals not directly involved in the application. For more information, see NIH's Reference Letters page.
Additional Instructions for Training:
Who to include in the "Profile - Senior/Key Person" information section:
The Program Director(s) (in case of multiple PD/PIs), and any other individuals whose contributions are critical to the development, management, and execution of the Research Training Program Plan in a substantive, measurable way (whether or not salaries are reimbursed) should be included as senior/key persons. Include program staff as applicable. Since the efforts of the senior/key persons are not project related research endeavors, they should not be identified in the "Other Support" information (which is required as a Just-in-Time submission).
Who not to include in the "Profile - Senior/Key Person" information section:
Do not include proposed mentors and training faculty members (except in the rare cases where they are also senior/key persons). Biographical sketches for mentors and other participating faculty will be included in the "Participating Faculty Biosketches" attachment of the G.420 - PHS 398 Research Training Program Plan Form.
Additional Instructions for Fellowship:
Who to include in the "Profile - Senior/Key Person" information section:
Fellowship awards require a primary sponsor, and there may also be co-sponsor(s). Sponsors and co-sponsors should be identified as senior/key personnel, even if they are not committing any specified measurable effort to the proposed project, and they must provide an eRA Commons username.
In addition to involving sponsors and co-sponsors, fellowship applications may also involve collaborators, consultants, advisory committee members, and contributors. These individuals are usually not considered senior/key personnel unless they contribute in a substantive, meaningful way to the project. In determining which individuals to identify as "Senior/Key," applicants may wish to keep in mind that those listed as senior/key personnel on the application should not be asked to provide reference letters, as such letters are expected to be from individuals not directly involved in the application. For more information, see NIH's Reference Letters page.
Enter or select the prefix, if applicable, for the name of the senior/key person.
First Name:
This field is required. Enter the first (given) name of the senior/key person.
Middle Name:
Enter the middle name of the senior/key person.
Last Name:
This field is required. Enter the last (family) name of the senior/key person.
Enter or select the suffix, if applicable, for the senior/key person.
Enter the position/title of the senior/key person.
Enter the name of the primary organizational department, service, laboratory, or equivalent level within the organization of the senior/key person.
Organization Name:
This field is required. Enter the name of the organization of the senior/key person.
Enter the name of the primary organizational division, office, major subdivision, or equivalent level within the organization of the senior/key person.
This field is required. Enter the first line of the street address for the senior/key person.
Enter the second line of the street address for the senior/key person.
This field is required. Enter the city for the address of the senior/key person.
Enter the county/parish for the address of the senior/key person.
This field is required if the Senior/Key person is located in the United States or its Territories. Enter the state or territory where the senior/key person is located.
If "Country" is Canada, enter the province for the senior/key person; otherwise, skip the "Province" field.
This field is required. Select the country for the address of the senior/key Person.
ZIP/Postal Code:
The ZIP+4 is required if the Senior/Key Person is in the United States. Otherwise, the postal code is optional. Enter the ZIP+4 (nine-digit postal code) or postal code of the senior/key person.
Phone Number:
This field is required. Enter the daytime phone number for the senior/key person.
Fax Number:
Enter the fax number for the senior/key person.
This field is required. Enter the e-mail address for the senior/key person.
Credential, e.g., agency login:
This field is required. Applies to Senior/Key Personnel as defined in the NIH Grants Policy Statement (NIH GPS 1.2) as well as Other Significant Contributors (OSCs). Enter the assigned eRA Commons username for the senior / key Person.
Additional Instructions for Research:
For Multiple PD/PI Applications: The eRA Commons username must be entered in this field for any senior/key person with the PD/PI Project Role.
Candidates for diversity and reentry research supplement support must provide an eRA Commons Username.
Additional Instructions for Career Development:
For senior/key person who are the primary mentor, an eRA Commons username must be provided in the "Credential" field. For more information, see the NIH Guide Notice on eRA Commons Username Requirements for Primary Mentors.
Additional Instructions for Fellowship:
For senior/key person who are the primary sponsor, an eRA Commons username must be provided in the "Credential" field. For more information, see the NIH Guide Notice on eRA Commons Username Requirements for Sponsors of Fellowship Applications.
Project Role:
Select a project role. Use "Other (Specify)" if the desired category is not available.
Special Instructions for Multiple PD/PIs: All PD/PIs must be assigned the "PD/PI" role, even those at organizations other than the applicant organization. The role of "Co-PD/PI" is not currently used by NIH or other PHS agencies to designate a multiple PD/PI application. In order to avoid confusion, do not use the role of "Co-PD/PI."
Note on OSCs: For OSCs, enter "Other (Specify)" for the "Project Role" field, and enter "Other Significant Contributor" in the "Other Project Role Category" field.
Additional Instructions for Career Development:
For mentors and co-mentors, enter "Other Professional" for the "Project Role" field, and enter "Mentor" or "Co-mentor" as applicable in the "Other Project Role Category" field.
"Multiple PD/PIs" are not applicable to career development applications. The PD/PI role must be used only for the candidate and not for any other senior/key personnel.
Additional Instructions for Fellowship:
For sponsors and co-sponsors, enter "Other (Specify)" for the "Project Role" field, and enter the appropriate role (e.g., Sponsor) in the "Other Project Role Category" field.
"Multiple PD/PIs" are not applicable to fellowship applications. The PD/PI role must be used only for the applicant and not for any other senior/key personnel.
Other Project Role Category:
Complete this field (e.g., Engineer, Chemist, Sponsor, Mentor) if you selected "Other Professional" or "Other (Specify)" in the "Project Role" field.
Degree Type:
Enter the highest academic or professional degree or other credentials (e.g., R.N.).
Degree Year:
Enter the year the highest degree or other credential was obtained.
Attach Biographical Sketch:
Provide a biographical sketch for each senior/key person and each OSC. See instructions above on how to complete a biographical sketch.
Attach Current & Pending Support:
Note: The terms "current and pending support," "other support," and "active and pending support" are used interchangeably.
Do not use the "Current & Pending Support" attachment upload for NIH or other PHS agency submissions unless otherwise specified in the FOA
While this information is not required at the time of application submission, it may be requested later in the pre-award cycle. If and when this occurs, refer to the NIH Grants Policy Statement, Section 2.5.1: Just-in-Time Procedures for instructions and use the Current and Pending Support Format Page.
Additional Instructions for Career Development:
Who must complete the "Current & Pending Support" field:
For mentored career development award applications, you must include "Current and Pending Support" pages for each of the mentor and co-mentor(s). You do not need to include "Current and Pending Support" pages for the candidate.
Attach this information as a PDF. See the Format Attachments page. Use of hyperlinks and URLs in this section is not allowed unless specified in the funding opportunity announcement.
See also the Current and Pending Support Format Page.
Provide information on the following items for each of the mentor's and co-mentor's current and pending research support relevant to the candidate's research plan. Each mentor/co-mentor(s)'s "Current & Pending Support" attachment is limited to 3 pages.
Project Number: Provide the project number. If applicable, include a code or identifier for the project.
Source: Identify the agency, institute, foundation, or other organization that is providing the support. Include domestic, foreign, institutional, federal, public, and private sources of support.
Major Goals: Provide a brief statement of the overall objectives of the project, subproject, or consortium/contractual arrangement or a description of the activity.
Project / Proposal State and End Dates: Indicate the inclusive dates of the project/activity as approved/proposed. For example, in the case of NIH support, provide the dates of the approved/proposed competitive segment. For in-kind contributions, provide project dates when applicable.
Total Award Amount: For active projects, provide the total award costs for the period of performance, including indirect costs. For example, in the case of NIH support, provide the total award costs for the competitive segment. For a pending project, provide the proposed total costs for the period of performance.
Do not include information on "percent effort/person months" or on "overlap."
For more Information:
For more information on "Other Support Information," see the NIH Grants Policy Statement, Section 2.5.1: Just-in-Time Procedures.
Additional Senior / Key Person Profile(s)
If you need to add more Senior/Key Person Profiles than the form allows, enter the information in a separate file and attach it as a PDF.
A format page for Additional Senior/Key Person Profiles can be found at NIH's Additional Senior/Key Person Form page.