THE EARLY DETECTION RESEARCH NETWORK: BIOMARKERS VALIDATION LABORATORIES Release Date: March 16, 1999 RFA: CA-99-008 (see reissuance RFA-CA-05-009) P.T. National Cancer Institute Letter of Intent Receipt Date: June 11,1999 Application Receipt Date: July 16, 1999 PURPOSE The Division of Cancer Prevention (DCP), National Cancer Institute (NCI), invites applications for cooperative agreements to establish a national Network that will have responsibility for the development, evaluation, and validation of biomarkers for earlier cancer detection and risk assessment. Biomarkers are defined as cellular, biochemical, molecular, or genetic alterations by which a normal or abnormal biologic process can be recognized or monitored. Biomarkers are measurable in biological media, such as in tissues, cells, or fluids. The purpose of the Network is to establish a scientific consortium of investigators, academic as well as industrial, with resources for basic, translational, and clinical research. The consortium will have three main components -- Biomarkers Developmental Laboratories, Biomarkers Validation Laboratories and Clinical/Epidemiologic Centers. The Biomarkers Developmental Laboratories will have responsibility for the development and characterization of new or refinement of existing biomarkers. The Biomarkers Validation Laboratories will serve as a Network resource for clinical and laboratory validation of biomarkers, which include technological development and refinement. The Clinical/Epidemiology Centers will conduct clinical and epidemiological research regarding the clinical application of biomarkers. A Steering Committee composed of the Principal Investigators in the Network and appropriate NCI staff will coordinate the work of the consortium. Logistic support and informatics will be provided through an auxiliary Data Management and Coordinating Center. The purpose of this Request for Applications (RFA) is to establish the Biomarkers Validation Laboratories. An RFA for the Biomarkers Developmental Laboratories (CA-98-028) was previously issued (NIH Guide, January 20, 1999). RFA CA-98-028 is available at: An RFA for the Biomarkers Clinical/Epidemiologic Centers is concurrently being issued (CA-99-007). This RFA is available at: An RFA for the Data Management and Coordinating Center will be issued at a later date. Applicants are encouraged to seek funding to participate in more than one component. HEALTHY PEOPLE 2000 The Public Health Service (PHS) is committed to achieving the health promotion and disease prevention objectives of "Healthy People 2000," a PHS-led national activity for setting priority areas. This RFA, Early Detection Research Network: Biomarkers Validation Laboratories, is related to the priority area of cancer prevention. Potential applicants may obtain a copy of "Healthy People 2000" (Full Report: Stock No. 017-001-00474-0 or Summary Report: Stock No. 017-001-00473-1) through the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402-9325 (telephone 202-512-1800), or at ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS Applications may be submitted by domestic for-profit and non-profit organizations, public and private, such as universities, colleges, hospitals, laboratories, units of State and Local governments, and eligible agencies of the Federal Government. Domestic institutions may propose collaborations/consortia with foreign institutions. Applications will not be accepted from foreign institutions. An applicant may be an academic institution; a clinic; or a combination of academic institutions, hospitals, clinics, clinical trial cooperative groups, and/or health maintenance organizations that agree to work together with a principal investigator and a single administrative focus. MECHANISM OF SUPPORT The administrative and funding instrument to be used for this program will be a cooperative agreement (U24), an "assistance" mechanism (rather than an "acquisition" mechanism), in which substantial NIH scientific and/or programmatic involvement with the awardee is anticipated during performance of the activity. Under the cooperative agreement, the NIH purpose is to support and/or stimulate the recipient's activity by involvement in and otherwise working jointly with the award recipient in a partner role, but it is not to assume direction, prime responsibility, or a dominant role in the activity. Details of the responsibilities, relationships and governance of the study to be funded under cooperative agreement(s) are discussed later in this document under the section "Terms and Conditions of Award." The total project period for applications submitted in response to this RFA may not exceed five years. The anticipated award date is April 2000. Awards and level of support depend on receipt of a sufficient number of applications of high scientific merit. Although this program is provided for in the financial plans of the NCI, awards pursuant to this RFA are contingent upon the availability of funds for this purpose. At this time the NCI anticipates that there will be a renewed competition after five years. If the NCI does not continue the program, awardees may submit grant applications through the usual investigator-initiated grants program. However, before submitting such an application, applicants are advised to contact the program director listed under the INQUIRIES section listed below. FUNDS AVAILABLE An estimated $1 million will be available for the first year. It is anticipated that two awards will be made. Because the nature and scope of the research proposed may vary, it is anticipated that the size of the awards will also vary. Funding beyond the initial budget period will be contingent on the continued availability of funds for this purpose, the continued progress of the awardees, and the Network as a whole. At the present time, the NCI has not determined whether or how this solicitation will be continued beyond the present RFA and related RFAs for the Network. RESEARCH OBJECTIVES Background Although the primary tumor can usually be controlled by local therapy, most cancer deaths are caused by metastatic disease. The goal of early detection and screening is therefore the diagnosis and treatment of cancer before it spreads beyond the organ of origin, perhaps even in its pre-invasive state. Unfortunately, available early detection and screening techniques pick up many tumors at a relatively late stage in their natural history. As a result, decrements in mortality with the current available detection modalities are likely to be modest. New technologies coming from the field of molecular and cellular biology are able to identify genetic as well as antigenic changes during the early stages of malignant progression. Some of these changes show promise as biomarkers for preneoplastic development or for early malignant transformation. The application of these emerging technologies in the field of early detection and risk assessment is a high priority in the National Cancer Institute's strategy for reducing mortality from cancer. Detection of early cancer has been identified as an area of extraordinary opportunity for investment in the NCI 2000 Bypass Budget. Data show that detection and prompt treatment of pre-malignant or small lesions can reduce mortality, for instance, from mammography and Pap screening. Therefore, it seems reasonable to explore the application of the new molecular-based technologies for earlier and more specific detection and even for risk assessment, that is, before the cancer physically develops in order to institute chemoprevention. These are the overarching goals of the research Network. The acceleration of scientific progress is faster than it has ever been; consequently, the need for clinical application is now greater than ever. Research in molecular genetics, cell biology, protein chemistry and immunology has found that cells undergo many changes during neoplastic progression. Often occurring early in the malignant process, these changes include, for example, production of novel proteins, growth factors, cytokines, etc., in addition to multiple genetic alterations. Because these changes have been associated with malignant transformation, they are now recognized as biomarkers for cancer. Such biomarkers, whether present in tissue, serum, urine, etc., could serve as indicators of early cancer or as markers of risk for impending cancer. Early detection technologies are also rapidly evolving while existing technologies are undergoing progressive refinement in their sensitivity, specificity, and throughput. Improved analytic tools have allowed a more detailed examination of the molecular basis of carcinogenesis and provided the ability to identify the molecular and cellular signatures of cancer and to explore gene-environment interactions relevant to early detection. To explore fully the application of molecular profiles for earlier detection and risk assessment, it is essential to understand the molecular pathogenesis of cancer, that is, the natural history of tumor progression at the molecular level, so that the biological behavior of an evolving lesion (for example, dysplasia or field change) can be predicted with greater accuracy. Current observations indicate that cancers usually evolve through many complex cellular processes, pathways, and networks. A better understanding of the circuits in these pathways is critical if we are to successfully apply these molecular-based technologies to earlier detection. Progress in the field, however, is currently impeded by some practical hurdles. The systematic application of biomarkers for earlier cancer detection or even for risk assessment has been fragmented and not well coordinated. While studies conducted by individual investigators have been useful in advancing our understanding the pathogenesis of cancer, there has been a lack of research emphasis on the continuum from preclinical tumor development to early evaluation of new techniques and their clinical application. In many of these reported studies the investigators have not been able to explore fully the biological implications or to test systematically the clinical application of these molecular markers. This has resulted, in part, from the lack of a stable connection between basic laboratory research and the opportunity for rapid clinical evaluation. Other factors contributing to the lack of systematic evaluation include the non-availability of high quality matched specimens from normal, suspicious, preneoplastic and multistage neoplastic lesions along with demographic and follow-up data. As a consequence, much work in this area has been fragmented into numerous small and disconnected studies without complete evaluation. Usually, the results of these studies cannot be generalized to the population as a whole. Objectives (applicable to Network as a Whole) This initiative will support the creation of a national Network for early cancer detection with resources for translational research that will include the laboratory sciences, clinical sciences, public health, biostatistics, informatics, and computer sciences. The goals of the Network will be to discover and to coordinate the evaluation of biomarkers/reagents for the earlier detection of cancer and for the assessment of risk. Specifically, the objectives of the Network will include: -- the development and testing of promising biomarkers or technologies in institutions having the scientific and clinical expertise, in order to obtain preliminary information that will guide further testing; -- the timely and early phase evaluation of promising, analytically proven biomarkers or technologies. Evaluation will include measures of diagnostic predictive accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, and whenever possible, medical benefits, such as predictors of clinical outcome or as surrogate endpoints for early detection and for prevention intervention clinical trials; -- the timely development of biomarkers and expression patterns, sometimes of multiple markers simultaneously, which will serve as background information for subsequent large definitive validation studies in the field of cancer detection and screening; -- collaboration among academic and industrial leaders in molecular biology, molecular genetics, clinical oncology, computer science, public health, etc., for the development of high throughput, sensitive assay methods for biomarkers from an early detection and risk assessment viewpoint; -- conducting early phases of clinical/epidemiological studies, e.g., cross- sectional, retrospective, to evaluate predictive value of biomarkers; and -- encourage collaboration and rapid dissemination of information among awardees to ensure progress and avoid fragmentation of effort. The ultimate impact of the new technology on reducing mortality will not be felt until highly predictive biomarkers are developed for earlier cancer detection or for risk assessment. The success of this effort depends in large measure on exploring the concordance between genetic or molecular markers and the morphologic changes associated with premalignant and pre-invasive lesions that have life-threatening potential. In other words, we need to identify biomarkers that are predictive of clinical outcomes. Because early detection and treatment issues are often related, the Network will need meaningful participation from various medical organizations. In some of its activities, the Network may need to relate programmatically to the research infrastructures supported by NCI (for example, Specialized Programs of Research Excellence, Cancer Genetics Network, Breast and Colon Cancer Family Registries, Cooperative Human Tissue Network, Cancer Genome Anatomy Project), with ongoing NCI clinical research programs/trials (for example, Clinical Community Oncology Program); or with other agencies, such as Food and Drug Administration, Department of Defense, and Veterans Administration. Certain types of trials in earlier detection, especially those involving interventions, may best be conducted as intergroup studies with treatment- oriented cooperative groups, such as the NCI Clinical Cooperative Groups, NCI designated Cancer Centers, international collaborators, and health maintenance organizations. The need for such cooperation should be anticipated and provided by the Network leadership. Scope (applies to this RFA) The scope of this RFA is to establish the Biomarkers Validation Laboratories (BVL) which will form one of the three scientific components within the Consortium for the Network. The BVL will: 1) serve primarily as service laboratories for validation studies for the Network, 2) have the ability to scale-up assays to allow testing at multiple sites in modest size studies, and 3) participate in collaborative studies with the other components of the Network. Before submission, it is recommended that applicants consult companion RFA CA-98-028 (The Early Detection Research Network: Biomarker Developmental Laboratories, NIH Guide, January 20, 1999) and CA-99-007 (The Early Detection Research Network: Clinical/Epidemiological Centers). The BVL will have responsibility for standardizing laboratory assays and methodologies, instituting quality control for reagents and technologies for Collaborative Network-directed studies, and collaborating in other studies as directed by the Steering Committee. The Laboratory should have knowledge and practical experience with Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and in the evaluation of the accuracy, precision, reproducibility, and performance characteristics, for example, sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values, of tests in multi-center settings. These characteristics are important when sampling body fluids or mixed cell types where only a very small percentage of cells may exhibit the specific genetic or molecular changes. The BVL may be asked to conduct studies on a variety of assays in order to improve their performance characteristics. Methodology/Assay Refinement and Technology Optimization: In order to develop accurate early detection screening tests, it is crucial to develop high-throughput assays/technologies that are reproducible and cost- effective. The Biomarkers Validation Laboratories are expected to plan, design, and conduct analytic validation studies, as directed by the Steering Committee, for assay procedures, protocols, sample collection, etc. Some sample validation issues are provided below to describe the anticipated lines of research that the Laboratories will be expected to address. Methodologies: conduct validation studies to ensure: - measures of diagnostic discrimination, that is, sensitivity, specificity, and predictive accuracy, as appropriate for clinical application - determining range of normal values and reproducibility for various tests, as appropriate - that data and specimens are collected under uniform investigative protocols - that data are collected to determine the benefits and risks that follow from positive or negative test results Assay Design: The Biomarkers Validation Laboratories may be asked to assist Network investigators in: - optimizing the selection of target sequence, primer, and probe sequences - single versus multiple targets - selection of specimen types - handling problematic specimens - design of internal controls, controls for contamination, reagent and instrument standards, and well characterized panels of reference reagents Assay Optimization: The Biomarkers Validation Laboratories may be asked to assist Network investigators in: - extraction methods, sampling, internal controls, specimen storage, and processing conditions - length, sequence, efficiency, and specificity of primers, probes, enzymes - configuration and performance of controls, calibrators, capture probes, detectors, etc. - independent reproducibility. Do multiple independent repetitions of the test under the same conditions produce nearly identical results? - technical reproducibility. Are there technical factors in the performance of the test that lead to inconsistent results? - assay conditions, for example, time, temperature, storage, and transport stability - precision testing: multiple sites, different days, operators, kit lots - proficiency testing: single operator, multiple days, kit lots Assay Validation: The Biomarkers Validation Laboratories may be asked to: - analytically validate each assay developed within the Network - develop scale-up, automated methods for high volume throughput - perform multi-center cross-checks for pooled specimens, and other inter- and intra-laboratory interfering factors - develop formats and systems (paper or electronic) for reporting test results - develop kits for rapid, inexpensive testing Quality Control Program: Although each of the Biomarker Developmental Laboratories and Clinical/Epidemiologic Centers will take primary responsibility for its onsite quality control and quality assurance activities, the Validation Laboratories may be asked to advise the Steering Committee on quality control issues and to implement them in the Collaborative Network-directed studies. Quality control at a minimum should consist of: - device and instrument calibration, precision, and reproducibility - quality control of data. The Biomarkers Validation Laboratories will follow the Network procedures for data quality and laboratory quality control in accordance with the Network guidelines and policies - interim evaluation and consideration of assays/reagents developed by the Network scientific components for tests/reagent scale-up for multi-center studies per direction of the Steering Committee Reference Materials: With the rapid advances in molecular, genomic, and proteomics-based diagnostic technologies, reference materials for controls in molecular assays/technologies, such as PCR, Comparative Genomic Hybridization (CGH), etc., and for proficiency testing are needed. The Biomarkers Validation Laboratories will work with the Steering Committee: - to develop guidelines for using references, establish criteria for the storage, preservation, and transportation of specimens - to assist the Data Management and Coordinating Center to develop computer based catalogues of published data on biomarkers that will be available to Network investigators. The format and design of the database will be determined by the Steering Committee. Study Organization: Capability and Characteristics of the Biomarkers Validation Laboratories: The expertise of the Biomarkers Validation Laboratories should encompass broad subject areas within the clinical diagnostic field. As the Network gains experience and its responsibilities shift and expand, the number and expertise of the investigators should change in response to the scientific opportunities. Qualified investigators in laboratory technology should be invited to assume responsibility in a flexible manner as the need arises. Scientific Agenda: Applicants for the Validation Laboratories should develop and articulate a plan that summarizes their views and their anticipated lines of research for each issue discussed above on which they choose to focus. The applicants should describe both short-term and long-term goals in the plan. The applicants should also describe the experience, expertise, and resources of the laboratory, all of which will be a consideration in peer-review. Developmental Studies: The Biomarkers Validation Laboratories may seek developmental funds (see section on Instructions for Application Preparation) for conducting pilot studies on reagents/technology development and refinement that will enable an assessment of the broad impact in cancer detection and risk assessment. Applicants should clearly define the research objective for the first year, which will be peer-reviewed by NCI. Support for subsequent years will be reviewed by the Steering Committee who will recommend approval to the NCI. NETWORK ORGANIZATION Network Components The Early Detection Research Network will consist of four components: 1) the Consortium, 2) a Steering Committee (SC), 3) an Advisory Committee (AC), and (4) a Data Management and Coordinating Center. Consortium: The Consortium will consist of three scientific components: i) the Biomarkers Developmental Laboratories (BDL), ii) the Biomarkers Validation Laboratories (BVL), and iii) the Clinical/Epidemiologic Centers (CEC). These three components jointly will be known as the Consortium for Biomarkers in Early Detection Research (CBEDR) and will be assembled by the NCI. Each component will be funded through a separate Request-for-Applications. An applicant, however, may seek funding to participate in more than one component. The awardees will conduct independent research using the U01 or U24 funds and collaborative research using the Core Funds from Headquarters (see definition of "Headquarters" below) and from the set-aside funds in the U01 or U24 awards pending approval by the Steering Committee and release by the NCI, respectively. Each laboratory/center, which will be managed by a Principal Investigator, may include academic and industrial biotechnology investigators who are involved in cancer detection and diagnostic research. In order to expedite the translational research, the Consortium may be supplemented by the ad hoc participation of additional investigators (academic, industrial, or community- based) who are able to complement or conduct studies within the Network. It is anticipated that the CBEDR will consist of experts in molecular biology, laboratory technology, clinical studies, biometry, and epidemiology. The expertise in laboratory science is expected to include research in the biology of incipient neoplasia as well as the development, characterization, and testing of biomarkers of early cancer and risk, development of relevant technologies for biomarker detection, and analytical tools for the evaluation of biomarkers for detection and risk assessment. The expertise in laboratory validation will also include knowledge and practice of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), and experience in the statistical evaluation of accuracy (both for clinical and experimental tests), precision, reproducibility, and performance characteristics of tests in multi-institutional settings. Expertise in patient accrual and associated clinical issues for pilot studies will be needed to apply basic science discoveries to clinical settings. Computational and informatic needs of the Consortium will be provided by a Data Management and Coordinating Center. Therefore, the Consortium, in concert with the Steering Committee, the Advisory Committee, and the Data Management and Coordinating Center will constitute the Network (see definition of "Network" above). NIH intramural laboratory may be one of the research members of the Biomarkers Developmental Laboratories within the Consortium. Steering Committee: The Steering Committee will have major scientific management oversight, including monitoring the activities of the Data Management and Coordinating Center. For administrative structure, and responsibilities of the Steering Committee, see "Collaborative Responsibilities." Advisory Committee: An independent Advisory Committee will be established by the NCI to ensure that the overall Network is adequately responsive to promising opportunities, exhibits the desired degree of flexibility in composition and decision-making and makes prioritization decisions free from conflicts of interest. For further details, see "Collaborative Responsibilities." Data Management and Coordinating Center: The Data Management and Coordinating Center will provide logistic support for the conduct of the Steering and Advisory Committee meetings, provide statistical and data management support for Network collaborative studies, including protocol development, analysis of clinical data, and informatics. It will study applied and theoretical approaches to the simultaneous analysis of multiple markers. In addition, the Data Management and Coordinating Center will develop common informatics and analytical tools for the interpretation of data and instruments for checking uniformity, consistency, accuracy, timing, reproducibility, and privacy of the data. Headquarters: The institution of the Chair of the Steering Committee will serve as the Headquarters of the Network. The Chair of the Steering Committee can be any Principal Investigator involved in the Network. The Chair serves as the Principal Investigator of the Headquarter's awards and implements the scientific, operational, and organizational policies of the Network. The headquarters provides the executive leadership, scientific direction, and management for the Network. It serves as a center for information dissemination to investigators and institutions in the Network as well as to others outside the Network. Funds Funds will reside with 1) the Consortium For Biomarkers in Early Detection Research, 2) the Data Management and Coordinating Center, and 3) the Headquarters. Consortium for Biomarkers in Early Detection Research: The Principal Investigators will have funds available through their individual U01 or U24 awards to support the development of the scientific program and clinical protocols. All investigators will be encouraged to seek additional funding through the Small Business Innovation Research Award (SBIR, R43 and/or R44), Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR, R41 and/or R42), Exploratory/Developmental grants (R21/R33), and other research support mechanisms. Data Management and Coordinating Center: The Data Management and Coordinating Center will be funded through a separate RFA. Core Funds for the Headquarters: Core funds will be available to the Chair of the Steering Committee. Applicants under this RFA need not apply for the Core Funds in their U24 applications. Core funds are reserved for post-award collaborative Network research and for a variety of other functions, for example: 1. Core funds will be used to expand participation within the Consortium through additional funding to investigators who are not part of the Consortium. However, receipt of these additional funds does not, in and of itself, imply membership on the Steering Committee. Core Funds that are provided for these supplements will represent direct costs only. Facilities and administrative costs will not be provided by the core funds. 2. Funds will often be needed in moving a new marker test to the point at which it can be validated at multiple centers and in larger populations. Test reagents will require scale-up at this point, and the Steering Committee will require sufficient funding to contract to laboratories or companies that can scale up production and maintain quality of the reagents (e.g.- monoclonal antibodies, labels, etc.) and to Clinical/Epidemiologic Centers for subject accrual. Funds will also be required for data management, travel, meetings, and other collaborative activities of the Network. The above activities will be supported by the funds that will be added to the Chair's award (The Core Funds). The use of this fund will require NCI approval. Governance The Steering Committee will be responsible for coordinating the research effort across the Consortium, including the Data Management and Coordinating Center, and will formulate policies and procedures for the operation and management of the Network. The following example illustrates the functions of the Network and the support it offers for moving basic research findings into clinical practice. An investigator within the Consortium identifies a putative biomarker through original laboratory research. Based on the pilot research findings, the putative marker seems to be useful for early cancer detection. The investigator can then approach the Steering Committee for additional evaluation of the marker and possible support for further testing. The Steering Committee then has the responsibility to review the data on the potential marker using its standing formal criteria as a guide. The Steering Committee can consult the Advisory Committee to obtain information on the requirements and need for additional research on the marker. It also can consult the Biomarkers Validation Laboratories and the Clinical Centers regarding requirements for laboratory tests, needs for quality assurance, and the availability of patient groups for clinical validation. If necessary, scientific resources from other Centers can be pooled to conduct studies. Concurrently, the informatics team in the Data Management and Coordinating Center can develop tools for the analysis of results. There will also be flexibility so that investigators outside the Consortium will be able to collaborate with an existing center, or bring their discoveries directly to the Steering Committee (for example, by Letter of Intent). To support such efforts, the Steering Committee will be able to use core funds to supplement the investigator's ongoing research. The investigator, in turn, will agree to share his research findings and become an associate member of the Consortium . SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS Definitions Awardee: The institution to which a cooperative agreement (U24) is awarded. Principal Investigator (PI): The investigator who is designated by the applicant organization to direct the project that is supported by the U24 award in response to this RFA. The PI will assume the responsibility and accountability to the applicant organization officials and to the NCI for the performance and the proper conduct of the research supported by the U24 mechanism in accordance with the terms and conditions that are stated in this RFA. The PI will be a voting member of the Steering Committee. NCI Program Director: A scientist administrator from the NCI extramural staff, the Program Director will not only provide normal stewardship for the U24 grants awarded under this RFA, but will also be substantially involved in the service responsibility and scientific coordination within the Network, will have responsibilities in broad scientific and programmatic issues, and serve as a voting member of the Steering Committee, as defined under the "Terms and Conditions of Award." Terms and Conditions of Award These special Terms of Award are in addition to and not in lieu of otherwise applicable OMB administrative guidelines, HHS Grant Administration Regulations at 45 CFR Parts 74 and 92, and other HHS, PHS, and NIH Grant Administration policy statements. [Part 92 applies when state and local governments are eligible to apply as a "domestic organization."]. In addition, the following terms and conditions will be incorporated into the U24 award statement, and will be provided to the PI and to the institutional official at the time of award. Under the cooperative agreement, the NCI purpose is to support and/or stimulate the recipient's activity by involvement in and otherwise working jointly with the award recipient in a partner role, but it is not to assume direction, prime responsibility, or a dominant role in the activity. Consistent with this concept, the dominant role and prime responsibility for the activity resides with the awardee(s) for the project as a whole, although specific tasks and activities in carrying out the studies will be shared among the awardees and the NCI Program Director. A. Rights and Responsibilities of the Biomarkers Validation Laboratories: The PI of a BVL will have the primary authority and responsibility to define objectives and approaches, including laboratory service, standards for reagents, research design, quality control, and protocol development for specimen collection; if applicable, data collection, interim data and safety monitoring, and to plan, conduct, analyze, and publish results. The PI of a BVL will assume responsibility for laboratory support of individual protocols/research and collaborative projects approved by the Steering Committee. The PI of a BVL will assume responsibility and accountability to the applicant organization officials and to the NCI for the performance and proper conduct of the research supported by the U24 in accordance with the terms and conditions of the award. The PI of a BVL will serve as a voting member of the steering committee, will attend the Planning meeting and two Steering Committee meetings in the first year and two Steering Committee meetings a year in subsequent years. The PI of a BVL will be responsible for accepting and implementing the goals, priorities, common protocols, procedures, and policies agreed upon by the Steering Committee. The PI of a BVL will retain custody of and have primary rights to the data developed under these awards, subject to Government rights of access consistent with current HHS, PHS, and NIH policies. The PI of a BVL will be responsible for collaborating on common research designs or protocols, including methods and requirements for joint participation and collaboration as directed by the Steering Committee, and handling of data, including appropriate sharing of methods and data among collaborating organizations. B. NCI Extramural Staff Responsibilities There will be one primary NCI Program Director for the Network. However, the Program Director may be assisted by other NCI staff on specific scientific or programmatic issues as needed. The NCI Program Director will have substantial scientific programmatic involvement during conduct of this activity, through technical assistance, advice and coordination above and beyond normal program stewardship for grants as described below. Because of the Network's diverse scientific agenda and the number of tasks that have to be accomplished to achieve its goals, a number of NCI staff members may interact with the Network as needed. The NCI Program Director (a staff member in the Division of Cancer Prevention) will assist the Network on scientific and programmatic issues and advise the Network on the availability of other resources. Staff members from the Chemopreventive Agent Development Branch, NCI, will be available to report the status of intermediate endpoints and on active chemoprevention trials relevant to the Network studies. Staff members from the Biometry Branch, NCI, will also be available to assist the Network on the issues of study design, sample size, and other statistical computations. Other NCI staff may assist and advise the Network on relevant programmatic and scientific issues through the NCI Program Director. The NCI Program Director will convene the initial meeting of the Steering Committee, have voting membership on the Steering Committee, and, as determined by the Committee, its subcommittees. Although the PI of each Center will have lead responsibilities in all collaborative tasks and research activities, it is anticipated that the NCI Program Director will have lead responsibilities in sharing broad programmatic issues among awardees. The NCI reserves the right to adjust funding, withhold support, suspend, terminate, or curtail the study or an individual award in the event of a failure to comply with the Terms and Conditions of Award, substantial shortfall in participant recruitment, follow-up, data reporting, quality control, or other major breach of the protocol, or human subject ethical issues, whenever applicable. C: Collaborative Responsibilities Steering Committee: The Steering Committee will have major scientific management oversight and responsibility for developing collaborative Network research designs, protocols and manuals, facilitating the conduct and monitoring of studies, and reporting study results. The Steering Committee will include the Principal Investigators from each member of the Consortium, the Principal Investigator of the Data Management and Coordinating Center, and the NCI Program Director. Each member will have one vote. The Chair will be selected by the Steering Committee from among the non-NIH members. The institution of the Chair of the Steering Committee will serve as the Headquarters (for definition, see "Network Organization"). Subcommittees will be established by the Steering Committee, as it deems appropriate; the NCI Program Director will serve on subcommittees as appropriate. 1. After all the Network components have been funded, the Steering Committee will convene its first Planning Meeting. Initial responsibilities of the Steering Committee will be to: - establish policies and procedures for the operation of the Network; - establish policies and procedures for protocols, relations with industry, and collaborative Network-defined projects; - establish policies and procedures for reviewing changes in projects not showing translational significance at the request of the laboratories/centers, and making recommendations to the NCI for replacing the project with more promising ones with revised scope and adjusted budget (increase in the budget will not be permitted); - set initial standards or "decision criteria" for prioritizing and for validating biomarkers/reagents for further clinical studies; - establish policies and procedures for accepting, reviewing, and recommending proposals from investigators outside the Network for funding and expanding the Network participation. 2. The Steering Committee will establish and support a Data and Safety Monitoring Committee for Network collaborative clinical studies to ensure protection of human subjects. The Data and Safety Monitoring Committee should be independent of study leadership and free from conflicts of interest. The Committee will ensure that the subjects in clinical studies are protected and that their interests are not made secondary to the interests of the scientific investigation. 3. The Steering Committee will review patient accrual, follow-up, protocol compliance, results of audits, and regulatory requirements at the participating Centers and formally report the results of its reviews to the NCI. 4. The Steering Committee will promote and foster the inclusion of women and ethnic minorities in clinical studies and assure the completeness of informed consent. 5. The Steering Committee will track the collaborative Network research progress and assure that the results of laboratory research and clinical studies are published in peer-reviewed journals in a timely manner and in accordance with the publication policies of the Network. 6. At any time during the Network project, the Steering Committee may examine the validation data for biomarkers/reagents developed by the Network, and decide when a biomarker is sufficiently validated, or recommend when to stop non-productive experiments relating to biomarkers validation. 7. The Steering Committee will discuss collaborative projects to be pursued jointly with the funds available from Headquarters and from individual U01 or U24 awardees or NIH intramural project budgets. 8. The collaborative Network studies/protocols will be approved by the Steering Committee. Data will be submitted centrally to the Data Management and Coordinating Center. The Steering Committee will define the rules regarding access to data and publications. 9. The Steering Committee will plan several Workshops during the network project period to inform the scientific community and relevant advocacy groups of the progress made toward development and clinical application of biomarkers developed through the Network. The NCI Program Director, the Network Advisory Committee, and other NCI staff will advise the Steering Committee regarding participants for the workshops and symposia. The Data Management and Coordinating Center will manage the logistics for these meetings. Advisory Committee: 1. The Advisory Committee will advise the Steering Committee through the NCI on relevant scientific issues, including study design, prioritization of biomarker development, development of collaborative study protocols, including decision criteria for clinical applications, for example, early detection, prognosis, intermediate end point, etc. 2. Membership on the Committee and duration of service will be decided by the NCI in consultation with the Steering Committee. The membership will include members or institutions not participating in the Network. The Advisory Committee will include basic scientists, clinicians, public health scientists, epidemiologists, ethicists, statisticians, and members from relevant advocacy groups. Scientific experts will be drawn from various disciplines relevant to multi-center detection research and experts in data management, biostatistics, and clinical study design. 3. The Chair of the Advisory Committee will be elected by its members. The NCI will be represented by program staff. 4. The Advisory Committee will evaluate the progress and success of the Network against the criteria developed by the Steering Committee. 5. The Advisory Committee will assist the NCI on site visits to the participating institutions, as necessary. 6. The Advisory Committee will collaborate with the Steering Committee to suggest participants for and to assist in the implementation of workshops and symposia and to provide liaison between the cancer research community and the Network. Data Safety and Monitoring Committee: The Data Safety and Monitoring Committee will be appointed by and report to the Steering Committee in consultation with the NCI Program Director who will also be the member of this committee. The Data Safety and Monitoring Committee will be composed of external, non-participating scientists appointed by the Steering Committee to monitor patient safety, conduct data audits, and document progress to the NCI Program Director and the Advisory Committee. D. Arbitration A panel will be formed to review any scientific or programmatic disagreement (within the scope of the U24 award) between U24 awardees and the NCI. The panel will be composed of three members: one selected by the Steering Committee (with the NCI Program Director not voting), or by an individual U24 awardee in the event of an individual disagreement; a second member selected by the NCI; and, the third member selected by the two prior selected members. Any disagreement that may arise on scientific/programmatic matters (within the scope of the award), between award recipients and the NCI may be brought to arbitration. This special arbitration procedure in no way affects the awardee's right to appeal an adverse action that is otherwise appealable in accordance with the PHS regulations at 42 CFR Part 50, Subpart D and HHS regulation at 45 CFR Part 16. INCLUSION OF WOMEN AND MINORITIES IN RESEARCH INVOLVING HUMAN SUBJECTS It is the policy of the NIH that women and members of minority groups and their sub populations must be included in all NIH supported biomedical and behavioral research projects involving human subjects, unless a clear and compelling rationale and justification is provided that inclusion is inappropriate with respect to the health of the subjects or the purpose of the research. This policy results from the NIH Revitalization Act of 1993. All investigators proposing research involving human subjects should consult the "NIH Guidelines For Inclusion of Women and Minorities as Subjects in Clinical Research," which have been published in the Federal Register of March 28, 1994 (FR 59 14508-14513) and in the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts, Volume 23, Number 11, March 18, 1994. Investigators may also obtain copies of the policy from the program staff listed under INQUIRIES. Program staff may also provide additional relevant information concerning the policy. INCLUSION OF CHILDREN AS PARTICIPANTS IN RESEARCH INVOLVING HUMAN SUBJECTS It is the policy of NIH that children (i.e., individuals under the age of 21) must be included in all human subjects research, conducted or supported by the NIH, unless there are clear and compelling scientific and ethical reasons not to include them. This policy applies to all initial (Type 1) applications submitted for receipt dates after October 1, 1998. All investigators proposing research involving human subjects should consult the "NIH Policy and Guidelines on the Inclusion of Children as Participants in Research Involving Human Subjects" that was published in the NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts, March 6, 1998, and is available at the following URL address: LETTER OF INTENT Prospective applicants are asked to submit, by June 11, 1999 a letter of intent that includes a descriptive title of the proposed research, name, address, and telephone number of the Principal Investigator, identities of other key personnel and participating institutions, and number and title of the RFA in response to which the application may be submitted. Although a letter of intent is not required, is not binding, and does not enter into the review of subsequent applications, the information allows NCI staff to estimate the potential review workload and to avoid conflicts of interest in the review. The letter of intent is to be sent to the program staff listed under INQUIRIES. APPLICATION PROCEDURES Applicants must use PHS 398 (4/98). Applications kits are available at most institutional offices of sponsored research and may be obtained from the Division of Extramural Outreach and Information Resources, National Institutes of Health, 6701 Rockledge Drive, MSC 7910, Bethesda, MD 20892-7910, telephone 301/710-0267, E-mail: [email protected]. Application kits are also available on the web at: Special Instructions for Preparation of the Application The application must use the format described in PHS 398 (rev. 4/98). "The Research Plan" section is not subject to the page limitations stated in the PHS 398. However, the suggested format and page recommendations should be noted. Indicate the sections in the Table of Contents using the following titles: 1. Organizational Structure (10 pages, including organizational chart): This should include a description of the laboratory's organizational structure, including lines of authority, with particular attention to its qualifications for validation studies (see "Scope"), service resources, and the Network's major objectives (see "Objectives"). Describe any certification(s), from laboratory accrediting agencies/organizations, for example from CLIA, College of American Pathologists. Describe plans for interaction among laboratory staff and with the various Network components. 2. Personnel (10 pages): Describe the availability of professional staff, including those with no requested salary support. Applicants should list all individuals, including consultants, and their relevant expertise and affiliations in the scientific execution of the project. 3. Experience with Laboratory Test Validation, Scale-up, and Refinement (10 pages): Describe plans that summarize experience in each of chosen areas (see "Scope"). Briefly describe previous and current research experience and accomplishments in dealing with validation studies and quality control. List available equipment. 4. Environment (5 pages): Briefly describe how the facilities and equipment for experimentation are appropriate to support the Network's endeavor and the scientific environment in which the work will be done. Describe the institutional support for computer services, including Internet access, and conference calls. Describe how the proposed environment contributes to the research and encourages collaborative and service arrangements. Provide health and safety plans. Instruction for Developmental Studies Developmental Studies (15 pages): Justification and plans for the use of developmental funds (see Budget section below) should be carefully described, including research questions, study designs, anticipated outcome, and its overall impact on furthering the Network's objectives. The duration of and the budget for the study should not exceed more than a year and $50,000 (direct costs), respectively. Budget: Personnel: It is reminded that the other components of the Network will just be getting started in year 1 and that NCI recommends that the applicants for the validation labs recognize the initial "downtime" and budget for personnel in the first year accordingly. In the first year the budget may include salary for the PI (Laboratory Director) and support staff for the time and effort involved in managing the project and attending the Network meetings. For year 2 and beyond identify one or two additional FTEs (full time equivalents) salary support for technical staff in reserve. Since it is uncertain what the work load will be in subsequent years, the actual recruitment of these staff will require review and approval by the Steering Committee and by the NCI. Reasonable consultant cost will be allowed, if the consultant is contributing directly to the conduct or development of laboratory research. Clear and quantifiable justification is required. Budget for personnel service involved in the developmental studies should be clearly identified. The total cost must not exceed $50,000 direct costs a year. The proposed developmental studies for the first year will be peer- reviewed by an ad hoc committee along with the U24 applications. The use of set aside funds in subsequent years (up to $50,000, direct costs) per year will be restricted and must be reviewed and approved by the Steering Committee and by the NCI. Travel: Applicants must budget for travel and per diem expenses for Steering Committee meetings. In the first year, applicants should plan for two investigators, the principal investigator and an additional senior investigator, to attend a Planning Meeting and two Steering Committee meetings. In the second and subsequent years, applicants should plan for the PI and another investigator to attend two Steering Committee meetings per year. Applicants must budget for travel and per diem expenses for participation in Network workshops and symposia. Applicants should plan that at least two investigators will attend a workshop or symposium every year in years 2-5. General: 1. Applicants must include their specific plans for responding to the "Terms and Conditions" of the RFA. Applicants should state their willingness to collaborate and share data freely with the other Network components, to participate in planning and attending workshops and symposia, to serve on the Steering Committee and be bound by its decisions, particularly those that relate to setting priorities for quality control and validation of new or existing biomarkers, and willingness to interact with each other and the NCI in an Internet environment. Applicants must describe computer and Internet resources for this type of interaction. Applicants should also discuss the interaction with the NCI Program Director as to how they will fulfill the responsibilities of the Network to work together cooperatively. 2. Interaction with Industry (Patent Rights): Applicants are strongly encouraged to forge a partnership with industry/biotechnology firms in developing biomarkers/reagents. It is anticipated that the creation of the Network will serve as an attractive collaborator for industry, since it will provide clinical opportunities for the evaluation of new technologies. The Network will encourage collaboration with industry on a substantial cost- sharing basis. NCI funds will be used to support the underlying infrastructure and the cost of studies not having direct implications for a company's product development or marketing strategy. However, for new technologies that are part of a company's development or product plans, the individual companies will be responsible for costs in such areas as technology standardization and quality assurance as well as scale-up of laboratory techniques, in collection and formatting of specialized data required by regulatory agencies for device approvals, in the preparation of registration documents, and in supporting a portion of the accrual to studies pivotal for registration. It is anticipated that industry participating in the Network will not charge investigators or NCI for technologies/reagents that will be evaluated in collaborative studies. NCI views the partnership with industry as an important component without resorting to the subsidization of private companies. Since basic research and development of new biomarkers/reagents is an objective of this effort and since active involvement by the industrial laboratories is often facilitated by the existence of adequate patent coverage, it is essential that applicants provide plans to assure such coverage, as appropriate. Since multiple institutions may be involved, the situation can become complex. Each applicant, therefore, must provide a description of the approach to be used for obtaining patent coverage, and for licensing in particular where the inventions may involve investigators from more than one institution. Attention is drawn to Bayh-Dole Act (Public Law 96- 517). Pursuant to Bayh-Dole, inventions made by the extramural investigators belong to their respective institutions. This may be of concern to collaborators, especially those who are the source of proprietary biomarkers/reagents. The Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program (CTEP), NCI, is addressing this concern by obtaining voluntary agreement of participating extramural parties as described below (the following language is provided to applicants to aid in their own proposal): -- Institution agrees to promptly notify industrial collaborators, hereafter called "Collaborator" in writing of any inventions, discoveries or innovations made by the Institution's principal investigator or any other employees or agents of Institution, whether patentable or not, which are conceived and/or first actually reduced to practice in the performance of this study using Collaborator's Study Drug (hereinafter "Institution Inventions"). -- Institution agrees to grant to Collaborator: (i) a paid-up nonexclusive, nontransferable, royalty-free, world-wide license to all Institution Inventions for research purposes only; and (ii) a time-limited first option to negotiate an exclusive, world-wide royalty-bearing license for all commercial purposes, including the right to grant sub-licenses, to all Institution Inventions on terms to be negotiated in good faith by Collaborator and Institution. Collaborator shall notify Institution, in writing, of its interest in obtaining an exclusive license to any Institution Invention within six (6) months of Collaborator's receipt of notice of such Institution Invention(s). In the event that Collaborator fails to so notify Institution, or elects not to obtain an exclusive license, then Collaborator's option shall expire with respect to that Institution Invention, and Institution will be free to dispose of its interests in such Institution Invention in accordance with Institution's policies. If Institution and Collaborator fail to reach agreement (within ninety (90) days, or such additional period as Collaborator and Institution may agree) on the terms for an exclusive license for a particular Institution Invention, then for a period of six (6) months thereafter Institution shall not offer to license the Institution Invention to any third party on materially better terms than those last offered to Collaborator without first offering such terms to Collaborator, in which case Collaborator shall have a period of thirty (30) days in which to accept or reject the offer. -- Institution agrees that notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, any inventions, discoveries or innovations, whether patentable or not, which are not subject Inventions as defined in 35 USC 201(e)* arising out of any unauthorized use of the Collaborator's Study drug and/or any modifications to the Study Drug, shall be the property of the Collaborator (hereinafter "Collaborator Inventions"). Institution will promptly notify the Collaborator in writing of any such Collaborator Inventions and, at Collaborator's request and expense, Institution will cause to be assigned to Collaborator all right, title and interest in and to any such Collaborator Inventions and provide Collaborator with reasonable assistance to obtain patents (including causing the execution of any invention assignment or other documents). The RFA label available in the PHS 398 (rev. 4/98) application form must be affixed to the bottom of the face page of the application. Failure to use this label could result in delayed processing of the application such that it may not reach the review committee in time. In addition, the RFA title "Early Detection Research Network: Biomarkers Validation Laboratories" and number must be typed on line 2 of the face page of the application form and the YES box must be marked. Submit a typewritten, signed original of the application, including the checklist, and three signed photocopies, in one package to: CENTER FOR SCIENTIFIC REVIEW NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH 6701 ROCKLEDGE DRIVE, ROOM 1040 - MSC 7710 BETHESDA, MD 20892-7710 BETHESDA, MD 20817 (for express/courier service) At the time of submission, two additional signed photocopies of the application must also be sent to: Referral Officer Division of Extramural Activities National Cancer Institute 6130 Executive Boulevard, Room 636 Bethesda, MD 20892 Rockville, MD 20850 (for express/courier service) Applications must be received by July 16, 1999. If an application is received after that date, it will be returned to the applicant without review. The Center for Scientific Review (CSR), NIH, will not accept any applications in response to this RFA that is essentially the same as one currently pending initial review, unless the applicant withdraws the pending application. The CSR will not accept any application that is essentially the same as one already reviewed. This does not preclude the submission of a substantial revision of an application already reviewed, but such an application must follow the guidance in the PHS Form 398 application instructions for the preparation of revised applications, including an introduction addressing the previous critique. REVIEW CONSIDERATIONS Upon receipt, applications will be reviewed for completeness by the CSR and responsiveness by the NCI. Incomplete and/or non-responsive applications will be returned to the applicant without further consideration. Applications that are complete and responsive to the RFA will be evaluated for scientific and technical merit by an appropriate peer review group convened by the NCI in accordance with the review criteria stated below. As part of the initial merit review, a process will be used by the initial review group in which applications receive a written critique and undergo a process in which only those application s deemed to have the highest scientific merit, generally the top half of the applications under review, will be discussed, assigned a priority score, and receive a second level review by the National Cancer Advisory Board. All applications will be judged on the basis of the scientific merit of the proposed project and the documented ability of the investigators to meet the "RESEARCH OBJECTIVES" of the RFA. Although the technical merit of the proposed protocol is important, it will not be the sole criterion for evaluation of a study. Other considerations, such as the multi-disciplinary nature of the studies, will be part of the evaluation criteria. Factors considered to be important for review include: demonstrated expertise in laboratory diagnostic research including, but not limited to, quality control; molecular genetics and pathology for early cancer detection as applied to the design of the research plans; a multi-disciplinary team of collaborators; substantial interactions among collaborators; demonstration of appropriate facilities and resources; and willingness to share data and reagents. Review Criteria Criteria for Evaluating the Laboratory: Applicants for the Biomarkers Validation Laboratories are encouraged to describe their own ideas about how best to meet the goals of the Network, and are expected to address issues identified under "SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE RFA." The evaluation will be based on the demonstrated capabilities of the prospective applicants in relation to the needs of the RFA. The merit of each application will be evaluated carefully, based on responsiveness to the RFA as well as the thoroughness and feasibility of the technical approach taken. Applicants must submit information sufficient to evaluate their proposals based on the RFA research objectives and criteria listed below. Failure to provide the information required to evaluate the application may result in rejection without further consideration. 1. Understanding the Scientific Issues: Demonstrate evidence of understanding the objectives and methods for accomplishing the goals of the RFA. Show evidence of understanding the technical requirements of the objectives and scope of the responsibility. Show evidence of understanding the relevant technical problems and their timely and effective solutions. An understanding of diagnostic research and method for accomplishing the proposed research plan including study design must be specifically addressed. 2. Personnel: Research experience and qualification of the PI in managing relevant laboratory studies and multi-institutional collaboration; capabilities, qualifications, and experience of staff to perform tasks of the RFA. The key staff shall include the PI and other investigators directly contributing to the laboratory studies. 3. Equipment and Environment: Adequacy and suitability of facilities and equipment for experimentation appropriate to support the endeavor; adequacy of the scientific environment in which the work will be done contributing to the probability of success, adequacy of proposed infrastructure, unique features for collaborative research, commitment and documented evidence of institutional support for proposed endeavor, and institutional support for computer services including Internet access. Review of Developmental Studies: In addition to the above criteria, the reviewers will consider the proposed developmental studies for year 1, using the following criteria: 1. Significance. Does the proposed developmental research address an important need for technology/reagents development, standardization, quality control, and protocols suitable for earlier cancer detection and risk assessment? What is the immediacy of the research opportunity? Over the project period, is there potential for the applicant to develop technology/reagents other than those specified in the application? 2. Approach. Are the conceptual framework, design, methods, and analyses adequately developed and appropriate to the aims of the project? Does the applicant acknowledge potential problem areas and consider alternative tactics? Can these approaches be used to derive biomarkers/reagents for a variety of malignant tumors? Are the criteria chosen to characterize technology/reagents for early detection and/or risk assessment appropriate and adequate? Are these criteria generally applicable to all biomarkers or reagents or both? 3. Innovation. Does the project employ novel concepts, approaches or methods? Is the project original and innovative? Does the project challenge existing paradigms or develop new methodologies or technologies? Will the approaches advance the field of biomarkers/reagents development in the context of cancer detection and risk assessment? Has the applicant adequately addressed his/her institutional patent policy? 4. Investigators. Is the principal investigator and collaborators appropriately trained and well suited to carry out this work, especially in the area of laboratory quality control and high volume assays? To what extent do these investigators have the necessary complementary skills? Have collaborations been established or consultants identified to provide the appropriate depth and breadth of scientific expertise required for the project? Will this team of investigators contribute unique skills to the overall Network? Additional Considerations (applies to overall laboratory evaluation) 1. Interactions. Are there adequate plans for effective interaction and coordination with the other components of the Consortium, the Steering Committee, the Data Management and Coordinating Center, and the NCI? Do the investigators state their willingness to collaborate and share information? Do the investigators state their willingness to abide by the priorities and policies agreed upon by the Steering Committee for Network collaborative studies? 2. Budget. For U24 applications, does the apportionment of the budget reflect that the applicants understand the requirements of managing a Biomarkers Validation Laboratory in the Network enterprise? AWARD CRITERIA The intent of this RFA is to enable the NCI to assemble the Biomarkers Validation Laboratories, that should include highly qualified investigators whose complementary scientific skills and expertise will enable them to achieve the goal of deriving validated biomarkers that are predictive of risk or the presence of early stages of human cancer. The NCI will make awards that collectively will provide the Network with the most creative approaches to the development and validation of biomarkers and with the range of research experience, technology, and resources to ensure that the biomarkers/reagents that are validated as appropriate for various aspects of cancer research are derived efficiently. Applications recommended by the National Cancer Advisory Board will be considered for award based upon (a) scientific and technical merit; (b) the importance of the proposed research; (c) the degree of originality and innovation in research design; (d) the creativity of the approaches and technologies for development, characterization, and validation of biomarkers; (e) the likelihood for substantial contribution by the applicants to a successful collaborative Early Detection Research Network; (f) the evidence for willingness to work cooperatively; (g) the quality and availability of scientific expertise, infrastructure and resources; (h) consideration for the geographical diversity; and (i) the availability of funds. Schedule Letter of Intent Receipt Date: June 11, 1999 Application Receipt Date: July 16, 1999 Review by NCAB Advisory Board: February 14-16, 2000 Earliest Anticipated Start Date: April 1, 2000 EVALUATION OF THE NETWORK (for information only) The establishment of improved strategies for the identification of individuals with small neoplastic or preneoplastic lesions with reasonable probability of progression (and that are amenable to cure) is the primary goal of this research program. It is anticipated that the research will develop and evaluate an ensemble of biological markers that will indicate the presence of early cancer or preneoplastic events. An ensemble of markers is likely to be more useful and a better predictor of disease status than a single marker or a narrow range of markers that might focus only on one or two pathways in carcinogenesis. The development and application of an ensemble of markers will require a multidisciplinary, multi-institutional approach, such as the Network presented here. This RFA is not the only way to support collaborative discovery and clinical evaluation of biomarkers. Before deciding whether the Early Detection Research Network should be reissued, the NCI wishes to have an assessment of the effectiveness of this mechanism over the first few years of its operation. The evaluation process will include members of the various advisory groups of the NCI, such as the Board of Scientific Advisors and the National Cancer Advisory Board, to help assess the program against the criteria established by the Steering Committee. The NCI staff will present biennial reports to the NCI Board of Scientific Advisors. INQUIRIES Due to the complex application format and complexity of this RFA, the NCI encourages potential applicants to take this opportunity to clarify any issues or questions. Written and telephone inquiries concerning the RFA are welcome. Direct inquiries regarding programmatic issues to: Direct inquiries regarding programmatic issues to: Sudhir Srivastava, Ph.D., M.P.H. Division of Cancer Prevention National Cancer Institute Executive Plaza North, Room 330F Bethesda, MD 20892 Telephone: (301) 496-3983 FAX: 301-402-0816 Email: [email protected] Direct inquiries regarding review issues to: Ms. Toby Friedberg Division of Extramural Activities National Cancer Institute 6130 Executive Boulevard, Room 636, MSC-7399 Rockville, MD 20850 (express courier) Bethesda, MD 20892-7399 Telephone: (301) 496-3428 FAX: (301) 402-0275 Email: [email protected] Direct inquiries regarding fiscal matters to: Mr. William Wells Grants Administration Branch National Cancer Institute Executive Plaza South, Room 243 Bethesda, MD 20892-7150 Telephone: (301) 496-7800 ext. 250 FAX: (301) 496-8601 Email: [email protected] AUTHORITY AND REGULATIONS This program is described in the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance No. 93.393 Cancer Cause and Prevention Research. Awards are made under authorization of the Public Health Service Act, Title IV, Part A (Public Law 78-410, as amended by Public Law 99-158, 42 USC 241 and 285) and administered under PHS grants policies and Federal Regulations [42 CFR Parts 52 and 45 CFR Part 74 and Part 92 when applicable for State and Local governments]. This program is not subject to the intergovernmental review requirements of Executive Order 12372 or Health Systems Agency review. The PHS strongly encourages all grant and contract recipients to provide a smoke-free workplace and promote the non-use of all tobacco products. In addition, Public Law 103-227, the Pro-Children Act of 1994, prohibits smoking in certain facilities (or in some cases, any portion of a facility) in which regular or routine education, library, day care, health care or early childhood development services are provided to children. This is consistent with the PHS mission to protect and advance the physical and mental health of the American people.
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